War In Heaven (29 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Christ Predicted Famines and Earthquakes

The famines have also begun, as recently observed in the African
nations of Ethiopia and

Somalia, As the ozone layer continues to deplete, third world
countries continue to destabilize, and

conflicts continue to break out, severe famine could ensue due to
failing crops. (Famine was prophesied

in the book of Enoch before the last passing of Nibiru).
Something about the approach of the planet

Nibiru may also be responsible for the famine inducing conditions.
Earthquakes are also on the rise, and

have killed thousands in recent years. The Bible code actually
specifies when and where some of these

earthquakes occurred, and where they will occur in the near
future. It is possible that they will increase

even more as Nibiru gets
closer to earth.
(Christ would have been aware of the havoc
wreaked by his

Father’s world as it moves into the solar system from its apogee.
This explains why he was able to

predict the inevitable earthquakes it triggers).

World-Societies are Destabilizing

Christ described the above mentioned events as the beginning of
“birth pangs” that will usher in

a new age for mankind. Those in allegiance to Christ will
thereafter be “delivered up to tribulation” and

“killed.” They will be
“hated by all nations” on account of their affiliation with him. During this

Christ predicted that many
will “fall away,” “betray,” and “hate one another.” Because “lawlessness” is

to increase, Christ
pointed out that “most people’s love will grow cold.” This lawlessness has

begun. The people of Mexico City are victims not only to
criminals, but to the corrupt police who often

perpetrate crimes against
them. They are virtually living in a state of chaos without protection of any

kind. As economies fail,
and revered institutions fail, this will only increase and spread. To make

matters worse, “many false
prophets will arise, and mislead many.” (These are probably hybrids

planted by the renegade
faction to further their cause. See Matthew 14:8-13).

Christ is the God of the New Age

“birth pangs” of Matthew 24:5-7 signal that we are about to enter a “New Age.”
An age is

the time required for earth to move across space from one zodiacal
house to another. This shifting of

the houses of the Zodiac occurs every 2,160 years. We are about to
shift from the House of Pisces to the

house of the age of Aquarius around the year 2,160 A. D. This ends
the “present age.” Such measuring

of time, and the movement of the earth through space was used and
established long ago by the

Sumerians; who acquired it from the Nibirians.

It would have been impossible for primitive mortals to develop
such an advanced system of

measuring time. Such a measurement required observation over an
excessive time period (in earth

years). That obviously demands sophisticated cosmological
information in order to establish. This

measuring system is spoken of in the Bible; where it is
acknowledged that God is the Lord of the

“ages.” He is to rule throughout the “ages to come” (Ephesians
2:7). And, intriguingly, the Jewish

historian Josephus said there was a zodiacal circle in the Hebrew
Temple in the second
the Holy Place.
Also the twelve tribes of Israel
were each assigned a Zodiacal sign as a standard.”

The presence of the Zodiac
in the Temple symbolized that the God of Israel is the “Lord of the Ages.”

to biblical prophesy, the renegade Nibirians who have been unable to return to

home planet, will be forced to make their appearance on earth
before the beginning of the New Age, in

order to rally the military forces of mankind. (Revelation 17:17).
They will need the help of humanity

to defeat the returning forces of the home planet; or the “army of
Heaven.” (Revelation 19:14). Since

the time of Christ, and the War in Heaven, they have been hiding
here in secret bases. No doubt, they

have been manipulating mankind politically, setting the stage for
what will soon occur on earth.

Global Regime is New World Order

they appear, those in allegiance with Christ will be persecuted. Here is how it
will work.

Those not fooled by the alien imposters, may be regarded as
traitors by their own people. Because they

will not believe that the
extraterrestrials are Christ and the army of Heaven, they will be branded as

traitors. As a result they
will be hated by the masses for their allegiance to the true Christ.

they refuse to cooperate with the global regime of the renegades.
They will believe the renegades to be

setting up an illegal government. Could the foundation of this
regime already be in place today?

Former President George Bush spoke of a “New World Order.” There
has been talk of implantation

devices for use in commerce, in the hands, or heads of consumers.
Will this soon become frightful

reality? The false prophets are clearly individuals who work for
the exiled aliens, hailing their leader an

antichrist as Messiah. Many may believe that he is the only one
who can deliver earth from the

perplexity it will be enduring.

Both Sides Will Subject Humans to “Rays”

people are going to cooperate fully with the renegades, and propagate their
lies as truth.

