War In Heaven (2 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

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was a Sumerian

The Bible
tells us that Abraham, the father of the Hebrew nation, originated in Ur, a
city in what was once Sumeria (Genesis ll:3l). He would have been well aware of
the existence of these “gods from space.” There is evidence that his own father
was a priest to one of them. The name of Abraham’s father was “Terah,” a name
in Sumerian meaning “fate speaker,” or pronouncer of oracles. This means that
Terah was an “Oracle Priest,” one assigned to approaching the “stone that
whispers” to hear and relay the words of the Deity to the layman, This was
later the function of the Israelite High Priest, who entered the Most Holy
Place to hear the words of the Deity from off the overlay which was upon the
ark of the covenant, from between the two cherubim. These priests served as
mediators between humans and their extraterrestrial “Lords.”
carefully chosen men had access to the communication devices provided for them
in the temples. The gods, hidden from the masses in their spacecraft, conveyed
their commands and proclamations to humanity. Abraham, the son of a priest, may
have been chosen to establish the Hebrew nation for that very reason. He had
experience as a mediator. Abraham as a Sumerian, and priest to the gods, would
tend to explain why so many concepts within the biblical texts are framed
within Mesopotamian religious ideology.

Created as Slave Race to Serve Gods From Space

“When Gods
were man,” is an account found within the old Babylonian version of Atra-Hasis,
the story of the Flood, and clearly reveals how and why man came to be upon the
earth. The title is taken from the first line of the text. It describes a time
on earth when only the gods were here. They had come to earth for the purpose
of mining gold. The work was hard, and the narrative details a fierce rebellion
among them, leading to hostilities against their leaders. Ruling gods came from
heaven in an effort to stem the mutiny. The god Enki suggested the creation of
a primitive worker, a slave to the gods, who would undertake the arduous task
of toiling in the mines. Man was to “assume the drudgery of god.” This “man”
was to be created from the clay of earth, and from the blood of a slaughtered
god. The clay referred to a primitive humanoid already in existence here on
earth -- in all likelihood the upright ape creature we call homo-erectus.

Has Extraterrestrial DNA

This organism
was to somehow be mixed with the blood, or DNA of a god. The ancient text

states that
from “the flesh of a god, the spirit was to remain, so that the living would
know its sign.” In other words, the creature would be forever changed, taking
on desirable characteristics of the gods. (The New Testament states that we
were once “slaves to god” in Galatians 4:7). The Hebrew texts describe the
creation of man, and his mate Eve, but echo the concept that man was created
“in the image of God, by gods.” In fact, the Hebrew scriptures retain a
decision by plural deities to create man. (Genesis 1:26-27). This is more
evidence that we are dealing with not one Generic Deity, but a race of multiple
beings. Later portions of the Babylonian text describe the great Flood, and the
destruction of all but a remnant of mankind, just as Genesis chapters six
through eight record it in the Hebrew

Again, why would the Hebrews borrow the Flood story from older writings?

NE.BI.RU is Planet Beyond Pluto

It was clear
to me and other scholars, that the early chapters of Genesis are simply edited

versions of
these much older Mesopotamian stories, and that the Bible had its roots in that
culture. My own studies of Mesopotamian writings, and Vedic Indian texts
describing Heaven, depict a world of radiant light. Heaven is a location with
special life-giving water, and it is a place of eternity. This soon led me to
concur with Sitchin ― that the God of the Old Testament came to earth
from a nearby world, in all probability, the planet Nibiru. It was his
assertion that the “Sons of God” described in Genesis 624, originated on
Nibiru, the tenth planet that lies beyond Pluto, and that this is a reference
to the origin of the Elohim. The Sumerians counted Nibiru as the twelfth member
of the solar system.
They considered the sun, earth’s moon, and the
other nine planets as celestial bodies making up the twelve components of our solar
systems Intriguingly, NASA has issued press releases indicating that something
is perturbing the orbits of Pluto and Neptune, and that a previously undetected
member of the solar system might be responsible.

Received Torah From Extraterrestrials

If the God of
the Old Testament was one of the Mesopotamian Deities himself, then wouldn’t he
have consulted the original texts when having his angels prepare the Torah (the
first five books of the Bible) for Moses on Mt. Sinai? (Galatians 3:19, and Acts
7:53 state that the “Law” was ordained by angels. The Torah is synonymous with
the law. Acts 7:38 says that an angel was speaking to Moses on Mt. Sinai). The
angels of Mt. Sinai clearly edited these earlier versions of the Flood, and the
Creation of Man, while they fixed their writing with the “politically correct”
slant in favor of the Hebrew Deity. Bear in mind that the Hebrew word for
angel, “malachim” means “emissary from heaven.” In other words, members of
God’s own race, travelers from his planet, were dispensed to Mt. Sinai with
these first five books of the Bible. Since Moses did not begin meeting with God
on Mt. Sinai until well into the book of Exodus, I wondered how he was given
the other three successive books when the events in them had not transpired
yet. The answer to this question is quite startling.

