War In Heaven (28 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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The Mark of the Beast

“Everyone rich and poor, small and great, and free or slave must
take the mark of the beast. This

mark of the beast is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
Why is the mark of the beast

necessary? So that the aliens may quickly and easily know who’s
side a person’s political allegiance is

with, they will cause all humans to be marked on either their
right hands, or their forehead. (See

Revelation 13:6-18). Marking systems have been employed by the
Nibirians before. In Exodus 12:13,

humans were commanded to post the blood of a lamb over their
doors, so that the angel of death would

not visit their homes. In Ezekiel 914, the Lord said, “Go through
the midst of the city, even though the

midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who
sigh and moan over all the

abominations which are being committed in its midst.” In verses
five and six He commanded that they

“strike” with the intent to slay, any person who did not have the

Alien Implants May Be Part of Marking System

is obvious that it would be much more efficient in a “police state,” to mark
among the masses

those chosen to be saved, or who are in compliance with the law,
rather than the other way around. It is

equivalent to being required to carry papers of identification, or
a drivers license. With so many people

claiming to have been abducted by aliens, and implanted with small
metallic devices, it would appear

that some of this “marking” may have already begun to take place.
Ironically, some of these implants

are in the forehead, or skull of the victim, while others are in
sexual organs, legs, or hands. These are in

all probability tracking
devices, implanted in the host to make the job of location and identification

Both sides of the Nibirians could be using these implants to keep
track of those subjects of interest to

them. Maybe the forces of Christ have marked his “chosen ones” to
make it easy for quick removal

when the time comes for the rapture of the church.

Can’t Buy or Sell Without the Mark

force allegiance to him, antichrist will require that one bear the mark before
one can buy or

sell. One will not be able to conduct any type of transaction
without this mark, therefore a person will

be mined economically if
they refuse the mark. It is prudent to remember that if the mark is taken, that

person receives the “wrath
of God” when he arrives with his fleet of spaceships (Revelation 14:9-10).

Christ and his allies
watch from above the earth as they unleash the final great nuclear holocaust on

planet, observing the destruction of the Serpent faction, and the human beings
who have

taken the mark of the beast A or allied themselves politically
with Marduk.

Beware of Government Computer Chip Implants

Could a mark be designed which would be visible only under
ultraviolet light? The

International News Service in Pittsburgh reported that an ink that
is invisible, unless exposed to

ultraviolet light, has been developed to provide a fool-proof
identification system for national defense

workers. Ink marks stamped
on the employee’s forehead or hand, are non-transferable, perspiration

proof, and resist washing
and ordinary wear?
Incredibly, such an indelible mark already
exists! A

tiny computer chip implanted by veterinarians under the skin of an
animal is already in use to keep track of lost pets. How long before the
governments of the world decide to implant this micro-chip under the

skins of their citizens?


This mark of the beast antichrist is described as being either
“his name or the number of his

name.” Codex C, and some Latin texts known to Irenaeous, render
the number 616. However, most

Bibles have recorded here the number 666. According to the Greek
letter/number code (ancient

alphabets considered to be sacred alphabets always had numerical equivalents
for each letter), both

numbers are essentially correct. Either one may substitute for the
other. Because the Greeks had no

proper letter for the number 6, they used a special symbol to
represent it called Episimon. In

letter/number code, 616 consists of the following letters: Chi or
X = 600, Iota or I = 10, and Episimon

which is the equivalent of 6.

+ 10 + 6 = 616, Codex C number for antichrist.

number 666 is equivalent to the following letter/number code: Chi or X = 600,
XI = 60, and

Episimon, or 6. 600 + 60 + 6 = 666, the New Testament number of
the antichrist.

uses Greek symbols such as these to signify Christ (the ruling Deity, or king
of earth)

today? The answer is simple. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
wears such a symbol. The

Greek monogram of Christ is: (Chi-Rho). Therefore the monogram of
the antichrist will be _