These are probably the “false prophets” spoken of earlier. From
scriptural analysis, it appears that a

prophet is a person who has been subjected to the “spirit” ray;
rendering them susceptible to the will of a

god. No doubt, this ray
will again be employed to create new prophets to preach the “gospel” of the

false Messiahs. (The God
of the Old Testament will probably subject both men and women to the ray in

the last days as well.
This will be an effort to counteract the message of the false Christs. Joel

Earth may become a spiritual battlefield of people saturated with
this spirit ray; each person controlled

by his or her god. This may bring about some of the lawlessness
spoken of by Christ; and in turn

people’s love for one another will grow even icier.

Renegades Unmasked on Television

Before the physical return of Christ to earth, one important
contingency must elapse: the gospel

of the kingdom has to be delivered to all the nations of the
world; “then the end shall come.”(Matthew

4:14). We now possess the technology to make this possible by
means of television transmission!

When everyone on earth finally realizes what is actually
transpiring, the final battle for control of

heaven and earth takes
place. Undoubtedly, the renegades will be unmasked on television, leaving

doubt that the aliens have deceived man. lt will be clear that the
“good news” of the “kingdom of the

Heavens” -- of eternal life on planet Nibiru can only be for those
loyal to Christ and the home world,

And, that Christ and the “army of heaven” are on their way to save
their people with an armada of

invincible spaceships.

After this Comes Nuclear Attack

the message has been transmitted, everyone on earth understands that they have

tricked by the renegade Serpent Faction. Then the following
scenario takes place. Christ warns that

“when you see the Abomination of Desolation which was spoken
through Daniel the prophet, standing

in the Holy Place... then let those who are in Judea flee to the
mountains; let him who is on the housetop

not go down to get the things that are in the house; and let him
who in the field not tum back to get his

cloak.” (Matthew 24:15-18). The Abomination of Desolation is in
all likelihood a thermonuclear

device; brought into the Temple by the antichrist. He apparently
erects the device in the Holy Place, the

middle portion of the Temple. Remember that the Temple was Mission
Control for the Space Port of

the Sinai.

Again, it seems likely that a reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar type
would want to destroy the

Temple, just as he did in 604 B. C. (Especially if one considers
that he is in league with the Deity,

Marduk. This god of Nebuchadnezzar was the Adversary of the God of
the Old Testament). This time

it will trigger the final battle of Armageddon. It enables God to
vindicate both himself, for the former

Temple destruction was directed at Him (since it was his
structure), and the Hebrews who followed

him. In this case it can be said that history always repeats
itself Only this time the Jews will be saved

by their God, and not
taken as prisoners of war into Babylon (Iraq). lt seems likely that the

will place this Abomination that makes Desolate in the center of
the Zodiac, near the outer curtain

which divided the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. It is
doubtful that he will penetrate the Holy of

Holies because only a High
priest protected by his elaborate costume can safely enter this section of the

Temple due to radiation
emissions from the ark. (By this time, an ark should be either found, or a new

one built). Since the Holy
of Holies represents God’s planet Nibiru, and the throne from which he rules,

the antichrist will want
to get his destructive device as close as possible to this chamber. This would

a symbolic gesture on part
of the antichrist. lt would illustrate his attempt to not only destroy the

temple, and knock out the
ark as a communications device, but it would depict his desire to dethrone

God, and destroy “those
who dwell in heaven.”

Marduk Targets Hebrew Temple and God of Heaven

antichrist and the Serpent faction have tricked the Jews with their false peace

(Daniel 11:17); antichrist can now “speak monstrous things against
the God of gods,” and “exalt and

magnify himself above every god.” (Daniel 11:36-37). The word
“monstrous” is literally interpreted in

the New American Standard Bible as “extraordinary”). Remember that
the term God, is really a title. lt

is a reference to an office, and is not a name for a particular
being. When antichrist speaks monstrous things against the “God of gods,” it is
the same as if he slanders the king of Heaven, or the

administration there. In
other words, he denigrates the Elohim of the home world, and their existing


will apparently implant in the Temple a super-Weapon, which he will ultimately

detonate. He destroys the
Space Port’s Mission Control Center in the Sinai to prevent Christ and the

army of heaven from using
it. By destroying the Temple, the vital link to the mother ships in orbit

around earth will be
severed. It will be far more difficult to land the huge shuttles, and other

used to move men and machines into key areas. He will also be
trying to cut the Israeli’s off from

communicating with their God and leader. He probably believes that
he can return to the power-

structure of the days of Daniel; when according to the ancient
texts, Marduk was attempting to run

things here on earth. At that time, Marduk was trying to rebuild
the original Space Port in Babylon, the

“Gateway of the Gods,” and to terminate the Space Port of the
Sinai. If the Babylonian Space Port is

already in operation, this may be another reason why antichrist
would want to blow up the spaceport in

the Sinai.