Contains Concealed Computer Code

Hebrew legend
has it that when Moses went up to Mt. Sinai to receive the “Law,” or Torah, it

was given to
him “contiguous, without break of words.” In its original form, there were no
spaces between the words.
This lead Dr. Eliyahu Rips, an Israeli
mathematician, to uncover the startling fact that a complex computer code
exists in the Bible. It is formed by what is now called “equidistant letter
sequencing.” Every 7, 12, or 50 (etc.) letters forms a new word hidden in the
texts. This, of course, means that the Bible contains secret, or concealed
messages. There are messages inside of the message! (I’ll explain how some of
these messages relate to Nibiru in future chapters). The Bible itself refers to
this special “sealed," or “concealed” book, in Isaiah 29:11, where it is
explained that no one could read this book. In Daniel 12:4, an angel, or
emissary from Heaven commands Daniel thus: “conceal these words and seal up the
book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will
increase.” Again we are told about a special “sealed” book, containing a
“concealed” message for the “end times.” Interestingly, Revelation 5:1
describes a book “written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals.”
Revelation 5:3 states: “...no one in heaven, or on the earth, or under the
earth, was able to open the book or look into it.” The reason that no person in
Heaven or on earth could open it is obvious! This “concealed” book can only be
decrypted using a computer! Ironically, the hidden coded text of Daniel 12:4

Signals Beginning of “End Times”

Since the
book was sealed, it was not intended to be opened until a specific time in

history. This
was to be an age of technological advancement, a time of rapid mass transit
― the period in which the computer would be in existence. This era is
referred to in the Bible as the “latter days, or the “end times.” Therefore its
opening signals that we have entered the prophesied season. The discovery of an
encrypted computer code in the biblical texts received widespread attention
with the publication of Michael Drosnin’s book: The Bible Code. It soon became
quite clear that the Bible is something far more than it appears to be on the
surface. It is a series of mathematically coded transmissions from a
non-terrestrial source. The next question was why? What was the purpose of such
an encrypted message for a future age? Since I believed that these
extraterrestrials were politically involved with earth in the past, I realized
that perhaps they still were, though in a less-open, more secretive fashion. I
wanted to discover what their motivations really were, and what this meant for
mankind. Did the computer code reveal its own purpose?

is Legal Contract with Extraterrestrials

Now I
realized two things about the Bible that most people did not. First, that the scriptures

which shaped
western civilization, were of extraterrestrial origin. And second, that the
Bible itself contained a secret mathematically coded message, reserved for the
end times. What was this top-secret message, and why was it necessary to encrypt
it? Further analysis yielded even more information about this amazing book. The
Bible is divided into two major sections - the Old and New Testaments. A
Testament in ancient times was the same thing as a “covenant” or agreement. In
other words, it was a legal contract. Therefore, the Old Testament itself is a
legal agreement between the Hebrew Deity, an extraterrestrial, and the
descendants of Abraham. The New Testament is a legal transaction between the
Hebrew Deity, his son Jesus Christ and both gentiles and Hebrews alike. But,
why do we need such a legal contract?

are Beneficiaries of Bible Contract

It stems back
to the original reason for our creation. In the beginning, we were slaves to
God, but under New Testament Law, we are now considered sons and heirs to God
(Galatians 4:7). Mesopotamian texts describe inheritance laws, as illustrated
by examples between the gods and their offspring, and even their hybrid earth
children. Law codes by which men lived in Mesopotamia were ordained by the gods.
It stands to reason that the social and lineage laws applying to men were
copies of those pertaining to the deities. Court and family records found in
archaeological digs in such sites as Mari and Nuzi have confirmed that the
biblical customs and laws by which the Hebrew patriarchs lived, were the laws
by which kings and noblemen were bound throughout Mesopotamia.
Studying the problems of succession faced by biblical patriarchs such as
Abraham and Isaac, reflects the customs and laws of the Nibirian culture
transplanted on the earthly one. Since Nibirian culture dominated earthly
culture during the time of the Bible, it is prudent that we recognize their
laws and how they operate. Under Nibirian inheritance laws, children as heirs
retain certain rights. One of those rights is “citizenship in Heaven.” (See
Philippians 3:2O). This means that those who are the beneficiaries of the
“contract” will receive their “reward” in heaven (Matthew 5:l2), and part of
this reward is eternal life on that planet, living as a citizen there. However,
the beneficiary of the contract, must know the benefactor, for the Bible states
that there is only one name “under heaven” by “which we must be saved.” (Acts
4:l2). That name is Jesus Christ. John 5, verses 19-27 tell us that in order to
have eternal life, one must believe in the Son of God, as well as in the
Father, for the Father has given all judgment to the Son, because he is also a
Son of Man. (I will explain the importance of Christ as a political hybrid in
the chapter: The Son of Man). Though we were once a race of slaves, owned by
Elohim, our status can be legally changed by acknowledging the New “Testament”
or contract transacted through Jesus Christ.

