War In Heaven (9 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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5. UFOs, A Thing Of The Past?

UFO’s Were a Thing of the Past

people are under the misconception that unidentified flying objects are a
relatively recent

phenomenon. And, what most people do not realize is that the Bible
contains numerous references to

such ariel phenomena. A more careful scrutiny of other ancient writings
reveals that UFO’s were truly a

thing of the past. Native American cultures of Central and South
America speak of visitors from the sky

who descended and walked on the soil of our earth for a while,
teaching and directing them.

indigenous to North
America describe the flying apparatus of their god as a “thunder bird,”
conjuring up

vivid imagery of a great, flying “bird” roaring across the sky
― their deity at its helm!

Incas believed that they descended from the “sons of the Sun,” while Mayans

themselves as children of the Pleiades.
There is
impelling biblical evidence that Nibiru follows a

course that cuts right
through the constellation of Pleiades (Job (9:9). Could the Mayan belief have

derived from cosmological knowledge given to them by their
Nibirian masters?

the Vedic Indians knew of the existence of the seven outer planets
(representing the

“zone of flight” to the Nibirians), just as their Mesopotamian
counterparts. This is obvious from an

examination of the following text: “He who stretched apart and
established the six worlds, ...did he also

establish the seventh?
South Sea Islanders conclude that their god, and the
father of their

race, came from heaven in an enormous gleaming “egg.”
The first Chinese heavenly ruler P’an Ku,

discoursed the cosmos 2,229,000 years ago.
natives of Malekula (New Hebrides), describe the

first race of men as being
descended from the “Sons of Heaven.”
Genesis 6:4 reports that the

of God,” or “the sons of Heaven,” were intermarrying with the
daughters of men before the Flood took


Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Akkadian, Hurrian, Egyptian, Hittites, and
Indus Valley

civilizations describe their sky gods as arriving to the earth in
vehicles that sound very much like the

UFO’s of today. In fact, ancient depictions of these flying
machines indicate that there were several

different types of crafts. Sitchin proposes that Mesopotamian
“shems,” were the modem day equivalent of the rocket ship.
In the
archaic literature of India, we find gods discoursing the heavens in “vimanas”
which greatly resembled manned, flying saucers.
Awesome weaponry
is described: laser-

like weapons, missiles, sonic reflectors and nuclear explosives.
Sanskrit and Pali texts predating

anything found in the Old Testament are loaded with references to
flying discs; epic battles among the

gods. There is death and destruction brought about by their
devices that clearly resembles radioactive

Curiously, these gods exist in a
different space-time continuum.
A human

generation is described as
being only a moment to the Indian god Vishnu.
Could this be a
reference to

the expanded time of the Elohim planet, Nibiru?

Vedic texts abound with descriptions of flying disks moving about
between heaven and earth

carrying the gods hither:

"He who hastens through the dark aerial space, ...God Savitar
on his golden chariot comes

toward us, surveying all creatures."

golden hands comes hastening Savitar the god, pursuing busily his work ‘twixt

and earth;
through the dark realm of the air he hastens up to

In the Ghatotrachabadma we are told that a landed vimana resembled
a “beautifully shaped

mound of antimony on the ground.”
For more
descriptions of these gods and flying machines, read

the Rigveda, the Bhagatava
Purana, the Yarjurveda, the Mausala Parva, the Badha Parva, the

Budhasvamin Brihat Katha
Shlokasamgraha, the Boital Pachis, the Panchatantra, and of course the

renowned “Mahabharata.”

Its first book recounts the intimate and intriguing story of an
unmarried maiden named Kunti;

who received a visit from the sun god. Consequently “a boy as
radiant as the sun itself” was born from

the union. (This sounds quite similar to the baby boy born to
Bat-Enosh in the book of Enoch). Kunti

not wishing to be disgraced, placed her child into a basket and
launched him into a river. Adhirata, a

man from the Sua caste, found the child and raised him as his own.
This story is also a close parallel

of the biblical tale of Moses. You will see in later chapters,
that there is a strong possibility that Moses

may have been semi-divine
himself. Again this tale of Kunti and her “sun god,” and their hybrid

offspring, is reminiscent
of Genesis 6:4, when the “Sons of god” came in to the daughters of men, and

they bore children to

The Bible Reports UFOs

Bible contains a wealth of descriptions of unidentified flying apparitions.
Many people

reporting contemporary UFO sightings have described them as being
cylindrical, or cigar-shaped.

fact, NASA has
photographed glowing, white cylindrical objects in flight over the surface of

recent years, the Russians released one of the final frames photographed by
their Phobos 2

probe that was destroyed over Mars in l989.
contains a cylindrical object that is virtually identical

to the one which appears
in NASA frame #As-16-19238, flying over the moon.

