War In Heaven (23 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Jesus Brought to Earth in Capsule for Invitro-Fertilization

Under hypnosis, Shona recalled having been brought here in a tube.
She claims it was her

“father,” a being from a planet she describes as “pretty,"
with “good air,” “no disease,” and like archaic

descriptions of Nibiru, “its
never dark.” The planet has “two suns, there’s trees and rivers.” Her father

and the others travel from
that planet to earth in ships. When Shona was re-born here on earth, they

made sure she was all
right. Though she wants to go back to her true home, she has been told she has

stay in order to fulfill a
mission. She is to help the people of earth in some particular way. When asked

if these people from her
father’s planet were angels, she replied that “there’s no difference.” The

hypnotist asked “Is there
anything you can tell about Jesus‘?” She replied that Jesus “flies in ships

“lives on another world,” and that he is coming to take us back to
his planet. The hypnotist then asked,

“What about when Jesus came here?” Shona stated that “He came in a
tube... like a pill... a capsule, ”

Was this the “power of God," discussed earlier, that came
over Mary? Is this how the “immaculate

conception” really took place?

Hybrids Activated when Time is Right

Bear Clark is a Christian. She had never believed in reincarnation, yet under
hypnosis, she

vividly recalled her “home planet,” and the father who had asked
her to come here. After the session,

her perceptions of reality were shaken.
In my
research, this is not the first person I have come across

with such a story, and
remarkably, these stories have been quite similar to Shona’s. If this woman is

some type of genetically
engineered hybrid, sent here to fulfill a purpose, then we can rest assured

we are living
in the last days spoken of by the Hebrew Prophets. Such persons are often
unaware of the

details of their mission, and have been told by their
extraterrestrial creators, only that they will know

when the time is right.
Are they bearing implants in their brains that can be activated at a particular

time, when their service
will be needed?

Hybrids Bring Unification

the Adversarial Serpent faction openly appears here on earth, then they will in

likelihood activate their
own hybrids. Since Christ stated that his return would find mankind ‘just as it

was in the days of Noah,”
he was probably referring to the intermarriage between the Nibirians and

human beings. Genesis
6:1-4 describes how the “Sons of God saw that the daughters of men were

beautiful,” and how they
chose wives from among them, who in turn bore children to them. These

children were obviously
hybrids. Christ even says in Matthew that they would be giving in marriage

until the very end. One of
the first things invading armies of the past did, was to intermarry with the

population. They used the
mother’s natural affections for her child, to change the people’s hearts and

thoughts toward their
invaders. This could be one reason they choose to intermingle with us again.

Hybrid children bring

Nebuchadnezzar Erects Golden Image of Marduk

It is significant that Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue
occurred before Nebuchadnezzar

erected the “image” of Daniel chapter three. Even though he had
dreamed of a “single great statue, that

was large and of extraordinary splendor” (Daniel 2:31), which was
destroyed, he still erected just such a

large, golden image that he tried to force everyone to worship
(Daniel 3:1-11). Could this have been a

statue of Marduk? Daniel 3:12, and 28, imply that if one worshiped
the golden image, one would be

serving the “gods” of Nebuchadnezzar.

If Marduk is the puppet
master behind the “kingdoms of earth," then the golden image may have

been his response to the
interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream ~ he would rule through each

kingdom that was to come,
since gold represented Babylon, (the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar) and his

original seat of power. It
was no accident that the image of gold was 60 cubits in height, and six cubits

wide (60 x 6 = 360). Sixty
was the rank of the “Most High” god, according to the Sumerian and

Babylonian ranking of the
gods, while six stood for the day which man was created. 360 equaled one

360 Hebrew prophetic year.
(Also, a soli-lunar year used by the Hebrews). There are 6, 600 year

Babylonian historical time
cycles, according to Berosus, within one shar, or year of Nibiru. A year of

Nibiru is equivalent to
3,600 earth years. The central mathematical message of the golden image is

There will be six major empires of earth, and all will be
controlled by the power behind the head of

gold, Nebuchadnezzar. That power was Marduk. And, it could be that
the golden image might have

been the counterpart of the Sphinx of Egypt, a communications
center. . .part of the Space Port.

King of the World

If the incidents described in the book of Daniel occurred because
of an attempt, or attempts by

the god Marduk to resurrect the original Space Port, then one
could expect that warfare would have

broken out from time to time. Some of it would have involved
struggles between Nibirians and humans.

