Read Velvet Steel Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

Velvet Steel (13 page)

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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It felt incredible. No, more than that. He’d had this done to him before but never quite like this. Her skill was amazing. She felt so hot and perfect that he almost came right then and there. When she retreated, his head spun, and he thought he saw stars.

“You’re very good at this, love.” That was an understatement, but he felt he needed to say something. He shifted his hands to her head, forcing his fingers into her long, thick locks as she made her way down his shaft once more.

“Is she?”

Noah looked at his friend. Shane still held his erection in his large hands. He stroked in slow, rough motions down its length, his whole body taut and ready. Noah could tell he wanted to join them, but no matter how much Shane wanted her, no matter how much his body ached for the woman before them, he was holding himself back so Noah could take what he needed. For the first time, Noah realized Shane saw Kitty as a gift for both of them, not something for Shane to horde for himself. Noah’s eyes stung with tears. The knowledge that Shane held back for him was so tempting that Noah couldn’t resist. The next time Kitty retreated along his length, he held out his hand.

“Try her for yourself.”

Shane approached. Kitty dropped Noah in exchange for Shane. “Ah, I was wondering if you were going to join the fun,” she said as she gripped the base of Shane’s cock.

Noah stepped behind Shane as Kitty worked her magic on his cock.

“Oh fuck, you’re right.” Shane placed his hands on her head. “Lass, you’re going to be the death of me.”

Kitty’s chuckle rose up and encircled their bodies. Noah’s own cock jerked in response. Part of him longed to have Kitty’s mouth wrap around his erection, but he knew Shane needed this as much as he did. Instead he satisfied himself with watching his friend lose himself between those smooth, wet lips. Shane’s groans of ecstasy filled the room, causing Noah’s own need to grow into a painful state.

He looked down at Shane’s ass. Temptation ran through his system, making him shudder. What he wouldn’t give to be able to sink his cock deep into that ass. It would be so easy to take the male perfection that stood before him, to give Shane the pleasure of a joining he so obviously needed, but no. Noah knew Shane wasn’t ready for such an extreme. Someday, maybe, but not today. He wanted to play it safe. Besides, this weekend was about servicing Kitty, not each other.

Noah allowed himself to slide his fingers down Shane’s back and then gave his ass a light squeeze. The firm globes twitched as his friend moaned in appreciation. Urgency rose up, and his cock stretched toward Shane. He struggled to keep his libido in check as Shane’s hips jerked.

Not yet
. Noah squeezed one more time, then forced himself to back away. He retreated to the camera to check the angle. Shane’s cries of pleasure followed him, tightening every muscle in his body with need. Noah reached into his camera bag and pulled out a condom and a container of lube. The sound of plastic tearing echoed through the room as he opened the package and slid the rubber down his long, hard length. He adjusted the lens so that the camera would fit the three of them in the frame, then walked back over to the bed to stand at the other side.

The bed was too large for them to stand on either side of it and reach Kitty. Shane seemed to understand Noah’s silent request and eased Kitty back toward the middle of the bed. Then Shane climbed up, staying on his knees so that his erection would be level with Kitty’s head. With her backside along the edge of the bed, Noah had the perfect opportunity to do with her what he’d denied himself with Shane.

Noah opened the lube bottle and covered his fingers. The liquid felt warm and wet against his skin. He tossed the bottle aside and rubbed his hand up and down his erection. His cock jerked in his firm grip. Noah watched Kitty as he stroked himself and found the way she slid down Shane’s erection highly erotic. Desire surged through his body. She was beautiful, more than beautiful. Down at the lake, Kitty had demonstrated a vulnerability he found endearing. It made his protective side emerge, a side he hadn’t shown with Shane in a long, long time. Noah had missed it. He
being protective of Kitty. Although he knew this was just sex, there was a part of him that still wanted to surround that softness and hide it away from the cruel world. He wanted to keep her for his own.

Despite his sense of urgency, Noah decided to take it slow. She was still new to this, and he wanted to make sure she enjoyed every moment. He wanted to make it special for her. Later, when she watched the video, he wanted her to remember their time together with fondness, not apprehension and disgust.

