War In Heaven (10 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Nibirians Come for Enoch

Could the “roll” they found “traced with the invisible God"
have been a Scorch mark left by the

hovering UFO? Such rings are often found at sights where UFO’s
have been suspected of landing. In

the first chapter of this remarkable book, Enoch describes the two
extraterrestrial “men” who appeared

to him as being “exceedingly big, so that I never saw such on
Earth; their faces were shining like the

sun, their eyes too were a burning light,”... they were wearing
purple clothing, and “their wings were

brighter than gold, their hands whiter than snow.” (Enoch 1:6).

giant men who came for Enoch certainly sound like descriptions of the Nibirians
from other

sources. Their radiance, or aura, the Mesopotamian “mellamu” was
noted and described in my first

book. Faces shining like the sun, eyes that bum with light, and
hands whiter than snow, is just what one

might expect from aliens living on a planet that travels so far
from the sun. (Noah who was fathered by

one of the Elohim, was also described as being whiter than snow.”)
Remarkably, even extra-biblical

descriptions of these “emissaries” from Heaven, are often
identical to biblical definitions of angels.

Notice the New Testament
description of the angel who appeared at the burial tomb of Christ:

“... behold, a severe earthquake had occurred,
for an angel of
the Lord had descended from

heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. And his
appearance was like lightning, and

his garment as white as snow;
...the guards shook for fear of him, and
became like dead men.”

Matthew 28:2-4.

the earthquake caused by the landing of a spaceship? Again, the face of the

“glowed” He must have been rather large, and very strong, for he
rolled away the huge stone placed

over the entrance of the tomb to seal it up. The Bible, as well as
contemporary UFO accounts, often

reports that witnesses are greatly terrified. Some lose
consciousness, and others appear to be held in a

trance-like state from
which they are powerless to emerge.
Did this happen to the guards
of Matthew

28 as well? The most provocative biblical account of a meeting
with one of the Nibirians occurred in

Daniel chapter 10. This being had a “body like beryl,” his “face
had the appearance of lightning,” while

his “eyes were like flaming torches.” When Daniel saw the “man”
from heaven, he stated that “no

strength was left in me, for my natural color turned to a deathly
pallor, and I retained no strength. At the

mere sound of his words he fell into a deep sleep on his face, on
the ground. (Daniel 10:6-9). Once

touched and reassured by the strange being, he stood up trembling.
Had Daniel been placed in a trance-

like state?

Enoch Taken to Orbiting Space Station

following verse from the book of Enoch sounds like a visit to the orbiting
space station

manned by the “three hundred Igigi,” the Anunnaki astronauts who
operated the orbiting space stations

described in Mesopotamian texts.

They brought face to face with me the elders and rulers of the
stellar orders, and showed me

two-hundred angels, who rule the stars and their services to the
heavens, and fly with their wings and

come round all those who sail.” (Enoch IV: 1).150

Apparently, Enoch is taken on a trip through the solar system. He
is shown what could be the

asteroids of the asteroid belt: “And thence they go forth along
the earth, and have a revolution to their

circle (orbit) even as other elements.”

Pillar of Cloud Really UFO

of the most explicit encounters with what might have been a hovering UFO is
found in the

following Old Testament verses


“And the angel of God, who
had been going before the camp of Israel; moved and went behind

And the pillar of
cloud moved before them and stood before them.
So it came between the camp

of Egypt and the camp of
Israel; and there was the cloud along with the darkness, yet it gave light at

night. Thus the one did
not come near the other all night.” (Exodus 14: 19-20).

again we have a cloud associated with a UFO presence. It hovered over the camp
of Israel

and prevented an attack by the Egyptians. It may have even carried
the Israelites aloft at one point: “I

bore you on eagles wings and brought you to myself” (Exodus l9:4).

In chapter 19 of Exodus, Moses was told that on the third day, the
Lord would come down for a

meeting with the Hebrews on Mount Sinai. Moses is warned that no
one should go near the Lord, nor

the mountain, and if they do ― they shall be put to death.
Strangely, they were to be killed from a

distance: “... you shall set bounds for the people all around,
saying, “Take heed to yourselves that you

do not go up on the mountain or touch the border of it;
touches the mountain shall be put to

death. No hand shall touch
him, but he shall he stoned or shot through with arrows: whether beast or

man, he shall not live.
When the ram’s horn sounds
a blast, they shall come up to the mountain.