Nannar-Sin is the Hebrew Deity

Mesopotamian text “To Sin,” shows how Nannar-Sin, the Mesopotamian moon-Deity,
went back to Heaven and staged a military coup to seize power in Heaven. It is
my opinion that he was compelled to do this on behalf of mankind.
82 in the Bible seems to corroborate this text, and to supply details not found
in the Babylonian prayer. It describes how God went to the congregation of the
gods, and meted out judgment and punishment for those deities who mistreated
their human charges, decreeing death for them. As “king of Heaven,” “god of the
gods,” “Lord of Lords,” he would now be able to act on behalf of mankind
through direct military action if necessary. Both Testaments provide ample
evidence that the Hebrews worshiped a moon-god. Many Hebrew Holy days revolved
around the moon and its cycles. Moses led the Hebrews into the Sinai peninsula
after their Exodus from Egypt. The word “Sinai” means “Sin’s land.” In other
words, he had taken them into the territory held by his God. Moses went up to
Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah. It stands to reason that the emissaries from
heaven who were on the mountain, were sent there to represent the God of that
territory―Nannar-Sin, the Mesopotamian moon deity. In the Mezzuzah, the
letter “sin” appears as a acronym for “Shaday,” a name for God. Some evidence
adduced by scholars suggests that YHWH, the god of Israel, was once regarded as
a moon-god. The moon-cult seems to have been particularly prominent in early
Semitic religion in the Siniatic region.

of Contract Initiated Upon Decryption

Bear in mind
that Revelation 5:1-5 describe a special book “sealed with seven seals.” This
book could only be opened by the Messiah. When the first seal was broken
(Revelation 611), this was synonymous with the opening of the “sealed book.” It
signifies not only the beginning of the end times, but the first step in the
execution of the legal “covenant,” or contract between mankind and the God of
Heaven. The Mesopotamian deities had their own seals for marking their
property, or for giving their agreement to legal documents. Seals were used to
signify the property or agreement of the administration.
Therefore, when the “sealed” book of Revelation was opened, the legal agreement
was enacted. Phase one of the agreement has been bequeathed to us. In other
words we have “inherited” part of our reward, and steps are being taken to
ensure that the rest of the contract will be fulfilled. But, what is the
purpose of this hidden computer code in the Bible? How can these messages
inside a message be part of our inheritance?

Code is Part of Legal Contract

The code
itself provides “computer projected probabilities” for the fate of mankind. It

appear that
someone knew all physical, political, and scientific data relating to earth,
and were able to feed it into some super-sophisticated computer. As a result,
they had the future as a series of “projected probabilities.” It would have
been possible then, to hand Moses Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy on Mt.
Sinai, along with Genesis and Exodus. But more importantly, the hidden
computerized code held vital information for the future, such as the dates for
earthquakes, economic upheavals, political eruptions, comets and asteroids on
collision courses with earth, and assassinations. Remember that the Torah was
where God revealed his purpose for Israel, and his covenant with them. (Exodus
l9:6, the Hebrews were to be a “kingdom of priests.” Genesis l7:l-7, Abraham is
told by God of an everlasting covenant between the two, which would also
include succeeding generations of Hebrews). Therefore, the most significant
message predicted by the code, are possible dates for an Armageddon that will
revolve around the state of Israel. Ironically, the words: ‘CODE WILL SAVE,”
are found right above “atomic holocaust,” and just below “the end of days.”
If man has sense enough to use the information provided within the Bible Code,
then humanity has the chance to survive the dark days prophesied by the Hebrew
prophets thousands of years ago.

The Talmud
states that if only one letter of a Torah is incorrect, the entire Torah must
be destroyed by burial." Only now do we realize why this was necessary.
Changing even one letter in the Torah would have distorted the mathematical
“equidistant letter sequencing” of the computer code. This important legacy had
to be preserved at all costs ~ for it was part of the “everlasting covenant”
between God and the Hebrews. It is a legal agreement that must be fulfilled.
God twice commands that Deuteronomy 6:4-9, and 11:13-21 are to be kept in a
separate scroll which is to be posted at the entrance of every home. This
little scroll is called a Mezuzah, and for Israel, it is the most important of
all the biblical writings. The Mezuzah is always written in 22 lines. The
number 22 correspond to the 22 books of the Old Testament, and the 22 letters
of the Hebrew alphabet (not counting the five terminal letters). It has been
discovered encoded in two of those verses, that in the years 2000, and 2006,
there is a major nuclear threat against Israel that could engulf the whole
planet. The hidden text of the sacred scroll warns of war: “it will bombard
your country, terror, devastation is being launched.” These verses were
considered so significant to God that He commanded that they be memorized, taught
to children, and recited every day and every night. It is no accident that the
years clearly encoded with “World War” were both hidden in the 170 words that
were to be preserved in a separate scroll for over 3,000 years. Apparently, God
wanted to make absolutely certain that no matter what happened to the rest of
the Bible, that these words, this scroll ― was saved intact, exactly as
it was written, with its secret coded message in place. Those who decoded this
Mezuzah, discovered to their amazement, that God had warned that World War II
would start in the Hebrew year 5700, or 1939-40. The hidden text also warned
that in 5700 the “cremator” would come. This is an obvious reference to
Hitler’s holocaust ovens, and plan of genocide for the Jewish people.

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