What Happens Tomorrow (10 page)

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Authors: Elle Michaels

BOOK: What Happens Tomorrow
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WHEN TYLER LEFT for work this morning, I felt a little sad, but it’s probably good that he left. The last thing I need is to become dependant on him, expecting him to always be here. I’ve done that before.

During our marriage, Matt and I argued a lot, so to keep the peace I let him make all the decisions and I didn’t do anything without his approval. Looking back, I’m aware I was slowly morphing into a Stepford wife.

I won’t let that happen again.

Not feeling very motivated, I decide to stay in and snuggle up on the couch with my little man and watch some chick flicks. The last couple of days have been emotionally exhausting, so some down time is probably a good idea.

I don’t realize I’ve fallen asleep until my cell phone starts to chirp. I know who the text is before I look at it.


Hey beautiful. Checking in. Miss u <3 Do u need a break or should I come over after work? T xx


Missed u today 2. Would really like to see u. If u r ok with that. B x


Good! See you soon. Pizza and beer?


Sounds great! Pepperoni and mushroom, please. xx


A couple of hours later he shows up in black basketball shorts and a faded, blue tank carrying pizza and beer. I was hoping he would come over in his work clothes. I’m a sucker for a man in a suit, but he does look incredibly sexy in his shorts.

Tyler puts the beer in the refrigerator as I grab two plates from the cupboard. We’re about to dish out the pizza when the phone starts to ring and I’m greeted by my none too happy best female friend.

“Seriously, did I do something to piss you off?”

“Hey Jenna, no…I’m sorry I haven’t called. I’ve had a lot going on lately.” I haven’t spoken to her all week, and I feel really bad because we usually talk on a daily basis.

“I’m only fucking with you. Everything okay, B? I could come over it you aren’t busy. We could make margaritas?”

I hesitate for a moment biting on the tip of my thumbnail. Do I tell her that Tyler’s here, or do I make up another excuse. “Why don’t you come over? Ty just got here with pizza and beer.” He turns to face me as he hands me an icy beer.

“You two have been spending a lot of time together lately, huh? Anything you wanna share?” She knows there’s something going on. Jenna is anything but stupid.

“Are you coming over or not?”

“Ya, ya. I’ll be right over.”

Tyler’s staring at me with raised brows and tilted head as his throws his hands out, questioning me. “That was Jenna. She hasn’t seen me all week, so she wants to come over and check up on me. Oh, and just so you know. I think she’s on to us.” I quickly take a swig of my ice cold beer. “How do you feel about her knowing?” I ask as Tyler walks over to me, encasing me in his strong arms.

“The better question would be, how do
feel about Jenna knowing about us? I would be happy if the whole world knew, but I want to make sure you’re ready to let everyone know first.”

I lift my head and look into his eyes—eyes that melt my heart with a simple glance.“I don’t want to hide us, Tyler. If we’re going to work, we can’t hide.” I reach up and kiss his lips as my front door flies opens.


“Holy Shit! I fucking knew it!
I knew there was something going on with you two. Is this why you blew me off all week?”

Feeling a little embarrassed, I pull away from him. “Hey, Jenna,” Tyler says as he winks at her.

“Hey asshole. Just remember, I saw her first. Be prepared to share.”

He chuckles as he walks over to Jenna and wraps his arm around her neck like he is putting her in a choke hold, then kisses the top of her head. She giggles.“I promise to share. Should we pick days?”

“Ummm, standing right here guys. Jenn, beer?”

She takes the bottle from my hand and walks over to the couch. A sickening feeling hits me as I realize my photo album is still sitting on the coffee table. I forgot to put it away the other night.
I never forget to tuck it away in the drawer.

Not ever.

Jenna picks it up and inspects the cover. “What were you guys looking at?” she questions as I feel the color drain from my face. Tyler is the only one who knows about my past, and he only learned a few days ago. Jenna would be devastated if she knew that he had found out before her.

Tyler calmly walks over to the album all the while looking at me. I know he can see the panicked look I’m trying to hide. “Oh, Brooke was showing me some picture of…of…”

I walk over to Jenna and casually remove the album from her hands. Funny how I can act so calm when I’m freaking out inside. “Nothing, really. Just a few pictures of my family.” It wasn’t really a lie; more like an omission of truth as I knew she would think it was my parents.

“I’d love to see them,” she offers as Ty chimes in to save the day.

“You know what, ladies? You seem to have some catching up to do, and I need to get ready for work in the morning. I’m gonna leave the two of you to have some girl time.” Just when I think he can’t be any more perfect he is. He knows how important she is to me. He gets that I’ve missed her. He definitely scored some points tonight.

“Thank you,” I silently mouth as he stalks towards me.

He leans in to kiss my cheek, then whispers softly in my ear, “You need this time with each other. Talk to her, Brooke. Tell her. She loves you. We both do. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” He smiles with his signature loving wink.

