War In Heaven (7 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Even the Gods Were Terrified of the Flood

Utnapishtim related to Gilgamesh that he brought aboard the “seeds
of life,” his family, his

kinsmen, and the craftsmen who helped him construct the ark.
(It is much more believable that

mankind could have refurbished itself with all these people,
rather than the handful mentioned in the

Bible). He then described how a thick, black cloud rolled in from
the horizon. It thundered as it

brought in the storm. Daylight was turned to darkness, and “the
land was smashed like a cup.” One

whole day the tempest raged, gathering fury as it went. “It poured
over the people like a battle.” A man

could not see his brother, nor the people be seen from Heaven.”
The gods also, were terrified by the

monstrous flood. They fled to the highest Heaven, the firmament,
or planet of Anu.”

gods wept when they saw what was happening to the inhabitants of Earth. For six
days and

nights the winds blew, the torrents, tempest and floods
overwhelmed the world. When at last the Flood

was stilled, Utnapishtim,
safe in the ark, observed that “all mankind had turned to clay, and the surface

of the sea stretched flat
as a rooftop.” After the last of the raging waters subsided, the gods returned

planet earth. They were
saddened by the horrible destruction of mankind, but relieved to find that a

remnant had somehow
The goddess Ishtar swore to Heaven that she would never
forget those

days, as she and the other gods gathered around the sacrifice set
out by Utnaphistim, The god Enlil,

amazed at the resourcefulness of the mortal Utnapishtim, rewarded
him and his wife with eternal life.

The gods declared that never again would they allow man to be
destroyed by water.

From a practical standpoint the Elohim must have realized that
they needed mankind’s help in

rebuilding the drowned planet. Thus, the survivors of mankind’s
deadliest holocaust were told by their

extraterrestrial creators to look for the “bow” of God among the
clouds, as an eternal symbol to remind

man of the promise of the Elohim. A promise that never again, will
earth be destroyed by a global Flood

- perhaps a hint at future plans for them to someday remove man
from the unstable earth before another

pole shift occurs. (Genesis 9:16).

can we conclude from the diverse Flood legends? Though the details are often

they all describe one basic calamity. It would be a bit naive to
believe that all these stories were derived

from the biblical tale,
since even it had Mesopotamian precursors. As people migrated from

Mesopotamia after the
Flood, they must have carried the record of the occurrence with them. This

undoubtedly, planted the
seeds for some of these stories.

Others May Have Survived the Flood

all probability, Noah and his people were not the only survivors. It is
possible that handfuls

of humans here and there managed to survive the Deluge, and passed
their experiences down to their

descendants. Since the biblical account was most likely drawn from
Mesopotamian chronicles, it is

likely that the Mesopotamians were unaware that others scattered
about the globe had actually survived.

To them Atra-Hasis (Utnapishtim), and his people were the “only”
survivors. Heraclitus of Ephesus,

(540-475 B. C.), reported that earth conflagration destroyed the
earth every 10,800 years. This is

equivalent to three orbits of Nibiru (3,600 x 3 = 10,800).

the polar ice caps of earth reach a

point of instability every 11,000 years or so, and as Nibiru
passes, it triggers a massive slippage of ice

into the sea. Sitchin
states in The l2
Planet that the Flood most likely occurred in the
zodiacal “Age of

the Lion,” (10,860 B. C. to 8700 B. C.). If one counts back 10,800
years from 2060 A. D., the projected

date for Nibiru’s return, then we arrive at 8,740 as the date for
the last Great Flood.

The Gods Used to Tax Humans

Is there more to the story of the Great Flood than the Bible
reveals? Why did the Elohim, decide

to allow man to perish in the deadly waters? Could there have been
a tense political situation on earth

before the Flood? Ancient texts recorded by the Sumerians describe
a time when the gods lived on

earth, and men dwelled within the cities of the deities as slave
laborers. Each deity lived in a
or territory, and resided over humans assigned to him as a “land
lord.” It would appear from certain

biblical texts (Hebrews 7:2-4), that some Elohim were still
managing the affairs of earth communities

during the time of Abraham, for he willingly tithed ten percent of
everything to Melchizadek - a being

described as being without father or mother, or even genealogy!
This peculiar being is described as

resembling a “son of God,” and continuing as a priest forever. Was
he a specially engineered being? A

clone perhaps? Conceived in a test tube using Nibiiian DNA, and
perhaps grown in some artificial

womb? It is interesting that this custom of tithing ten percent
was handed down to the Hebrews; and

later adopted by Christian churches.

The Gods Fought for Political and Economic Control of Earth

times these extraterrestrials fought amongst themselves for control of
territories, and

populations. This would have enabled them to become overlords of
vast economic systems. And more

specifically, for control of the vital spaceports that served as a
link between their planet and ours.