Abomination of Desolation Triggers Armageddon

prophet John reports in Revelation that he saw “coming out of the mouth of the
dragon and

out of the beast and out of the false prophet, three unclean
spirits like frogs;” which are spirits of

demons, performing signs, that go out to the kings of the whole
world, to gather them together for the

war of the great day of God, the Almighty.” (Revelation 16:13-14).
It is this action that brings on the

battle of Armageddon, spoken of in Revelation 16:6. To understand
the meaning of the “unclean spirits

like frogs,” we have to examine the Sumerian poem, “Inanna and
Enki.” Enki awakes to find that in a

drunken gambling game, he lost something of great value, called a
“me.” He attempted to recover them

by sending various watery creatures chasing after Inanna’s boat.
The first was a frog. Apparently, this

little “spirit” is represented by a frog.
Leviticus 11:29-30, we are told that reptiles are “unclean.”

Therefore, the words
coming from the mouth of the dragon, beast, and false prophet are to be likened

“unclean spirits like
frogs," and that they are really “demons.” In other words what they are
saying is

“demonically” induced by the Adversarial faction. These words have
supernatural power, or so it seems

because they “perform signs.” Signs are miracles, or what seems to
be a miracle anyway. The message

is so powerful, that everyone gathers for “the war of the great
day of God, the Almighty.”

Christ will try and destroy the Serpent faction before the antichrist destroys
the Temple;

this would explain some of the intense fighting prophesied in and
around Israel. As soon as the Jews

realize that the antichrist has tricked them, (when they see the
Abomination that makes Desolate

standing in the Temple), and hear the antichrist “blaspheme the
God of Heaven,” they “display strength

and take action.” (Daniel 11:32). Finally, they realize that they
have been deceived, and stand up for

their God, Nannar-Sin, or Yahweh as they also called him. They
then realize that Jesus Christ is the son

of their God, their Messiah, and they take a stand for him by
recognizing him as their true leader and

acting on his behalf.

Christ Returns, Unleashes Nuclear Destruction

It is during this decisive final conflict that all the nations of
the earth are to do battle. This is

when Christ himself will descend to the Mount of Olives that will
then split apart; providing a great

crevice where the Jews can take cover from the coming onslaught.
(Zecharia 14). The nature of the

forces unleashed on that day by the God of Heaven is described in
Zecharia 14:2. The Lord will “smite”

all the peoples who have fought against Jerusalem with a “plague.”
It will cause their flesh to “consume

away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall
consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their
mouths.” This is a very accurate picture of what happens to someone in a

nuclear blast.

Nibirians and Humans Fight Side By Side

to the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nibirians of the home planet, represented in the

by the “Sons of Light,” shall engage the “Sons of Darkness,” Then
the war cries of both gods and men

alike shall be heard as mortal humans join forces with the
Nibirians in the final battle for control of

Humans imprisoned by the domination and control of the renegades will have no
choice but to

fight against their own people; and against the forces of the
returning Christ. Those who dwell in

Jerusalem are told to flee to the mountains, precisely where the
Elohim are most likely to land their

spaceships, since they employed mountains in the past for such
purposes. (See Exodus 19:11, 16, &

18). Hopefully, the inhabitants of Jerusalem will be familiar with
scripture and head to the Mount of


warns that no one is to return to his house to get anything, They are instead
advised to

flee for their lives! He says it will be bad for those who are
“with child,” or who are nursing babies. It

is more difficult to make
a swift escape when trying to drag little ones with you. Christ also adds that

they should pray that
their flight should not be on a Sabbath, or in the winter. He states that “...

there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since
the beginning of the world until now, nor

ever shall.” He goes on to say that “unless those days had been
cut short, no flesh could have been

saved.” (Matthew 14:19-22). When Christ returns, the same terrible
weapons of “fire and brimstone

from heaven” used by the Elohim on Sodom and Gomorrah will again
be employed against earth by the

ruling forces of planet Nibiru (Luke 17:29-30). In verse 32 of
Luke 17, we are reminded to remember

Lot’s wife,.

renditions of the Bible have translated the Hebrew term “Netsivmelah” as pillar
of salt.

Zecharia Sitchin believes that if the mother tongue of Abraham was
Sumerian, and the event was first

recorded in Sumerian, an entirely different, and certainly more
believable fate for Lot’s wife becomes

possible. The Sumerian word NIMUR means both salt and vapor. The
Hebrew narrator probably

misinterpreted the Sumerian term and wrote “pillar of salt” when
in fact she became a “pillar of

In other words, she became like so many
victims of the nuclear weapons dropped on

Nagasaki and Hiroshima - a gray shadow of either smoke or ashes
standing, or etched into the

surrounding terrain.

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