Velvet Steel (19 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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He left her breasts and pulled on her suit, dragging it down her torso and letting it pool around her feet. He broke the kiss and let his gaze roam over her breasts and midriff, down her hips and legs.

“Like I said, beautiful.”

She reached out and ran her fingers along his erection. “You are too.”

He closed his arms around her waist and kissed her again. He moved his hands all over her body, sending goose bumps of sensation wherever he touched. She reached down between them and wrapped her fingers around his erection. She stroked him from base to tip, a motion that made him shiver. Kitty repeated the movements as he lowered his hands and spread his fingers out against her ass. He squeezed, pulling her into his hard cock. She continued to pump him, steady, even strokes.

He broke the kiss and gasped for air. “Put your arms around my neck.”

She shivered at his commanding voice and did as she was told. He curled his fingers into her flesh and lifted her onto the counter. Shane adjusted his stance, and Kitty used her hand to guide him to her opening.

“I need you,” he growled. “I don’t think I can go slow.”

“It’s okay.” She touched his cheek. “I need you too.”

With one forceful thrust, he buried himself deep inside her body. Kitty groaned as her muscles stretched to accommodate him. She wrapped her legs around his hips and kissed his chin, his jaw, his neck, anything within her reach. He kissed her back, raining attention on her hair and face. As her muscles relaxed, a deeper longing settled over her body. She dug her fingernails into his skin as frustration overwhelmed her. Why wasn’t he moving?

Then, as if he heard her silent command, Shane moved his hips, retreating until only the tip of him remained inside of her. Then he pressed forward, a long, fluid stroke that created a delicious friction in her core. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes as her body filled with sensation. He repeated the movements, causing them both to groan. Hunger spiraled up her center, then twisted around her limbs, making her hot all over. Again he thrust, but it didn’t feel deep enough. She unhooked her legs and lifted them wide in the air. He let go of her hips and placed one hand on each leg to steady her.

Back and forth he moved, advancing and retreating in rapid succession. Kitty closed her eyes, letting the emotion fill her body. She tightened her pelvic muscles, causing greater friction. A deep longing raced through her until every inch of her body burned with need. Pressure built, and she felt herself being pushed higher and higher.

As if sensing she was close, Shane quickened the pace, pounding into her harder and faster than ever before. He let go of one of her legs and used his free hand to reach down to where they were joined. He found her clit and pressed it. The jolt of sensation ricocheted through her body.

On the next thrust, he pressed her clit again, and Kitty’s world exploded and she saw stars. Her tense muscles relaxed, and pleasure poured over her body, leaving her boneless.

She felt Shane stiffen, then heard him cry out as he too found his release, filling her until he had nothing left.


When it was over, Shane rested his head against Kitty’s shoulder, content to breathe in their combined scent. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. It was an intimate gesture, one that touched him deep inside. Sex with Kitty was fabulous. He loved the spontaneity and reckless abandon they shared, and yet…

Something was missing.

It was the same sense he felt with Noah. Individually each of them fulfilled a need he had. Together they made him whole. Shane realized now, more than ever, that he needed both of them in his life to be happy. He couldn’t let either of them go. Ever.

He placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “You had better get dressed. Noah will be back soon.”

“Noah. I forgot.” She eased off the counter and picked up her bathing suit. Shane removed his condom and pulled on his pants, as she glanced out the window. “Here he comes.” She squinted. “And I think he found more than just a rope.”

Chapter Ten

The sun had started to set over the horizon, casting rays of orange, red, and yellow over the landscape, when Kitty burst from the cabin and sprinted to the forest.

They were after her.

Where could she hide?

When Shane and Noah had suggested a chase through the forest, her libido immediately went into overdrive. What an idea! To be captured and taken in the woods. Just the thought made Kitty warm all over.

She raced over the rocks and tree roots, then silently cursed herself for forgetting her shoes. What had made her think running in the woods with a lacy nightgown and no shoes was a good idea? She had been too caught up in the moment to think of practicalities. Now she would pay the price with cuts and bruises on her feet. But that would be for tomorrow.

