War In Heaven (27 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Leaders of Resistance Will Be Tested by God

11:33 describes how “those who have insight among the people will give

to the many, yet they will fall by the sword and by flame, by
captivity and by plunder for many days.”

Clearly, those who have “insight,” are those who really understand
the reality behind the extraterrestrial

invasion, because they have properly interpreted the biblical
texts and comprehend its true and original

meaning. (ln fact, some versions of the text call them “those
instructors of the people”). The text says

that they attempt to
convey their findings to the masses or “many,” and in tum are killed, burned

imprisoned or
robbed of their belongings.

they are also “instructors” of the people, it is obvious that they are doing
more than

merely interpreting the texts and pointing out danger. They are
most likely advising the people in a plan

of action and resistance movement against the invading forces of
the Serpent Faction. Daniel 11:34

states that “when they fall they will be granted a little help,
and many will join with them in hypocrisy.”

Whether this means these
dynamic leaders will be granted help from the forces of the home planet, or

from other humans is not
clear. It may be a little of both. However, one thing is for certain, “many

will join with them in
hypocrisy," or in other words, they will join with them, but lack the
integrity to

stick to their beliefs when the going gets tough.

Those Who Die Receive Eternal Life on Nibiru

Daniel 11:35 states: “some of those who have insight will fall.”
This means that even some of

those who are the strongest leaders of the movement will be
tested, “in order to refine, purge, and make

them white, until the end
time; because it is still to come at the appointed time.” Apparently, some

people will be required to
prove their loyalty and sincerity beyond a shadow of a doubt. Their

steadfastness in the face
of certain death will provide a powerful inducement for many that would

otherwise fail to see the
invaders as they truly are. Those who successfully complete their mission, and

refuse even to death to go
over to the side of the enemy, will be rewarded according to Daniel 12:3.

“...those who have insight
will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those

who lead the many to
righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” Stars are symbolic of the

inhabitants of heaven, and
this leads one to the conclusion that these instructors who have insight will

appointed positions of
great power and authority on Nibiru, since stars in Revelation represented the

authority of the churches.

Consequently, those who
are “beheaded” because of the “testimony of Jesus,” and "the word of

God,” as well as those who
had not “worshiped the beast or his image, and had not “received the mark”

of the beast, “came to
life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:4). It is

that planet Nibiru spends about a thousand years in the solar
system before traveling to Orion in the

apogee portion of its orbital cycle.

The False Prophet Summons Display of Force From Outer-Space

false prophet has difficulty making humanity continue to worship the beast once
they begin

to witness the slaughter of their brethren (Revelation 13:10). To
make his task easier he needs the help

of the serpent faction. They “enable him to perform great signs,
so that he even makes fire come down

out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men.” Revelation
13:33). To convince mankind that

Marduk means business, and that he is capable of waging war with
the home planet, the false prophet

“ makes fire come down out of heaven,” Could this be a laser blast
from an orbiting spaceship? Marduk

would only have to flatten Washington, London, or Moscow to convince
the inhabitants of our world

that he means business. Such an awesome display of power would
leave little doubt that these

extraterrestrials are not to be trifled with.

The God of Heaven Will Destroy Babylon

With the combined military efforts of mankind, and the renegade
Elohim, antichrist may believe

he can defeat the armada of Christ if he has reestablished the
Space Port. The Bible indicates a

resurrection of the old, original Space Port located in ancient
Babylon, and present day Iraq. That this

ancient city will be destroyed again is stated in scripture:
“Babylon the Great City, (will) be thrown

down with violence, and will not be found any longer.” (Revelation

In order for Babylon to be destroyed, it first has to be in
existence. Unbelievably, it has already

been rebuilt! On December 2, 1971, the Los Angeles Times reported
that the tower of Babel, may soon

rise again over the dusty plain once known as Mesopotamia, The
Iraqi government was considering a

plan to reconstruct part of the ruins of ancient Babylon,
including a two-hundred and ninety-five foot

tower which probably
inspired the author of the book of Genesis. The New York Times printed on

March 20, 1979: Babylon
Rises Out of the Ashes, the story of how work began in 1978 on the project to

restore the ancient city,
located 55 miles south of Baghdad Iraq on the sun-baked plain. The city is

being rebuilt for the
first time in centuries, and is now partially completed, including a ziggurat.

of its
original structures have already been restored.

