War In Heaven (4 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

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is a Nibirian Hybrid

Mesopotamian texts described how “kingship was lowered from Heaven.” An archaic

explains how the beings from Nibiru imposed their form of government on their
human descendants. At first, they set up kings from their own people who
reigned for fantastic periods of time (from humanities point of view).”
“Heavenly” kings were later replaced by hybrids, half human, half Nibirian
offspring, born from their intermingling with earthling females recorded in
Genesis 6:1-4. These verses describe how the “sons of God” (Nibirians) took
wives of whomever they chose from the “daughters of men,” who “bore children to
them.” This practice continued for some time after the Deluge, when King Og of
Bashan, the last remaining giant king was killed (Deuteronomy 323). These were
the Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning giant, and “those cast from Heaven.” If the
word contains a Hebrew character called a “yod,” then the Nephilim is a hybrid,
or descendant of “those cast from Heaven.” Otherwise, Nephilim are
extraterrestrial beings from planet Nibiru.
After most of the
Nibirians left earth about two thousand years ago, these hybrids were
eventually replaced by completely human kings. (The remaining Nibirians, forced
into exile for political reasons, went into hiding here on earth, which will be
detailed later. By the time of Christ, giants of the middle east had virtually
died out). Ironically, it is Christ, a god-man, a hybrid, who is the king
destined to rule all mankind - and those in Heaven alongside his Father. Christ
is a specially engineered political-hybrid designed to unite, or reconcile the
people of earth with their fathers from Nibiru.

Once Lived and Ruled on Earth

And so it
seems that the Sumerians, the forbears of the Hebrew nation, worshiped deities
that were in fact, beings from the planet Nibiru. In earth’s ancient past, these
beings from Heaven dwelled alongside humans here on earth. This interaction is
detailed in the writings of Mesopotamia, and mentioned in the book of Genesis.
Our planet was divided up into territories, and Nibirians ruled over human
populations as “Lords.” The biblical and Vedic Indian texts describe horrifying
conflicts between the deities of various territories, involving the use of
nuclear weapons. The Sumerian Abraham, whose father served in the temple of one
of these deities, eventually became the father of the Hebrew nation. It was he
who passed the worship of his particular God on to his descendants, the
Hebrews, when he left the city of Ur, lived for a while in Haran, then settled
eventually in Canaan (Genesis 11:31).

of Bible are Actually Extraterrestrials

drawings of the Mesopotamian gods render them very human-like in appearance,
though much taller than the average man.
Sitchin pointed out in
his book The l2"` Planet that these extraterrestrials were actually the
Nephilim, or giants of the Old Testament scripture. The Hebrew word Nephilim
meant both “those who were cast down upon earth,” and giant.
is even a variation of the word Nephilim that designated the hybrid children
born of heavenly fathers and earthly mothers reported in Genesis 6:1-4.
And these verses state that the Nephilim and their descendants were the men of
the “shem,” a word usually rendered name, but which is actually associated with
something that flies. Sitchin believes it can best be interpreted as meaning
“rocket ship,” or perhaps spaceship." Some scholars concur with this
because it best explains how these “sons of God” came down from heaven, and by
what means they also left earth in the not to distant past. As I mentioned
earlier, some of the prophets encountered not only these crafts, but the
inhabitants. It would appear that Genesis 6:1-4 contains the earliest reference
to UFO’s in the Bible, by implying that the “sons of God” had come to earth by
way of the “shem.”

Written as Mesopotamian Religious-Political Document

Intrigued by
the concept of Nibirian visitors from outer space in antiquity, I decided to

exactly how
much more of the Bible might support the “gods from space” theory. To my
amazement, both the Old and New Testaments, were easier to interpret according
to the ancient astronaut hypothesis. The entire Bible seemed to be written from
a Mesopotamian point of view - within the context of an extraterrestrial
reality. As mentioned earlier, both Testaments bear evidence that the God of
the Old Testament is the Mesopotamian moon Deity Nannar-Sin.
Mesopotamian symbolism is well woven throughout the tapestry of both sections
of the Bible. Ranking numbers of the Deities appear in the biblical writings,
while some scripture names the Mesopotamian deities Ishtar, (Ashtarte) Moloch,
and Bel, or Baal, as the “hosts of Heaven.” (Acts 7:43, Moloch is Marduk, the
Babylonian national Deity.
He is sometimes referred to as Baal, or
Bel, meaning Lord). Amos 5:26 describes in the literal text how the Hebrews
carried images of Moloch, and erected shrines to him, a “star god,” during
their forty years in the desert.

is “Kingdom of the Heavens”