Amazingly, Daniel mentions just such a confrontation; which
occurred in the third year of “Cyrus king

of Persia,” when a message was revealed to Daniel. (Daniel is also
called Belteshazzar, his Babylonian

name in this text). Bear in mind that Cyrus had defeated Nabonidus
king of Babylon a few years after

defeating Croesus, master of Lydia in 546 B. C. Cyrus permitted
the Jews to return to Jerusalem from

captivity in Babylon. He took the title “King of the World,” and
tried to organize his lands.” Now this

is significant, for it illustrates very well that a tremendous
power struggle was taking place for complete

political control of earth
at that time. Ironically, the name Cyrus means “throne” in Persian.

Daniel Receives Military Report from Nibirian

Nibirian appeared to Daniel, who had been the mediator between the government
of Heaven,

and the kings of earth. The kings were being controlled by the
Adversarial forces. The appearance of

the Nibirian is a strong indication that though the ruler of earth
was changing, the power struggle

between the Nibirian factions was still in place. The Nibirian
actually gives Daniel a highly detailed

military report. We are told that the message was true and “one of
great conflict” (or warfare), but that

Daniel understood this message and “had an understanding of the
vision” (Daniel 10:1).

thirteen seems to imply that this particular Nibirian, had been involved with
Cyrus: “...the

Price of the kingdom of Persia was standing opposite me (literal)
for twenty-one days; then behold,

Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been
left there with the kings of Persia.” It

seems that this Nibirian had difficulty convincing the Prince of
Persia, or Cyrus, that he should obey the

government of Heaven and not the Adversarial forces. Apparently,
Michael, one of the chief princes of

Heaven, came and helped convince Cyrus to obey the authority of
the home planet. We know by

Cyrus’s actions that he was in league with the heavenly government
led by Nannar-Sin, because he set the Jews free and allowed them to return to
their homeland. The normal custom of a conquering king

would have been to enslave
these people, not set them free.

Daniel Faints During Extraterrestrial Encounter

is told of an armed struggle while standing by the bank of the Tigris river, by
a glowing

Nibirian, whose “body is like beryl" (yellow serpentine);
“whose face had the appearance of lightning,”

and whose eyes were like
flaming torches.” (See Daniel 10:5-6). Daniel was the only one who saw the

vision, however, a “great
dread” fell on the men who were with him, and they ran away to hide

themselves (Daniel 10:7).
Daniel’s reaction is not unlike modem reports of close encounters with


Daniel states how “no strength was left in me, for my natural
color turned to a deathly pallor,

and I retained no strength...l heard the sound of his words; and
as soon as I heard the sound of his

words, I fell into a deep sleep on my face, with my face to the
ground.” (Daniel 10:8-9).

has the ability to stand only after the man instructs him to do so; as though
this were a

type of post-hypnotic suggestion. After the command to stand
upright, Daniel stood up “trembling.”

(Daniel 10:11).

Daniel May Have Been a Nibirian Hybrid

Daniel 4:8 tells us that he “had a spirit of the holy gods” in him. Was Daniel

saturated by the spirit
ray making him susceptible to suggestions by the Nibirians, or was he part

Elohim; a god-man?
Probably both. This would account for his extraordinary ability to prophesy;

the reason
that he was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, and chosen to serve in the king’s
court (Daniel

1:1-4). As a Nibirian hybrid, the king would have placed great
value on Daniel. It would also tend to

explain why he was chosen by the God of Heaven, to explain the
king’s dream, and sought out by the

Nibirian who came in response to Daniel’s desire to understand the
message given to him earlier (Daniel


is intriguing that the Bible implies that the Nibirians, and humans, had been
involved together

in a military conflict - and that the Nibirian had chosen to share
military information with a mere

human. Sitchin pointed out in his book the Wars of Gods and Men,
that God often advised humans in

military matters. The Nibirian explains to Daniel that the “Prince
of the kingdom of Persia was

withstanding me for twenty one days;” and that “Michael, one of
the chief princes, came to help me, for

I had been left there with the kings of Persia.” (Daniel 10: 13).
Again, if Daniel was part Nibirian, he

would have been deemed worthy of notice by one of his own kind.
Why tell Daniel anything?

Obviously, the God of Heaven, was working to free the Hebrews, his
chosen people from the

Babylonians. He was using his influence to get them back to
Israel. He wanted to convey important

information that would prove essential in the last days.


