101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (10 page)

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36: Read Angel Messages in Tarot Cards

Just as picking an angel card for a single-card reading is a fun way to connect with your angels and an insightful way to receive a message of divine guidance, so you can also choose a single card from a tarot deck. Whether you have a specific question; seek options, solutions, and ideas; hope to validate yourself for a decision; or you desire swift insight into the forces that may be surrounding a problem or issue, pick a card to answer a specific question or ask for the knowledge you require in that moment.

Like the angel cards, tarot cards are usually packaged with a book that reveals the meaning of each card’s symbols. Questions you pose can be simple open-ended questions or more specific. For example, “What do I need to know today?” or “What do I need to know about (something specific)?” Some specific tarot cards have imagery and symbolism that is darker than the cards of an angel deck, however, even the darkest cards of a tarot deck can be interpreted in positive ways. For example, the “Tower” card suggests not the literal falling of a tower but rather the breakdown of structures to make way for something new; the “Death” card seldom means literal death but rather symbolizes transformation; and the “Devil” card suggests deception of some kind surrounding the question—a good thing to know, depending on what the question is and the circumstances surrounding the asking of that question. It is a cautionary card advocating the use of discretion in business and personal matters. The popularity of tarot in modern culture has spawned many different types of tarot decks, and you might even try a free reading at

Follow each step to do a one-card reading using a tarot deck:

1. Remember, always ask your angels to surround you in energy and the white light of the divine before you pick a card.
2. Hold your deck of cards in your hands, and say a prayer to receive a message that will guide you to your highest and best, better than you could ever imagine. (If you are asking a specific question, state the question and ask that you be guided to the best card that will answer your question.)
3. Spread your cards out on the table. Then breathe and ask your angels to help you pick the perfect card. You can always look at the cards and see which card jumps out at you, or you can pass your hand slowly across the cards. Feel through the energy in your hands, and notice where your hand is drawn to, then pick that card.
4. After you select your card you might have a clear meaning of what the card is telling you. If not, read the book that comes with the deck, or ask the angels to help you understand what it means.
5. Thank your angels, and ask that they continue to guide you.

Enjoy your journey while working with your angel deck. Witness your connections deepen between yourself, God, and the angels, and allow the cards to guide you to the answer to your prayers.

It may seem as if the card you selected doesn’t have any significant meaning. If this happens, write down the card that you picked in your journal, and stay in tune with the angels. Pay attention during the upcoming week. Most likely, the card’s meaning will be revealed in the next couple of days or by the end of the week.

37: Invite Angels to Communicate Through a Ouija Board

The Ouija board, once an innocent pre–World War I parlor game favorite, evolved into a popular divining tool, used by spiritualists, in the twentieth century. Although many people see it as a device for accessing information of a spiritual nature that remains hidden until exposed through use of the board, it is important to note that some Christian religions and others who believe in magic, witchcraft, and supernatural phenomena eschew its use because of associations of the Ouija with earthbound spirits, lost souls, and the like. However, if you have summoned your angels, surrounded yourself in the pure white light of the divine, and asked explicitly for the protection of the archangels and your guardian angels, and requested that only your angels communicate with you through the Ouija, using the board would be very much like writing numbers 1 through 9 along with the alphabet on a chalk board and asking your angels to spell out their messages to you (except you wouldn’t be using a chalk board and chalk). The Ouija board contains the alphabet, the numbers, the words “yes” and “no” and “hello” and “goodbye.” See it and use it as a tool that facilitates angel communication.

38: Welcome Angels Into Sacred Space Refined Through Feng Shui Principles

Create sacred space in which to regularly welcome the angels into your life, and further enhance the beauty and spiritual energy vibration of that space by utilizing some of the principles of feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement. Feng shui emphasizes the placement of shapes, colors, and symbols in ways to achieve balance, harmony, and pleasing aesthetics. For an indoor space, organize, clean, and clear the space of clutter. Removed items can be stored in boxes or baskets with lids but out of sight. The space should be clean with a few pieces of furniture to fit the scale of the room, soft textiles, furnishings (pillows, window dressings, oriental carpets, and cushions, for example), and a well-placed plant such as an orchid or a lush
(never plants with spiky, sword-like leaves because they symbolize strife and aggression). Hang a clear crystal by a red string in a window to catch the light, and add angel artwork such as a painting or statue. Let in the light—through the windows or better illumination of lamps, overhead lights, pendulum lights, or sconces. Use flower essences or oils to scent the space. A beautiful piece of stained glass positioned at a window could add interest, but must work with the rest of the objects in the room to increase the energy vibration.

Outside the front door, a melodious wind chime welcomes the angels, and according to feng shui principles, also brings prosperity into your home. Let the room be one in which you feel peaceful upon entering. The vibration in the room must necessarily be high to help you tune into angel energy. Think of this space as holy and blessed. It should make you feel special when you enter it as if you are there to welcome your unseen friends—the angels—who, with you, support your soul’s purpose, reinforce your spiritual intentions, continue helping you to work on self-examination and knowledge, and maintain balance in all you do.

