War In Heaven (5 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Involved in Interplanetary War

“War In
Heaven!" illustrates how the creation of man caused controversy among the

before the
Flood; and the consequences of that dispute for mankind. You will discover the identity
and purpose of antichrist, and why scripture predicts a “war of the worlds”
when Christ returns with the “army of Heaven.” You will also learn of the
political situation between Nibiru and earth, before and since the Flood.

appearance and role of the UFO in the pages of the Bible will be discussed.
And, the role these “heavenly chariots” and the “Spirit ray” will play during
the second coming of Christ. You will learn more about the motivations of the
Nibirians through an analysis of archaic writings not found in the Bible.

evidence provided by NASA probes of the Moon and Mars, reveal what might be
ravages of nuclear war on both worlds. The New Testament scriptures describe
“warfare in Heavenly places;” and other Babylonian texts identify the adversary
of the God of the Old Testament, who tried to seize control of Heaven and earth
during the time of Daniel. Read this provocative interpretation of ancient data
to find out what will happen when Nibiru again reaches the asteroid belt during
the biblical “Day of the Lord.”


explains why Bode’s law, a mathematical planetary progression indicates that
there should be a large planet where the asteroid belt now lies, and that earth
should not be where it is.

3. Nibirian Physiology And Its
Connection To The Orbit Of Plane Nibiru

Longevity Tied to 3,600 Year Orbit

The physical appearance and longevity of the people of planet
Nibiru, appears to have evolved

from the extremely elliptical, fantastically long orbit of their
planet. Since a year on their world takes

3,600 earth years to complete, it seems completely plausible that
beings evolving under such conditions

would acquire extraordinarily long life spans - or, so they seem
to us. Logically, the people of Nibiru

should be capable of living a number of their yearly cycles, just
as human beings are designed to do.

We humans must now discard our preconceived notions of time. We
invariably think of time only from

our own perspective as earthlings. However, we must learn to think
of time as flexible, tied to the rate

of a planet’s revolution about the sun, as well as its distance
from the sun. If you examine the following

chart, you will see that
as a planet increases in distance from the sun, so then does its orbital
period, or


normal human life span on earth is about 70 of our years. If a Nibirian lived
70 “shars,” or

years in his reckoning of time, he would be 252,000 earth years in
age. According to Bodes Law,

planets follow a predictable mathematical progression from the
sun, increasing in distance the further

out they get. It would seem logical that the further out a planet
is, the longer the life spans of its

inhabitants. The length of their lives would be tied to specific
numbers of years, pertaining to their

orbital periods about the sun, no matter how great a period of
time. (This would be feasible only if their

planet was capable of
supporting life). And, since the orbital period increases the further out you

then the
planet the farthest away should have the greatest life span. If humanoid life
had evolved on

Mars, which has a year that is equivalent to 687 earth days, then
a person living 70 of their years would

be about 132 earth years in age. It seems quite logical that time
is different for other dwellers in the


Heaven is Bright, Rayed Planet

Vedic texts describe an “eternal day” in Heaven: “Where there is eternal light,
in the

world where the sun is placed, in the immortal, imperishable world
place me... where the secret place of

Heaven is ... there make me immortal!” (IX.,1l3).
Bible also alludes to an eternal day in Heaven.

This seems to confirm
archaic Mesopotamian descriptions of the planet Nibiru as having an internal

resulting in its being a “bright rayed planet.”
As the Vedic text
implied, Heaven is a “world

there the sun is placed.” This must be a reference to its ability
to glow, and give off light, probably from

a very powerful internal radiation of some kind. This radiation is
probably responsible for its ability to

maintain a life-sustaining heat source so far from the sun. The
internal ability to radiate heat, and light,

probably causes the
glowing aura of the Nibirians. It is probably this peculiar ability that has
made it

possible for them to evolve and survive on a planet that travels
so far from the sun.

Nibirians Radiate Light

are numerous ancient accounts of meetings with these beings. Daniel 10:5-6
describe the

prophet’s meeting with an “angel;” or Nibirian, along the banks of
the Tigris river during the third year

of the reign of Cyrus king of Persia. This “certain man” had a
face with “the appearance of lightning, ”

and his “eyes were like flaming torches.” He was “dressed in
linen,” and “his waist was girded with a

belt of pure gold of Uphaz.” His body was like “beryl” or “yellow
serpentine.” His arms and feet

gleamed like “polished bronze,” and the “sound of his words were
like the sound of a tumult.”

