War In Heaven (17 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Moon Craters Giving Off Radiation

Tycho, Copernicus, and Aristarchus craters on the moon, may have
been created by explosions

that took place above the planet’s surface. The “rays” from these
craters are sometimes hundreds of

miles long, and some rays cover other craters. These bright rayed
craters are still giving off large

amounts of radiation. NASA scientists used optical infrared
equipment to scan the moon’s surface

during an eclipse, and found that these craters gave off more heat
than the surrounding areas.

stranger, analysis of Apollo rock samples indicated high concentrations of

radioactive isotopes of the elements, uranium and thorium. Such
isotopes could have been the by-

products of nuclear exchange. The Apollo missions also found
pounds of glass-like substances all over

the moon’s surface. Orange glass brought back by Apollo 17 from
Shorty crater was examined by

William C. Phinney, head of the preliminary examination team at
NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center in

Houston. Phinney was extremely upset by this glass. As he stated,
“the orange glass is not related to

the surrounding material.” (Science News, Jan. 24, 1973). Oddly,
such glass can be found at nuclear

test sites. Astronomers have known for years that the fault lines
around the lunar craters closely

resemble the fault lines radiating from nuclear explosion craters
at Yucca Flats.

Moon Was Once Landscaped

It would appear that if the moon was once inhabited, then the
people living there did an

incredible job of landscaping the moon’s surface. European
astronomers have known for many years

that large areas of the moon were divided into a massive grid
system, similar to the grid system found

on maps. Faults, rilles, ridges, and crater chains were laid out
in parallel lines intersecting each other at

right angles. Europeans,
led by Fielder, Darney, and Von Bulow published detailed maps of this

system. Are these the
remains of ancient roads and canals?

Unknown Agency Altered Other Planets

Photographic evidence provided by U.S. and Soviet space probes,
disclose that the surfaces of

Mercury, Venus, and Mars appear to have suffered the same
catastrophic fate as that of the moon.

Physicists estimate that the energy required to blast out craters
as large as 800 miles in diameter could

be billions of times more powerful than the largest H-bomb.
Most of these planets, the exception

being Mercury, were vastly different bodies in the recent
geological past. Some unknown agency

apparently altered these worlds leaving them dead and inhospitable
to life. There is evidence to support

that most of these grievously scarred worlds once possessed
atmospheres, as well as surface waters or

Due to its close proximity to the sun, Mercury
probably never possessed water, or evolved an

atmosphere. And, if it did
in the beginning, it would have vaporized early into its preliminary evolution.

Nevertheless, the tiny
face of Mercury is severely pock-marked by craters.

the sixties, scientists discovered that the average surface temperature of
Venus was so hot that

the moment you stepped out of the protection of your spacecraft,
you would be instantaneously cooked

and vaporized. It would be as though you were standing in a
micro-wave oven. Both American and

Soviet probes disclose that the planet’s hell-like conditions are
caused by a thick shroud of carbon dioxide clouds containing sulfuric acid with
traces of water vapor. It is as if something completely

annihilated the protective
ozone layer of the planet, creating a frightening greenhouse effect that

trapped heat from the sun.
This caused surface water to boil, then leak off into space, barbecuing

everything on its surface.
Because Venus is so close to the sun, its heat would only serve to accelerate

this destructive process.

Venus Once Had Water

thick atmospheric mantle of Venus traps the heat of the sun on the face of the
planet, denying it the
opportunity to escape back into space. This creates a condition that causes the
surface temperature of Venus to continue to rise. Therefore, any abundant
waters, such as oceans or

rivers, existing on Venus may once have harbored water in its
remote past. Unmanned probes reveal

topographical features suggesting dried out beds of oceans and shallow
seas. What some believe are the

remnants of fried river beds remain etched into its blistering
countenance. And, traces of water vapor

are yet found in its lethal atmosphere of carbon dioxide and
sulfuric acid. The Pioneer Venus 1 and 2

Probes, reveal that the planet may have once been covered by water
which was on the average, thirty

feet in depth.

raises the somewhat obvious question of was Venus always the uninhabitable
inferno it now

is? Was it ever capable of supporting life in its remote past? If
Venus was once an entirely different

type of planet, then what caused the drastic change in its surface
conditions? It has occurred to some

that massive nuclear bombardment may have ignited the radioactive
elements in the planet. And, that

the demolition of Venus may be only part of similar cataclysmic
destruction throughout the solar

system. There is ancient textural evidence that there was once a
frightening solar system war fought

among various factions of the Elohim, or Nibirians, as shall soon
be apparent.

Mars Once Had Water

what of Mars? It stands in frozen contrast to the oven-like temperatures
existing on Venus,

yet it shares in some of the same patterns of destruction. Little
remains of the Martian atmosphere now

consisting of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, and traces of water
vapor. Most of the surface water of

Mars has disappeared.
Again the question arises as
to what is responsible for its now desert-like

condition? Planet Mars has
fascinated mankind down through history. Ancient man watched for its

appearance, and considered
it at times an ill omen. Percival Lowell, a nineteenth century astronomer,

was made famous by his
intensive study and steadfast conviction that the red planet actually contained

man-made canals. He also
believed that intelligent “Martians” were inhabiting the dying world.