In the biblical book of Zecharia we find a description of a
peculiar flying apparition that he

describes as a “flying scroll.” “Its length is 20 cubits, and its
width 10 cubits” (Zecharia 5:1-2). If a

cubit is 18 inches, then the craft described by Zecharia was
thirty feet long and fifteen feet in length.

That’s rather large for a
scroll! Intriguingly, Zecharia was told that the mission of the peculiar object

was to seek out and
destroy “cursed” individuals and their houses (Zecharia 5:3-4). It seems likely

the “flying scroll” was in
reality either a reconnaissance craft, or aerial weapon.

In chapter six, Zecharia was shown two bronze colored flying
objects, with a host of smaller

vehicles emerging from them. The extraterrestrial with whom he had
been speaking, proceeds to

explain to him the mission of the craft: “to patrol the earth,”
(Zecharia 6: 1-6). Larger crafts, or mother

ships, are often reported
releasing smaller reconnaissance vehicles by modem UFO observers. New Testament
writings describe the descending of what could have been an alien craft:
he behold the

sky opened up, and a certain object like a great sheet coming
down, lowered by four corners to the

Acts 10:11.

Extraterrestrials are Reported in the Bible

Note that the object landed and came to rest on what might have
been four landing pods.

Extraterrestrials are often sighted soon after the arrival of one
of these other worldly crafts:

"...Cornelius, a centurion, a righteous and God fearing man
well-spoken of by the nations of the Jews,

was divinely directed by a
holy angel to send for you to come to his house and hear a message from

Acts 10:22.

texts goes on to say: “And Cornelius said, “Four days ago to this hour, I was
praying in my

house during the ninth hour; and behold
a man stood before me
in shining garments, "
(Acts 10:30).

Was the “man” wearing an
interplanetary flight suit? Jesus Christ himself is said to have been “lifted

up,” and “received” by a
“cloud.” Was he lifted by an electromagnetic ray, directed from a flying

saucer, cloaked in cloud
cover? (See Acts 1:9).

are often associated with flying saucers and other UFO phenomena. In fact, the

“cloud” is most likely biblical terminology for either
extraterrestrial craft, or the cloud cover they create

and use to veil
themselves. There is plenty of evidence for both, in ancient writings and
modern day

Jesus rising up and vanishing in a cloud
is not so incredible when you consider this aspect

of the UFO phenomenon (see
Luke 24:51). Christ was not the only personage of the New Testament to

be carried aloft by an
alien craft:

“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago-whether in the
body... or out of the body, I do

not know, God knows,
such a man was caught up to the third
... how such a man, whether in the

body or apart from the
body I do not know, God knows, was caught up into paradise, and heard

inexpressible words, which
a man is not permitted to speak.” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).

The Bible Reports “Out of Body” and Alien Abduction

This sounds similar to modem day reports of abductions by aliens.
Some of them claim that

these experiences occur in an “out of body” state. The man was
taken to the “third heaven,” where he is

told something the average human is not allowed to know about.
(The third heaven is where the “throne

of Heaven” is, and this of course is planet Nibiru. The third
heaven corresponded to the Most Holy

Place in the Hebrew Temple). Some abductees, such as Betty
Andreasson are taken, then shown and

told things of a secret nature. (See
The Andreasson Affair
by Raymond Fowler). We all remember the

story of Elijah, “who went up in a whirlwind to heaven” inside a
“fiery chariot.” (See 2 Kings 2:11).

Atmospheric disturbances or “whirlwinds” are sometimes reported
during the departure, or arrival of a


God Pilots a Spaceship

is ancient pictorial evidence indicating that a “whirlwind” was also a
helicopter type

vehicle used by the gods. Renditions of these craft can be found
among the ruins of Jericho, believed by

Sitchin to be an outpost city of the ancient spaceport of the
Sinai. They are usually depicted as being

black, with whirling wings. In Job 38:1, God speaks to the
patriarch from a “whirlwind” Urakagina, a

ruler of Lagash called these helicopters of the gods, “the divine
black wind bird.”
In Psalms 104, a

dramatic description of
the Deity moving through the sky is heralded:

thyself with light as with a cloak, stretching out heaven like a tent curtain.
He lays

the beams of his upper chambers in the waters;
he makes the
clouds His chariot
; he walks upon the

wings of the wind; He makes the winds His messengers, flaming fire
His ministers.” (Psalms 104:2-4).