Using the Greek alphabet X = 600, I = 10, and C = 6.
This is 616. How can someone who

supposedly represents the ruling king/Deity of earth also represent

we look at this number 666 in terms of ancient Mesopotamian and Hebrew beliefs,
then 600 is

equivalent to a 600 year cycle described by Berosus the astronomer
priest. These are key world empire

expansion cycles. 60 is the number or rank of the king of Nibiru.
6 is the number for a man, since it

symbolized the sixth day of creation, and it was on the sixth day
that man was created. Then we know

that this number is signifying a special man, who will be king of
Nibiru, (a hybrid who is half-human,

half-Nibirian) and who will reign a vast world empire to begin
with. Such a man could be Jesus Christ,

and it could also be the antichrist, or Nebuchadnezzar/Marduk. In
my first book the planetary symbols

used by the Sumero-Babylonian space gods were examined. It was
shown how the moon emblem was

actually the emblem of both Nannar-Sin (god of the Old Testament),
and Enki (the biblical Sawtawn or

Adversary, father of Marduk). Enki being the crescent moon, and
Nannar-Sin the bright full moon. The

root of the letter/number connotations for Christ and antichrist
can be traced back to the moon


The Sidereal period of the
moon is 27.32 days, and its Synodic period is 29.53 days.

Specifically, 666 Sidereal
periods of the moon = 616 Synodic periods of the moon.

x 27.32 days = 18,195.12 days,

x 29.54 days = 18,196.64 days. 23

difference is only 1.5 days in 50 years.

The Church Will Be Associated With the Antichrist

It is logical that Christ and antichrist Marduk share the same
symbols, just as their fathers

Nannar-Sin and Enki have both used the same planetary cult symbol.
Could this mean that Marduk or his hybrid clone son, Nebuchadnezzar will assume
his place as the head of the universal church? With

Marduk in control of the
church, it will be used to control and rule mankind by resurrecting the old

Sumero-Babylonian pagan
religion. Or, will perhaps the false prophet be the head of the universal

church? Either way the
universal church will be instrumental in incorporating the pagan beliefs into

Judeo-Christian beliefs,
and making them official church doctrines. The Bible warns that “in the latter

times” some will pay
attention to “deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” (Timothy 4:1). Daniel

11:36 states that a “king”
in the end times “will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself

above every god, and will
speak monstrous things against the God of gods,..” And forces from him will
also “desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice.
And they will set up the

abomination that makes desolate, or causes horror.” (literally,
Daniel 11:31). The ancient nuclear type

weapon possessed at one time by the gods, and now by mankind.

On the Pope’s mitre are the following Latin words “Vicarius Filii
Dei.” In letter/number code V

=5,I=l,C=100,A=0,R=0,I=l,U=5,S=O. F=0,I+1,L=50,I=1,I=1,andD=500,E=

0, I + 1. This is
equivalent to 112 + 53 + 501 = 666.

Greek it is: A = 30, A = 1, T = 300, E = 5, I = 10, N = 50, O = 70, E = 200,
totaling 666.

the God of the Old Testament, placed a restriction upon the Hebrews that
forbade them

from rendering the likeness of a god on any object. By eliminating
all symbolic references to the gods,

YHWH could now become the “unseen” God, who was known only by word
and deed. (Since the

Catholic church has always employed the likeness of deities and
saints, we see here that they have

perhaps unintentionally opened the door to the representation of
Deity in physical form).

Antichrist Will Deceive Jews

star of David is represented by a 6 pointed star, and is synonymous with the
people of Israel.

This archaic emblem probably originated in Jerusalem, and may have
represented the Space Port and its

connection to Mars, for a six pointed star represented Mars.
(Mars may have been held by the Serpent

faction, as Enki the father of Marduk is believed to have
originally established the base there). On the

other hand, the Sumerians
employed a six pointed cuneiform star to represent both gods and their planet,

or heaven.
The Old Testament indicates that antichrist will make a false peace with the
people of

Israel (Daniel 11:16-17).

antichrist tries to convince Israel to follow him, by claiming himself to be
the true Messiah.

What he is actually after is Jerusalem, a necessary component to
the ancient Space Port of the Elohim.

