War In Heaven (30 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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nuclear weapons were employed against the infamous cities of the Old Testament,
then they

may once again be used as Christ returns. The story of Lot’s wife
brings to mind the angel’s warning

not to look back at the blast, lest they be destroyed. We know
from modem experience what looking

directly at a nuclear blast can do to a human being. Christ also
warned people not to go into their

houses to save possessions. If a person is in the field or at
work, they are not to go back to their home.

The attack on Jerusalem
will be so severe that anyone in the vicinity is advised to flee to the

immediately, not going back for anything. This makes sense if
God’s temple has been rebuilt by the

Jews, and is being used in relation to the Space Port. And,
according to scripture, it must be rebuilt,

otherwise antichrist will
not move to destroy it. Clearly, events unprecedented in human history will be

taking place on earth. A
detailed description of these events is found in Revelation. Bear in mind that

Revelation is written in a
type of symbolic code. The “bowls” spoken of are merely symbols

representing something
incomprehensible yet devastating to John; who may not have understood the

cosmological significance
of what he was viewing.

may have found it necessary to resort to the use of symbols, to convey that
which he himself

did not fully comprehend. It is interesting that Sumerians and
Babylonians used bowls decorated with magical incantations designed to ward off
evil spirits, disease, calamity, and death.

correspondence between the
symbolic bowls of Revelation, and their use in antiquity is scintillating.

Iraq Will Be Destroyed

the seventh angel of Revelation has poured out his bowl upon the air, a voice
from the

Temple in Heaven states that “It is done.” Next, “there were
flashes of lightning and sounds and peals

of thunder; and there was a great earth quake, such as there had
not been since man had come to be upon

the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty.” It is
then that a “great city” the rebuilt

Babylon, is destroyed. It was “split into three parts, and the
cities of the Nations fell.” Then, “ever y

island fled away, and the mountains were not found.” This sounds
like the effects of a gigantic

explosion. Is this tremendous explosion due to the detonation of a
Nibirian super-weapon launched by

the forces of the Home planet at Iraq?

Hundred Pound Hailstones Strike Earth

Next, “Huge hailstones, about one-hundred pounds each, came down
from Heaven (space,

though Nibiru, or planet Heaven may be the catalyst) upon men;”
and “men blasphemed God because its

plague was extremely severe” (Revelation 16:17-21). Nibiru causes
interplanetary catastrophe as it

passes earth, and as it passes between Jupiter and Mars. Meteors
and asteroids are perturbed from their

usual orbits; dragged along by Nibiru’s gravitational field, and
some of them hit the earth as the

heavenly planet passes. Nibiru also causes flooding and electrical
storms on earth; which may account

for the extreme size of the 100 pound hailstones.
The "mighty earthquake” could be triggered by the

huge planetary mass of
Nibiru as it passes. Because this will be a “third passing,” Nibiru faces earth

directly, without the sun
as a shield, causing extreme damage to our biosphere.
Some other

could intensify this effect, and aggravate the situation; however,
the catalyst is not named specifically. I

tend to believe it is caused by an attack on Iraq by the forces of
Nannar-Sin and Christ.

God Remembers Babylon

Babylon is “remembered” in order to get the “full wrath of God.” This is most
likely a

reference to the political events that took place in the book of
Daniel; and may be why Babylon is still

on God’s mind. If Babylon is to be punished, it must once again be
in existence. This implies that the

area of ancient Babylon, now known as modem day Iraq, will be
playing a key part in last day events. It

is during this dispensing of the “full wrath of God” that Marduk’s
rebuilt Space Port in Babylon will be

destroyed. After these earth-shattering circumstances, Christ’s
armada is seen suddenly in the skies

over earth (Matthew 14:27-41).

The Armada of Christ Appears in the Skies

The Bible literally says that, “wherever the corpse is, there
shall the eagles gather.” Eagle-men

in ancient Mesopotamian literature, referred to the pilots of the
Nibirian spaceships. The spacecraft

were sometime depicted as “eagles” This idea of eagles as
spaceships is carried over the Hebrew/Greek

scriptures. Therefore when
Matthew 14 describes the gathering of eagles to pick over the corpse of

mankind, it is referring
to the fleet of spaceships belonging to Jesus Christ. They will be completely

visible in the skies over

describes how “immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be

and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from
the heaven. Then, the powers of the

heavens will be shaken, and the sign of the son of man will appear
in the sky, while all the tribes of the earth will mourn. And, they will see
the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and

great glory.” (Matthew
24:27-41). Christ comes on the clouds, with power and great glory,” or in the

sky, with many powerful
spaceships. He appears suddenly, visibly, and swiftly. Like a group of hungry

fowl, the awesome “army of
Heaven” arrives to pick over the corpse of planet earth.

