Victoria's Challenge

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Authors: M. K. Eidem

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

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Victoria's Challenge
The Imperial Series [2]
M. K. Eidem
M.K. Eidem (2013)
Literature & Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction

Victoria Lynn Chamberlain… at two, she was abducted by an alien race, the Regulians… at nine, her world literally explodes when the Regulians returned, destroying Earth. She and her Aunt are the only survivors thanks to another alien race, the Carinians. Now she’s eighteen, a new graduate from their top medical school, and is ready to claim her life mate. Lucas, the handsome Carinian pilot that saved her all those years… cycles… ago.
Major Lucas Matthew Zafar is a decorated pilot for the Coalition who has worked hard for every promotion, earned every decoration, despite his father being High Admiral. Nine cycles ago, he crashed on an alien world and discovered his life mate, a nine-cycle girl with flaming red hair and sparkling green eyes. She captivates everyone around her with her strength and determination. She is his world, or will be once she grows up. When he’s injured in an explosion, he discovers that his wait is finally over, for Victoria is more than grown up.
Together they discover what it truly means to be life mates. That’s it’s about doing what’s best for the other even if it’s not best for you. That you have to do more than just love, you have to trust and be willing to sacrifice the things you never thought you would. And if you are lucky and the ancestors are watching over you, you just might get everything you’ve ever dreamed of...

Victoria’s Challenge
By M.K. Eidem
Science Fiction Romance


Victoria’s Challenge: The Imperial Series


M.K. Eidem

Copyright © 2013 by Michelle K. Eidem


First E-Book Publication November 2013


Smashwords Edition


Cover Design by Donna Casey


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Victoria Lynn Chamberlain
… at two, she was abducted by an alien race, the Regulians… at nine, her world literally explodes when the Regulians returned, destroying Earth. She and her Aunt are the only survivors thanks to another alien race, the Carinians. Now she’s eighteen, a new graduate from their top medical school, and is ready to claim her life mate. Lucas, the handsome Carinian pilot that saved her all those years… cycles… ago.


 Major Lucas Matthew Zafar is a decorated pilot for the Coalition who has worked hard for every promotion, earned every decoration, despite his father being High Admiral. Nine cycles ago, he crashed on an alien world and discovered his life mate, a nine-cycle girl with flaming red hair and sparkling green eyes. She captivates everyone around her with her strength and determination. She is his world, or will be once she grows up. When he’s injured in an explosion, he discovers that his wait is finally over, for Victoria is more than grown up.


Together they discover what it truly means to be life mates. That’s it’s about doing what’s best for the other even if it’s not best for you. That you have to do more than just love, you have to trust and be willing to sacrifice the things you never thought you would. And if you are lucky and the ancestors are watching over you, you just
get everything you’ve ever dreamed of...

Chapter One

“Victoria Lynn Chamberlain.

Taking a deep breath
, Victoria walks across the platform to receive her diploma. She’d done it. She not only caught up to her contemporaries she surpassed them. Today she turns eighteen, today she is the youngest person to ever graduate from Montreux. Smiling at Scholar Nesvold, she accepts the diploma, faces the crowd and waves to her family.

came; she isn’t really surprised, she just knows the amount of work it takes to get together in public when your Aunt is the Queen of the House of Knowledge and Uncle the High Admiral of the Coalition. They made it though, well everyone but Lucas. Pushing it from her mind, she concentrates on enjoying who

“Victoria, we
are so proud of you!” Cassandra pulls her close, the guards closing back around the group.

“Thanks Aunt Cassie, Uncle William
. Hey squirts, how are you doing?” Leaning down she hugs her ‘brothers’.

Good!” They chorus.

ooking at them, she can’t help but think they were getting so big. Especially Kayden. At eight, he was already 5’ 6” and solid. So much has changed in the last nine cycles and is now changing again. She can't help but smile at the thought, she’s eighteen now, no longer a child.

“So you’ll be following shortly on
your shuttle?” Aunt Cassie draws her attention.

Victoria knows they arranged for her to spend some time
with friends after the ceremony, sending a second shuttle, but now she’s reconsidering. Looking at the people outside their security, she realizes there’s no one here she needs to talk to.

Do you have room for one more?” she asks and sees pleasure bloom in her Aunt’s eyes.


“Then I’m ready to go home.”


