101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (5 page)

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The benefits of maintaining a relationship with your guardian angels are many. They can help you find a life partner that is perfect for you, or aid you in developing a wider social network. In times of trouble, they can assuage your fear and worry, and guide you to solutions. Your guardian angels can make their presence known to deceptive people and otherwise protect you from harm, help you with your business, or aid in resolving any health problems.

12: Connect with Nature Angels

Spend time in nature if you wish to connect with fairies, for they are nature angels. Converse with them and express your desires, intentions, and requests. Ask the fairies to clear your energy and raise your vibration so you can attract only good into your life. Then listen and connect with their playful wisdom, and allow them to guide you. Since they are nature angels, they will team up with you even more if they see you picking up trash that others have left behind. They ask you to use products that are environmentally conscious and to do what you can to respect and safeguard the Earth. Just as you appreciate and need help from the angels, the fairies likely appreciate your loving care of Mother Earth.

Fairies are believed to be playful and creative, and for this reason children are more likely to see them and enjoy their presence. However, fairies also like to assist adults, and will nudge you to have more relaxation time to play, especially if your days are heavily scheduled with work and family responsibilities. Ask them to help you find a soul mate, and they will become matchmakers to help you find that perfect partner. They love creativity and will provide inspiration to help you with any project: designing your gardens, your home, or any other creative endeavor. The fairies can serve as powerful forces in helping you manifest your dreams. Ask them to gather around you, and give them a wish list of what you want and need. Then ask them to show you that the impossible is possible. Be open to their miracles of manifestation, and trust that they will joyfully help you. Then pay attention, and watch the magic unfold.

The following list suggests ways to meet the fairies and how to invite them into your life. As with the other angels, the nature angels, or fairies, have always been available to you. Now you are choosing to see and experience them. Pay attention to the gifts they bring into your life.

• Take your journal to the park and sit a spell enjoying nature. Invite the fairies to gather round and inspire you with ideas for a creative project, or help you solve a problem.
• Plant a flower garden and place statues of fairies in it. Make a sign that says, “Fairies welcome.”
• Take a picnic lunch into a woodland area, and invite the fairies to join you for lunch. Bring along a recorder (a cell phone with voice notes functionality, a tape recorder, etc.) and, as if you were conversing with a friend, pose questions for the fairies. Then, as answers pop into your head, record them. Sit on a bench to watch children playing on a playground or in the park. Ask the fairies to bless you with a glimpse of them, and then watch for any signs of paranormal activity.
• Volunteer to pick up trash, help remove graffiti, or take part in some sort of outdoor charity work in your community. Invite the fairies to join you by mentally attuning to their vibration and asking them to keep you company as you enhance the beauty and health of your local environment.

13: Look to the Ascended Masters for Guidance

The ascended masters were once embodied as humans and faced the same challenges that you, and all other humans, face during your lifetimes. It is widely believed that the ascended masters, although they have achieved mastery over matter and their bodies are not physical, can manifest themselves in tangible human form if they so choose. It is also believed that they can manifest as streams of light. The prophet Isaiah explained how to reach and recognize the ascended masters, who are humankind’s spiritual teachers. Over two millennia ago he observed, “And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers; and thine eyes shall hear a word behind thee, saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:20-21).

To reach the ascended masters, retire into a period of silence and meditate. They respond to feeling, thought, and intention. In quiet meditation, with your physical eyes closed and turned gently toward the point between your eyebrows, search to see a blue or white light, or star. Focus on it and mentally send forth a soul call to one of the ascended masters. Mother Mary, for example is a powerful ascended master of love, compassion, and wisdom. She provides protection for women and children, facilitates healing, and guides those who feel lost, confused, or abandoned. Mahavatar Babaji is known as the eternal yogi. Anecdotal evidence of the presence of this deathless avatar and master of the religion of Siddha Yoga is rare, but in one case he was perceived as light (like a star) moving from the evening sky into the physical form of a man. Maitreya, beloved of Buddhists as the “embodiment of loving-kindness,” works to bring about the enlightenment of humankind. The ascended masters appear when you are ready, and when you desire to loosen the various fetters that bind you to this earthly incarnation in order to become a more evolved spiritual being. These teachers will provide you with the guidance and help you need. But it is up to you to call on them.

14: Reconnect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit

Many people believe that heaven is a far-off place, but heaven according to the twentieth-century saint and teacher Paramahansa Yogananda is nearer than you might think. According to him it is just behind the gross vibration of the world of matter, or the world inhabited by humans. To contact the astral world or loved ones in heaven, you must refine your senses to become spiritually attuned to their vibration. When you refine your own senses to connect your energy to the more refined vibratory astral realms of spirit, it is possible to communicate with those who have passed on. It is you who decides whether, in the process of attempting communication with a loved one, to be the broadcasting unit or the receiving instrument. It takes intense concentration and a powerful desire to make that connection. Deeply attune your heart, mind, and spirit to God until you feel centered and grounded before sending your thoughts to your loved ones through the point between your eyebrows. To receive messages, put your attention in your heart center and focus on them there.

