Velvet Steel (20 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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“Oh yes, she’s ready,” he said.

“I think you’re right.” Shane ran his palms over her sensitive nipples, creating tingles of sensation along her skin.

Shane moaned softly in her ear as Noah reached through her legs. Shane let go of her breasts and shifted his weight next to her.

“I can feel how ready he is for you,” Noah whispered after a few moments. “He wants to take you hard. Right
.” He pressed Shane’s cock against her slit until the tip of his head dipped inside her opening. Kitty could tell by the feel that Noah had helped Shane put on a condom while he was reaching between her legs.

Shane groaned as Noah rubbed the tip of his erection along her slit and then up over her clit. Need raced through her body, and for a moment, her mind fogged with pleasure. Knowing both men were working to please her was the ultimate aphrodisiac. She didn’t want it to end.

All too soon, Noah left Shane and trailed his fingers over her hip. “I, on the other hand, would prefer to take you here.” He slipped his fingers between her cheeks and ran the pad of his finger over the opening in her backside. Kitty shivered at the contact. To be touched by both men, in front and behind—it felt amazing. She had never felt so turned on in her entire life.

Noah’s hand left her body, and she heard the rip of plastic. Then his fingers returned, this time warm and wet. Carefully he slid his finger back to her backside, the lubrication he applied causing his finger to slip easily inside. The thrust was light, and he didn’t go deep, but it was enough to set her nerve endings on fire. Kitty groaned around her gag as pleasure pumped through her veins.

Noah retreated, then thrust deeper. “I see our little captive isn’t going to need much of a warm-up.”

Shane’s fingers pinched her nipples a little harder. “That’s good because I don’t think I can hold back much longer.”

Shane and Noah’s hands worked a heady mix of pain and pleasure. Each thrust of Noah’s finger caused Kitty to moan through her gag. She felt hot and needy. She would do anything to have both men fill her from the front and behind.

Yet Noah wouldn’t rush things. Slowly he worked back and forth until one finger settled deep inside her body. Kitty pressed her hips backward, eager for more. He retreated, then began once more, this time thrusting with two fingers.

“I think she wants you to hurry,” Shane said. “I know I do.” His hands left her breasts, slid down the sides of her waist, then reached around her hips. Kitty bit down on the gag as his fingers slipped between her cheeks and gently pulled them apart, allowing Noah’s fingers better access.

“Ah, that’s more like it.” Noah thrust once more, touching Kitty deep inside. Slowly he spread and twisted his fingers, creating a kaleidoscope of sensation though her body. She heated, and her limbs felt weak under the onslaught. When he retreated, she almost screamed with frustration.

“Enough.” Shane removed one hand from her ass, and a cracking noise ripped through the air. Had Shane just spanked Noah? Noah’s groan vibrated next to her ear, making her pussy weep.

Shane reached around her hip and guided Noah to her opening. With a man poised at each of her entrances, Kitty felt as if she was on the brink of something big. Hands wrapped around her, cocooning her in warmth. She could smell both Noah’s and Shane’s arousal, and she felt light-headed with the need their scents created.

“Now.” Shane’s voice rippled over her. The men pushed as one, entering her body from both sides. She groaned as her body began to stretch around their erections, allowing them entrance. They didn’t go nearly far enough.

They retreated and thrust again in unison, this time diving a little deeper. They continued to advance and retreat until Kitty felt she would burst with anticipation.

Then, with one last thrust, Shane and Noah filled her to the hilt.

Kitty cried out through the gag as they slid their erections home. The men shuddered, then held still, allowing her to adjust to their touch. She curled her fingers, feeling the fine dusting of hairs on Noah’s lower abdomen. Kitty felt her senses ease past the initial shock.

They were connected, all three of them. Heat slid over her skin as she examined the full feeling the men created. It felt right having both men buried deep inside her. They belonged there. She was bonded with these two now in the most intimate way. Happiness spilled through her body, penetrating both her mind and soul. She felt connected, whole. Never before had she felt such a sense of completeness. Kitty knew right then and there that one man would never satisfy her again. She needed two men—
two men—in order to feel complete. Nothing less would ever do.

