What Happens Tomorrow (2 page)

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Authors: Elle Michaels

BOOK: What Happens Tomorrow
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am in such a rush to get home to Charlie that I turn around, steaming coffee in hand, and walk right into this …um …very handsome man’s chest.

I feel like such a loser.

“Oh my god…I can’t believe I just did that! I am so sorry! Are you all right? Did I burn you?”

Did I burn you? Duh!

Of course I’ve burned him! I’ve completely, second degree burned someone with a cup of coffee.



“I’m okay,” he says with a slight smirk across his lips as he pulls his coffee-soaked dress shirt away from his chest. How could he be all right? He’s lying. That coffee was ridiculously hot. I know. I had to ask the barista to double cup it.

Suddenly, I’m completely taken by how handsome my coffee covered stranger is. Trying not to look obvious, I cautiously eye him up and down, drinking in this incredibly sexy, rugged looking businessman. He’s taller than I am, I’d guess around six feet, with short, dark-sandy hair.

And his eyes…

He has the most alluring ice-blue eyes I have ever seen. Definitely the poster boy of what you would expect a man from California to look like.

Those eyes…a girl could seriously get lost in those eyes.

Dressed in navy slacks and a crisp, white, linen shirt…okay, so it’s no longer crisp and white. His sleeves are rolled up, exposing tanned and toned forearms. I wonder how it would feel to have those wrapped around me. Then it dawns on me…how long have I been standing her staring at him?

God, I hope I wasn’t too obvious!

Snapping myself back to reality, it’s apparent that the hot coffee I’ve spilled on him burns as I notice him wince.

“Really, it’s okay,” he says with a small chuckle.

Please say he didn’t notice me staring.

I rush to grab some napkins from the barista, but when I turn back around the handsome stranger is gone.

He’s left without saying a word.

I can’t say that I blame him. I must have looked like a crazy person because I most definitely was acting like one. I guess that’s what happens when you’ve been celibate for over three years.

After leaving the coffee shop, I run some errands and grab some takeout. I never cook anymore. It’s not worth it for one person.

As I walk through the courtyard of the complex, I have an eery feeling I’m being watched.

Nervously, I look around but there’s no one to be seen.

I open my front door as Charlie comes barreling down the hallway towards me. Quickly, I close the door, then lock it before bending down to wait for my Charlie to leap into my arms.

“Hey little man. How was your day?” I ask, scratching behind his ears. He returns the love by frantically licking my face. “Did ya miss me? Because I sure missed you.” I kiss his fuzzy little head before I set him down, grabbing his leash and harness from the hook beside the front door. I ready him for his favorite time of the day…walk with Mom. At this point he’s jumping three feet off the ground with excitement, or maybe it’s the need to pee. I can’t tell.

I quickly slip on his harness and fasten the leash. I’m about to open my apartment door when Charlie starts to growl and bark, a sound he only makes when being protective. I open the door to see what he’s barking about and that’s when I see the cause for his alarm.

I would recognize those blue eyes anywhere.

The handsome stranger I spilled my coffee on earlier this afternoon is now standing at my door. By the looks of it, he changed his shirt—this one is crisp and white.


He smiles down at me, causing me to feel completely tongue tied. I’m mesmerized by his big, beautiful, blue eyes. I’ve never seen anyone with this color blue before.

“I’m really sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you at the coffee shop. I had a meeting I had to go to and...” he looks down at his shirt, playfully shrugging his shoulders,“Well, I needed to run home and change first.” He smiles at me again.

As handsome as he is I’m a little concerned that a strange man, albeit one as handsome as him, has just shown up on my doorstep. How did he know where to find me?

Was he following me?

Is he a stalker?

“Um, how did you know where I lived?” I ask, trying to sound casual. I don’t want to set off any warning bells in case he’s crazy. “Did you follow me?”

“Well, you see, I was coming home from my meeting tonight when I saw you walking through the courtyard, which also happens to be my courtyard.”

His courtyard?

“I actually couldn’t believe my luck.”

