What Happens Tomorrow (8 page)

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Authors: Elle Michaels

BOOK: What Happens Tomorrow
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“Why don’t we drive down to the beach? It’s a great night for a walk.”

“That sounds really nice, but on one condition. Only if we stop somewhere for ice cream.” I smile.

“Deal,” he says with a wink.

We drive out to the beach as promised and stop for ice cream along the way. It’s a perfect night. The sun is beginning to set and there’s a warm breeze coming off the water. Lucky for us the beach isn’t too crowded.

Tyler grabs a blanket from the backseat of his SUV. “Come on, let’s find somewhere to sit.” He holds out his bent arm in invitation. “Shall we?”

I link my arm through his as we walk along the warm sand looking for somewhere to sit. We find a secluded spot and Tyler lays out the blanket then sits down. Grasping my hand, he carefully pulls me down beside him. We’re both silent as we finish our ice cream, watching the sunset.

It’s beautiful.



I turn, our faces only inches away from each other, and as I look into his warm eyes I know I’m ready to bare my soul to him. “I need to tell you my story, Ty. I want you to know who I am.”

A puzzled look spreads across his face as he takes my hand from my lap and places a kiss on the top of it. “I know who you are. Telling me your story won’t change that.”

“Matt and I were friends in high school. We started dating in our early twenties and got married a few years later.” I pause, taking in a deep breath.
This is the hard part.
“Our daughter Katelin was born a few years after that.”

I watch his face intently as I tell him about my Katelin. He slowly takes his hand from mine and I feel the tears begin to build. “You have a daughter?” There’s no mistaking the stunned expression on his face as he questions me. “Where is she? Why haven’t you ever mentioned her? Talked about her?” I hear the confusion in his voice.

I can only muster enough strength to say, “Had.” My whispered voice is almost inaudible as a lone tear spills down my cheek. I miss my baby so much. My heart aches every minute of every day. What I would give to kiss her and hold her. To tell her how much I love her.

I feel his strong arms wrap around me as I lie my head against his chest and cry. I hear his heart beating as fast as mine. “I’m sorry. I-I had no idea.”

I sit up and look him in the eyes. “Why would you? Matt and Katelin were both killed in a car accident…I was the sole survivor.” He solemnly shakes his head. “She’s dead, Tyler. My beautiful girl was taken from me and it hurts. It hurts bad. Every single day. Some days I honestly don’t think I can go on.”

“Wow. I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you. I wish I could take your pain away. I hate to see you hurting.” He pulls me tighter against him, massaging the back of my neck in what I’m sure is his hope to settle me down.

I pull back from him, unable to look in his eyes because I’m embarrassed by my tears. “Can you please take me home now? I don’t want to sit out here and cry anymore.” I look up to see the panic in his eyes. He’s expecting me to run again.

“And hold me. Hold me and never let me go, Tyler.”





WHEN WE ARRIVE back at my apartment. I’m completely exhausted. My crying has slowed to a minimum, but I haven’t completely stopped.

Tyler instructs me to go get ready for bed. He reassures me he’ll take Charlie out and lock everything up. There’s only one small problem…Charlie doesn’t want to leave my side. He’s curled up tight against my side as I lie across my bed as though he’s scared that if he leaves me, I might not be here when he gets back. I know he hasn’t forgotten what life was like right after the accident.

Ty effortlessly whisks away my concerned nine pound companion, carefully tucking him under his arm. “It’s okay, buddy…we’ll be right back.”

As soon as they leave, I put my yoga pants and tank top and curl back up on my bed. I open my nightstand drawer and take out a single photograph.


It was a few weeks before the accident. She would have been around eighteen months old. Dressed in a little navy sailor dress, her brown curly locks are brushed to the side of her head with a sparkly hair clip keeping them at bay. I stare at her beautiful twinkling brown eyes. Everyone always commented on how sparkling and expressive her eyes were. Even strangers. What I wouldn’t give to look into them one more time.

I hear the door open as Charlie bounds through the apartment. Within seconds, he’s up on the bed and protectively nuzzled into my side as though he never left me. People may think I’m some strange, crazy dog lady, but they really have no idea how much my little man has helped me through everything.

I place Katelin’s picture back in my drawer just as I hear Tyler’s bare feet pad down the hallway and into my room. I don’t have the strength for this conversation tonight. He must have gone to his place when he took Charlie out because he’s wearing a gray pair of plaid flannel pajama bottoms with a tight, black, v-neck top.


He really is a sight. Even for tired, dry, cried out eyes.

“I thought I’d be more comfortable if I went home and changed,” he says with a shrug. “I keep my promises, you know that about me, so tonight I promise to hold my girl and keep her safe in my arms.”