Obviously, he who
controlled the spaceport controlled earth - and exerted some authority over the

world. When conflicts broke out, one district's god became the
adversary of the other.
Often, mortals

were employed in these
conflicts, lead by their particular god.” There are many ancient texts, as well

biblical scripture
alluding to fierce warfare among the gods, including this Vedic Indian tale of

He whose arms bears the lightning, broke the way for us, killing
Vitra, who shut in the waters;

the beauteous Savitar, the god, who guides us on, following his
lead, we spread our waters wide. This

heroic deed be praised for evermore, that Indra did when he cut
the Serpent in pieces. With his

lightning he struck the robbers; the waters sped away hither they
longed to go."

the biblical world, each nation of the Near East had its own gods and
goddesses, and each had

their own domain. The world as it was known had been divided into
territories, and one’s first

allegiance was to the high god that ruled one’s immediate domain.
This is probably a direct imitation

of the situation before the Flood; since kings and priests were
ordered to rebuild the temples destroyed

by the Flood exactly as they had been before its coming.

The Gods Developed System for Political Identification

the Flood, with the proliferation of people, states and cities, it became
necessary to remind

humans who their particular overlord was. Many houses of worship
were set up, each containing the

correct likeness of the deity in charge, while cities were also
assigned a symbol of sign, in order for

mortals to easily differentiate one from another.
human associated his god with that symbol in an

attempt to prevent the
“following after of other gods” that irritated the God of the Old Testament so

much. Thus we have
reflected in the biblical writings the cult symbol of the Adversary of the God

the Old Testament - the
serpent or Dragon. (See Genesis chapter 3, and Revelation chapter twelve).

Sitchin points out that
this “serpent” most likely represents the family of Enki, and his son Marduk.
Apparently, the serpent of the Indian text connotes the deity defeated by the
mighty Indra with his

“lightning” weapon.

Hybrids Had Authority over Humans

A common thread in the Sumerian, Babylonian, Indian, and Hebrew
texts is this: these “gods

from the heavens” interbred with their human creations, producing
hybrid offspring. These physically

and mentally superior beings were often put in charge of ordinary
We shall now examine

what the Hebrew writings have to say about such intermingling.

the Great Flood that decimated mankind, the book of Genesis states that the

(extraterrestrial giants) were on the earth:

men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to

the sons of God
saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for

themselves, whomever they
chose. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward,

when the sons of God came
in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.
Those were the

mighty men who were of
old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:1-4.

Book of Enoch Provides More Details About Pre-Flood Times

clearly states that non-terrestrial beings, referred to as “sons of God,”

intermarried with humans! What the Bible is vague on however, is
how the ruling powers of the home

planet were taking the news of that intermingling. The
extra-biblical book of Enoch discusses this at

length, shedding quite a
bit of light on a situation perplexing Bible scholars for centuries. There are

strong similarities
between the Enochian text and the Bible:

the sons of men had multiplied in those days, ...daughters were born to them,

and beautiful...When the angels, the sons of heaven, beheld them,
saying to each other,
...let us select

for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget

their leader named as “Samyaza,” was afraid that the others might become

“indisposed” to the performance
of their enterprise; and that he would be made to “suffer alone” for “so

grievous a crime.” He did
not trust the others, and was afraid that he would be forced to bear all the

blame for their actions.

But, they all swore, and bound themselves by “mutual execrations”
that they would not change

their intention, and would execute the projected undertaking.
There were 200 of these angels, or

“emissaries from heaven,” whom the text says “descended upon mount
Armon.” It states that the

“mountain before was called Ammon, because they had sworn upon it,
and bound themselves by mutual


names of their chiefs appear in the texts as follows: Samyaza, who was their

Urakbarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal,
Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane,

Zavebe, Samsaveel, Eitael, Turel, Yomyael, Arazyal, “These were
the prefects of the two hundred

angels, and the remainder were all with them.”

text then describes how they proceeded to take wives, “each choosing for
himself; who they

began to approach, and with whom they cohabited.” Curiously, they
were teaching them sorcery,

incantations, and the dividing of the roots and trees.” lt appears
that they were relating scientific

knowledge to human beings.

When the expected outcome of their activity with the earth women
came about, “the women,

conceiving, brought forth giants. . .” Enoch chapter VII, Section

The Real Reason God Was Willing to Destroy Man with a Flood

Bible gives the following reason why God was willing to permit man to be
destroyed by the

coming Flood; “the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and
every intent of the thoughts of his

heart was only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5.

course, the Lord was “sorry that he had made man on the earth, and he was
grieved in his

heart.” (Genesis 6:6). Genesis chapter 6, verses 11-12 describe
the earth as being filled with violence, ”

and “corrupt,” and that “all flesh had corrupted their way upon
the earth.” Unfortunately, the Genesis

texts are vague concerning the true reason for the Deity’s anger,
and imply that it was man (presumably

the offspring of the giants and human females), alone who was
wicked. These verses mention only that

man was “wicked,” “violent,” “corrupt,” and “evil;” while it does
not supply precise details as to “how”

or “why” he was wicked, violent, corrupt and evil. As the
fascinating Enochian saga continues, we will

learn why “Heaven” became
so concerned with the goings on of the hybrids; and their angelic fathers.