The biblical
texts actually imply that planet Nibiru, the “heaven” from which “kingship was

lowered” to
earth, is in all probability “planet Heaven.” In Matthew chapter three verses
l-2, John announces “repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Biblical
scholars have taken this to mean that since Jesus Christ was the king of the
Jews, and a son of God, then the kingdom referred to all the earth because of
his presence on it. However, if one reads the literal interpretation of this
text, another meaning in addition to theirs, can be assigned to this verse. The
literal writing stated: “Repent for the Kingdom of the Heavens has come near.”
In others words, the kingdom is not on earth, but in heaven (space). It also
has the ability to move about, since it “has come near,” indicating that it was
somewhere else before. This sounds very much like a planet traveling in an
orbit. Thus, when John stated that “the kingdom of the Heavens has come near,”
he was referring to not only the planetary body, but the king who represented
it - Jesus Christ. Mesopotamian texts also refer to NE.BI.RU as the “Kingdom of
the Heavens.” Since Abraham was from Ur, and worshiped a Mesopotamian Deity,
then it stands to reason that he would have been cognizant of their planet of
origin, this “Kingdom of the Heavens.” And, it seems likely that he would have
passed these beliefs on to his descendants.

Bible Layout is Mathematical Message Containing Secret Message

Knowing that
the Bible is the “word of God,” it was apparent that this collection of
Writings is actually a political message from the “King of Heaven,” the God of
the Old Testament, as well as a legal agreement. (See Psalms 5:2, for a
reference to God as a king). I then wondered if it was an integral
transmission, of special design. Research efforts yielded that the original
layout and design of the Holy Scriptures consisted of forty-nine books. There
were Twenty-two in the Old Testament, with each book corresponding to a letter
of the Hebrew alphabet, while the other twenty-seven of the New Testament
appeared in Greek.
The forty-nine books most likely represented a
Hebrew Sabbatical cycle of forty-nine years. I knew that a Sabbatical cycle
culminated in a year of Jubilee, which was the fiftieth year. Where then was
the fiftieth book which should complete the cycle? Why hadn’t anyone found it?
Scripture described a special “sealed” or “concealed” book, which to my
knowledge had never been discovered. Isaiah 29:11 spoke of a “sealed book,”
that when given to a literate person to read, they would reply: “I cannot, for
it is sealed.” Where was this book, and how was it sealed? Daniel 12:1-4
describes a time of great distress for the nation of Israel. An angel informed
Daniel that everyone found in a special “book” will be saved. He then proceeds
to tell Daniel to “conceal these words and seal up the book until the time of
the end, when many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase.” (Daniel

Jubilee Discovered

Again, where
was this mysterious book? Was it the same one described earlier by Isaiah? The
New Testament book of Revelation chapter 5:1-3, also describes a special
“sealed book.” An unusual book that was “written inside and on the back, and
sealed up with seven seals.” Curiously, “no one in heaven, or on the earth, or
under the earth, was able to open the book or to look into it.” After reading
The Bible Code, by Michael Drosnin, I realized then that the fiftieth book for
which biblical scholars had been searching, had to be the “equidistant letter
sequencing” of the Bible - the concealed computer code -- the special “sealed
book” analogous with a year of Jubilee! It completed the Sabbatical/Jubilee
cycle layout of the original Bible, and provided man with valuable information
based on computer projected probabilities of our fate. It contained such data
as where major earthquakes will strike and possible dates for such occurrences.
Also, when comets or asteroids might strike earth, and most important of all,
where and when Armageddon will take place.
With such knowledge,
man can prepare for, or take steps to prevent some of the disaster that will
strike earth in the coming years.

Synonymous with Freedom

Oddly enough,
the Bible Code merely seems in some instances to provide specific details, such
as dates, for happenings already prophesied in the plain text of the Bible.
(Armageddon is an example of this). And, the code itself states that it was
given to us to save us, for it literally says: “Code will save.” Since the year
of Jubilee was a time of great rejoicing in Israel, I understood that the
“opening” of this concealed book is a prodigious event for all mankind. In the
year of Jubilee, liberty was to be proclaimed to all. Every man in Israel was
forgiven of all his debt in that fiftieth year. His land, forfeited to pay
debts, was returned to him, while sin was forgiven throughout the land of
Israel. (Leviticus 25:8-l 1). The finding of this “concealed book of Jubilee is
an occasion of triumph for all humanity. The encrypted messages give man the
freedom to alter future earth destiny.

Legal Property of Nibirian Government

Since a
Testament was in fact a “covenant,” then both the Old and New Testaments are
actually legal documents, or agreements. The Bible, being divided into seven
sections, is a secured contract ― sealed with seven seals. The
Mesopotamian deities had special seals for giving their agreement to legal
documents. In practice, they were used to signify the property, or agreement of
the administration.
By sealing the biblical texts, the
administration of God, the King of Nibiru, entered into a legal contract with
mankind. 1
Corinthians 7:23 states that Christians were bought
with a price. 2 Peter 2:1 tells us that it was Christ who bought them. He paid
the price for humanity through his death on the cross as the sacrificial lamb
of God. The lamb was used in sacrifices to the Mesopotamian Deities. This
tradition was eventually carried over to the Hebrews, with their Temple
sacrifice, and in the New Testament tradition with Christ becoming the
“sacrificial lamb of God.” Apparently, the symbolic sacrificial lamb that would
die in the place of the accused, was drawn from the earlier Mesopotamian
practice of sacrificing a lamb to obtain favor from a god, who "judged”
the case of he for whom the lamb had been slain.
Those who follow
him are considered his legal property by the government of Nibiru. This is a
good thing because, it prevents other hostile extraterrestrial “powers” from
other worlds from exploiting man for their own purposes. They may have to
answer to the Nibirian government if they interfere with us.