Christ’s Planet Will Then Be Visible from Earth

sign of the Son of Man that appears in the sky is in all probability, planet
Nibiru. The

Mesopotamian symbol for the planet was a cross inside a circle.
And, it was known to the Sumerians as

the “planet of crossing.”
Christ died on the cross,
to show us the way to Heaven, or his father’s

planet. Right before the
planet Nibiru is visible from earth, “the sun will not be darkened, the moon

not give its
light, and the stars will fall from the heavens, and the powers of the heavens
will be shaken.”

This is probably a description of what will happen on earth as
Nibiru passes near.

The Powers of the Heavens Will Be Shaken

32:7-8 describes how the “Lord will cover the heavens and darken their stars,
and how

the sun will be covered with a cloud, and the moon shall not give
its light.” And, all the shining lights in

the heavens will be darkened. This “cloud” could be the result of
meteoric impact on earth, caused by

asteroids or other debris dislodged by Nibiru from the asteroid
belt, which pierce earth’s thick

atmospheric mantle. This could explain why the “moon will not give
its light,” and why the “stars” will

fall from the heavens,” and why “the powers of the heavens will be
shaken.” During this time, Nibiru is

at its closest to earth, making a large scale invasion and rescue
possible. The “powers of heaven” that

are shaken could be a reference not only to the frightening
planetary encounter, but to the inhabitants of

heaven itself; themselves
under attack by the Serpent faction here on earth, the moon and Mars.

Isaiah Predicted that God Would Come from the End of the Solar
System to Help


“stars” that “fall down” from heaven may be a reference to the descent of the
Nibirians to

earth. The gods were associated with the immortal stars of the
heavens throughout ancient cultures.

However, if earth experiences
a pole shift from this passing of Nibiru, then the stars may seem to

disappear, or move as
earth rolls over.” The events of Matthew and Revelation are quite similar to an

even earlier prophesy made
by Isaiah known as an oracle concerning Babylon. The thirteenth chapter of

Isaiah, describes how God
will call his “mighty warriors,” to “execute My anger.” There will be a

“sound of tumult on the
mountains, like that of many people! A sound of the uproar of the kingdoms, of

nations gathered
together!” Here on earth, the nations will be in uproar, gathering together for

The text then goes on to tell us that “the Lord of Hosts is
mustering the army for battle. They are

coming from a far country from the end of heaven." The verse
is telling us that the Lord, of the hosts of

heaven, is coming from his
planet, which is at the end of the solar system!

The Living and the Dead are Beamed Up Into Rescue Vessels

It is after Nibiru becomes visible that Christ gathers his elect
from one end of the sky to the

other. First, the dead are to be raised, then those who are “alive
and remain shall be caught up to meet

the Lord in the air.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). It could be that
they will be lifted up with the

electromagnetic ray described in an earlier chapter.

Scripture says the dead shall “rise” first; however, it is not
specific about whether they will have

been resurrected by the ray itself, or if that takes place later,
after everyone has been rescued. It would make complete sense to bring them aboard
first. Once living humans are brought up to the mother-

ships, more personnel will
be needed to contain them and to explain what is happening. To ensure that

nothing interferes with
the retrieval of the dead, it would seem wisest to bring them up first. In a

broader sense, the meaning
of this portion of the texts seems also to point toward the use of an

electromagnetic ray which
has the power to lift people and objects into the air. It would be far easier

locate and lift up the
individuals on the ground who are outside their homes or offices. It could be

this warning is meant to alert one to the possibility that this
ray will be in operation during the final

phase of rescue (see 1
Thessalonians 4:16).

alive at the end who run inside their houses for protection may miss their
final opportunity

to be rescued alive by the agents of Christ (Luke 17:34-36). When
asked exactly where the faithful

would be taken, Jesus replied: “Where the body is, there also will
the eagles (literally) be gathered. ”

(Luke 17:37, see also Exodus 19:4). Remember that to the
Mesopotamians, eagles were the spacecraft

of the gods.

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