War In Heaven (14 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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7. The Son Of Man

Christ - Living Symbol of Unification

It would appear that in order to establish trust between
earthlings, and the Elohim, and to provide

a living symbol for humanity, a being both god and man had to be
created. No “god” could accomplish

the work of Christ by himself; which was to reconcile the two
races for all time, and to teach mankind a

superior method of behavior that would enable him to be accepted
by the inhabitants of heaven

(Christians are promised “citizenship in heaven” Phillipians

mere human would have lacked the authority. Christ stated after his resurrection
that “All

authority has been given to me in heaven, and on earth.” (Matthew
28:18. See also, Matthew 7:29, and

John 17:2). By embodying the physical, political, and moral
attributes of both worlds, Christ

symbolizes unification in a manner unparalleled by any being
before him. Only such a unique

individual could unite, or reconcile Heaven and Earth forever.

Christ Has Extraterrestrial Father

Jesus has parentage from outside the earth is made clear in this amazing
biblical statement

found in John 8:23. Christ himself said, “You are from below
(earth), I am from above (Nibiru?); you

are of this world;
I am not of this world."

texts indicate that they considered Earth to be “below” Heaven, and Heaven

“above” earth in its position
in the solar system.
Mesopotamian beliefs remain intact within
the Bible,

even in New Testament times. Is there scriptural evidence that
Jesus is a “clone” of his alien father?

“And he is
the image of the invisible God... ”
1:15). And, “for in Him all the fullness of

Deity dwells in bodily
form,”(Colossians 2:9). “He who has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:9.

Apparently, Jesus was someone unusual, even to his father. The
literal interpretation of John

3:16 states that God gave “His only unique, only one of his kind”
begotten Son, that whoever believes

in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."
(See also 3:18, side margin, NAS).

would seem that Jesus is the only half-human “specially created” child that God
has. It is

known from ancient Mesopotamian documents, that the Deity
Nannar-Sin did have other children. The

statement that Jesus is the unique son of God is enhanced by a
study of the family tree of his

extraterrestrial father:

Anu - father of Enlil and
Enki (Also former king of Nibiru)

Antu - wife of Anu (Legal
wife of former King)

Enlil - legal heir of Anu,
Ninlil - wife of Enlil

Nannar-Sin - son of Enlil,
Ningal, wife of Nannar-Sin

Ishkur (Adad) - son of
Nannar-Sin, Shala - wife of Ishkur

Utu-Shamash and Inanna
lshtar (the twin children of Nannar-Sin)

Jesus Christ-hybrid clone
son of Nannar-Sin and the virgin Mary

Christ Has Royal Blood

If Jesus is in fact the son of Nannar-Sin, then he has the royal
blood of the ruling family of

Nibiru in his veins. He also has the royal human blood of King
David; therefore he is rightly called “the

Prince of Peace.” The
Prophet Isaiah predicted the birth of a human Messiah in chapter 9:6-7. He said

that a child would be
“born to us, a son will be given us; and the government will rest on his

... and his name will be called. . .Mighty God, Eternal Father,
Prince of Peace.” In the book of Matthew,

we learn that Jesus is also a direct descendant of Abraham; the
son of a Sumerian priest. (To examine

the human heritage of Christ, see Matthew 1:1-17). He is the
descendant of the man with whom the

initial “covenant,” or legal agreement was made. (Genesis 17:1-7).

Because he is the ultimate genetic link between the two races, he
is the bond that will bind the

two worlds forever. In fact, the New Testament names Christ as the
reconciliator (2 Corinthians 18:19

and Romans 5:11). He is also the one who made it possible to
extend the covenant to the gentiles of the

earth. He is a direct descendant of Anu (former ruler of Nibiru),
and a son of the present ruler, Nannar-

