What Happens Tomorrow (5 page)

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Authors: Elle Michaels

BOOK: What Happens Tomorrow
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“Brooke, tell me you feel this. I know you do. I can see it in your eyes.” His voice is gentle yet commanding.

I haven’t had feelings like this in years. Not since Matt and I first got together, and even then I don’t think I ever felt this kind of connection. If I give in to whatever
is between us, things will get complicated. How will he react when he finds out that he doesn’t really know me at all? That I’ve kept who I really am from him…from everyone.

What happens when he discovers how damaged I am?

No one can deal with my past. Eventually, everyone disappears from my life…and Tyler will too.

I want him.

I want him to take me in his arms and hold me.

I want him to make me forget how lonely I’ve been all these years.


My voice is shaky and hushed when I finally respond. “I do feel it, Tyler. God, it terrifies the hell out of me.” I lower my head, closing my eyes tightly, trying to hide my fearful tears.

Taking my face in his hands, he gently strokes my jaw line with the pads of his thumbs. I instinctively close my eyes, appreciating the intimate contact. Without realizing it, I lean my face into the familiar comfort of his hands. The feel of his skin against mine is incredibly comforting. I don’t ever want his touch to leave me.

“Don’t cry, shhhh…please. I can’t stand to see you cry. I meant it when I told you I’d never hurt you.”

Looking at him through blurry, tear-filled eyes, I decide to lay my cards out on the table. “But what if it doesn’t work out, Tyler? What if you find the more you get to know me, the more you won’t want to be with me?”

“I have loved you from the moment you spilled your coffee on me. You’re all I’ve thought about since that day.” My tear soaked lips form a small smile with the memory of that day. “I love you, Brooke Adams. Let me prove it to you. Take a chance on us.”

Charlie startles us both by barking, and I use this as my escape. Calmly, I get up from my chair with the intention of grabbing my dog and running for the safe haven of my apartment, but I’m not surprised when he stands himself up after me. What does surprise me, however, is when he takes hold of my hand and interlocks our fingers, trying to prevent me from walking away from him. I look down at our now entwined hands and sigh.

“Please, Brooke. Don’t run. Say yes.” His thumb slowly caresses the back of my hand.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

What do I do? What do I do?

It’s time to take a chance and live again. Matt would want me to move on, I know he would. I look up into Tyler’s pained eyes, then close my own eyes tight and suck in a deep breath.

Bandaid affect.


With that one little word, he possessively grasps my face in his strong hands. “I promise, no man will love you as much as I do.” He leans his head in close towards mine, his eyes begging for permission as he presses his strong lips against mine. I can’t help feel relief the moment his flesh touches mine.

want this.

want him.

His lips are strong against mine, and I feel the passion as he sucks at my bottom lip. It feels a thousand time better than I ever imagined. I’m aware of the warmth spreading through my body, pooling painfully in my core. It’s been years since my body felt this alive.

Removing a hand from my face, he gently runs it down to the small of my back, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake. Pulling me tight against his chest, my nipples painfully tighten against the warmth of his body. He deepens the kiss and his tongue desperately strokes mine as our teeth crash together. I feel weak at the knees.

My god…this man can kiss.

Very slowly, he pulls away from my swollen lips, resting his forehead against mine. We’re both breathless. I wasn’t ready for our kiss to end, and I know I wouldn’t have been strong enough to pull away.

“I’ve imagined this kiss so many times since the day we met…and
was better than any kiss I ever imagined,” he breathes out, his eyes still closed.

I reach up and caress his stubbled cheek. “Tyler…I can’t lose you. You’re such an important part of my life that I…I…I know I would never recover if I lost you. I just really need us to take this slow.”

Lifting his forehead from mine, he takes a slight step back and tilts my chin up with his finger, and eyes me intently. His hypnotic-blue eyes leave me feeling powerless. I’m completely under his spell. “If slow is what you need, I promise we’ll take thing slow.”

I feel his words in my heart and they take my breath away. I want to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming because all of this feels so surreal. It’s almost too good to be true.

Why has this incredible man chosen me?

Will he still feel the same way when he learns the truth about my past?

When will the bubble burst?

Charlie decides he’s had enough of our little show and picks this exact moment to start barking up a storm, bringing me back to reality. “I should probably get him inside now.”

“Brooke, have dinner with me tonight. Nothing fancy. I just want to spend some time with you, my best friend.”

It’s only dinner and he’s agreed to take things slow

“I’d like that,” I say nervously, chewing on my bottom lip. “I’d love to have dinner with you tonight.” I feel shy because this will be our first date.

Tyler grins. “How about I swing by your place in…” he looks down at his watch, “an hour? Does that give you enough time to get ready?” He winks.

“Ha-ha. An hour is good, smarty pants.”

He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, but I secretly wish it was on the lips again. “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” He flashes me a quick wink as he strolls toward his apartment.

What am I doing?