Apparently, he was human in appearance, for Daniel referred to him
as a “man” (verse 5). Again in

verse sixteen he states that “one who resembled a human being was
touching his lips.” Clearly this certain man” was from Heaven, for Daniel asked
in verse seventeen “... how can such a servant of my

lord, talk with such as my
lord?" Daniel knew he was in the presence of a “lord,” or ruler from
heaven and he knew this because of two things.

first clue was the unusual appearance of the being. The man clearly had the
ability to “glow, ”

for his face had the “appearance of lightning.” The peculiar “man”
also sounded different. His voice

was like the sound of a tumult. The word for tumult can also mean
roaring. It would seem then that the

man had either a very loud voice, or he was speaking through a
loudspeaker. The second reason he

knew that he was speaking to someone from Heaven is because of his
own reaction to the being: “. . .no

strength was left in me, for my natural color turned to a deathly
pallor, and I retained no strength.” (See

verse 8). Curiously, verse nine tells us that Daniel actually
“fell into a deep sleep,” face down on the ground after hearing the sound of
the man’s words. We are not told what the man said to Daniel, only

that he spoke, and the
result was Daniel feeling sick and so weak he fell asleep face down. Verse 7

us that the men who were with Daniel did not see the “vision” of
the man, yet “a great dread fell on

them and they ran away to hide themselves.” If they didn’t see
anything, then why did they run away?

answer to that falls in the second reason that Daniel knew he was in the
presence of a

heavenly lord. Melam and ni are two Sumerian words that are often
linked. The Babylonians called the

Melam, Melammu, and it is the brilliant, visible glamor exuded by
the gods. It was a phenomenon of

light, that was terrifying and awe inspiring. Ni is the Sumerian
word used to describe the experience of

the creeping of the flesh as one came in the presence of a Melammu
field. In other words, the melammu

could be both seen and felt. The men with Daniel may have been
prevented from seeing the Nibirian by

hypnotic suggestion or some other method, but the sensing of the
electrical field generated by this

manifestation of divine auric light could not be concealed. If a
Mesopotamian Deity were killed, his

Melammu was destroyed.
Thus it appears that this
ability to glow, is actually a manifestation of their

inner kyrillian field, a
field so intense that it can be seen and felt. This is most probably their

life force.* A biological force tied into the long orbital cycle
of their planet and a product of evolution

on their world. Thus, Daniel not only saw and heard the Nibirian,
he felt him as well. The energy

generated by the being he encountered was enough to sicken him,
and cause his face to take on a

“deathly pallor.” It was only after the Nibirian physically
touched him, that Daniel was able to revive

and make it trembling to
his hands and knees. (Daniel 10:10).

Nibirians Transmit Energy Through Touch

1:14 describe the resurrected and ascended Christ as having a head and hair
that was

“white, like wool, like snow;” and whose “eyes were like a flame
of fire.” John seeing the resurrected

Christ said this: “I fell at His feet as a dead man.” He apparently
passed out ― perhaps from being in

close proximity to this now heavenly being. Like Daniel before
him, once physically touched by Christ,

John was able to go on (Revelation 1:17). Did Christ and the
Nibirian transmit some of their own

energy force into the humans made weak by their presence? If this
visible energy force can strengthen,

then chances are it can be used to heal as well, and may explain
why Christ was able to heal by touch,

and even by presence. We will discuss this further in a future chapter.

descriptions found in the Bible of angels, describe them as having a “face like

Angels are often clad in white linen. When Christ was in the
garden at Gethsemane, on the Mount of

Olives, he was praying so hard that his “sweat became like drops
of blood, falling down upon the

ground.” Fearing his coming tribulation and death, he prayed for
deliverance. During this fearful and

fervent prayer, “an angel from Heaven appeared to Him,
strengthening Him.” (Luke 22:43) Did he

touch Christ, and thus empower him? Luke 24:4-5 describes how
after the death of Christ some women

entered the tomb to anoint the body of their Lord. They
encountered two men who suddenly stood near

them in dazzling apparel.
The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground. Again, fear in

the presence of angels ~
people from Nibiru. A fear which may have been ignited by their “melammu.”

Ancient Texts Report Nibirian Hybrids on Earth

book of Enoch describes the newly born Noah as having “flesh as white as snow,

“white, like wool,” and eyes that illuminated the house. He was
also born with the peculiar ability to

speak, which frightened the midwife considerably. From his
appearance alone, Noah alarmed his father,

Lamech so much that he immediately
ran to his own father Methuselah. Lamech instantly recognized

that this child was not
his, but belonged to one of the giants, one of the “Watchers of Heaven.””

Genesis 6:1-4 tells us
that beings who came from Heaven took human wives and consequently had
offspring. Therefore we know that at one time, a different kind of human being
existed here on earth.

Hybrid men and women, possessing more of a “Heavenly” nature than
what one sees today were once

common place.

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