Keeping his eyes on her body, he added more lube to his hand and slid his finger between her ass cheeks. She shuddered under his touch but still maintained control of Shane’s cock. Noah lifted his hand up, then traced a lazy circle around the opening in her backside. Then she parted her legs, offering her pussy to his touch. It was an open invitation, and one he didn’t dare refuse. Her groan filled his ears and stoked his desire. He would have loved nothing more than to drive himself hard into that lovely ass but knew she wished for something different. She had yet to feel him in her slit, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted that too. He wanted to feel her inner walls tighten around him, her slick heat stroking his cock.

He slid his finger down to her opening. She was wet, more wet than he’d realized. The knowledge sent a tendril of heat climbing through his center. To feel all that heat around him would be invigorating. Just thinking about it made his cock swell painfully.

Kitty shifted her knees wider and arched her back. In that moment he knew what she needed from him, and he was all too ready to give it to her. For now, he’d take her pussy. There would be enough time later to sample her ass once more.

Noah rubbed his finger around the opening in her backside, teasing the sensitive nerve endings one last time, then pulled away. Kitty quickened the pace with Shane, and Noah could no longer hold himself back. He grabbed his cock and placed the tip at her slit. Her muscles clenched around his head, eager to drag him inside. He looked up and caught Shane’s bright green eyes shining at him through a haze of erotic sensation. Every muscle in his lover’s body rippled as Kitty’s mouth moved over Shane’s shaft. Shane moistened his lips and nodded. Their gazes stayed locked as Noah grabbed her hips and slowly rocked himself forward.

All three of them shuddered as Noah guided himself home. Kitty’s mouth had felt incredible, but her pussy… He had never felt anything so perfect in his entire life. She leaned back into his hips, inching him deeper. He groaned as her ass pressed hard against his abdomen. He pulled back, then thrust again. She felt tight and wet. His muscles hardened with desire, and he muttered a curse. He wanted to draw out the moment, but she felt so damn good. It was getting more and more difficult for him to hold back.

Shane continued to stare at Noah with an intensity that made him shiver. It was as if he knew of the torture Noah was going through, and was struggling just as much for control. An instant connection formed, and Noah felt closer to Shane than he had in years. Shane’s look suggested what was already on Noah’s mind: they had to hold back until Kitty found her release.

Noah grasped Kitty’s hips and thrust his cock deep. He moaned as her pussy tightened around him. The heat made him dizzy, but he managed to hold his hips still. He ran his fingers lightly over her back and savored the moment, then held up one of his hands and reached toward his lover.

Shane let one hand go from Kitty’s head and laced his fingers with Noah’s. Heat and energy flowed across their locked hands, intensified by the woman between them. Shane’s fingers tightened as his expression changed. Noah felt Shane’s hunger. It mirrored his own. They kept their gazes locked as they each performed shallow thrusts into Kitty.

Time stood still, and for a brief moment, Noah saw Shane—the real Shane that he had fallen in love with long ago. His friend once again wore his heart on his sleeve, and his love shone bright in his eyes. Noah stared back at Shane with all the emotion he felt. Something deep ran between them, something real that couldn’t be broken. It left Noah weak.

Then Shane let go of Noah’s hand, closed his eyes, and bent forward, reaching around Kitty’s torso. With a groan, he cupped her breasts and started toying with her nipples.

Noah looked down at her soft, curvy ass. By helping Shane let his guard down, Kitty had given them both a very precious gift. He’d be forever grateful.

Noah grabbed her hips and closed his eyes. Kitty’s inner walls tightened and relaxed around him, and he knew she was close. He curled his fingers into her skin and thrust faster, hoping to give back to her some of the affection he’d received. Again and again he pounded into her soft flesh until her muffled cries mingled with his own. Shane’s voice soon followed, and a chorus of moans filled the air. Noah reached around her hips, then slid his finger through the curls on her mound. After a few moments, he found her clit and pressed it, hoping the touch would help her find her release.

It did. Kitty groaned and shuddered as her orgasm ran through her. Her pussy contracted and tried to pull him deeper inside. The added friction was enough to break the building pressure. Noah cried out as the tension snapped like a rubber band shooting across a room. He exploded, releasing all the emotion from his body. Shane’s cry mirrored his own, his release like music to Noah’s ears. Noah continued to thrust, giving Kitty everything he had. Only when he was empty in both body and spirit did he finally slow his movements and begin the long descent toward reality.