Sin. Thus, Christ is heir to the throne of their world, and has
the legal right under their law to occupy

the position of “Lord of the Earth,” and to assume the rank of

Bible predicts that his Father (Nannar-Sin) is to set him up as a prince in
Heaven (Nibiru),

where he will then rule by his side, the Elohim as well as humans.
When Christ ascended into Heaven,

he “sat down at the right hand of god.”(Mark 16:19). Christ assured
the questioning priest at his trial

that “hereafter, you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right
hand of power, and coming on the

clouds of heaven.” (Matthew 26:64). In the tale of Adapa, who
traveled to heaven in a “shem” we learn

that he saw king Anu sitting on the throne of Heaven. To his right
sat Enlil, his eldest son. On the left,

Ea. He who sat upon the right, was the successor to the king.
The Mesopotamian text “To Sin, ”

describes how Nannar-Sin went back to Heaven and staged a military
coup there. He made all the gods

of heaven and earth to obey him. This means that he is now “king
of Heaven.” So, Christ is sitting at his

“right hand.” (The right hand, to the Mesopotamians symbolized
greeting, benediction, and purity).
It is also interesting to
note that an Assyrian depiction of the “gateway of Anu in the Heavenly abode”

shows that it is flanked
by two eagles, and is marked by the winged globe - the supreme divine emblem

of Nibiru. It is flanked
by the celestial symbols of the number 7, and the crescent moon.

Jesus Went Back to Nibiru to Get Reinforcements

14:2-3 tells us that Jesus himself has gone to prepare a place for us, so that
when he comes

again to receive us to himself, we may be where he is also. The
above mentioned verses clearly tell us

that he was taken to Heaven. So now we know what he has been doing
for the past 2,000 years. He has gone back to heaven, or Nibiru, he is
preparing a place for humanity, so that he may “come again” and

receive us to himself-or
take us back to Heaven. And, since Revelation 19:14 describes the “armies

which are in Heaven,”
following him to earth, we now understand that he is bringing an invasion force

with him upon his return.

Creation of Man Created Controversy on Nibiru

why the need for a “reconciler?” Why did the Nibirians need to create a
covenant, or legal

contract with mankind? The final fate of humanity must have
created a great and terrible controversy

amongst the Nibirians. What were they to do with the children of
earth? They were, after all,

descendants of theirs who could be used in future wars of conquest
between them. Earthlings may

present a threat to them every time Nibiru passed the earth during
its 3,600 hundred year orbital cycle.

War at the Time of Christ!

It would appear from biblical texts; and records left by the
Jewish historian Josephus, that an

awesome military conflict took place during the time of Christ - a
war fought in outer space of which

Christ himself was aware of
“..from the days of John the
Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven

suffers violence, and
violent men take it by force. "
(Matthew 11:12).

it is highly unlikely that humans were capable of traveling into space and
using force

against the home world, then the war spoken of could only have
been fought between the Nibirians

themselves who are sometimes referred to as “men” (See Daniel
1015). This space war was waged

between the forces of the home planet and the Serpent faction,
possibly for control of heaven (Nibiru)

and earth. (See Revelation 12:7-8, and 1229. See also chapter
titled “And There Was War In Heaven”).

The Jewish historian Josephus reported that in A. D. 66, just
before sunset on the 21
day of the

Hebrew second month - the
last day of the Passover Season, this war was still being waged, even in the

skies over earth:

the 21” of the month of Iyar, there was a miraculous occurrence, beyond belief.
What I am

about to relate would, I think, have been reckoned a fable, were
it not for the statements of eyewitnesses

and for the calamities that happened afterward which deserved to
be foretold.
Before sunset throughout

all areas of the country,
there were seen in the air many chariots and armed battalions coursing through

the clouds and encircling
(War, VI. 297-299).

Adversary is in Control of Earth Now

had always been opposing factions among the Elohim; the book of Enoch and the

tell us that. There were those who only wanted to use mankind
while denying him the tree of life, and

there were those who lusted after mankind for their own purposes,
as in the case of the “watchers” of

It seems that the Serpent faction recognized
in Christ his potential as a political leader of

earth. For the Devil led
him up to the highest pinnacle of the Temple and said to him,
“I will give
you all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I
give it to whomever I wish... if you worship before me, it shall all be yours.”
(Luke 4:5-8). Christ, knowing his true mission and its

significance for humanity,
refused. '

the leader of the Serpent faction tried to recruit Christ, offering him rule of
earth. If

he gave it to Christ, did he think Christ would sever his ties
with Nibiru? With Christ in charge of a

unified earth, and with all of humanity as an ally, the Serpent
faction might have eventually gained the

impetus they needed to launch an attack on the home planet and
overthrow the government there.