“Your luck? Really? How was my spilling coffee on you lucky?” I question, trying not to sound too sarcastic.

pilling coffee on me wasn’t lucky… well, maybe it was, depending on how you look at it,” he says with a boyish smile. I like his smile. It’s sweet. “You seemed pretty concerned about how I was doing because you kept staring at me. Anyway, I didn’t want to leave the shop without letting you know that I was okay, but I was already late for my meeting.” He raises an eyebrow devilishly, his eyes and lips smiling at me.

Crap! He did see me staring.

“I wanted to set your mind at ease that I really was okay. I didn’t want you to worry.”

Wow, handsome, thoughtful and a nice guy too. He must be a crazy person.

“You have no idea how sorry I am about that. Oh my god, I can be such a klutz sometimes.”

He quietly laughs. “I’m Tyler. Tyler Reynolds,” he says, offering his hand. I reach out to shake it and the moment our flesh touches I am jolted by the electricity from his touch.


Quickly, I pull my hand away unsure whether or not to turn and run back into my apartment. I don’t need any complications in my life.

At this point, Charlie is going nuts. You try to hold your tiny bladder for six hours. “Hi, Tyler, it’s really nice to meet you. I’m Brooke.” I pick up my very excited Yorkie just in case his excitement causes him to pee on Tyler’s shoes—first impressions. “And this here is Charlie. I’m really sorry, but he’s doing his little pee-pee dance, so I really need to get him...” I motion to a grassy area that tenants with pets use for the communal doggie bathroom.

“I’ll let you get back to your evening. It was nice to meet you, Brooke and Charlie. If you ever need anything, I live in that apartment over there.” He motions across the complex to his apartment on the upper level across from mine.“I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

I’m not ashamed to admit that I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he walks to his apartment.

Seriously, what the hell am I doing…


Saturday night dinner and drinks are somewhat of a ritual over the past couple of months for a group of us single residents in our complex. It is a chance to hang out and unwind, get drunk and share some laughs after a busy work week, though lately the numbers have started to decline. After all, the rent in Santa Monica isn’t for everyone.

Tyler and I are the only ones without plans tonight, so we’ve decided to pick up Japanese takeout and watch a movie at my place. There’s a new Jason Statham action movie that we’re both dying to see—Tyler for the action, and for me…well, a single girl needs some male inspiration every now and then.

I admit I look forward to hanging out and spending time with Tyler. We’re very comfortable around each other and for the first time in a long time I feel like I can almost be myself around someone.

Well, as much of myself as I can be without my past coming out.

I’ve become ‘moved to California Brooke’ around him. Neither of us is looking for anything from the other except friendship, and there’s no pressure to be someone I’m not, but I’ll admit it’s great to have a handsome male friend I can snuggle up and watch a movie with.

Definitely helps me feel less lonely.

We reach my apartment and Charlie comes charging at us. Charlie is my nine pound, six year old Yorkie. More than my dog, Charlie’s been my protector, my best friend and confident, for the last four years. If it wasn’t for him I’m not sure I would have made it this far in my life.

“Brooke, I need to run up to my place for a minute. Do you want me to take Sir Charles here out with me before we start the movie?” Tyler stands at my front door and grabs Charlie’s leash off the hook. Tyler adores Charlie and the feeling is completely mutual. They’re inseparable when they’re together. I think Charlie was as happy to meet the new people in our lives as I was—he had been stuck with a zombie version of me for so long.

“Thanks, Ty. That would be great. I’ll have everything ready when you get back," I shout from the kitchen. Another reason Tyler is wonderful — he’s thoughtful. He’s always thinking about how he can help others before himself.

My two favorite guys return as I finish dishing out our take-out.

“Everything, okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. I had to check on something.” The distant tone in his voice sounds a little off.

“Are you sure?” I question.

“Yeah, no…I’m good,” he replies with a wink.

I put the sushi rolls out on the coffee table, then grab two wine glasses and the bottle of wine, and head into the living room. Tyler’s already sitting on the sofa with the movie paused and ready to go. There’s something about him that’s different tonight—his body may be here, but his mind seems a thousand miles away.

