War In Heaven (18 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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Did the Nibirians unleash fantastic nuclear type weapons upon the
red sands of Mars? Could the

radiation from such awesome weapons have destroyed the fragile
ozone layer surrounding the red

planet? Did this result in the loss of most of its animal and
plant life? Did this also cause Mars to lose

its water into outer
space? It may not be a coincidence that the ancients associated the planet Mars

the god of

If a space war was waged in the solar system, then this could
explain the destruction of the four

moons of Saturn, which in tum resulted in the formation of that
planet’s rings. Astronomers believed

that these moons were broken up when they came to near the planet.
Pioneer ll revealed that the

moons of Saturn are primarily made of ice and water ice. However,
some do possess rock cores. It is

highly unlikely that those with rock cores could have broken up so
And, this theory becomes

even more unlikely when
one considers that Saturn is the only planet in our system with moons that

have been theoretically
been destroyed in such a manner.

Nuclear War in Outer-Space

Curiously, the New Testament book of Revelation says: “And there
was “war in heaven (Nibiru),

Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon (the Serpent
faction). And the dragon and his

angels waged war...” First, the “dragon” swept away a third of the
inhabitants of heaven, and threw

them to earth. (Revelation 12:4). Apparently, the forces of the
Serpent faction, or Dragon, got one third

of Nibiru’s people on its side. They left and came to earth. The
military forces of the home planet, led

by Michael, attacked the forces of the Serpent faction somewhere
in outer space. (Revelation 12:7). It

would appear that the Serpent faction was about to stage a coup on
Nibiru. However, the text goes on to

reveal that the “dragon and his angels were not strong enough, and
there was no longer a place found for

them in heaven. (Revelation 12:7-8). In other words, the military
forces of the Serpent faction were

kicked off the planet, and as you will soon see, they had other
places to go...

Fighting Spilled Over to Base on Mars

Intriguingly, there is a significant amount of erosion to the
“Face on Mars,” and pyramids.”

Weather alone might not be responsible for such damage. The entire
surface of Mars is literally dotted

with debris. Where did all the millions of tiny rock fragments,
lying virtually everywhere on the surface

of Mars come from? This debris littered surface is strangely
reminiscent of the giant black scar of the

Sinai peninsula, a former landing site of the Nibirian space
shuttles here on earth.

to Sitchin, the spaceport in the Sinai was destroyed by: “seven awesome

These weapons emitted “poisons” that the “lands would make
desolate,” and “the people would make

perish.” This was the last epic battle among the Nibirians, waged
for control of the spaceport upon

earth. In that conflict, the spaceport of the Sinai was totally
obliterated, along with the errant cities of

Sodom and Gomorrah.
Apparently, Marduk had tried to seize the spaceport once again, in an effort to

make himself “supreme,”
and in order to control space traffic between earth and Heaven.

Could these tiny rocks and misplaced boulders of Mars be the result
of a similar nuclear

explosion? It seems logical that a battle between the two factions
would have been waged on Mars for

control of the base. It was a necessary component for those that
would come and go between Nibiru and

earth. Such interplanetary bases may have been partially destroyed
in an effort to confine the exiled

“Serpent Faction” to earth.

Curiously, there are an abnormally high number of one-kilometer
craters in the Cydonia region

on Mars. The main pyramid within the City complex appears to have
evidence of melt-flow; the kind of

melting that could only occur under extremely high heat, like that
associated with nuclear exchange. A

structure labeled the honeycomb complex appears to have had its
roof ripped away... as though some

giant hand used a can opener and peeled it back; exposing its open
girder framework. Plus, one side of

this peculiar complex is caved in.

NASA frame #70A1l, there lies a large rocket-like object, oriented

The northeast end is pointed. Richard Hoagland has speculated from
close examination that this may be

the apex of a fallen spaceship. In the center of these tail fins,
he claims there is an exposed rocket

motor; indicating that this may actually be a partially destroyed
spacecraft. This rocket lies next to an

object called “The Fort.”

Hoagland writes in his:
Monuments of Mars
, that the D&M
Pyramid appears to have a

strategically placed impact crater in its southeastern flank. He
observes that “domed uplifting” distorts

its geometry.
(Interestingly, a Sumerian text,
Myth of the Pick-ax
, describes the gods use of a

sophisticated weapon
called an “alani.” It was said to possess a curious “tooth,” like a “one-horned
ox” that could attack and destroy large walls. It was apparently some type of
huge power drill mounted on a

bulldozer type vehicle capable of crushing everything in its

From Mr. Hoagland’s scrutiny of the artifacts of Mars, as well as
that of European astronomers,

it would appear that at one time there was a violent struggle on
the red planet that involved weapons of

enormous power.2” There now exists the possibility that this
struggle might have been part of the “war

in heaven" of Revelation twelve. It was also hinted at in
Luke 10:18, where Christ stated that he was