She heard the crackling of twigs off to her left. Kitty turned her head to the sound and knew Noah and Shane had begun their chase. She pushed herself faster, not wanting the men to think she’d given up too easily. A thin sheen of sweat broke out over her temples as she scrambled over a rock. Unfortunately she ran without direction. She hadn’t had enough time to think things through clearly, and now she had nothing to give her a point of reference. If she wasn’t careful, she’d run in a complete circle and end up back at the cabin.

Kitty turned right, heading down the incline toward the lake. She had spent a lot of time there already, but the place had such special meaning to her, it was almost as if she was drawn to its cool water. Bushes rustled to her left, and she knew the men were getting closer. Her heart beat double-time. She moistened her lips and tried to concentrate on the landscape before her.

Something brushed against her side—a hand. Kitty squealed as she contorted her body away from her pursuer and sprinted along the path. A muttered curse echoed in the air. She laughed and risked a look behind her.

One masked man dressed in black was hot on her heels. She couldn’t see his face under the ski mask, but she could tell from his build that it was Noah. She faced forward and pushed herself to run faster. She turned left, and something rose up from the trees to block her path. Unable to stop her forward momentum, she crashed into a wall of muscle and skin.

Strong hands gripped her arms. “Ah, here she is.” Kitty recognized Shane’s Irish brogue and wiggled in his arms. He tightened his grip.

Noah came up from behind, panting from his run. “You’re a quick one.”

“She is,” Shane agreed.

Kitty continued to struggle, but his hands held her still. Shane leaned forward until his lips hovered above her ear, his spicy scent filling her senses. “We have you now, lass.”

Anticipation rippled over her skin. What would they do to her? Noah placed a blindfold over her eyes.

She struggled for freedom. “No, let me go.”

Noah’s laugh cut through the dark. “Sorry, love, there’s no chance of that.”

Shane’s hard, firm lips covered her own. The press was quick and controlling, and she melted under the contact. Then it was over and she was turned around.

“Hand me the rope,” Shane said.

“That kiss kept her quiet,” Noah said from somewhere in front of her.

“Yeah, but we can’t take a chance that she’ll talk again.” Another strip of fabric, one with a clean, outdoorsy scent, was placed in her mouth and tied behind her head.

“That’s better.” Shane loosened his grip and slid his hands down her arms. “Now we’ll need to ensure she doesn’t get away.”

Kitty felt the ropes wrap around her wrists. She tried to slip out of the bindings, but her efforts were halfhearted and his grip was firm. Soon her hands were bound behind her back. She tested the ropes, but they held fast. A sliver of doubt crept through her mind. What if they didn’t follow through with the plan?

“What do you think we should do with her legs?” Shane asked.

“Leave them be for now. We’ll need her to be able to move them for what we have planned.”

“Good idea.” Cool air swept over her skin as Shane moved away.

Softer hands wrapped around her middle and hoisted her into the air. Noah’s scent filled her nose as he tipped her over his shoulder. Bound, there was little she could do to stop the men as they began to walk once more.

This wasn’t part of the plan. They were supposed to have sex with her where she was caught, in the woods, under the stars. Where were they going? A thin tendril of panic slid through her center. Perhaps she had trusted them a bit too much. Kitty didn’t know much about them. Were they really planning on kidnapping her? Was this a ploy? She began to wiggle.

Noah slapped her ass. “Stop moving.”

The tap stung, and the spark of pain ricocheted through her torso. Despite her worry, heat traveled over Kitty’s skin and rippled through her veins. A dull ache formed in her womb.

A large, rough hand ran over her backside. “I think she liked that.” Shane’s brogue penetrated her panic.

“We’ll have to keep that in mind.” The light changed through her blindfold, and Kitty could tell they were coming out of the forest. The soft echo of footsteps on wood signaled to her that they were climbing the steps back to the cabin.

She didn’t want to go inside; that wasn’t part of the fantasy. She struggled once more and again felt the sting of a slap against her backside.

“I think we’ve caught a live one,” Noah said.

“All the more fun to play with.” Shane rubbed his hand over her backside where she had been hit. Heat surged through her body, and moisture pooled between her thighs.