I look up at him, forcing my lips into a smile as I nod. I don’t have the strength to talk and I know he realizes that.

Slowly, he pulls back the covers and I feel the bed dip as he climbs in beside me. Pulling me close, my head rests in the perfect spot against toned chest. His skin is smooth and warm.


He wraps his arms around me, gently running the pads of his fingertips up and down my back. I feel my eyes getting heavier as he leans down and kisses the top of my head.

“I’m glad you stayed. I lov…” the words slip from my mouth in a mumble as I feel myself drift off to sleep.





I WAKE WITH a start and quickly look at the alarm clock: 8:45am. Panic sets in as I realize I forgot to take my sleeping pill.

But I didn’t have any dreams last night.

I also realize I’m the only one in the bed. The side Tyler slept on is empty and cold.


An overwhelming aroma enters my room as my senses are awakened by the wonderful scent of fresh coffee and bacon.

…what is that I smell?

I swing my legs over the side of my bed and notice a glass of water and two ibuprofen pills. He must have known with all of my crying last night that I would wake up with a headache.

Always thoughtful.

I take the pills with a sip of water, then sleepily pad out of my bedroom and down the hallway in search of caffeine. I notice Tyler sitting at the table with his glasses on reading the paper. What is it about hot men and glasses that turns women into drooling messes? I can’t take my eyes off of him. I’m pleasantly surprised he’s wearing washed out jeans and a fitted gray v-neck shirt. God, I love how his shirt clings to the toned outline of his chest. But shouldn’t he be dressed for work?

He looks up with a playful smile on his lips. “Decided to wake up finally, did you?” He walks over and wraps me in his arms. “I called in today. It’s important for me to know that you’re okay, and I can’t do that if I’m at work. Last night was pretty emotional… for both of us.” He leans down and reverently kisses my forehead. “I thought that we could do something fun. You need some cheering up and where better to do that? Why, the happiest place on earth, of course. Brooke Adams, today’s your lucky day because today I’m taking you to Disneyland.”

I pull back from his embrace and look up into his excited eyes. “I would love to go to Disneyland with you today, Tyler.” I reach up on my toes and excitedly kiss his lips when it dawns on me … I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.


I pull away quickly as he looks at me puzzled. “It’s not you.” I cover my mouth with my hand. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

He rolls his eyes. “Seriously? You really think I care about your morning breath? I had you breathing into my face all night, Brooke.” He laughs. “If I can handle that, I think we’re good here.” He winks as he pulls my body flush against his.


He leans his face in close, rubbing the tip of his nose against mine before his warm lips lightly brush against me.


My breathing hitches as he deepens the kiss and I feel his tongue brush teasingly against mine. Without warning, a desperate moan escapes my throat as I feel him hard against me. His lips form a smile as he releases them from mine.

“Go on. We have a busy day ahead of us. We’ll continue where we left off later...with brushed teeth.” He playfully smacks me on the butt. I laugh, shaking my head as I walk towards the bathroom to get ready.

We have a perfect day together. We walk, talk, ride and scream our heads off…we’ve been friends for so long now but today feels different. Today we are a couple.

It’s a scary feeling, but a good one.

I’ll admit being around so many children is hard. So many times my thoughts drift to Katelin and what she would be like now. Would she have loved being here as much as these kids? When I finally tell Tyler, he looks noticeably upset.

“I’m sorry, Brooke. I didn’t even think.”

“It’s okay,” I say, trying to reassure him. “I would have to live on another planet not to be around children.” I feel terrible that I seem to have put a damper on what’s left of our day. “This is why I don’t tell anyone about my past. I don’t need or want people to pity me.”

He leads me by the hand between a row of shops on Main Street. “I’m not just anyone. I’m the man who loves you…all of you.” He lifts our intertwined fingers up to his lips, his eyes never leaving mine. “I’ll never pity you, Brooke. I only wish that I could take your pain away. I’ll always wish that.” Kissing the top of my hand, he continues to gaze intently into my eyes as he mouths the words, “I love you.”

And my heart melts.

After leaving the park, Tyler takes me to this great little Italian restaurant for dinner. It looks like a hole in the wall, but the food is out of this world. We finish our meals and the waitress takes our dessert order.

Tyler reaches across the table, palm up, beckoning my hand. Of course, I oblige him. He stares intently at our hands. “I realize we’re still getting to know each other...this way. But I really hope you feel comfortable enough with me to talk about…well, them.” When he finally looks into my eyes, I see his pain.

“I promise I will…a little at a time. Why don’t we get out of here and head home? I have something I want to show you.”


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