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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Code is Symbolic Savior

Mankind was
promised a “savior” millennia ago. This encrypted information could very well
be that savior’s first “word” to us. John 1:1 speaking of Christ, tells us that
“the Word was God,” and that it “was with God.” If this is the case, then the
special concealed book can be looked upon as synonymous with Christ, the living
word of God (Revelation l9:l3), humanities promised Messiah. Since the word of
God was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, then Christ must be the encoder of the
hidden text, the Messiah, and the God of the Old Testament. (Christ pre-existed
himself as his Father. Christ as a hybrid-clone of his father will be explained
in a future chapter). Because the legal contract of the Bible was initiated by
the King of Heaven, our forefathers entered a political “agreement” with the
head of state existing on another world. This covenant is to be executed by the
political hybrid, Jesus Christ who was both “god” and a “Son of Man.”

Politically Involved with Extraterrestrials

To understand
the complete ramifications of these findings, then we must accept the notion
that mankind is politically involved with extraterrestrials, whether he
realizes it or not. The implications of this will become obvious as you read
this book. Both the political and physical changes prophesied to occur on earth
in the “end times,” are directly related to the planet where the “kingdom of
the Heavens” is in existence. This is the government and planet from which our
fathers from the heavens originated. To ascertain more about the political
motivations of the Nibirians, we must learn more about the planet itself
― including its orbital data. To acquire orbital information about the
planet, not found in the Bible, we must first examine writings that precede the
biblical texts.

is Planet Heaven, “Planet of Crossing”

In the
Babylonian version of the “Epic of Creation” (Enuma Elish) tablet seven, we are
told that “Nebiru shall hold the passage of heaven and earth, so they (the
planets) shall not cross above and below without heeding him.” The text
describes how “Nebiru is his (Marduk’s
) star” and how it crosses
back and forth without resting in the midst of Tiamat. (Tiamat was originally a
planet between Jupiter and Mars destroyed by a planetary collision between
Nebiru and itself. The asteroid belt, and earth are what remains of this huge
planet. Also, a “star” in the ancient world could be used to represent a
planet). “Nebiru (“crossing”) shall be his name, who holds its position in its
midst.” What these lines of the epic are telling us is that there is a planet
called “NE.BI.RU” that while in perigee, periodically “crosses” the orbit of
the asteroid belt. It destroyed and took the place of the planet Tiamat, or
Tehom in Hebrew. (Tehom means “watery deep.” Tiamat was believed to be a large
planet covered in water). It now “holds its position in its midst,” the
asteroid belt, the place once held by Tiamat. Astronomers know this planet as
the tenth planet beyond Pluto. The Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the
mysterious twelfth body of our solar system.
And they believed
that it was the “heaven” where their gods came from, the “planet of crossing.”

Periodically Appears in Asteroid Belt

Mesopotamian and Hebrew texts refer to Heaven as being in the asteroid belt.

called it the “Rakia” or “hammered bracelet” where “Shamaim” or Heaven is
found. The Akkadians called this region the “rakkis,” also meaning “hammered
bracelet,” because it was fastened into a permanent great circle, or orbit. It
seemed highly plausible that this planet Nibiru would periodically appear in
the asteroid belt. For it is most certainly in an orbit fixed around the sun.
And, it seems highly probable that the planet that crosses the asteroid belt,
was also the “kingdom of the Heavens” mentioned in the Bible.
ancient symbol for this mysterious planet was the cross, for obvious reasons,
and it was often depicted as a cross inside a winged globe.
Christ’s death on the “cross,” symbolized that the “way to heaven was by the
cross,” the symbol for planet Nibiru, planet Heaven.

System Divided Into Two Parts

Mesopotamians, and people of Nibiru, viewed the solar system in two distinct
parts. The first, most important part was the “zone of flight,” or planets that
covered the space occupied by the heavenly bodies from Nibiru’s apogee to
earth. It was these six planets that the Nibirians had to pass on the voyage to
earth from their home world. When in its perigee, in the asteroid belt, Nebiru
is the celestial body that separates the planets that are above, from those
that are below. In Mesopotamian cosmology, the planets in the above group were
Nibiru, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Those below were
earth, the moon, Venus, Mercury and the sun. The New Testament reflects this
Nibirian and Mesopotamian take on the solar system in John 8:23, when Christ
stated: “You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world; I am not
of this world.” (In other words, he came from a planet considered to be above