(Exodus 19:12-13).

these instructions have been to protect the people from the radioactive
contamination of

fuel emissions from the soon to be arriving spacecraft? Do the
following verses describe the arrival and

hovering over the mountain of the heavenly vehicle?

“... it came about on the third day, when it was morning,
there were thunder and lightning

flashes and a thick cloud upon the mountain and a very loud
trumpet sound,
so that all the people who

were in the camp trembled.” (Exodus l9:l6).

the “thunder” a result by the descending spacecraft? UFO’s are often associated
with electrical

phenomena, and clouds. Does this also explain the lightning
flashes and thick cloud? Was the trumpet

sound actually a warning device,” not unlike those that sound when
modem day spacecraft are about to

take off or land? Try to visualize the landing of the Lord on the

Lord Lands on Mount Sinai in Spaceship

“Now Mount Sinai was all in smoke because the Lord descended upon
it in fire; ...its smoke

ascended like the smoke of a furnace ,... the whole mountain
quaked violently. (Exodus 19:18).

you have ever seen a rocket launched; then you have seen the billowing clouds
and thick

smoke surrounding the launch pad as the rocket thrusts itself
heavenward. The same effect would

undoubtedly occur if the rocket were also making a landing. The
resulting clouds of dust and burning fuel would obscure the light and create a
kind of freakish “darkness” And, as it landed, the ground

would indeed shake. (See
also Deuteronomy 4:11-12).

again the Lord warned Moses not to let anyone try and break through to get a
good look at

the Lord: “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, “Go down, warn the
people, lest they break through to the

Lord to gaze, and many of them perish.” (Exodus 19:21).

he afraid they would succumb to radiation emissions from his spacecraft? Not
even the

priests could come near the Lord on the mountain without specific
invitation (Exodus l9:22). The

following verse may provide the reason why: “...The Lord said to
(Moses) go down and come up

again, you and Aaron with you; but do not let the priests and the
people break through to come up to the

lest he break forth upon them. "
(Exodus 19:23).

it deemed necessary to destroy those exposed to the radiation to keep
contamination from

spreading? Or, did those within the craft fear contamination from
humans in some way?

“So Moses went down from the mountain to the people and
consecrated the people,
and they

washed their garments.
And he said to the
people, “Be ready for the third day: do not go near a

woman.” (Exodus 19:14-15).

its usage in these verses, it would appear that the word “consecrate” must be
equivalent to

“decontaminate.” In other words, the priests and the people had to
be decontaminated, and their

garments washed to avoid their transmitting contamination to the
Elohim. That the people were

forbidden to have sex, as implied by the phrase: “Do not go near a
woman,” is most intriguing. This

seems to imply that the possibility of bacteria from sexual
intercourse, coupled with exposure to

radiation, could produce adverse effects for either the Elohim or
human beings. Or, the Elohim may

have been concerned with toxins or bacteria eliminated from
females who might be menstruating.

In verses 15-17, we learn that “the cloud covered the mountain,”
and that “the glory of the Lord

rested on Mount Sinai. We also see that the cloud covered it for
six days,” and that “the appearance of

the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the mountain
top.” Was “glory” what the Hebrew's

called God’s spaceship? Looking directly at this glory can be
hazardous to one’s health:

was curious for he said, “...show me thy glory!" And God replied, “I
Myself will make

my goodness pass before you; ...You cannot see My face, for no man
can see me and live!” (Exodus


Lord then instructed Moses to stand in the cleft of a rock where he could see
the back of the

“Lord as he passed by." (Exodus 33:19-23). Moses had already
seen the physical manifestation of the

Lord, and spoken with him face to face. In fact, seventy elders
and various others had done so as well

(Exodus 14:9-1 l). Therefore, the glory of the Lord must refer to
his spacecraft, and not to his physical

person. (Ezekiel also refers to this “glory” spaceship).

The Three Wise Men Followed a UFO

a spaceship hover over the stable in which Christ was born? The maji, or master

were aware of the arrival of the “star” of Bethlehem before it actually

on the scene. “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in
the days of Herod the king, behold,

maji from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who
was born king of the Jews?
For we

saw his star in the east,
and have came to worship him.”
(Matthew 2:1-2).

a ziggurat was also a sophisticated observatory, one can only conclude that
these men,

most likely from Babylon, calculated its arrival, which ancient
texts told them to expect. They probably

used their own scientific-astronomical expertise, based on
projected flight paths of incoming Nibirian


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