Velvet Steel (23 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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Shane squeezed their joined fingers. “On the count of three, Noah and I will push together, okay?”

She nodded, then moistened her lips. “I’m ready.”

“One, two, three.” Pain exploded through Kitty’s core as the men slid themselves home. She gasped, then relaxed her muscles as the initial spark of pain dissolved into a wave of joy.

Shane kissed the tip of her nose. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She tightened her pelvic muscles, then smirked as both men groaned.

Noah moved his fingers so that he caressed both Shane and Kitty’s hands. “I can feel you inside her, Shane.”

“I know. I feel it too.”

“It’s better this way,” Noah said.

“I agree, much better.”

Together they eased back, then pushed in unison. The friction rippled up Kitty’s center and caused her to moan.

“I think it’s better too,” she said.

The men continued to retreat and advance, and with each movement, Kitty felt her desire burn brighter, her muscles wind tighter with need. Soon her breath was coming out in short pants, and her mind blanked.

The pace quickened, and Kitty wrapped her free hand around Shane’s broad shoulders to steady herself. She let go of Noah’s fingers, moved her other hand behind her head, and drove it into Noah’s hair. Noah moaned and thrust hard into her backside.

Shane groaned as he filled her from the front. Their voices mingled and surrounded her, much like their bodies. Soon her voice joined the chorus, and she felt her body being stretched to the limit. Her heart beat faster, and the air ran thick with tension. The men’s groans grew louder, and so did hers. A primal need grew inside of her until she felt more animal than human. She tightened her grip on the men and rode the erotic sensations as they spiraled through her body.

Then Noah reached around and pinched her nipple. She arched her back as the blast of pain sent her to new heights. Both men pushed, and her body exploded into a million pieces. She cried out as the pain faded and intense elation followed.

The men’s movements quickened. Their cries became louder, their thrusts more forceful. Kitty rode through it, recognizing that they were close through her fog of pleasure.

Noah was the first to come, his cry echoing off the walls and bouncing around the room. Shane soon followed with a groan and a shudder. He curled his fingers into her thigh as he pumped deep inside her core. Afterward Shane pulled up the blanket around them, and they lay together, bodies entwined, and looked up at the stars.

“I think I believe you,” Kitty said after a while.

“You do?” Shane asked.

She turned to face him. “Before, you said you wanted to show me you cared about me. I think I believe you.”

Noah took her hand and brought it to his lips. “You should.”

She tightened her grip on Noah’s hand and turned to face him. “But it isn’t enough.”

“What do you mean?” Shane asked.

She looked up at the stars. “I’m still going to lose my father’s lifework. Being great in bed won’t help my father continue to have his sense of self-worth or keep all those plant workers employed.” She closed her eyes as fear and apprehension filled her. “It’s a lost cause.” She untangled her hand from Noah and sat up. “I’ll try to keep everything running as long as I can, but in reality we can only keep our doors open a year, maybe eighteen months. Then we’ll have to close anyway.” She sighed. “And when both of you have what you want, you’ll leave me.” Just like Ashley and everyone else. Up until now, it had been just her father and her against the world. It somehow seemed fitting that they would hold hands while they walked into the poorhouse together.

Shane sat up and kissed her shoulder. “Never. We’d never abandon you.”

“Yes, you will. And when Velvet Steel is gone, I’ll have nothing left.”

Silence enveloped them as Kitty tried to blink back tears. She wished with all her heart that she could keep the business open, but there was just no way to do it. She couldn’t create money out of thin air.

“I think I have an idea that may help us all out,” Noah offered.

Both Kitty and Shane turned to face him.

“What?” Shane asked.

Noah looked first at Kitty, then at Shane. “We buy out Velvet Steel as planned but keep Kitty’s father on as an active consultant.”

Shane widened his eyes. “Just like Kevin.”

Kitty frowned. “Kevin? You mean Kevin Albright?”

Noah met Kitty’s gaze. “Yes. Kevin reports to us and the rest of the board, but he controls most of the operating decisions.”

“That way your father will still have some control.”

“We could even keep the name as a division of S&N Steel. It would be relatively autonomous.”

Kitty thought for a moment. “My father would like that. He’d like it a lot.” She frowned. “But that doesn’t leave any room for me.”

“You’ll be too busy to worry about stuff like that.”

“Too busy?”

“As our personal assistant.”

Kitty frowned. “You mean fetch you coffee and stuff?”

Shane laughed. “No. Sorry, bad joke. You’ll have a seat on the board and take part in all the major decisions at S&N Steel.”

“You’ll help guide the company as we expand. It would mean a lot of travel to our sites in Europe,” Noah said.

“France, Germany, England,” Shane added.

Kitty smiled. “I think that could work. That could definitely work.”

Shane stood and started to dress. “Then we better get moving. We need to iron out some of the details before you make our case to your father tomorrow.”


Noah shrugged. “Why wait?”

Why wait indeed. Kitty stared at the two men. “I can’t believe you’re willing to work with me on this. You didn’t have to do that. You would have gotten Velvet Steel anyway.”

“But this way is better, don’t you think?” Shane winked at her.

“Better get used to us compromising, love,” Noah said. “We’re a team now.” He stood and held out his hand.