Shortly after this incident, Christ remarked that “he was watching
Satan fall from heaven” (Luke 22:3).

Did this mean that the war in space had begun, and that the
Satanic forces were being “thrown down?"

twelve of Revelation, mentioned earlier, seem to confirm this (Revelation
12:8-9). But why did

the Adversary, or Devil say that the domain of earth had been
handed over to him? Was it because the

“War in Heaven,” mentioned in Revelation, had made him victor here
on earth, at least temporarily?

Matthew 11:12 described how violent men were taking the kingdom of
heaven by force, since the day s

of John the Baptist. Once Christ was executed, and then
resurrected, the forces of the Home planet

retreated back to Nibiru, and left Marduk, the Adversary in charge

In order to truly understand the need for the creation of a
“Christ,” or half-human, half-god

Messiah, we must first delve into the politics leading up to the
events described in the New Testament.

Marduk, son of Enki had been exiled to the land of the Hittites,
and when he had completed “his days of

exile,” he returned to his city Babylon,” “to my temple Esagila as
a mount (to rebuild), my everlasting

abode to reestablish.”
(This occurred in 2024 B.
Marduk expected his return to Babylon to be

a triumphant one, opening
an era of prosperity for his people.”

by the Elohim as a link between Divine time (the cycle based on the 3,600 year
orbit of

Nibiru) and earthly time (the earth’s orbital period), the
Celestial time (the span of 2,160 years for the

precessional shift from
one zodiacal house to another) served to date major events in earth’s

as archaeo-astronomy could do in historical time. For example, a
text concerning the Deluge, indicates

that it occurred in the zodiacal age of Leo.
Apparently, every 2,160 years, when a zodiacal shift of the

heavens occurred, a new
god took over rulership of earth, and since the age of the ram belonged to

Marduk, he prepared to
seize control. However, the “Erra Epic” tells us that the other gods had their

fears about what would
happen should Marduk and his followers control the Space Port and its auxiliary

facilities. The
“Khedorlaomer Texts” and various other inscriptions provide more details

the turmoil that led up to the “age of the Ram.”

Elohim approved the use of nuclear weapons to stop Marduk, and as a result, the
Space Port

in the Sinai was obliterated. That area still bears the scars of
the nuclear bombardment - immense

cavity and fracture lines in the center of the Sinai, a huge
blackened scar, traces of radiation still

lingering south of the Dead Sea, and a new shape for the Dead Sea.
The “Lamentation Over The

Destruction of Ur” texts, describe how the “evil wind,” radiating
from the blast was carried to the

inhabitants of Sumeria, who paid the price with their lives.

years after the destruction of Sumeria, Marduk won out, he was told at last
that he could

rebuild Babylon. A few decades later, a king in Babylon who would
rebuild Marduk’s ziggurat, the

Esagila had become reality. Nannar, who appealed to the other gods
in behalf of Ur was told “Ur was

granted kingship, it was not granted an eternal reign.” In
Mesopotamia, the ascendancy of the Age of

the Ram was recognized by changes in the calendar and in the lists
of the celestial stars.

Before this occurred however, in 2096 B. C., Terah and his family,
including Abraham, left Ur

and stopped off in Haran (Genesis 11:31), a satellite city of Ur
which was Nannar-Sin’s cult center.
Was this because Nannar-Sin
himself had already moved to Haran? Biblical and Mesopotamian

evidence tells us that
Abraham was a Sumerian.
The term “Ibri,” (Hebrew) by which
Abraham and

his family identified themselves, clearly stemmed from "a
native of the place called crossing,” the

Sumerian name for Nippur.
Abraham’s father Terah,
was an “oracle priest,” one who approaches the

“stone that whispers” to
hear the words of the Deity, and to communicate them to the hierarchy of the


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