101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (8 page)

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Begin noticing the details of your environment, especially in your physical sacred space where you have invited angel contact, but also at work or when you are spending time in your home, in your yard or garden, at the homes of friends, at church, at school, or elsewhere. And just as you notice the minutiae of your outer world, increase your powers of observation of the inner world; notice such details as the subtle sounds you hear, hot and cold sensations or points of pressure along your spine where the energy vortexes are found in the ethereal body, any unusual tightness in your throat or heat at the throat chakra, colored or clear light before your inner vision, and so forth. Here are some other possible intuitive, or psychic, impressions or details you might receive as divine guidance:

• The angels might show you a past memory from childhood as an answer to a prayer.
• You might hear the angels giving you directions while you drive to avoid an accident ahead. For example, “slow down,” or “move over to the right.”
• You might get a sick feeling in your stomach when you meet a new business associate, a sign that aligning in some way with that person might not be healthy for you or the business.
• You might see your future home or future soul mate in detail during your meditation.
• You might have a dream about a past life that is giving you insight into a present situation.
• You might get a feeling that someone is going to pass into heaven very soon, or perhaps you will have a dream with many symbols such as a coffin, graveyard, headstone, and the like that suggest death (although such symbols might also mean death of an old way of seeing something).

If you begin to receive these intuitive or psychic impressions and you feel nervous about getting this information, ask your angels to comfort you. They will reassure you that everything is okay. You would not be receiving this information if it wasn’t meant to be. If you are unsure about the information, ask the angels to give you confirmation that this information is coming from a divine source. They will do everything in their power to make you feel comfortable and safe.

28: Consider Angels’ Influence on Synchronicity and Coincidence

Synchronicity is a term that means a coincidence of events that appear to be related but not obviously caused by either one. Another way to think of it is that the word coincidence is actually two words,
which means when two things happen at the same time for no apparent reason. The meaning is very similar to that of synchronicity. When you experience a synchronicity, it is coincidence with meaning or significance. You can enter into a flow of life where coincidences and synchronicities become your clues, leading you to the answer to your prayers. The angels are always working behind the scenes in your favor. Sometimes it’s through coincidences, synchronicity, or even gentle nudges. For example, you’re stuck and you need a sitter for the kids. You pray to the angels for help, and minutes later your friend calls and offers to take your kids. Who knows what caused this intervention? Maybe the angels planted your name in her thoughts so she would call you. If you would like to notice angel nudges, try the following affirmation.

Dearest angels, Please engage and hold my attention to show me what I need to know. Help me to see, hear, and experience the miracles of your love and guidance throughout my day. Thank you.

The angels may try to reach you through both synchronicity and coincidence, or they may work simply through a sign or gentle nudge that can be of almost any nature. Some of the ways you might notice angels at work trying to get your attention are as follows.

• The angels are reassuring you that something you deeply desire is coming to you. Example: You finally notice the billboard on the way to work has changed and the new message aligns ironically with something you want in your life.
• The angels are trying to get your attention. Example: You keep finding dropped dimes all around the house in the most obscure places.
• The angels are reassuring you that you are not alone. Example: You have asked the angels to make their presence known to you, and you see angel pictures and statues wherever you go.
• The angels are trying to point you in the direction that will lead you to your highest and best life. Example: You have asked the angels if it’s in your best interest to go back to school and get your degree, and that same week you receive a brochure in the mail from the college you were considering.
• The angels are answering a prayer. Example: You ask the angels to send you the perfect lawyer to help you through your tax audit; you meet someone at an event and she shares that her husband is a tax attorney.
• The angels are encouraging you to move forward toward meeting your needs and achieving your dreams. Example: Your family has grown and you are looking for a bigger house, but you’re nervous about making the changes. You have been looking in a particular neighborhood, a “For Sale” sign goes up, and the realtor’s name on the sign is Maria Angell.

Such coincidences and signs are confirmations to you from the angels. In fact, you can ask the angels to provide a sign when you want to validate their presence in your life.

29: Find Optimum Times and Frequencies to Work Closely with Your Angels

To work more closely with your angels, notice what is ironic or synchronous about everyday events. Notice when synchronous events happen, and how often, because the more you notice, the more they multiply. If synchronous events or coincidences seem to occur at certain times of the day, ascertain what conditions prevail at that time. Are you alone when the events take place? Are they occurring right after your meditation or prayers? Are you more open, peaceful, or alert at those times? Is that period a peaceful one that possibly precedes work hours that are stressful and energy depleting? Do the events occur when you feel most trusting? The following helpful hints enable you to track synchronous events as they show up in your life.