“Don’t leave on my account. I’m the third wheel here. I’ll let you guys finish your night.” I know Jenna feels bad and that makes me feel bad. After all, I was the one who invited her over, but I’m sad Tyler’s leaving, I was secretly hoping he’d want to stay over again. I sleep peacefully when he’s next to me, and it’s been years since I’ve slept this good.

“It’s fine, Jenna. I’ve had Brooke all to myself for a couple of days. You two need some girl time.” He bends down, brushing his lips against mine as he seductively whispers, “Night, baby,” against them.


I suck in a breath trying to settle my raging hormones as he walks out the door grinning. “Night ladies.” I lock the door behind him and feel Jenna’s eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

“Seriously, Brooke, what the fuck? Why have you
told me about this?”

I shrug, unsure how to answer. “I swear it only happened recently, and to tell you the truth, I wasn’t exactly sure if it was what I wanted.”

“You do realize that Tyler is an absolute god to look at, don’t you? Not to mention he has an amazing personality and he’s one of our best friends. Come on, Brooke, this is the kind of shit romance novels are written about. That
makes movies of the week about.”

I chuckle. “
huh? Not sure if we’re quite a
movie yet, but thanks for the vote of confidence. Go grab a seat while I grab us another beer. We have some catching up to do.”

We talk about what’s been happening in our love lives lately, and Jenna fills me in on Jasper and his band and how things are going between them. “Hey, what are you and Tyler doing this weekend? Jasper’s band is playing at a club in Laguna Beach and it would be fun if you guys came out to watch with me. We could all hang out after.”

A double date?
“That sounds like fun. I’ll check with Tyler to see if he has anything planned for the weekend.”

She tuts as she shakes her head at me. “Of course he has plans this weekend. He has them with you. When are you going to understand that? He’s head over heals for you, Brooke. Always has been. You were the only one who never saw it.”

An embarrassed laugh escapes my mouth. “It’s still new, Jenna. It isn’t like that. We—”

“Are you serious? Do you
see how he looks at you? Brooke, the man has been smitten with you for…hmm, let’s see…forever! How did you not see it?”

I don’t think I’m ready to tell her that once you lose your husband and child nothing else seems to really matters anymore. With the album resting on the counter, I decide tonight is not the night to show it Jenna. My heart can only handle so much angst.

I hear my cell phone beep.

“I bet that’s lover boy texting you,” Jenna teasingly says before pausing in thought. “Wait? How long has this thing been you two been going on anyway? Was it really your mom you were texting with at breakfast or was it Tyler? Because your mom isn’t the most tech savvy person.” She raises an accusing eyebrow as I read my text.


I’ll miss being wrapped around you tonight but know I’m here if you need me. T xx


I look up at Jenna and shrug my shoulders, curving my lips into an amused smile. “Busted.”


I wake to the feel of warm hands trailing gently up my hip as strong lips suckle the delicate skin at the of my neck. Every cell in my body awakens.

Raising the hem of my tank top slowly, his fingertips brush against my naked flesh as they carefully work their way up my stomach before finally reaching my aching breasts.

I can’t believe it…It’s finally happening.

I suck in a ragged breath and try to turn my body over to face him. I need to feel his bare skin against mine, but he stops me, grabbing my wrist and pinning it to my side, keeping me where I am as he works my body into a frenzy with his amazing lips running tiny, toe-curling kisses up and down my shoulder. The hard, excited feeling of how desperately he wants me pokes between my thighs.

His hand lets go of my wrist the moment I stop fighting him and I feel it quickly move to the waist of my boy shorts. No longer is he taking it slow and gentle. His hands grip my shorts and hungrily pull them down, as I raise my body to assist. No sooner are they around my ankle when I feel his hand brush against the inside of my thigh.


Yes…touch me…please.

Not a single word leaves my lips, only a heavy panting sound, but if he doesn’t touch me soon I might beg.

I feel his hand between my legs and I try to stifle a groan. No use. It’s been so long since anyone has touched me, I’m about to burst any minute. Suddenly, he flicks the agonizingly painful little nub and I quickly flip over to face him.

I need more of him.

I need all of him.


He’s gone.


I sit up to look for him and that’s when I realize he isn’t here. He didn’t stay over. It was just a dream.

“UGH!” I groan with frustration as I throw myself back against my pillow





IT’S BEEN A little over a week since I first introduced Tyler to Matt and Katelin. Every night, after dinner, we curl up on the couch with the album and look through its contents as I tell him a little more about my former life. I realize how hard it must be for him to listen to me talk about my life as a wife and mother, and I can’t even begin to imagine how I would feel if the tables were turned. But finally being able to talk openly to someone, especially someone I feel safe around, has been very freeing. I definitely feel like an enormous burden has been lifted from me now that he knows.

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