If he can maintain control of the Space Port, he can make it
difficult for the Elohim on planet heaven to

stage an invasion of

11. Armageddon

Aliens are Acclimatizing Us Now

global increase of UFO sightings is probably an attempt by extraterrestrials to
acclimatize us

to their existence; as well as a preparation for their soon
arrival en masse to earth. Christ said that the

coming of the Son of Man
would be ‘just as it was in the days of Noah” (Luke 17:26-28). Genesis 6:1-

4 tells us that the
Nephilim (“beings fallen from the sky”), were coexisting with humans, and

intermarrying with them in
the days before the Flood. As you will soon learn, this scenario may be

behind some of the UFO
activity, and abduction phenomenon. There may already be Nibirian hybrids

among us now. The New
Testament provides signs that herald both the physical and political return of

Christ to earth; and
describes the frightening reappearance of the renegade Nibirian Serpent faction

by Marduk, God of Babylon.
Remember, Marduk is the Adversary of the God of the Old Testament.

False Christs will Appear on Earth

himself warned that many would come in His name, saying, “I am the Christ,”

and that many would be mislead (Matthew 2415). We know from
scripture that Christ has returned to

Heaven. And, when he returns it will be from Heaven, or Nibiru_
Therefore, if false Christs appear

now, their origin must be from outer space, or heaven. The arrival
to earth of aliens from another

planet, could be seen as the return of Christ to earth. Christ
also predicted political unrest throughout

the world: “...you will be
hearing of wars and rumors of wars;” and that these things must take place,

but that this is not yet
the end. (Matthew 24:6). “Nations will rise up against nation, and kingdom

against kingdom,”
according to Christ. He also warns that in various places, there will be
famines and

earthquakes” (Matthew 17:7).

three verses refer to distressing events that set the stage for the great
tribulation. One

major sign is the disquieting appearance of a super race of beings
described as “false Christs.” It could

be the intent of the renegade Nibirians to convince humanity that
they are earth’s Messiahs. (Matthew

24:5). From their physical, human-like appearances, they will
appear to be “glorified” Christs.

Revelation 1:14-15 provides us with a detailed description of the
glorified Christ: “...His head and His

hair were white like wool, like snow; and his eyes were like a
flame of fire; and His feet were like

burnished bronze... and His voice was like the sound of many
waters.” This is virtually identical to the

description of the angel
seen by Daniel in chapter ten, which has been detailed in an earlier chapter.

People not familiar with
prophetic scriptures concerning the return of Christ, could easily confuse
these beings with him, his father, and the angels. Of course, those who have no
knowledge of a race of

extraterrestrial (Nibirian) “creators” would have no defense
against such deception.

reappearance of their leader is described in biblical scripture, when John sees
“a beast

coming up out of the sea ,... (Revelation l3;l). It could be that
Enki, his son Marduk, and the other

exiled aliens rise from the sea, and from other secret bases. (The
“beast of the sea” refers to the seven-

headed dragon, an ancient cult symbol of Enki who had for his
domain the oceans and seas of the

Understandably, their sudden unexpected
appearance may disturb some governments to such a

degree that they seek the
destruction of the menacing aliens. If combat takes place, there could be other

nations who consider the
use of the military force as well. An attempt by these former “gods” to woo

their earthly territories
back under their control, could facilitate hostility by making it necessary for

them to subject
surrounding territories to his/her leadership. This very scenario occurred on
earth in the

past, as described in numerous Mesopotamian texts.

are humans who have already masqueraded as Christ. We have seen evidence of
this with

Jim Jones of the Guyana tragedy, and David Koresh of the Branch
Dividians who came to a fiery end in

Waco, Texas. These “false Christs” are easily discredited, but not
so with the Nibirian impostors. They

will appear to be supernatural beings like those described in the
Bible, and will look just as John

described the resurrected Christ in Revelation. They will have
very pale skin, and “hair that is white

like wool,” and “eyes that bum like flames of fire.” It will be
most difficult indeed to determine

whether or not they are Christ and the angels.

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