is Executor of Agreement with Nibirians

19:13 identifies Christ as the “word of God.” Since Christ opens the book
“sealed up with seven seals” in Revelation chapter six, this indicates that
once the “sealed book” has been opened, the contract is about to be executed.
In fact, when the “sealed book” was opened by computer, the first part of the
contract was completed, for we have been given a computer generated “projected
probability” of coming dangers for mankind. The Bible is the “word” of God, and
Christ is referred to as the “word.” We know that Christ’s purpose is to save
humanity, and we can consider the equidistant letter sequencing" of the
Bible as his special message of salvation to us. The first seal has been broken,
and first part of the agreement fulfilled. Christ is the hybrid clone son of
his father, and will reign alongside his father in Heaven. Therefore, the Bible
is a symbol of the Sabbatical/Jubilee cycle, (a calendrical type of agreement).
The number fifty is the rank of the ruler of earth, according to Mesopotamian
texts, and that number could be used to represent earth.
Therefore, as the executor of the contract with mankind, Christ is synonymous
with the king of earth.

is Transmission from King of Nibiru

The rank of
the Nibirian King of earth, was fifty, according to Mesopotamian texts. Since
the original Bible layout was a series of forty-nine books, and the fiftieth
book is the hidden, computerized texts, then this appears to be telling us that
the rank of the ruler of earth is fifty. In its overall design, the Bible
equals fifty, the rank of the Nibirian king of earth. Since this fiftieth book
symbolizes a message from Jesus Christ, then it represents both the governments
of Heaven and earth. Because all power and authority has been handed over to
Christ in Heaven and on earth, then the Bible is really a mathematically coded
transmission from the king of NE.BI.RU.

will return in 2060 A. D.

In my first
book, “The Holy Bible is an Extraterrestrial Transmission,” I provided

evidence for
the last passing of legendary planet Nibiru into earth’s vicinity during the
time of the Hebrew Exodus. Prophetic verses in Luke 21:11, 25-32, Ezekiel
32:7-8, Isaiah 24:1 & 17-20, Matthew 24:37-39, and in numerous places in
the book of Revelation, indicate its next appearance during the troubled end
times. Timetables based on ancient Hebrew and Babylonian time cycles were used
to calculate the return of Nibiru in 2060 A. D., and Christ sometime before
Since the last passing of Nibiru was during the Hebrew
Exodus in 1540 B. C., I had only to add 3,600 years to that date to arrive at
the year of its return in 2060 A. D. The Hebrew Sabbatical/Jubilee cycles began
in 1440 B. C., when the Hebrews entered the land of Canaan, counting back 17
cycles from 604 B. C. For it was during this

cycle in the 36
year, that Nebuchadnezzar sacked the temple in
Both of these dates provided a specific time that can
be used to count forward or backward to establish the 3,600 year “shar” or
“year of Anu,” so important in determining the heavenly calendar and how earth
time fits into this, Using the Elohim timetable makes it possible to ascertain
many of the prophesied events of the end times. Christ however, will return
sometimes before his planet according to Matthew 24:21-22, for he said that
“unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved.”

Temple is Map of Solar System

In “The Holy
Bible is an Extraterrestrial Transmission,” I also illustrated how the Hebrew

Temple was
actually a celestial star-map showing our solar system and planet Nibiru,
surrounded by the constellations of the Zodiac. The “third heaven” spoken of in
the New Testament, was where the “throne of Heaven” was according to II
Corinthians 12:1-4. This “kingdom of the Heavens,” synonymous with planet
Nibiru, corresponded to the Holy of Holies in the Temple. (Josephus, the Jewish
historian stated that the Holy of Holies corresponded to the “third heaven.”).
The Holy Place of the Temple represented the “zone of flight," or the
second heaven. The area of space that the Elohim, or gods of the Bible, passed
by when traveling to earth while Nibiru was still beyond Pluto. Even the
Menorah, or seven lamps, represented these seven planets: Pluto, Neptune,
Uranus, Satum, Jupiter, Mars, earth. Josephus stated that the curtain in front
of the Holy Place displayed the Heavens. When the priests entered the Holy
Place, just beyond the curtain displaying the heavens, it was as though they
symbolically entered the “second heaven” where the planets and stars were. The
outer court of the Temple was analogous to the “first heaven.” From the
biblical perspective, the atmosphere around the earth, where the birds fly and
weather phenomenon take place.

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