“watching Satan fall from
heaven.” Did the military forces of the God of the Old Testament, Nannar-

Sin, attack the Nibirian
base on Mars held then by the Serpent faction, during the time of Christ? Was

this then chronicled in Revelation

seems logical, for the forces of Nannar-Sin would have found it necessary to

disable the military capabilities of both the Mars base, and the
Moon base. This would have been

necessary to prevent a full-scale attack on his army when it
returns to remove mankind from earth and

destroy the Serpent faction. He may have left certain strategic
structures intact, because he plans to use

them upon his arrival. But, what was at the heart of this
interplanetary war? An analysis of events that

began in Heaven described
in Revelation 12: 1-5, tend to clarify the purpose of this conflict.

Purpose of Outer-Space Conflict

The woman wearing a “crown with twelve stars” who is “standing on
the moon,” represents

Israel, for she gave birth to the “male child,” the “shepherd of
the nations.” (Remember that Mary, the

mother of Christ was a Hebrew female). This child was “caught up
to God and to his throne.” This is

obviously a reference to Jesus Christ, a Hebrew hybrid male. He
was called both the Son of Man, and

the Son of God, his “father who is in Heaven." And, Christ
ascended into Heaven to rule at the right

hand of his father. The identity of the “woman” can be further
pin-pointed by understanding that this

woman “stood upon the moon,” the celestial cult symbol of
Nannar-Sin, the Sumerian moon deity as

described in my first book.
The woman also wore a
“crown with twelve stars;” symbolic of the

twelve tribes of Israel,
and also signifying political authority or kingship, originating from the

planet, Nibiru.

Red Dragon is Adversarial Faction

The book of Revelation goes on to say that “another sign appeared
in heaven: and behold a great

red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were
seven diadems.” The great red

dragon is a symbol of the adversary, the serpent faction led by
the family of Enki, and his son Marduk,

who held as their cult symbol the dragon or serpent.” Seven was
symbolic of planet earth, and the

crowns or diadems on its heads indicate political authority,
meaning that the dragon is in control of earth

from a political
standpoint. Intriguingly, I have discovered a giant serpent’s head in the
plains of Utopia

in NASA photos of planet Mars. This is a further indication that
the Serpent faction may have held a

base on Mars.

Nibiru, Politically Divided

Curiously, the “tail” of this dragon “swept away a third of the
stars of heaven, and threw them to

the earth.” This tells us that on Nibiru (planet heaven) a
controversy began that divided the planet into

two factions. One was the
Serpent faction led by the dragon, that consisted of one third of the

population of Nibiru. The
other faction consisted of the forces of the home planet -- or the remaining

two-thirds of the Nibirians.
(Remember that “stars to the ancient peoples, were “those who dwell in

Since the “tail of the dragon swept away one third of the stars of heaven and
threw them to the earth,” it can be understood that the Serpent faction and one
third of the population of Nibiru has

been exiled to earth. (See Revelation 12:9).

Serpent Faction Tried to Recruit Christ

Revelation goes on to describe how “the dragon stood before the
woman who was about to give

birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour the child.”
Since the dragon intended to “devour the

child,” it is clear that the adversarial faction wished to kill,
or destroy Christ. Christ, the special hybrid,

created to reconcile the
two planets forever, had been given all political authority on heaven and earth

(Matthew 28:18). There was
an attempt to win him over to the Serpent faction in (Luke 4:1-13).

Though the “male child”
was symbolically “destroyed” on the cross, he was resurrected and taken to the

kingdom of the “heavens”
and to the throne of God, which is on planet Nibiru (according to the temple

layout). It would appear
then that the dragon would have wished to devour the special hybrid Christ.

Why? Christ would now
stand in his way of solar system conquest.

Serpent Faction Hiding in Secret Bases on Earth, Moon and Mars

Perhaps many modern day reports of hidden underground alien bases,
and reports of UFO

activity in and around lakes and oceans should be taken more
seriously. Notice also that the beast of

Revelation 13:1 rises from the “sea.” If the Serpent Faction is
exiled from the home world and in

hiding, it might explain extraterrestrial artifacts on the moon
and Mars, and why the Russian Phobos 2

probe, and Mars Observer were inexplicably “lost” over Mars. As
soon as the forces of the home planet

retreated and returned to Nibiru, then the Nibirians in exile here
on earth were able to come out of

hiding and reclaim the use of their previous bases on the Moon and
Mars. They may be attempting to

rebuild their damaged bases in an effort to launch an attack as
Nibiru again makes its perigee and moves

between Jupiter and Mars.

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