Authors: Mary A. Williamson Mt(ascp) Phd,L. Michael Snyder Md
Allergic diseases: atopic and related diseases, medication related
Infectious diseases: parasitic infections, mostly helminths, some fungal infections, infrequently other infections
Collagen vascular disorders
Autoimmune disorders such as the vasculitis of the Churg-Strauss syndrome
Tumors with secondary eosinophilia: T-cell lymphomas (e.g., mycosis fungoides, Sézary syndrome), Hodgkin lymphoma Pulmonary diseases: (hypersensitivity pneumonia, Loeffler pneumonia)
Endocrine: adrenal insufficiency
Immunologic reactions, transplant rejection
Cholesterol embolism syndrome
No lower limit can be determined because the eosinophil count may be 0% in some normal patients.
Associated Conditions
Drugs: corticosteroids or epinephrine administration
Cushing syndrome