I won’t press the subject.

I know he’ll talk when he’s ready.

He starts the movie while I pour us each a full glass of chardonnay and we dig into our sushi. I keep feeling Tyler’s eyes on me, so I finally look over and he smiles. I love his smile. I think that next to his incredible icy blues, his smile is his best trait.

He may be my best friend, but I can appreciate that he’s also extremely attractive. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t be attracted to him. He’s incredibly good looking with his rugged, California surfer boy looks—tanned and toned. And anyone who spends time with Tyler knows how genuine he is. He’s always available for a friend in need, no questions asked. The kind of guy who would give you his last dollar if you needed it.

But he’s my friend.

My best friend.

Which is how it needs to stay.

My heart would never be able to handle another loss. I can’t risk it.

Still feeling his eyes on me, I need to know what’s going on with him. Do I have food on me or something?

“Hey, are you sure everything’s okay?” I turn towards him, looking deeply into his eyes which have definitely turned darker. “You’re acting a little strange tonight. What gives?” Pausing the movie he turns to face me, his brows pulled in tight as he nervously rolls his bottom lip between his teeth. This isn’t like Tyler at all. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Without warning, he grasps my right hand as we sit face to face and knee to knee. “Brooke, you know you’re my best friend, don’t you?”

“Of course, I know. You’re my best friend too—”

He places a gentle finger against my lips to silence me. “I need you to know something, only I’m not sure how to say it or how you’re even going to take it, so I’ll just come out with it. But, I need you to listen without interrupting me. Can you do that?” I simply nod my head at his request. “Ever since that very first day when you literally came crashing into my world, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

What does he mean he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about me?


Oh no. Please…no, Tyler. Don’t do this.

“There’s something about you that I’m drawn to. I’ve never felt like this before.” His forehead pulls into a tight crease of strained flesh. “You’ve become much more than a friend. And, well…damn it, I’m probably going to regret telling you this but…I think I’m falling in love with you.”

He moves his strong, warm hands to cradle my face, then gently strokes his thumbs across my cheeks as I sit speechless. “Don’t tell me you’re actually surprised by this because I know I’m not the only one who feels the connection between us. I know you feel it too because I’ve seen it in your eyes when I look at you.”

He’s right. I can’t deny it. I do have feelings for him. I think I’ve had feelings since that very first day. But it can never be.


Our friendship will be over. Why did he have to say anything? Slowly, he leans toward me and gently touches his warm lips to mine as I close my eyes.

God, I forgot what it felt like to be kissed.

My entire body awakens the moment his lips brush against mine. There is no denying how I feel about him, but I can’t let it go any further. As he slowly pulls back, I see the adoration in his bright blue eyes as he searches my face for a reaction.

I’m frozen.


I know I’ll lose him. He won’t want to be with me when he finds out how emotionally damaged I am.

“Ty... I-I can’t.” Tears quickly fill my eyes, making it difficult to see the crushed expression on his face. One by one, the tears spill down my cheeks as my heart aches to be with this beautiful man who has confessed his feelings for me…but I can’t do this.

Not now.

Maybe not ever. He won’t want to be with me once he finds out about my past.

I quickly get up from the couch and walk into my room, never once looking back. I close the door behind me and sit down on the floor with my back to it, pulling my knees up tightly to my chest. A familiar searing pain in my chest returns as I realize that I’m going to lose him.

There’s no going back. He can’t take back what he said any more than I can take back my reaction to his declaration. I can’t lose him.

But I can’t be with him.

“God…what do I do?” I ask myself as I rest my forehead against my knees.

A few minutes pass before there’s a quiet knock at my door.

“Brooke…Brooke, please open the door. Come out and talk to me.” His voice is gentle, soothing and I hear the pain in his words as he tries to persuade me to come out—to talk to him. “I promise I didn’t mean to upset you, but I had to tell you. I know you can feel it.”

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