I try to shake away my doubts as I carry Charlie home. Once inside, I set him down and walk into my bedroom and sit on the edge of my bed, carefully opening the top drawer to my nightstand. Slowly, I remove the only contents—a fabric, navy colored photo album. I cradle it tight against my chest, but I don’t open it. I can’t. Tears begin to pool in my eyes as a lone tear escapes and slowly snakes its way down my cheek.

Please don’t hate me for this. You’ve been gone for so long. I can’t keep missing you. I’m lonely. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I’ve met someone, and for the first time since you’ve been gone…I’m happy.
I wipe a few more tears away.
Tyler’s a good man, Matt. He takes care of me and he says he’s in love with me.

I lie down on my bed with the album cradled in my arms.
A few minutes.
I wonder if Matt can hear me. If he would approve of Tyler. I glance over at my alarm clock and realize that I’ve completely lost track of time.

Knock, knock.

“Shit!” I shout as I jump up off my bed. “Just a minute!” I shout towards my front door.

I run my hand lovingly across the album, placing a sweet kiss on it before I safely tuck it back in the drawer. I quickly grab a navy, striped t-shirt from the chair beside my bed and pull it over my head as I run down the hallway towards the front door, breathlessly opening it.

“Everything okay?” Tyler asks, his brow cocked as he ever so casually leans up against my door frame. His toned, tanned arms are folded across his chest, and a wicked ‘
I told ya so’
grin is spread across his face.

My heart melts as I admire the handsome man standing before me. Faded jeans and a black fitted t-shirt never looked so good. Not to mention he’s wearing his glasses tonight. Mmm…I think my heart skipped a beat. Still holding on to the doorknob, I wave my hand, gesturing him to come in.

“Everything’s fine. I thought I would lay down for a few minutes when I got home, and I must have dozed off,” I lie. Well, not really a lie; more like an omission of information. “I’m running a little behind, but then, you know what I’m like.” I wiggle my brow playfully as I shoot him a warm smile.

A look of concern creeps across his face and he takes my face in his hands. His lips pull in tight and his brow scrunches. “You’re sure? You aren’t having second thoughts, are you? You can be honest, you know. I promise I won’t be mad. I’ll never make you do something you don’t want to.” Leaning his face down, he softly kisses the tip of my nose, then pulls away and forces a smile across his lips. “We’ve always been honest with each other. I don’t want that to ever change.”

“Everything’s all right, I promise. I’m feeling a little emotionally drained after the last couple of days, that’s all.” I place my hands on his hips and reach up on my toes to place a tender kiss to his lips, reassuring him everything is okay, and that I haven’t changed my mind about us.

It feels strange to kiss him, but at the same time it feels right. So right.

When I pull away, I see the adoration in his gleaming eyes. “You really have no idea how happy you’ve made me today, have you? For months, while we’ve been snuggled up watching movies or hanging out as friends, I’ve wanted to take you in my arms and kiss the hell out of you.”

A wave of heat courses through my body at the thought of how many times I’ve wanted him to kiss me like that. Jenna was right; BOB doesn’t ever make me feel this good.

“I’ve wanted to tell you how I’ve felt for so long but I didn’t think you were ready. You’re my best friend, Brooke, and I don’t want to lose you.”

I close my eyes, processing his words as he takes me in his arms. His lips brush against mine…slow and tender…raw emotion pouring from his lips…I feel his love for me in every brush of his lips…every flick of his tongue…the musky smell of his skin mixed with the manly scent of his cologne…the way he looks deeply into my eyes as if he’s looking into my soul…the feel of his strong arms pulling me close against the warmth and security of his chest.




I’m actually happy.

I pull away from our kiss. “I thought you said you were taking me out for dinner? How on earth do you expect me to get ready if you keep kissing me like that?” I give him an evil little grin.

“Hurry up and get ready. I promise I’ll do my very best to try not to distract you. Scouts honor,” he says with a devilish grin, holding his hand up in the three finger salute.





AS PROMISED, TY takes me out for a casual dinner. There’s this great pizza place within walking distance from our complex. We’re both quiet during dinner.

Maybe it’s because this has been such an emotional day for both of us.

Maybe it’s because we’re both nervous at moving away from the friend zone.

All I know is things are definitely differently between us.

“Tell me, do you have plans for the rest of the evening?” Tyler playfully inquires, his lips pulled into a boyish grin. I love the playful side of Tyler. Does he have any idea how sexy he looks when he makes that face? Especially while he’s wearing his glasses.

Playfully, I shake my head and bite my bottom lip. “Nope, did you have something in mind?”

“Well, there’s this movie I started to watch the other night, but never got the chance to finish. You might like it. That Statham guy you love is in it. Anyway, I was kinda hoping I might finally get the chance to watch the end of it.” He’s talking about the movie from last night, and I can’t help but feel guilty thinking about how everything went down.

“Today must be your lucky day because I happen to know there’s a copy ready and waiting to be watched at my place. Would you like to come back after dinner and watch it with me?”

He laughs. I love to hear him laugh.“I thought you’d never ask.” He picks up my hand, pulling it to his lips and slowly placing a lingering kiss on the back of my knuckles, igniting a spark of electricity that surges through my veins.


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