The flight isn’t long enough to Victoria’s way of thinking. It is so rare to get everyone together, where they can just
together, unlike those first couple of months when she and Aunt Cassie had been rescued from Earth. First on the Retribution, then under King Jotham’s protection, they’d been together every day. She hadn’t realized it then, but it was a special time even with all the danger and sadness, it was special.

they only got together on special occasions, the last being Kyle’s union to Kira, over two cycles ago, the last time she’d seen Lucas. He'd looked so handsome in his dress whites, the new Major’s hardware on his collar, his medals sparkling on his chest. Shaking her head, Victoria brings herself back to the present.

Pazel out did himself on your gown for tonight.”

“What color?
” Victoria quizzes.

“You’ll have to be surprised.
” Cassandra gives her a smug smile.

“You know you didn’t have to throw a ball.”

“It’s not every day my niece graduates top of her class
turns eighteen, all on the same day. Eighteen… where did the time go?” Cassandra looks at her, just a little sad.

“Well let’s see…
” Victoria isn’t going to let her be sad. “In the last nine cycles, you’ve had a union, become Queen, and oh yeah,
sons. I wouldn’t say the time has
anywhere, it’s been well used.”

“You forgot watching you become a beautiful young woman
. You look so much like Cyndy.” Cassandra can’t stop herself from touching her niece’s hair.

“A little taller, thank the ancestors
,” Victoria says, making them both smile.

“Anyone would be taller than Cyndy.
” Cassandra says. Victoria’s mother had only been 5’4”, while her father, Cassandra’s brother was 6’2”. Victoria has topped out at 5’10”

“They’ve been good cycles
, Aunt Cassie. We’ve deserved them.”

Yes they have and we did.” Cassandra looks at her husband and sons. Sensing her look William meets her gaze, the love in his eyes obvious.

’s what Victoria wants. That connection. That knowing there’s someone out there who can love
the way William loves Cassandra. That with just a look, they know what the others thinking and needing.

“He’s a good one.”

“The best.” Cassandra turns back to Victoria. “Your time will come.”

“I hope so.
” At nine Victoria had told her Aunt that Lucas was her life mate, Uncle William’s first born son. That she just knew it but she’s had to wait, she needed to grow up before she could claim him. Now she’s eighteen and she’s waited long enough.


The room is filled with music and people when the Royal family arrives. Queen Cassandra, High Admiral Zafar, his second son Kyle, his wife Kira, and the person of honor, Victoria. Upon entering, the music changes and William turned to his ‘daughter’.

“Shall we valsa?”

The smile that greets his request is brilliant.

“I’d love

Cassandra wa
tches her husband, who nearly a decade later still makes her heart quicken, take the floor with Victoria. Nine cycles ago, he’d taught her the dance by letting her stand on his feet. Today, they moved confidently around the room.


“I’m very proud of you Victoria.” William leads her around the room.

“Thanks Uncle William
. I couldn’t have done it without you, you and Aunt Cassie.”

“You did it yourself.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Victoria’s eyes are serious as she looks up at him. “I’m talking about everything else. Earth, the Retribution, the ‘Glitter Man’. You risked everything for us, protecting us when you didn’t have too.”

“I had to Victoria,” William’s eyes as serious as hers
. “You’re mine as much as Cassandra’s. I love you. Losing either of you would destroy me.”

“I know, but the r
isks… sacrifices…”

“When you love someone
, it’s not a sacrifice and there’s never a risk too great, not if it keeps them safe.”

“You make it look easy
, both of you.”

“It’s not
. We are two very different people, with demanding jobs. We disagree, we argue, but never about the really important things, because at the end of the day, it’s just
.” She’s witnessed some of their disagreements and he’s right, they do argue, loudly, but it never divides them.

“I want that.”

“It’s not something that can be
to you, Victoria.”

“I know
. So have you thought about my proposal?” She gives him that smile that tells him she’s scheming again.

s not going to be happy. She’s hoping to spend some time with you.”

“She’ll understand.”

“She will, but she won’t be happy about it.” With the music ending, the High Admiral leads her from the floor.


Lucas watches his father dance with Victoria. She’s a vision in emerald green and while the bodice is modestly cut, it is form fitting, revealing generous curves with a slit in the side that goes to just above her knee, revealing pale toned legs. Her flame red hair is pulled high, leaving her shoulders and neck bare, begging to be kissed.