They walked across the porch, and she heard the crackle of twigs once more. From the sounds of things, Noah and Shane weren’t taking her to the cabin. Where were they going, then? She tried to remember the layout of the woods but couldn’t fathom where they might be taking her. Fear shook her body yet heightened her desire. She liked how the situation added excitement and mystery.

“Here we are.” Noah let her down on top of something soft and warm. A blanket, perhaps? He placed her on her side. She flexed her fingers and tested the bindings. They didn’t budge. The rustle of fabric told her the men were taking off their clothes. She tried to stand, but strong hands eased her back down onto the smooth fabric.

“Oh no, lass. You’re not getting away this time.” Shane’s commanding voice vibrated through her body, leaving her hot and needy. His scent rose up as he stretched out in front of her. She moved her lips to speak, but the gag made it impossible. Soon Noah’s body heat swept over her back as he curled behind her.

“Who should go first?” Noah asked.

Shane brushed a stray hair from her face. “I say we take her together.”

A hunger formed deep inside her body as Noah’s voice rippled through her. “Excellent idea.” His warm breath brushed over her ear as he leaned over her. “Don’t move.”

Kitty gasped as hands and lips were suddenly everywhere. Shane placed soft kisses on her face and neck, then slipped his hands up to cup her breasts through her thin nightgown. “You should feel this,” he said. “Her breasts are already full and heavy.”

“She must like being tied up and taken advantage of.”

Shane’s hands left, and Noah’s arms reached around her body. She moaned through her gag as his long, thin fingers brushed over her nipple. She felt her sensitive tips pebble through the silky fabric.

“Ah, they’re perfect,” he said.

“I know.” Shane tore her nightgown apart, and cool air kissed her nipples, causing them to harden even more. Kitty squirmed as the ache between her legs intensified. The men inched closer, and their erections pressed firmly into her thigh and backside. She felt hands on her breasts once more, but whether they were Noah’s or Shane’s, she wasn’t sure. Pleasure and pain spiraled through her system and created a dull ache between her legs.

With her eyesight gone, Kitty’s sense of hearing heightened. She listened to the crickets in the forest, their cries mingling with the breathing of the men around her. Pain shot through her as someone pinched her nipples; then pleasure followed when the pressure was released. Her skin felt extra sensitive in the cool night air, and every caress, every roll of fingers sparked an intense pleasure.

Everything felt wonderful, but she wanted more. More hands on her body, more lips against her skin.

Both men made their ways down her torso, kissing and caressing everything they could touch. Tingles centered between her legs as Noah reached around and cupped her mound. He toyed with her curls, and Kitty moaned as she pressed herself into his eager fingers.

Noah’s soft chuckle rang in her ear. “Easy, love. We have all night.” He slipped his fingers between her thighs, and she raised her top leg slightly to give him better access. He felt so good, so incredibly sexy. She groaned as he curled his fingers around her knee, then gently lifted her leg. The scent of her arousal filled the air.

“I’ll always love that scent,” Noah said.

“It’s addictive, isn’t it?” Shane ran his hand up her thigh. “Personally I can’t get enough of it.”

Noah placed her leg on top of Shane’s hip. Kitty bent her knee and ran her heel along the crack in his ass. Shane groaned and inched closer, pressing his erection dangerously close to her opening. Kitty wiggled with frustration. If she didn’t have someone inside her soon, she was going to explode. Noah’s hand left her, and she heard the rip of plastic.

One of the men’s hands rested on her hip. “No need to worry. Just taking precautions, love,” Noah said.

“Oh fuck, Noah, that’s good.” Kitty didn’t know what was going on, but she wanted to take part. She struggled against her bindings, trying to free her hands.

“I believe the man said not to move.” Shane’s hand reached over her and slapped her ass, sending a spark of pain through her system. She held herself still.

“Let me see if she is ready for us.” Noah returned his hands to her skin, first sliding them up her thigh, and then dipping them between her legs. Kitty gasped through the gag as his long, smooth fingers slid between her folds. He glided through her moisture, then ran a torturous ring around the rim of her opening.

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