101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (6 page)

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is clear knowing. When you have an inner knowing, you feel very strong that something is true or you know beyond any doubt that you need to take action.

is clear taste. When you experience this, you have a clear taste of something in your mouth without any explanation of why it’s happening.

is clear smell. When you use this ability, you can smell something even though it’s not physically in your presence.

Some people may be more sensitive to what they feel, or they are clairsentient; their intuition speaks to them through sensations in their body. Others may be more sensitive to what they hear (they are clairaudient), and their intuition is sparked by hearing something speaking to them through their inner thoughts or ideas. Seek to discover which senses you use the most and which ones seem to receive intuitive information the most clearly. The following eight questions serve to help you assess your intuition level. Answer yes or no. The more “yes” responses, the more likely it is that you are using your intuition.

1. Do you see signs of synchronicity and coincidences?
2. Do you notice fleeting movements of light or shadow?
3. Do you hear high pitches or sounds without an obvious source?
4. Ever feel a tingling sensation or feathers lightly touching your skin?
5. Do you smell otherworldly perfumes like floral or musky incense, again, without a source?
6. Do you sometimes taste nectar upon your tongue?
7. Or, do you ever feel the sensation of a hand, in yours or upon your shoulder, when you are alone?
8. Do you suddenly have special moments or epiphany after praying over some dilemma or issue?

You might find it helpful to create a mental toolbox in which to store and recall experiences with the angels. And, while we are on the subject of mental recall, another important point is worth mentioning.

As you walk your spiritual path and learn more about the angels, you may find that some of your previously held religious beliefs no longer fit you—there’s a sense that you’ve grown beyond them in some way. What you learned as a child had its place, but your spiritual knowledge expands as you gain new information, insights, and experiences. What you once held as truth might not feel as true or even right. In fact, you may even be releasing some of your old religious beliefs. Trust and be patient with yourself if you are going through these changes.

The following list of action items includes things you can do to feel empowered as you shed old thinking and ideology for new.

• Write a short prayer to say when you feel weak in mind or spirit, or confused.
• Keep your journal handy with notes for quick reference about your angels and guides and how they can help you.
• Recite an affirmation such as, “I am God’s creation and co-creator with the Divine. I therefore choose to surround myself with positive energy, light, and the love of the angels and God.”
• Wear a rubber band around your arm, and flick it when you want to remind yourself that just because you cannot see something does not mean that it does not exist. This type of repeated action can be effective in helping you change thought patterns.
• Sing a song about angels or make up a chant that extols their loving energy or the importance of loving yourself as the angels love you.
• Ask the angels to walk the walk with you in the new direction you’ve chosen.
18: Overcome the Ego

The ego is the aspect of you that distinguishes your “self ” from the selves of others. It is the “I” of you. To develop and train your intuition means you will, at times, be overriding or setting aside your ego to perceive and accept incoming psychic or intuitional information as true. Your ego might demand scientific proof of something that, your intuition tells you, is a paranormal intangible occurrence and cannot be measured or judged using scientific method. Overriding your ego means you will learn to trust that what you are hearing, feeling, and sensing is indeed from the angels.

You are more intuitive than you realize. The more you can understand and listen to your intuition, the better it can guide you. Below is a list of expressions that people use when they are connected to their intuition. Check to see if you use any of these phrases.

• “
I had a feeling.”
Have you ever had a feeling that something was going to happen, and then it did? Did you ever have the feeling you needed to call someone, and when you did they needed your help?
• “
Something told me.”
Did you ever hear an inner voice guide you, telling you what to do?

“I had a dream.
” Did you ever get a direct message from someone in a dream, or did you ever have a dream that later had significant meaning?
• “
I had a gut feeling.
” Did you ever not trust your gut feeling, and disaster followed? Now think about a time when you did follow your gut feeling, and everything worked out.

“I just knew.”
Did you ever have that inner understanding where you knew you were right, and nobody could change your mind?

Learning to set aside an ego urge, in favor of taking in information through intuition, will pay big dividends as your intuitive powers increase along with more regular responses from the angels. Try not to discount what your senses tell you, even when the ego is asking you to do just that. Take the time to interpret the signs and messages you may be receiving from the angels.


• Close your eyes and place your hand on your heart.
• Take two slow, deep breaths.
• Ask which friend or family member needs to receive a phone call from you.
• Wait for a name to pop into your mind.
• Notice how you feel when you hear that name.
• Ask if there is anything further you need to know.
• Wait for the mental response.
• Call that person and see how accurate your intuition was.

Be aware that sometimes angels provide direct guidance, as if your intuitional messages were literal and true, with no interpretation needed. At other times, angel guidance can be symbolic. In those times, ask the angels to interpret and further guide you. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the angels to always give you direct guidance instead of symbols.