39: Decipher Signs, Symbols, and Significance

Perhaps you have had one of those days that leave you so tired, it is all you can do make it home and crawl into bed, even though you know there was something else you were supposed to remember to do today, but you didn’t do it. You think you said some prayers, but you can’t be sure because you were so tired. Then sometime in the middle of the night, you awaken from a dream and you smell the perfume of your deceased mother. It seems to be emanating from the foot of the bed. The scent has brought you out of sleep into wakefulness, and now you crawl to the foot of the bed. You see nothing, feel nothing, and yet there is that scent. Turning your head so your nose is to the left or the right, the scent is not there. It remains for a few moments and then dissipates. You crawl back to your pillow and lie in the dark, wondering what just happened. Then you remember that it is the anniversary of your mother’s death, and you wanted to mark her passing by lighting a candle before bed. Too fatigued, you forgot.

When communicating with the angels, you soon learn to decipher such signs or symbols and their significance. During your dream state your ego gets out of the way, and it is easier for the angels to deliver messages of divine guidance. Knowing this, you can make a point of writing a specific question on a piece of paper and tucking it under your pillow before going to sleep. Ask your angels to give you guidance through the dream symbolism, and also ask that you are able to remember the dream upon awakening. Dreaming the dream and remembering are important if you are to unlock the message by deciphering the symbolism. Take heart in the knowledge that your angels can help with that too.

40: Align Your Desire with Divine Will to Attract Angels

God gave you the power to create. That is an amazing gift, especially when aligned with divine will. When you set an intention, pray over it, affirm it, and take action to manifest it, the angels know and are ready to help when you call upon them. Think of a legion of angels with pursed lips blowing wind into your sails to set your ship on a course to create a magical life, and helping you to achieve everything you want when you align your will with that of the Divine. If your life isn’t working and you do nothing, what is going to change? Perhaps it is time to start shifting to a new direction, and to set a new course. You can do it with the invisible force of the angels. Imagine how powerful you truly are, even during those times when you feel beaten down and impotent. You aren’t really powerless and never were. You have God’s power and his angels to help you create the life you want. And you can shift the energy at any moment, call out to the angels at any time, and start the process of change in a heartbeat. Things can happen very quickly when you yoke your will to that of the Spirit, of the Creator. Give it a try and see for yourself. Start by answering these questions.

• What would you change about your life, if you could?
• Where do you want to be by this time next year in your most important relationships? In your job or career? In your spiritual life?
• Where do you want to be living?
• Who is going to be living there with you?
• How much money do you desire to manifest by the end of the year?
• When do you want to retire? What kind of life will you have during retirement?
• What kind of physical and emotional health would you claim for yourself if anything were possible?

After you answer these questions, ask yourself, “What’s holding me back from having what I want?” The bottom-line answer for that question is you—your thoughts, your worries, your fears—give those things up, and instead embrace the possibility of having what you want. Call on the angels for your wants and needs, and work with divine guidance to create a new life filled with what you desire, not what you lack or worry about.

41: Feel Deserving and Worthy of Interacting with Angels

You are a child of God and your natural birthright is to receive from the divine. Learn the difference between the thoughts and feelings coming from your ego and divine guidance in order to interact with the angels. You might find it helpful to read the following list of basic characteristics of the ego.

• The ego is judgmental.
• The ego is critical.
• The ego is indecisive.
• The ego procrastinates.
• The ego is impatient.
• The ego likes to control.
• The ego is fearful.
• The ego says you’re unworthy and undeserving.
• The ego is competitive.

Notice your thoughts, and see if you can detect any of those characteristics as they pop into your mind. When you know that such thoughts come from the ego, you can choose to focus instead on the positive, uplifting, loving thoughts of the angels. Don’t beat yourself up for having these thoughts. Simply say, “Here my ego goes again,” and choose to take back your power.

42: Ask, Believing That the Answer You Seek Will Come

Because the voice of divine guidance always comes from a place of love, it will never lead you down a path of pain or chaos. Divine guidance asks you to follow your heart and to believe in your dreams and aspirations. Positive, helpful, healing, and supportive, the angels’ messages will encourage you and provide you with the trust and confidence you need to follow your heart. In simple terms, the voice of divine guidance is always the voice of love. Your job is to ask for help and then to believe that not only has your request made its way to heaven and the angels, but that it has been heard and that the answer to your request is on its way to you. Believing the answer you seek will come is an important part of the process.

When you hear the voice of your angels, it sounds like this.

• “You are good enough right now.”
• “Follow your heart.”
• “Believe in yourself.”
• “You can do anything if you believe.”
• “You are never alone and you are so loved.”
• “You are right where you are meant to be.”
• “You deserve the best.”
• “Be patient. All is well.”
• “There is more than enough to go around.”

43: Demonstrate Respect for All Things Divine

When you set out a crystal bowl, and place a fresh gardenia bloom in it with a silent thank you to the angels, they know you are showing respect. Or, when you light candles and incense before beginning your meditation, and you offer a welcome prayer to the angels, that too is a sign of respect. But when a fly or moth flits around your altar table and you grab a swatter to put an end to it because it annoys you, it shows a wanton disregard for the life of those creatures. Think of the world and everything in it as made by the Creator; each thing has its own holiness. Flies and moths are not sentient beings aware of their own consciousnesses like humans are. In other cultures, the reverence for life is so great that people strive to avoid hurting other living creatures. In India for example, Jain priests (Jain being an Indian religious sect) wear masks in case they might inadvertently inhale a gnat or other insect, thus ending its life. Attuning your energy to the life force of other creatures fosters an understanding of the spark of divinity in all. Small, albeit sometimes annoying, creatures like flies and moths may seem useless, but in fact they have their place in the grand scheme of the divine. When you feel and demonstrate a loving respect for other life forms, your energy vibration becomes more attuned to the angels.

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