It says that the offspring of the giants and earth women “turned
against men, in order to devour

them,” and that they “began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and
fishes, to eat their flesh one after

another, and to drink their blood.” Curiously, it then tells us
that the “earth reproved the unrighteous.”

Enoch Chapter VII, Section Il verses 13-15.

“impiety increased, fornication multiplied, ...they transgressed and multiplied

their ways.”
Then the text says something electrifying: “men being destroyed, cried out; and
their voice

reached to Heaven. ” Enoch Chapter Vlll, verses 2 & 9.

then took notice of the intolerable situation. For then, “Michael and Gabriel,

Suryal, and Uriel, looked down from Heaven, and saw the quantity
of blood which was shed on earth,

and all the iniquity that was done upon it, and said one to
another, it is the voice of their cries; the earth

deprived of her children
has cried even to the gate of Heaven..."

main culprit was named Azazyel, and he “taught every species of iniquity upon

... disclosed to the world all the secret things which are
done in the heavens. ”
These renegade men

from Nibiru were giving
away Nibirian state secrets. Azazyel also had an associate named Samyaza

who “also has taught
sorcery, to whom thou hast given authority over those who are associated with

him.” But, this is not the
worst of it, for the crime of intermingling with human females had now

reached the attention of
the inhabitants of Heaven:
"They have gone together to the daughters of

have lain with them; have become polluted; and have discovered
crimes to them."
As a result the

“women brought forth giants.”
And, it was because of this that the
earth had been filled with

blood and with iniquity.”

narrative then tells how the “souls of those who are dead, cry out; and
complain even to the

gate of Heaven.” Were these super-hybrids killing off their
inferior human brothers? Babylon was the

“ gateway of the gods,” or the “gate of Heaven,” the site of the
pre-diluvial spaceport. The gate of

Heaven referred to in the book of Enoch may have been a reference
to this ancient spaceport. This was

a place that the humans knew was in contact with the home planet,
and where their cries for help might

have a chance of reaching “Heaven” via a sophisticated
interplanetary communications center.

Apparently, they were successful, for those who ruled in Heaven
wondered what to do with the

perpetrators. Enoch Chapter IX, verses 1,2,6,7,8,9,1O,11, &

the “Most High,” sent “Arsayalyur” to the son of Lamech (Noah), saying, “Say to
him in

my name, conceal thyself.” He was then to explain the consummation
which is about to take place;

all the earth shall
perish; the waters of a deluge shall come over the whole earth, and all things

are in it shall be destroyed. ” He was then to teach him how to
escape, and how his seed may remain in

all the earth.”
Enoch Chapter X, (verses
1,2,3,4, & 5)

would appear that the biblical version of the Flood was originally drawn from
this highly

detailed account. (It is strikingly similar to the ancient
Mesopotamian renditions). This extra-biblical

version provides for us
the real reason that God had decided to allow humanities destruction by the

Flood. Apparently, it was
because man had become interbred with his alien Lords, (“for all flesh had

corrupted their way upon
the earth”). This produced dangerous mutations. And these beings were

learning to the horror of
the home planet, “the secrets of Heaven.”

the hybrid offspring of the extraterrestrial giants were infused with greater
doses of

Nibirian genetic material, creating a frightening race of
“supermen.” These superior earthlings must

have looked around themselves in disgust at the inferior humans
originally created by the Elohim

(Nibirians). The texts imply that they decided to eradicate them
in earth’s first genocidal war. (If these

humans had begun to regress to a more ape-like state, as Sitchin
has hypothesized, then this scenario is

even more understandable).

the cries of men reached unto heaven, and the Elohim saw in the Great Flood, an
easy way

to rid themselves of these frightening mutants. Now we can truly
understand the words of the Deity:

“The end of all flesh is come before Me, for the earth is filled
with violence because of them; and

behold I am about to destroy them with the earth.” Genesis 6:13.

Long Life-Spans of Genesis Patriarchs Tied to Interbreeding

the Elohim interbreeding program be why the Genesis patriarchs lived such

extraordinarily long life
spans? Genesis 5:5 states that Adam lived 930 years, while Genesis 5:31

reports that Lamech, the
father of Noah lived 777 years. After the Flood, this intermingling tapered

as did the
life span of man. Noah lived 950 years according to Genesis 9:29, and he was
the last of the

biblical patriarchs to live an extraordinarily long life. Abraham,
born after the Flood, lived only 175

years (Genesis 25:7). Eventually, even the appearance of “giants”
in the earth began to diminish,

according to the Bible. Later Old Testament books refer to the
“last of the giants," as though they were

becoming a thing of the
past. (Psalms 136:20 is one of the last references to a giant). Once the

interbreeding with the
Elohim was put to a halt after the Flood, then mankind’s life span decreased,

the genes
responsible for the giant offspring diminished as well. This is apparently, no

Government of Nibiru Tried to Protect Their Gene-Pool from
Inferior Human DNA

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