And tomorrow they would leave her forever.

Tears stung her eyes, and she whimpered through her gag.

“Are you okay, lass?” Shane’s concern only made her want to cry more.

“Did we hurt you, love?” Noah began to retreat from her backside.

Kitty tried to speak through her gag, but it only came out a garbled mess. She didn’t want them to leave her body, not yet. Kitty needed this, needed them. Her voice was muffled through the gag, but the men sensed her intent. She shook her head, and chuckles filled the air around her as Noah thrust back inside. She relaxed her muscles and focused on the friction and heat he was creating.

Shane reached around her and once again spread the cheeks of her ass. “I think she might want you to go deeper.”

Noah’s hand moved around to her front and slipped down her mound. “I think we can accommodate that.” He pressed her clit, and Kitty made a low, needy groan as pleasure rolled through her body. The men’s hands steadied her as they retreated, then entered her once more.

Cool air rushed over her heated skin, and Kitty heard an owl hoot in a nearby tree. There was something about being in the open, having these two men touching her, filling her, that made her feel organic and primal. They continued to thrust, their rhythm quickening. Together they possessed her in body, mind, and soul. Soon Kitty didn’t know where one of them stopped and the other began. They were a tangle of limbs and desire, and she’d never felt better.

She held herself still, letting them set the pace. With each thrust, her libido soared and sensation blanketed her body. She became more aware of the little things: of Noah’s torso brushing against her hands, Shane’s hard abdomen tapping her stomach. They went deep, touching an intimate spot inside her core. Her spirit climbed higher, her muscles tightening and straining for release.

The men pumped harder, and soon their voices filled the air. Pressure built, and Kitty was ready to explode. Then Noah shifted his hand and rolled his thumb over her clit. The added sensation burst through her system, and on the next thrust, she exploded into euphoria.

She felt light and boneless as pleasure penetrated every crevice of her body. The men continued to thrust, each advance drawing out her ecstasy. She felt as if she floated on air. She’d had an orgasm before but nothing so intense or wonderful. She didn’t ever want to come down.

Then the men around her stiffened. Their thrusts became more jerky, more urgent. She felt their tension, their desperate need. Then something shifted in the air, and they each cried out, their voices rising into the sky as they emptied themselves deep inside her body.

When she finally returned to earth, she felt tired and weak. Noah undid the gag, blindfold, and ropes as Shane retrieved a blanket and folded it over them. Even though she could open her eyes, Kitty didn’t feel like it. She didn’t want the feeling of contentment to end. As the men snuggled in close around her, she drifted off to sleep.

“I think she fell asleep,” Shane said.

“We wore her out.”

“That was amazing, Noah.”

“Yeah, the best sex yet.”

Silence stretched as Shane considered the implication of what had just happened. “I feel closer to you around her.”

“I know. I feel closer to you too.” Noah cast his gaze down and brushed a stray hair from her face. “I don’t know how she did it, but our little one managed to wiggle her way into our hearts.”

Shane ran his fingers over her skin, enjoying the softness next to his body. “She’s special, this one.”

Noah looked up from Kitty and met Shane’s gaze. “You’re special too.”

“I never would have had the courage to come clean with you about my feelings if it weren’t for her.”

Noah placed his hand over Shane’s. “I think we should come clean with her, tell her about Velvet Steel.”

“What?” Shane pulled his hand away. “Are you crazy? We’d lose her.” He looked down at Kitty as she slept. “She means too much to us now.” To lose her would be unthinkable. Shane’s stomach lurched at the thought.

“We’d lose her if she found out from someone else,” Noah said.

“She won’t find out from someone else.”

“When we get back to the city—”

“We’ll keep our relationship a secret.”

“Shane, you know that won’t be possible. We have a meeting with her on Wednesday.”

He eased himself off the blanket and stood. “We aren’t telling her, Noah. There’s too much at stake.”

Noah sat up and leaned his forearm on his knee. “Listen to yourself. You’re not even making any sense.”