With the music ending
, he works his way across the room, he’s late, he meant to make the ceremony, but the Regulians hadn’t cooperated. Moving closer, he sees Cassie take the floor with his father, officially starting with the ball.

“Kyle, dance with your wife, I’m fine.
” Victoria argues.

“You need to be dancing.”

“She will be.”

Victoria’s heart leaps at
Lucas’ voice. He’s here, turning she sees her life mate.

“You’re here.
” Her smile sparkles.

“Where else would I be
? Shall we?” The remaining Zafar men lead their women to the floor.

” Cassandra's hand tightens on his shoulder.

“I see.”

“You got him here.” She rubs her finger across his ring. “Victoria will be thrilled.

” William warns.

“I know
. I’ll stay out of it.” She raises an eyebrow. “But apparently you’re not.”

“What do you mean?
” He asks too innocently.

“Victoria wants to teach on the Retr

“How did you find out?”

“That she asked you or that you’ve agreed?”

” William pulls her closer.

“I have my ways.
” She looks into his eyes. “Yes, I’ll be disappointed, but this needs to be settled, for both of them. I just hope they don’t hurt each other too badly.”

’ll find their way.”

just like we did.”


“How did you get here?” Victoria’s heart pounds as Lucas lead her to the floor. God he's so handsome in the violet pants and white jacket of his dress uniform. Medals decorate his broad chest, but it's his face that takes her breath away. He is a Carinian male in his prime, his dark hair, slightly longer than regulation, has her fingers itching to play with it. It perfectly offsets the violet of his eyes that reveal he is a royal from the House of Protection, as does the birthmark on his arm, covered by his jacket, in the shape of an arrow, also the symbol of the House of Protection.

He is a younger version of
his father, though at 6’9”, he’s several inches shorter. When he pulls her into his arms, desire takes her breath away as her breasts press against his chest.

“Dad sent
a ship.” Lucas replies, forcing himself to put a proper distance between them when all he wants to do is keep her close.

“The Phoenix?
” she quizzes, trying not to sound as breathless as she feels.

“How’d you know about
the Phoenix?” He looks down at her surprised.

“I’ve flown
her, she’s a sweet ship.”

… what?” Lucas can't keep the shock out of his voice.

“Lucas, I
’ve had my pilot’s certificate for three cycles.”

… I didn’t know that.” Frowning, he wonders what else he doesn't know.


As the ball continues, Lucas watches every man in the room vying for Victoria’s attention. Why wouldn’t they, she’s sparkling, vivacious, easily the most beautiful thing in the room.

“She’s grown up quite nicely.
” The quiet comment surprises Lucas.

Barek, I didn’t know you were here.” Lucas turns to his friend, a man who will one day be King of the House of Protection.

and I just arrived.” Barek turns his attention back to Victoria. “She is truly beautiful and first in her class at Montreux. Beauty and brains, an amazing combination.”

“She’s a child.
” Lucas frowns.

“She’s eighteen, no longer a child.
” Barek looks back to his friend. "She hasn’t been a child since she stood in front of the full Assembly confronting Audric.”

… just eighteen.”

“And has every eligible male sniffing around her.
” Barek teases him.

“I see.”

“Going to stare them all down, big brother?”

her brother.” The look in Lucas’ eye gives Barek pause.

… you’re not... no blood relation at all.” They both watch the horde part at King Jotham's approach. Seeing him Victoria's smile grows, ignoring protocol, she rests her hands on his chest, stretching up to kiss the King’s cheek.

“King Jotham, it’s
wonderful of you to come!” The honest joy and affection in her eyes easily seen.

“I wouldn’t have missed it, shall we?”

Slipping her hand into his, Victoria allows him to lead her to the dance floor.


“She’s had him charmed since she arrived all those cycles ago.” Barek chuckles as he watches his father.

“Who hasn’t she charmed?
” Lucas demands.

“There have been a few
. She’s more than willing to call a fool a fool, usually politely, but not always.”

“What are you talking about?
” Lucas turns to his friend.

“Assemblyman’s Stannic’s son
, Gad, for one. He apparently thought she should be friendlier to him, his father being who he is. She didn’t appreciate him not taking no an answer, especially when he cornered her outside her room. She used one of her father’s moves to

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