Could Job 37:18 be a description of a metallic vessel moving
through space? “Can you, with

Him, spread out the skies, strong as a molten mirror?” Isaiah had
this to say about God and his flying

craft: “For behold
the Lord will come in fire and his chariots
like the whirlwind
, to render His anger

with fury, And His rebuke
with flames of fire.” (Isaiah 66:15).

the book of Abraham found at Qumran, a chariot with “wheels of fire” is
described in great

Jeremiah 4:13 describes God going up like
clouds, and “his chariots like whirlwinds swifter

than eagles.” In chapter
12:5 of Numbers, God is described as having come down to Earth in a “pillar of

cloud.” Could it have been
a Mesopotamian “shem” rocket? The book of Enoch refers to a fantastic

voyage into outer space;
in which the prophet is taken up into the heavens, shown celestial secrets,

brought back to earth in order to pass this knowledge along to

Enoch Taken Into Outer-Space

“Enoch was born on the sixth day of the month Tsivan, and lived
three-hundred and sixty-five

He was taken up to heaven on the first day of the month
Tsivan and remained in heaven sixty

days. He wrote all these signs of all creation, which the Lord
created, and Wrote three-hundred and

sixty-six books, and
handed them over to his sons, and remained on earth thirty days, and was again

taken up to heaven on the
sixth day of the month Tsivan, on the very day and hour he was born.”

(Enoch LXVIII:1-3).

Book of Enoch Not Part of “Transmission”

the numerical ranks of Sumerian deities, 60 and 30.
And, the
number 366, obviously

represents an earth year of 365.25 days. The book of Enoch was
widely circulated among the early

Christians. It did not find favor however, with early church
bishops. They felt that since it was not

canonized by Ezra the priest, that it was not valid scripture.
(Ezra was responsible for selecting the

books of the Old Testament).
There are other books
mentioned in the biblical writings, but omitted in

the completed canon, that
may not have been included for a reason. They would have interfered with

the precise mathematical
message of the Old and New Testaments. That is, the original layout of 49

books, synonymous with a
Sabbatical cycle, and possibly the “equidistant letter sequencing” code of the

Old Testament. This does
not mean that they were not valid works regarding the Nibirians, it simply

means that Ezra did not
include them because he was required to match the books included in canon to a

letter of the Hebrew
alphabet. Once these letters were used up, certain books had to be sacrificed.

certain parts of Enoch are so like verses from the Old and New Testaments, that

seems that
those of the New Testament era deemed it proper to cite verses from it (Jude

Because the events of Enoch occurred before the Flood, the
contents of the book must have been passed

down orally for many generations before it was finally written
down. Now, if it were passed down

orally, it could be that later writers greatly embellished it to make
up for damaged or lost portions. This

could be another reason why Ezra did not see fit to canonize it,
because portions of it may have been in

question. The first extant texts of the book of Enoch, were found
by James Bruce in Egypt in 1773. The

Ethiopic translation was made from the Greek, and a Hebrew text
may have preceded the Greek one.

Even though sections of
Enoch may not be authentic, there is enough that lends it credibility, and

clearly supports the theory that God is an extraterrestrial from
the outer fringes of the solar system, to

make it worthwhile reading.

Enoch “Beamed” Aboard Spaceship

book also gives an accounting of how Enoch was taken into space. A rendering
that sounds

very much like a large spacecraft hovering over the land, blocking
out the sun, and “lifting” him aboard

using an electromagnetic ray. Once he arrives, this ship departs,
and with it the darkness that had

covered the land:

Enoch had talked to the people,
the Lord sent out darkness on to the earth,
and there was

darkness, and it covered those men standing with Enoch, and they
took Enoch up to the highest heaven,

where the Lord is; and he
received him and placed him before his face. and the darkness went of the

earth, and light came
The people saw and did not understand how Enoch had been taken. They

glorified God, then found
a roll in which was traced the ‘invisible God;’ and all went to their homes.”

(Enoch LXVII: 1-2)

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