Lowell, a man far ahead of his time in vision and perception,
became the laughing stock of the

scientific community. Despite criticism, he wrote several books
having wide appeal with the general

population, though they were scorned by the contemporary
scientific world. In 1894 he completed the

now famous Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona. In 1905 he
predicted the discovery of the planet

Pluto. Ironically, at his death, he was buried at a place called
“Mars Hill.”

Mars was Once Inhabited

now believe that Mr. Lowell was indeed correct in his remarkable hypothesis
that Mars

was/is an inhabited world with the recent discovery of
extraterrestrial ruins on Mars. In fact, a giant

mile-long human-like
Visage has been found in Cydonia, named by researchers the “Face on Mars.”

Pyramids, scattered ruins,
and other anomalies have also been discovered on Mars. Some have

attributed these monuments
to the Elohim of the Bible.

early probes seemed to confirm that Mars was a geologically lifeless planet,
this notion

was quickly cast aside when the Mariner 9 probe of the early
seventies successfully photographed nearly

the entire surface of the red planet. Much to the surprise of the
scientists who studied the findings of the

Mariner 9, volcanoes, canyons, and dried up river-beds abound
there. And it is now believed that water

played an active part in the evolution of Mars. There is clear
photographic evidence of deep winding

channels that may have once been fast flowing streams. If there
was once water in substantial amounts,

then there could also be life.

evidence taken by the Viking l and 2 probes supports this theory of water on

surface of the Mars in the
past. Chryse Planit is indicates flooding by large quantities of water, while

Vallis Mariner is once
released running water that carved large channels into the rocky terrain of

There is also evidence of weathered rocks, subsequently eroded by
the presence of water in the planet’s

past. It is now believed by scientists, that Mars once had water
several meters deep over the entire


Mars was Once Earth-Like

surface water still exists on Mars. Viking 2 discovered an area where frost was

present on the ground.
This Martian frost consisted of water, water ice, and frozen carbon dioxide. It

known that the Martian
North Pole consists of water ice, although this does not seem to be the case
for the South Pole. Scientists of the former Soviet Union believe that Mars may
still have flowing water

below the surface of its dried out river beds.

would also appear that Mars now has water vapor in its atmosphere, due to cloud
an indication
that it was once much more plentiful than it is now. A great deal of water
could yet be

trapped below the ground in underground aquifers. Because the soil
of Mars is red, some scientists

believe it was previously a living planet like earth. They believe
that its soil became red due to the

processes of a once abundant plant life that oxidated its
atmosphere. Some past catastrophe appears to

have altered Mars. It
ripped away its protective atmospheric mantle, allowing most of its surface

to photolyze into the black void of outer space.

Mars Subjected to Nuclear Cataclysm

appears for all intents and purposes to be a dead planet. It may have once
supported a vast

amount of life, before the cataclysm responsible for its
destruction. The “death” of Mars may have

been caused by the periodic bombardment at 3,600 year intervals by
asteroids from the asteroid belt as

Nibiru passes between Jupiter and Mars. It may just as well have
been the result of a solar system war,

some epic battle fought by the Nibirians. Photographic analysis
indicates that Mars is scarred with

craters laid out in geometric patterns as discussed earlier.
Therefore, it seems unlikely that all craters on

its surface could be the
result of repeated passing’s of planet Nibiru. It could be that the “war in
heaven ”

described in Revelation 12:7-9, may indeed have been a “solar
system war.” In this conflict, key bases

of the Nibirians were systematically destroyed, leaving dead,
burned-out planets, pulverized moons, and

crumbling ruins as system-wide evidence of this past calamity.

this be why there are thousands of large craters strategically located on the

planets? Is this why traces of radiation are still being emitted
by some of them?
Graphic evidence of

such a battle can be
discerned. Those who study the archaeological remnants of the Cydonia City on

Mars have found evidence
of nuclear war. The very tip of the nose on the famous “Face on Mars”

appears to have been shot
off The tip is lying on the cheek of the enormous visage below the right eye,

which ironically creates
the illusion if a teardrop; or an Egyptian wedjat eye.

monument is not the only damaged structure found in Cydonia. The
five-sided D & M pyramid also

appears to have been damaged by explosive penetration.

unusually high number of heavy impact craters dotting many areas of Mars may
have been

caused by sophisticated nuclear weapons.
The large
head in the Utopia region is badly damaged. In

fact, it appears to have
had the lower portion of its face blasted into. The face is badly scarred,

much darker than the upper half. It looks as if some powerful
weapon sprayed buckshot into it,

destroying part of it, and peppering the rest of it with tiny bits
of shrapnel.

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