• If your schedule is jam-packed, ask the angels to work with you, and establish a particular hour of the day for angel signs, coincidences, and synchronous events to occur. Let the angels know that a particular hour is optimal for you.
• Watch to see what occurs during that hour. Do remember, however, that everything happens according to divine timing when the elements are in place, and whatever happens is for the good of all. Ask for a specific sign, such as a feather, a rose, or something that happens in a series of three. Specificity helps to ensure the sign you receive is from your angels.
• Keep turning your problems over to the angels, asking for help and signs.
• Write the time and date of any angel signs, coincidences, and synchronous events on a calendar or in a journal.
• Do not be disheartened if you fail to notice signs, and remember that the angels’ work goes on behind the scenes. The angels may want you to contemplate something a bit more, and there might be a better direction they want you to explore. Cultivate trust and patience.
• As you notice events that seem synchronous during that hour of the day, and also at other times, see them as validating your ever-stronger ties with the angels.
• Thank the angels for the communication.

Realize that such signs are gifts from God, and He is saying that you are not alone. You have God and an army of angels to help you. Just ask for what you want and need. Then open your awareness, and expect the miracle of receiving your sign.

30: Practice the Art of Communicating with Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away

Necromancy is an old word (it is found in the oldest texts of the Bible), and according to Merriam-Webster means, “the conjuration of the spirits of the dead, for purposes of magically revealing something about the future or influencing the course of events.” Perhaps you long to discuss a burning question, or you seek to chat to gain insight into a problem with a beloved relative, a friend, or much-admired teacher, but that person has passed over. With the help of your angels, you can communicate with the spirits of those who have passed through the veil separating the world of matter and the world of spirit. These spirits may even be trying to contact you. Perhaps they want to talk with you as much as you desire to speak with them. And if you do want to talk with a deceased person, know that you are not alone. Dr. John Stanton, author of a book about talking with the dead, noted that studies suggest that roughly 720 million people around the world every day talk to the dead. He was interviewed by
Weekly World News,
and explained that anyone can master the technique if they give it about five minutes of practice each day. Here’s how.

1. Rest in a quiet place. Close your eyes and release all fear and worry. Ask your angels to surround you in a protective white light and keep vigil over you through the process.
2. Focus with your mind’s eye on the person so that you hold a clear mental image of him or her.
3. Ask a clear and concise question. Ask for the answer and wait for it. Do not force a response. Just wait until it comes.

Some people feel and experience their loved ones who have passed on as their guardian angels. Their presence and love never leaves you, and yes, it can feel as if they are still around you and acting as your guardian angel. As mentioned before, the angels have never been in a physical form. They are celestial beings of pure light, love, and energy.

People who have crossed over and who are now in the spirit world are better referred to as spirit guides. Some loved ones may choose, as part of their soul plan and evolution, to be a spirit guide for you during your life’s journey. It is said that the relatives you were named after at the time of birth have a soul contract to watch over you as spirit guides after their transition to the other side.

Always show respect and gratitude, not only to the souls who have passed over who may communicate with you, but also to the angels for their loving, protective presence.

31: Consider a Consultation with a Psychic if You Need Help

If you are interested in communicating with your loved ones in spirit but would like to have someone more skilled in dealing with paranormal work than you are, go ahead and seek an experienced medium. They have natural abilities, or they have developed their skills to communicate with that world. Their job is to deliver evidential information and messages of love proving the continuity of life after death. This information can be very healing, and it can bring peace to those who are missing their loved ones.

Thoughts from the divine flow from the highest level of the One Consciousness through heavenly realms (virtual reality), through the quantum realm, and finally to the material world of vibration that you inhabit. Such things as stress, perpetual activity, lack of focus, emotional turmoil or shock—in short, anything that happens in the course of an ordinary day of your life—could conceivably block that flow. To restore peaceful thoughts and feelings of harmony that come from contact with the One Consciousness, you will need to move your thoughts away from stress, lack, worry, fear, and emotional turbulence. Follow any of these tips after first asking the angels to help you remove anything that might be hampering the divine guidance you seek or blocking peaceful or inspired thoughts.

• Listen to inspirational music.
• Lift your heart to God through inspirational reading.
• Reflect on spiritual concepts over a cup of herb tea.
• Let your mind drift in peace on birdsong.
• Dive more deeply into meditation.
• Sink into a gentle reverie preceding sleep but while you are still awake.

As your brain adapts to new ways of thinking, opens to new perceptions and receives new impressions, you may at times feel overwhelmed, and whether you do it consciously or not, you may obstruct or otherwise hamper the flow of incoming angel messages and information. If you feel that after trying to work with the angels you are not getting the results you had hoped for, then it might be the time to consult an angel intuitive that can help you find a way to break through any blockages. Since few people share the same skill levels, rely on recommendations to find someone you can trust. Local city park and recreation departments sometimes have psychic workshops, or you might find such classes through local New Age bookstores. Also consider praying to Archangel Michael. Use the following prayer or make up your own.

Archangel Michael, please release me from all negativity and heal me right now. Release me from the negativity of others. Release my energy from anyone I fear. (Imagine that everyone is unplugging from you, and you are unplugging from others.) Archangel Raphael, God’s healer, please restore my energy with green emerald healing light (imagine all your cells illuminating in green emerald healing light), and please send healing to all others involved. Thank you, Archangel Michael and Raphael, for your loving assistance.

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