Kitty stared at the hand as realization dawned.
She wasn’t alone anymore
. These two men had managed to scale the walls around her heart and let themselves inside. They cared for
, not the game-faced Kitty she was forced to show the world, but the
her. They had seen all of her faults, and it didn’t matter. It was a rare gift. No matter what happened to Velvet Steel or her father, these two men would be by her side, helping her through it all. For the first time in a long time, Kitty’s heart felt at peace.

She smiled and placed her hand in Noah’s. “Okay, let’s get to work.”

“Great.” Shane placed a kiss on her cheek after she stood. “I’ll go make us some coffee. It’s going to be a long night.”


Monday Afternoon, Velvet Steel Headquarters

“What time is it?”

Noah looked at his watch. “It’s five minutes after the last time you asked.” He lowered his arm. “That pacing isn’t going to make her come out here any sooner.”

Shane stopped walking and shoved his fingers through his hair. “I know; I know. It’s just that we spent so much time on this…”

Noah stood and put his hand on Shane’s shoulder. “I know. I’m worried too.”

Shane met his gaze. “I can’t believe she didn’t want us to go in with her. We could have helped with the negotiations.”

“And how would that have looked? This is her regularly scheduled Monday meeting with her father. If she went in with the two of us in tow, he’d be a tougher nut to crack. Old Clint Velvet would feel like we were ganging up on him. No, Kitty was right. It’s better if she does this herself.”


“Shh. We’ll be fine.” Noah cupped Shane’s cheek and stared into his eyes. “Even if this deal falls through, we’ll still have her. That’s all that matters.”

Shane sighed and leaned his forehead against Noah’s. “You’re right, as always.” He rested his hands on Noah’s hips, then hooked his thumbs through the belt loops on Noah’s khakis. “I just wish we could have given her some more emotional support.”

Someone cleared her throat behind them. Shane rolled his eyes and dropped his hands. Noah smiled and moved away. Together they turned to Clint Velvet’s secretary, who looked like she might have suffered a mild heart attack.

“If you wish to continue, I’ll have to ask you to take that outside,” she said.

“Don’t go and worry that pretty little head of yours,” Shane said. “We’ll behave.” He nudged Noah as he walked past him to his seat. “For now,” he whispered.

Noah smiled and took his seat. How much things had changed since last Friday night in the club. Before all of this began, Shane had been nervous about their relationship, afraid of what people might think. Now, thanks to Kitty, he was more openly affectionate toward Noah, more giving. For the first time in a long time, Noah felt at peace. No longer would he have to deny his feelings for Shane—or Kitty, for that matter. He knew this meeting was important to Kitty and Shane, but it wasn’t a big deal for him. No matter what happened, they would always have each other. In the end, that was all that mattered.

The door to Clint Velvet’s office opened, and Kitty walked out into the waiting area. She looked a little frazzled and worn, but when her gaze fell on them, she smiled wider than the Grand Canyon.

Shane stood. “Well, what happened?”

Kitty kissed Shane on the cheek as Noah rose to his feet.

“We did it,” she said. “I can’t believe we did it.” She turned to Noah and kissed him on the cheek as well. His heart warmed at the intimate contact.

The secretary cleared her throat once more. “I must ask that you take this outside.”

“Yes, of course.” Kitty motioned for them to grab their jackets. “Come on quick before he changes his mind.”

Silence surrounded the three of them until they got to the elevator.

“Well?” Shane asked as the door closed.

“Come here. I need a hug.”

Both men moved, cocooning her in their warmth.

“Ah, I can’t believe it.” She curled her fingers into Noah’s jacket. “Daddy likes our idea. When he saw that he would maintain his position and that I’d be cared for, he actually smiled. I hadn’t seen him smile in months.”

“That’s wonderful, Kitty. I’m so happy for you.” Noah kissed her forehead, then turned to Shane. “I think this calls for a celebration, don’t you think?”

“Ooh, a celebration!” Kitty said. “Where should we go?”

“I have an idea.” Noah pushed the Emergency button, stopping the elevator. “How about here?”

“Here?” She looked at them in confusion.

“I like the way you think, Noah.” Shane looped his arms around Kitty. “This will be a perfect celebration.” He captured her mouth in a hot, searing kiss.

Noah’s heart filled with joy as he came up from behind and kissed her softly on the neck. Kitty groaned as the men began running their hands over her body—and each other.

Noah had to agree with Shane. This was the perfect celebration indeed.

Loose Id Titles by Suzanne Rock


Spyder’s Web

Velvet Steel



Up On the Housetop

Down on the Boardwalk

Suzanne Rock

After over a decade in the scientific world, Suzanne Rock needed a creative outlet. She tried scrap booking, cooking, crocheting, painting, and piano, none of which held her interest for very long. Then one of her friends suggested writing. Thrilled with the idea of creating her own worlds, she opened up her lap top and never looked back.

Suzanne writes paranormal and erotic romance. When she’s not writing, she can be found playing with her two daughters, testing her husband’s latest kitchen creations, or curled up with her favorite romance novel in her central Massachusetts home.

Suzanne loves to hear from her readers. When not running the famous ‘Cover Clash’ at the Embrace the Shadows blog, she can be found feeding her Internet addiction on Twitter and Facebook.

For more information, check out her website at

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve


Loose Id Titles by Suzanne Rock

Suzanne Rock

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