When it was over, he eased out of her body and disposed of the condom in a nearby wastebasket. Shane drew back the covers and helped her under the blankets. Exhausted, Noah crawled in next to her and spooned her from behind. They both looked at Shane.

“Are you coming?” asked Kitty.

“I-I can’t.” Shane rubbed his chin and glanced at the door.

Alarm shot through Noah. He let go of Kitty and propped himself up on his elbow. “Is there something wrong?”

Shane avoided Noah’s gaze and began to dress. “No.”

Noah sat up in bed. “Then why are you dressing?”

“I need some air.” He threw on his shirt and moved over to the camera.

“There’s no rush,” Kitty offered. “This bed’s big enough for the three of us.”

Shane stared at them, confusion etching his brow. “What?”

Kitty patted the mattress. “There’s plenty of room.”

“Where are you going?” Noah asked. “You must be exhausted. We’ve been up all night. Don’t be foolish.”

“Come to bed,” Kitty added.

Shane shifted his gaze to Noah, then hardened his jaw. “I just need a little air, that’s all.” He looked away and shut off the camera. Before Noah could blink, he was gone.

“Was it something I did?” Kitty asked.

Noah sighed and leaned his head back on the headboard. “No.” He leaned his arm against his forehead as weariness settled deep into his bones. “He’s just running away again.”

Kitty sat up and looked at him, confusion creating harsh lines in her beautiful features. “Running away

Noah rubbed his face. How much to tell her? He was tired of Shane’s games. For once it would be nice to talk it out with someone, to have some validation in his frustration. “Every time emotions get too intense, Shane bolts.” A deep sadness filled his soul as he turned to look at her. “I think he has a fear of commitment.”

Kitty stared at the door Shane had exited through moments ago. “But there was no commitment here. There was just sex.”

Noah flinched, realizing his mistake. “You’re right. I’m not sure why he ran off.” He saw her shoulders slump and could have hit himself in the head. He took her hand between both of his. “What we just experienced was very special, Kitty. I think Shane felt that, and it spooked him a little.” He brushed a hair from her face. “Please don’t think it was anything you did or said.” Noah glanced at the door. “His behavior has nothing to do with you.”

She pressed her lips together for a moment. “You better go after him, then.”

If he went to Shane, how would that make Kitty feel? They were supposed to be on this weekend to help her forget her troubles, not dump their problems on her as well. He wanted to help Shane, but he wanted to comfort her too.

He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I don’t want to leave you.”

Kitty smiled. “I’ll be fine. I need a shower anyway.” She patted his hand. “You go and find Shane. I’ll clean up in here.”

“Are you sure?”

“I wouldn’t mention it if I wasn’t sure.”

He kissed her again, this time on the mouth. The soft, slow caress of lips made him shiver.

Then she pulled away and tapped his arm. “Now go and bring him back.”

He winked at her. “Yes, ma’am.” Noah quickly dressed and headed down toward the lake to find Shane.

Shane sat overlooking the lake in hopes that the calm waters would ease his fears. They didn’t. After what had happened in the cabin, the intensity of the moment, he was as jumpy as ever. What had happened back there?

Shane drove his fingers through his hair and replayed their lovemaking for the video camera. It had started out as a show, but when Shane saw Noah with Kitty, something had changed. They looked beautiful together, two bodies blending on the satin sheets. He probably should have felt jealousy, but he didn’t. He felt awe. It was like an erotic vision, a fantasy, and he wanted to be a part of it.

In a sudden, swooping realization, Shane understood that he cared about these two people so deeply he never wanted to part from them—either of them. When the emotion became too much, he’d joined them on the bed. Instead of shrinking back, both of them welcomed him with open arms. It was intoxicating having two people so receptive. As Kitty’s lovely lips had wrapped around his cock, he decided to let his mind go and live for the moment. The result was some of the best sex he’d ever had. Not only did he enjoy Kitty’s soft curves and long, windswept hair, he also loved Noah’s hard, rippling chest and tight ass. He and Noah had touched each other before when they had shared other women, but this time it felt
. Shane had used more than just his hand to touch Noah; he’d used his heart.

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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