Panic swelled and constricted Shane’s chest. “I’m making perfect sense, and I know this is the best course of action—”

“Save it.” Noah stared at him for a moment, the hurt evident in his features. “We always have to do things your way, don’t we?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Kitty stirred between them, but Noah didn’t seem to notice. “You always have to be the one in charge. Things always have to be your way. You’re selfish, Shane.” Noah stood and started to dress. “Selfish and arrogant.”

“I’m not selfish.”

“No? All these years, it’s been about what you wanted, what made you comfortable. What about me?”

Shane stared at him. “You didn’t have to stay.”

“Believe me, I know. It was my mistake to think anything could ever work between us.” Noah pulled on his pants and straightened. “I’m done making mistakes, and I’m tired of doing everything your way. This time I’m going to do what I want, what’s right.”

“What are you doing?”

Noah zipped up his jeans. “I’m going back inside to pack. I can’t stay one more minute in this house of lies.”

“Come on, Noah, don’t do that.”

Noah threw his faded T-shirt over his head. “I keep running on the same treadmill with you, Shane. You only think about yourself. What about me? Did you ever once think in all these years how much your indecision has affected my life?”

“Noah, I—”

“No, of course not, because it’s all about you and your needs, right?” Noah waved his hand at Kitty, who was watching him with wide eyes. “What about her? What about me? We have needs, too.”

“I don’t think only of myself.”

“Forget it.” Noah waved his arm. “I refuse to be a part of this charade anymore.”

“Noah, wait.” Shane reached out, but Noah navigated away from his grasp.

“Don’t you dare follow me,” Noah said. “Not until you decide to do what’s right. We’re finished, Shane. Finished.”

Shane stared at Noah’s retreating form and blinked back the tears in his eyes.

“You have to talk to him.” Kitty leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms.

Shane looked up from his beer. “Forget about it.”

Kitty walked over and stood next to the futon. “Whatever happened, he didn’t mean it.”

“Oh really?” He turned to face her, and Kitty’s heart broke at the hurt in Shane’s features.

“No.” She knelt down and rested her hands the futon. “He’s just upset.”

Shane pressed his lips together and returned his gaze to the lake. “Seems like all I ever do is hurt him.”

“No, that’s not true.” She moved her hand to his arm and waited for him to turn and face her. “If it was true, the two of you wouldn’t have been together as long as you have.”

Shane covered her fingers with his own. “I think it’s too late for us, Kitty.” He brushed her hand away. “I blew it.”

“No, you didn’t. There’s always another chance.”

“Not this time.”

“Don’t be like that.” She sighed and threw her hands in the air. “If you don’t do something, you’ll lose him.” And Kitty would lose him too. She shook her head and searched his face. Why was he being so stubborn? Was there something else going on that she didn’t know about? “Noah is fragile right now. He thinks you don’t care about him.” She pointed at the door. “Go to him and tell him that he’s wrong.” She patted his arm. “Tell him…tell him you’re different now.”

“He already knows I care about him.”

“Does he? Because he sure isn’t acting like he knows.”

Shane’s eyes shone bright with unshed tears, but he didn’t answer.

Kitty stood, crossed her arms, and shifted her weight so her hip jutted out to the side. “Shane, I invited you two up here for a weekend of fun and sex, not fighting and brooding. Tell me, what else is going on?”

He looked away and took a sip of beer. “There’s nothing else.”

“Then you weren’t clear enough when you said you loved him before.” She nodded toward the cabin entrance. “Noah is inside right now, watching the video we made together. I suggest you go in and tell him again what he means to you.” She turned around and started back inside. When she reached the doorway, she stopped and glanced back at the lonely Irishman sitting on the futon.

Why did she care so much? In a few short hours, the weekend would end and she would never see them again.

That is, unless she could make their weekends some sort of standing ritual, like once a month. Yes, that was it. She could propose that they meet once a month at the cabin for fun and sex, blow off steam.

Once a month? No, maybe once a week.

Kitty steeled her jaw as she realized not even once a week would be enough for her. She wanted the men in her life permanently. That is, if they both could stop fighting all of the time. It was exhausting. She couldn’t even think of proposing such an idea if they weren’t speaking to one another. First she had to heal the rift, and then she would propose some type of more permanent arrangement.

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