Earth Year Orbit of Nibiru, Catalyst for Deluge

According to
Mesopotamian clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform writing, this legendary
world moves in an elliptical, comet-like orbit that requires 3,600 earth years
to complete.
During its cycle, it passes between Jupiter and Mars;
creating havoc by disturbing bodies in the asteroid belt with its powerful
gravitational attraction. According to Heraclitus of Ephesus, every third orbit
of “Nibiru” spells disaster here on earth.
This may be a result of
a pole shift. The Great Flood of Genesis chapters six through eight, was most
likely caused by one of these third orbits of Nibiru. It resulted in a pole
shift, causing oceans to trade places with dry land. The Polar ice caps slip
off into the sea, creating fierce rain storms, gigantic hail, and finally
tremendous flooding from an avalanche of water.
Huge earthquakes
and freakish darkness also occur before this horrifying event. Flood accounts
from all over the world undoubtedly originated with the last occurrence of this
terrifying phenomenon.

Periodically Visible from Earth

The ancient,
almost universal symbol for this planet was the cross, because the planet
crosses the asteroid belt during its perigee.
The Hebrews believed
that “Heaven,” or the “rakia shamaim” was located between Jupiter and Mars.
Their forefathers said that the asteroid belt was the “hammered bracelet” where
Heaven was seen on a periodic basis.* Obviously, if one were to turn a
telescope there now, nothing but asteroids and other debris would be found.
Heaven would not be visible amongst this orbiting rubble. However, this is an
essential clue that Heaven is a planet, traveling in a predictable orbit. Just
because it is not visible there now, does not mean that it won’t be found there
eventually, for sooner or later the planet will return in its orbital cycle to
this same place, Matthew 3:2 literally states that “the kingdom of the Heavens
has come near.” If it has come near, then where was it before? Again, this
seems to indicate a planetary body which periodically returns to the asteroid
belt. And when it does reappear, it is visible from earth. The book of Enoch
the prophet describes how Uriel, an angel, had shown Enoch the solar system and
how it worked. He then conveyed what conditions on earth would be like for
humanity in the last days before the Great Flood. He described how seasons
would be effected, there would be no rain, and harvests would diminish. But
most important of all, Uriel explained that “. . .in those days Heaven shall be
In other words, the planet where the “kingdom of the
heavens” is established, would then be seen with the naked eye.

was Lowered from Heaven”

Planet Nibiru
was synonymous with the number twelve both in Mesopotamian texts and biblical
There were twelve celestial bodies in
the solar system, and of them planet Nibiru is the “supreme” planet, the
highest in rank. Nibiru was the supreme political authority both before and
after the Flood. Following the global catastrophe however, “kingship was
lowered from Heaven.” Human kings were eventually established to rule over
mankind, and to replace the Nibirian sovereigns which had ruled before the
great Deluge.
Some Sumerian king lists, known as text W-B/ 144,
and W-B/62 name these ten pre-Diluvial monarchs who reigned for fantastic time
periods, according to earthly measurements. King A.LU.LIM, ruled 28,800 years
(eight Nibirian years), while King A.LAL.GAR ruled 36,000 years (l0 Nibirian
According to Berosus, the Babylonian astronomer priest, the
combined rule of all recorded pre-Diluvial kings was 120 Nibirian years
(432,000 earth years divided by 3,600 = 120).

Knew Orbital Period of God’s Planet

Genesis 6:3
explains that the days of man shall be “one hundred and twenty years” before
God would destroy him with the Great Flood. (It was not a deliberate act of the
Hebrew Deity to destroy man, but the passing of the Deity’s planet - Nibiru that
caused the Flood). Sitchin pointed out that this120 years was from the Deity’s
perspective, and that it was not 120 earth years spoken of, but Nibirian years
called “shars.”
In other words, Genesis records for us that the
Elohim on planet Heaven, realized their world would destroy mankind by causing
a global flood after they had been here for l20 of their orbits. The authors of
Genesis then, were aware of the orbital period of God’s planet Nibiru, and that
it was actually responsible for the Great Flood. The Hebrew patriarchs and
priests most likely recognized the fact that pre-Diluvial kings, and thus
political authority descended from that world.