19: Push Aside Fears to More Easily Connect with Your Angels

Overcome fear through transformative thinking in order to lighten your spirit, raise your energy vibration, and open yourself to angel visitation. Fear can close you off to paranormal experience. In the extreme, fear can cause you to clamp down and quit trying to have contact with the angels. You might not be able to completely banish fear (at least initially), but you can try to work through it with the help of your angels. Ask them for assistance. Seek their protection against negative thoughts or images that arise in your imagination. Request that they encircle you in a shield of protective light to dispel any negative energy forces that you sense around you.

Replace worries or dread and anxiety with thoughts that are hopeful, positive, and lighthearted. If you are a worrier, always fearing one thing or another, make it a goal to break the habit of fear. Meditate, and affirm your desire to replace the habit of feeling fearful and worrying with a habit of trust, belief, and faith in your own powers and the support of the angels. When you break that habit, you empower yourself. The following short technique might prove helpful.

• Sit for a period of meditation.
• Concentrate your attention at the point between the eyebrows (the center of will).
• Affirm that you are erasing the bad habit of worrying, as though it were a pencil line on a page of white paper.
• Call upon your angels to help you erase the bad habit, and replace it with the good habit of trusting that all your needs are being met and you are always being inspired with how to meet your daily life’s needs.
• Feel hope, peace, and trust in the form of light fill your body and mind. Stay in the joyful place as long as you can, returning to it when fear creeps in again.
20: Invoke the Archangel Michael for Psychic Protection

While it may not always feel like it, you have the power to surround yourself with a protective safety net that blocks negative psychic energy, whether it comes from within you or from points outside of your physical body. You can always invoke the Archangel Michael, the “field commander” of God’s army, for protection against such unwanted negative or dark forces. He will fill your mind with courage and strength, and you will soon feel the peaceful protection of the light and love of the divine helper.

In the Bible’s Old Testament, an unnamed numinous being (that some believe was the Archangel Michael) appeared with sword in hand, prompting a man named Joshua to fall down with his face toward the earth, and to ask the angel what words he had brought from the Lord. “And the captain of the Lord’s host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so” (Joshua 5:14-15).

In art, Michael is usually depicted as having wings and holding his sword while (often) standing upon the Devil or a slain dragon that represents Satan. In the Hebrew Apocrypha Book of Enoch, Michael is one of several archangels that always accompanies God the Father whenever He (Yahweh) departs from His throne. Michael has been associated with healing ever since he purportedly caused healing waters to flow from a spring in Colossae during the first century. Since that time, people seeking healing and protection have called upon Michael and flocked to churches honoring him. There have been sightings of apparitions resembling this angel since about the fifth century. If you see a numinous being with an unsheathed sword and feel a sense of victory or mercy, or feel restored to health and wholeness, you are likely being blessed by the presence of the archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael is the leader of the archangels. His name means “he who is like God,” and he is the archangel of protection and the patron saint of policemen. His sword symbolizes his ability to cut through all fear and resistance. He lends his courage and his strength to anyone who calls on him. Michael has a fiery energy, and when you invoke him it’s very possible you might feel warm or even begin to sweat. If you tap into your clairvoyance, you might see the colors purple and blue, which are associated with Archangel Michael’s presence. Call on Archangel Michael, and he will help you with protection of all kinds. He will empower you with the courage you need for any situation.

Archangel Michael, please come to me now and surround me in your protective shield of light. Please clear my energy field and release me from all negativity. Help me to feel safe and protected in your loving presence, and provide me with the courage I need. Amen.
21: Breathe in the Wisdom of the Angels

You can use the wisdom of God and the angels in your life by inviting them to give you guidance. To invite divine guidance, do breath work to raise your vibration and to enhance your connection to the world of spirits.
is synonymous with
Breath is your gateway to the sacred angelic dimension.

Life cannot exist without breath. As breath is involuntary, you are unaware of your breathing until you experience a shortness of breath or a speeding up of breath (hyperventilation) when you feel fear, stress, or panic. But you can use conscious and controlled slow breathing to connect your spiritual self to the sacred realm.

Engaging in breathwork, yoked with a gently focused consciousness, helps you contact the angelic realms and also refines and enhances your natural mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual abilities. Such work unblocks energy pathways and permits an inward flow of information into your consciousness. The breath is a powerful tool for raising your vibration so you can access sacred information from other dimensions. Conscious breathing develops a communication link between body and mind, between conscious and unconscious, and between spirit and angels. Try the following simple exercise to tie up the mind with the breath, to connect with your inner power, and to raise your energy vibration.


1. Relax and close your eyes. Observe your breath pattern, but do not make any attempt to alter it. Notice the breaths going in and out. Slow the breaths and breathe more deeply. Feel the warmth of the air as you exhale. Feel the cool new breaths as you inhale. Imagine your whole body being cleansed and energized by each breath cycle.

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