Gives Daniel Understanding of the Last Days

The Nibirian goes no to
say that he had come to give Daniel an understanding of what will

happen to his people in
the end of days, “for the vision pertains to the days yet future.” (Daniel

Here, the Nibirian was telling Daniel what would happen not only
to the Jews, but also to mankind in

general. Remember that Daniel was the international spokesman for
the whole world. Then “this one

with human appearance” touched Daniel again and strengthened him.
Once the being told him not to be

afraid, Daniel was strengthened. Daniel then tells the Nibirian to
continue speaking, “for you have

strengthened me.” Then the Nibirian said, “do you understand why I
came to you? But, I shall now return to fight against the Prince of Persia; so
I am going forth, and behold the Prince of Greece is about

to come. However, I will
tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth.”
The Nibirian
goes on to

complain how there was no one who stood firmly with him against
“these forces” except “Michael, your

prince.” (Daniel 10:18-21). Michael it appears, is in charge of
guarding and protecting the Jews, God’s

chosen ones.

such struggles had reached their head by the time of Christ, with the fighting

spreading even to Nibiru
(Matthew ll:2). Chapters seventeen and eighteen of Revelation describe the

future destruction of a
rebuilt Babylon, by the returning “army of heaven” (Revelation 19:14), which

will be headed up by
Christ. This could mean that there will be a last ditch attempt by the Serpent

Faction to rebuild the
Space Port for use against the returning forces of Christ.

Antichrist Puts Super-Weapon in Hebrew Temple

Obviously, the temple in Jerusalem will be a target of the
antichrist. The antichrist will be a

being that is under the control of the Serpent faction in the last
days. In all probability, the forces of the

home planet will need the
temple (which is to be rebuilt by the Jews before the return of Christ), in

to operate the Space Port in the Sinai. Apparently, forces from
the antichrist will arise, desecrate the

sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. They
will then “set up the abomination that

makes desolate.” (Literal interpretation found in side margin,
NAS, Daniel 11:31). Could this

“ abomination of desolation” be a type of super weapon? According
to the literal interpretation of the

verse, it also “causes horror.” This sounds very much like a
nuclear weapon, and at the time of this

writing, Iraq is trying to build up a nuclear arsenal. A nuclear
weapon would most certainly be capable

of desolation and horror. It could be that the awesome weapon will
be placed inside the Hebrew Temple

to prevent the forces of the Home Planet from invading Israel, and
retaking the temple containing

sophisticated guidance systems for the incoming spacecraft of the
Elohim. (Mesopotamian writings also

contain references to an abomination that makes desolate and
causes horror. It was a weapon of the

gods that made people bleed from the mouth, get covered in sores, and
also drop dead. It ruined and laid

waste to the land).

Hebrew Temple Must Be Rebuilt

temple in Jerusalem must be rebuilt in order for there to be a regular
sacrifice; and according

to the second epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians 2:1-4, it will
be. Paul warns the faithful not to be

shaken from their composure, or disturbed by a spirit, message, or
letter from the apostles stating that

the “day of the Lord has come.” The text continues warning that no
one is to be deceived for the “man

of lawlessness” must be revealed first. This “son of destruction,”
“who opposes and exalts himself

above every so called god, or object of worship, so that he takes
his seat in the temple of God,

displaying himself as being God.” In other words, antichrist must
appear, and he must go to the Temple

to “exalt himself,” or to seize full control of earth. It is at
this time that the reincarnated

Nebuchadnezzar will enter the Hebrew Temple, and announce that he
is “God,” or perhaps a hybrid son

of Marduk. This is in all probability Saddam Hussein. If not, then
another like him will arise.

It Took 2,000 Years to Get to Nibiru, Then Back to Earth with

It would appear that Christ returned to Nibiru to bring back
reinforcements (the army of heaven)

to put down the Serpent faction once and for all. This tends to
explain his two thousand year absence

from earth. It has taken two thousand earth years to get to
Nibiru, gather reinforcements, and then get

back to earth because the
planet was nearing its apogee when he left. When Christ returns the Adversary
is to be punished according to (Revelation 20:l0); and the nation of Israel
rescued by angelic

forces. They will be led by “Michael, the great prince,” who
stands guard over the Jews. This will be

what the Old Testament calls “a time of great distress such as
never occurred since there was a nation,

until that time.” This, I believe is a reference to the Armageddon
waged in the Middle East, and

instigated by the reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar on behalf of Marduk.

Everyone Found in Hidden Book Will Be Saved

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