Connected Their Deity with Nibiru

veneration of the “Heavenly planet” and its number is why there were twelve
tribes of

Israel, and
twelve disciples of Christ.
A year on planet Nibiru was called a
“sar,” or “shar.”
This also meant “supreme,” and was sometimes
connected to their king, though it could also mean only year. The Babylonians
and Hebrews connected their supreme deity with the supreme planet.
When the texts spoke of God Elohim, it could refer to either the planet, or the
“king of Heaven,” the God (Eloah). (The Hebrew priests might have recognized
that it was not God the Deity, but God the planet who was responsible for the
Deluge, though this is not obvious in the translated text, There are numerous
other references to God, assuming the characteristics of the planet elsewhere
in the Old Testament). In Hebrew sar means “a head person or ruler.” At one
time, the ruler of Nibiru was named Anu. BySumerian tradition, rulership
flowed from Anu; and the term for “kingship” was Anutu (Anu-ship).Thus the
Sumerians described the orbital period of this supreme planet as a “year of
Ann.” This practice of connecting a ruler to a year was later performed on
earth. The Persian “shah” (king) meant supreme ruler. The title “shah” is an
obvious derivation of the more ancient term “shar.” (The word sar in Persian
means head).
And, in the New Testament, it is Jesus Christ who is
the “head” of the church, his body politic.

Maintains Political Authority

Since planet
Nibiru was called “the kingdom of the Heavens” in the Bible, the number twelve that
designated this supreme member of the solar system, also represented political
authority. Command as in the head, or ruler of that planet ― the Supreme
God and King of Nibiru (Heaven). Ephesians 5:23 states that Christ is the
“head” of the church, or its ruler. The “body” of Christ is the church (Romans
12:4-5), which represents his political authority on earth while he is away.
The idea that Christ ascended into Heaven, and departed from his twelve
disciples is symbolic of the central religious event of ancient Mesopotamia,
the twelve-day New Year Festival. This was directly tied into this association
of the “King of Heaven” with the planet Heaven itself, and its orbital cycle.
In other words, Christ can now represent his planet ― Nibiru, because he
is “King of the Gods.”" (All “authority in heaven and on earth” has been
given to him, Matthew 28:l8). Thus he is the head, or “sar” meaning ruler, and
he represents Nibiru.

New Year Festival Symbolized the Orbit of Nibiru

twelve-day New Year Festival was itself symbolic of the orbit of the Twelfth
Planet, the

makeup of the
solar system, and the journey of the Nibirians to earth. In Babylon, the
festival followed a strict and detailed ritual. Each portion, act and prayer
had a traditional reason and a specific meaning.

ceremonies started on the first day of Nisan, then the first month of the year
coinciding with the Spring equinox. For eleven days the other gods with a
celestial status (a planet of the solar system assigned to them) joined Marduk,
who exemplified the “kingly planet” in a prescribed order. On the twelfth day,
each of the other gods departed to his own abode, and Marduk was left alone in
his magnificence. The parallel to the appearance of Marduk within the planetary
system, his “visit” with the eleven other members of the solar system, and the
separation on the twelfth day - leaving the Twelfth god to go on as “King of
the Gods,” but in isolation from them is obvious.
This ceremony
emulated the appearance of Nibiru into the solar system during its perigee, and
then its lonely separation from the other planets as it returned to its apogee.
The fact that this was a new “year” celebration is interesting, for a new year
really marks the beginning of a new orbital period.

Represents Nibiru and Political Authority

Christ, who
represents Heaven or Nibiru, is the “kingly planet.” The eleven disciples

Iscariot had
committed suicide before Christ ascended, Matthew 2715), symbolized the other
members of the solar system. When Christ left, he exemplified the Twelfth God who
went on as “King of the Gods,” but apart from the others. This portrayed Nibiru
leaving the solar system and traveling into apogee. John 17:2 says that Christ
has authority over all mankind, given to him by his Father. Matthew 28:18
states that Christ has all “authority on Heaven and on earth.” His father, as
King of Heaven on Nibiru, has made Christ “God of Heaven and Earth” just as
Nibiru represents the “King of the Gods. The King of Nibiru has played out the
“Twelve day New Year festival” in the death and resurrection of Christ, as a
symbol of Christ’s political authority in relation to planet Nibiru. (Christ
will be the subject of a future chapter).

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