Hussein. the dictator of Iraq, fancies himself the reincarnation of King

mentioned in Daniel and Babylonian texts. Nebuchadnezzar was known
for his building projects, and

military campaigns. Saddam is determined to resurrect the ancient
site, and to reestablish the

Nebuchdnezzar’s former empire. The new Babylon is being composed
of its original materials - bricks

and stones. The sun dried mud bricks of Mesopotamia were
flammable, as vitrified remains of

destroyed ziggurats have been found. This fits in precisely with
the prophesy of Revelation 18:17-18,

describing the sad reaction of the humans who witness her final
destruction, and “great wealth” that has

been “laid waste.” “...and as many as make their living by the
sea, stood at a distance, ...and were

crying out as they saw the smoke of her burning saying, what city
is like the great city?” (Revelation


modem day structures are built of fire-proof materials. Since Iraq is rebuilding
the city

with its original elements, the prediction that it bums can be
taken quite literally. Because of the oil

trade, we can expect the Persian Gulf which borders Iraq to be
filled with merchant ships. Isaiah

prophesied that in the “day of the Lord,” (the day of the Lord
always refers to the time period in which

planet Nibiru is near earth), the God of the Old Testament, would
destroy his enemies on earth; “Wail

for the Day of the Lord is near! It will come as destruction from
the Almighty.” (Isaiah 13:6-7).

Saddam Prepares the Way for Marduk’s Return

harlot of Revelation is a symbol representing the false religion of Babylon. .
.the worship of

the old Sumero-Babylonian deities, blasphemously re-instituted in
the last days by a certain organization

known as the “woman” The implications that the harlot is wicked
and associated with Babylon is

significant, since the false religion is to be tied in with the
worship of the antichrist,

Nebuchadnezzar/Marduk, and with the Space Port. The Iraqi
government has already provided the

necessary ziggurat! It is easy to see how God could have predicted
in advance that the infamous “tower

of Babel” is to be rebuilt before his return to earth. . .he knew
it must be in order to accommodate the

shem of Marduk, and to provide with him with his ancient temple or
domicile. A house designed and

built to ensure his protection from the human masses.

Nibirian Spaceships Imply Prosperity

In ancient days, the towers, ziggurats, or biblical “high places”
of the gods symbolized not only

eternal life, but enormous power as well. Power that was not only
political, but militaristic. They also

represented the association of the gods with the economic and
commercial success of the ancient world.

ln other words, the spaceships and shem’s of Marduk and other
alien exiles, are to be important to the

economies of the world because of their association with the
awesome technology of the gods of the old

religious system. How could men abandon the religious teachings
taught to them by their forefathers,

and suddenly and eagerly switch their allegiance over to the
extraterrestrial rebels? Close examination

of the situation indicates
that it will be difficult to resist. Those who cooperate with them will have

tremendous economic
success, while those who resist will be forced into dire poverty. At the heart

most of
earth’s problems are its socio-economic failures. Our resources are not being
used wisely. Too

much is wasted in developed nations, while those in third world
die in abject pauperism. There is no

logical central control over technology. We are rapidly
compromising this planet with rampant

haphazard industrial pursuits.

distribution systems are inadequate. Excess produce is destroyed to keep prices
of existing

food stuffs artificially high. While great heaps of edible oranges
mold and rot, homeless people in the

streets of America are dying of hunger. Throughout the globe,
hunger is an increasing problem, just as

Christ prophesied long ago. (Matthew 24:7). Some of this is due to
the exploding population of earth. Logically, a global plan should be
instituted to stabilize the increase in population, before the situation

attains critical mass.
Such problems will seem easy for technologically advanced, superior

extraterrestrials to
solve. Humans would quickly trade obedience and allegiance for the benefits of

advanced technology,
including a free source of clean, natural energy - so cheap to produce it could

be charged for.

the people of earth will greedily scramble to meet the needs of these space

brothers. Ziggurats will
be erected to accommodate them and their spacecraft. Such vehicles may also

be viewed as awesome
weapons of mass destruction. Humans might follow their new alien leaders out

of fear alone. If these
beings resurrect the Space Port in Babylon, they will intend to use it. While

living on earth, they need
it to travel to Mars, the Moon and most importantly, Nibiru, It is most likely

used to guide their massive
shuttle-crafts which carry enormous cargoes of men and materials from one

planet to the next.

Nibirians Recruit Humans for Military Attack on Home Planet

these Elohim follow the same pattern as they did when they were on the earth
before, then

they will amass armies that include humans in order to invade the
home world as it nears its point of

crossing in the asteroid belt. They may find it necessary to
create such an army to fend off an attack

from the military forces of the home world as the Dead Sea Scrolls
predict, as well as Revelation and

Daniel. Humanity might view this as the perfect way for man to
finally grasp the forbidden fruit of

immortality for which he so desperately longs. Apparently, the
world unites: “For God has put it into

their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose,
and by giving their kingdom to the

beast ,... ” (Revelation 17: 17).

A New Sphinx Will Be Built

In order to communicate with Nibiru, the Moon and Mars while
stationed on earth, the exiled

faction require the “image of the beast that speaks.” A gigantic
stone image of what may be Marduk,

presently crouches in the eternal, shifting sands of Egypt, a mute
reminder of ages past. According to

ancient texts, this fantastic sphinx once “spoke” to heaven,
relaying the commands of the gods.” In all

probability, the sphinx of
Egypt was a type of communications device in antiquity, used in conjunction

with the Space Port.
Revelation 13:14-15, describes how a new image of the “beast who had the wound

of the sword, but came
back to life” is to be made by “those who dwell on the earth.” lt also has the

“power to speak,” and it
causes “as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed,” The

people cooperating with
the renegade faction, help to create another sphinx-like beast. lt is like a

leopard, whose feet were
like a bear, and with a mouth like that of a lion. It will probably serve as a

communications device in
conjunction with the resurrected Space Port. The dragon gives him his

throne and authority
(Revelation 13:2). This description is obviously that of a chimera, an emblem

Mesopotamia which was used for political purposes to convey attributes or

Chimeras Were Political Emblems of Nibirians

chimeras could be used to designate attributes belonging to a deity, or

Here the beast gets his power from the dragon, who we have
identified as the Adversarial faction of

the biblical writings, or the Hebrew “Sawtawn.” These weird
combinations of creatures were types of

symbolic-pictorial political statements. When someone of the
ancient world saw the symbol of the

dragon or snake for instance, one knew instantly the political
party it represented » that of Marduk and

Enki his father. Incidentally, just as the gods of Mesopotamia had
distinctive attributes, such as weapons, inanimate or astral symbols, they also
had their familiar beasts. Sometimes these were natural

animals, however most of
them were hybrid combinations of more than one animal, with an occasional

human head thrown in.
Representations of these beasts in art served the function of symbolizing the

various gods. Sometimes
they guarded the entrance to their master’s shrines, or served as altars.

seems that
this chimera beast, will symbolize the Mesopotamian Deity behind the global
regime, but

will most likely bear the “image” or face of the
Nebuchadnezzar/Marduk hybrid human who will be

“ruling” Iraq, the old
seat of Marduk’s power. (It will undoubtedly be a chimera, probably with the

body of a leopard, and the
feet of a bear).

tells us that this “beast” derived his power, throne and great authority from

“dragon,” or Adversarial
forces exiled from Nibiru. The curious beast speaks with the mouth of a lion,

which represents Babylon.
In the Assyrian text “Nebuchadnezzar and Marduk,” king Nebuchadnezzar

is said to “roar like a
lion.” Here this beast is tied to Babylon, and Nebuchadnezzar the “head of

of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image of earthly kingdoms. In
Mesopotamian literature, the lion was a

favorite metaphor for warlike kings and fierce deities.
The lion allegory is the quintessential image of

both king Nebuchadnezzar,
and Marduk, and can be nationalized by Babylon. (Let us bear in mind that

Jesus Christ was from the
tribe of Judah, that used as their zodiacal standard the constellation Leo,

representing the lion. He
is the God of the Old Testament’s reply to Nebuchadnezzar and Marduk’s old

plan of global

image also has the feet of a bear, representing the Persian empire. This
indicates that like

the Persian Empire under Cyrus, it will have a far reaching
influence, and it will spread the old

Babylonian religious system. It was “like a leopard,” the leopard
representing the Greek empire, which

later conquered the Persian Empire. It continued the spread of the
Babylonian religion, translating it to

much of the world for centuries to come. The Roman Empire was not
mentioned as part of the chimera

creature. Once religious unification and Babylonian religious
influence take over as a universal church,

they will set up themselves up in the existing Catholic church.
The beast will most likely take over

position of supreme authority in the Catholic Church, the “head”
of Pope of the church. (Again, the

“head” is connected to the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar in
Daniel, and that head represents

Babylon). Remember that the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar was of a
statue of a man, and his legs

and feet were of iron. His feet partly of iron and partly of clay
― an attempt to “combine with one

another with the seed of men.” In other words, the final mixing of
the Nibirians renegades and human

beings before the end.

Egyptian Sphinx Will Be Destroyed

beast of Revelation is amazingly similar to the Egyptian Sphinx of Egypt. Why
erect a new

sphinx, when the old one is still in existence? Though the
original sphinx can still be found among the

undulating desert sands,
it has a lot of structural damage that is beginning to become acute. Pollution

from the nearby city of
Cairo is decomposing it, while noise vibrations from the multitude of

automobiles are cracking
away at its entire structure. It’s just a matter of time before the whole thing

collapses in the dust. The
Egyptian government has considered burying the sphinx until some method

of preserving it can be
found. Such actions will of course necessitate the construction of a new one,

as the Bible
predicts. Even if the existing sphinx does not crumble, damage rendered to it
by pollution

and other agents, may cause it to become unfit for use by the

The New Sphinx Will Speak for Marduk

Aside from its space related communications functions, Egyptian
legend relates that the sphinx

of old once pronounced oracles or fates.
sphinxes, and other devices, were sometimes used by the gods, the Nibirians to
convey messages to mankind.
The new image will probably become a

pronouncer of oracles,
just as its predecessor. Revelation 13:14-15 describes just such a scenario, an

image that speaks, and
causes those who refuse to worship it to be killed. Thus it seals the fate of

who refuse to worship the alien Marduk (or his human-hybrid

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