Spiritualists suggest that although the souls of those who have passed over exist in a body of spirit, aspects of their human personalities may still be apparent. For example, you seek advice from a relative, perhaps a favorite uncle in spirit, about buying a new home. You have tried contacting him. Every time you attempt to contact your uncle, you get an overwhelming the feeling that you should not waste your money. If that relative been fiscally conservative in life, insisting on saving money and always advising against spending it, that personality trait of your uncle might still be present in him and influencing the insights you receive.

15: Identify Fallen Angels

Avoid mindlessly meditating and inadvertently being open to lower vibrations which can feel like fearful apparitions or beings of a dark nature, such as earthbound spirits. Beings of a dark nature are not spirits willing to help you with your positive journey. Angels glow in the energy of pure light and love. They communicate only messages of love and encouragement. They always act and guide from a place of unconditional love. This is not so with fallen angels. You should know immediately if you’re dealing with an angel or a fallen angel. Fallen angels are defined in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as angels who have been banished from heaven for rebelling against or disobeying the Divine. Lucifer, a fallen angel, emerged as synonymous with Satan in Christian belief during the fifth century. The Qur’an also mentions Satan as a Jinn, or mischievous, disobedient spirit, and associates Satan with other angels prior to his fall from grace.

In Revelation, the last book in the Bible’s New Testament, Saint John the Divine, states, “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.” (Revelation 12:7-8).

Earthbound spirits, or deceased humans who are hanging around the earth plane, are technically not fallen angels, but rather “ghosts.” If you recognize these “earthbound spirits” through a perception of their dark energy, and you feel fearful, call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to escort them back home. Also ask the archangel to remove any fear or darkness. Shift your thoughts to focus on God’s light and unconditional love for you. In no time you should feel safe, but if you still sense fear or agitation, continually call out to the angels to surround you in light.

16: Meet Angels of Birth and Death

Angels of birth help you transition into this life. Although it is unlikely that you would remember it, it is likely that this angel was present for your birth. Many people find it comforting to know that special angels are there for each birth, whether it is theirs or the birth of their children or grandchildren. Some people believe an “angel twin” or guardian angel accompanies each soul as it is born into this world; and others think that there are special angels who attend the birth to make sure that all is well, and then depart for other birthings. The author of
Angels in Action
, Robert H. Kirven, says, “spiritual protection of infants is typical of angelic occupations in that it is a kind of service [and that] angels have a special affection for newborn children.” Kirven further explains that other angels and spirits replace these earliest guardians when infants grow out of infancy and into childhood. The question as to whether the
angel assigned to a child is the lifetime guardian angel has never been definitively answered. Kirven bases his opinion on his extensive study of the works of the eighteenth-century scientist-turned-mystic Emanuel Swedenborg.

Angels also attend death. Emanuel Swedenborg, who wrote prolifically about angels, gives an account of how he first encountered “some of the kindest and most profoundly loving of all angels,” in what we would today call a near-death experience. He explains that people “wake up” after dying, gradually becoming aware of angels positioned at their heads. These “death angels” are apparently able to communicate with persons who have just died and make them feel peaceful, safe, and happily welcomed to their new state of being. The transition period, whether it is easy for the person that has passed or difficult (for some resist believing they are dead), is supervised by these special angels.

Part 3


Now that you have learned some tips for tuning up your vibration and some ways to connect with the different types of angels, you are ready to use your knowledge and skill to attract your angels whenever you want. Proper understanding of the power of thought will prove instrumental to your ability to work with the angels to manifest healing, abundance, loving relationships, and other things that you desire to have in your life.

Consider for a moment the possibility that everything in the universe is a massive force of thoughts. Imagine that all that has been, or will be created, had its beginning as a thought in the mind of the Creator. This thought force has unlimited potential. Use the power of intention enhanced by clear thoughts (your mind power), a laser focus, and the energy vibration of love and gratitude to begin to working with the angels, to shift various aspects of your life into more positive avenues. Through your mind power, which is a conscious yoking of your will to thoughts and feelings, it is possible to draw things you want, circumstances you seek, and relationships you desire with humans, as well as spiritual beings.

Believing in God and the angels requires patience. You want certain things to happen now, and sometimes it’s just a matter of time. During these restless moments, pray for patience, keep the faith, and believe the angels are working behind the scenes. Ask the angels to empower you with patience and perseverance, and trust that your desire is coming to fruition.

17: Focus on Clarity: “Clear” Seeing, Hearing, Feeling, Knowing, Tasting, and Smelling

Make certain that you strive for clarity when you ask the angels to communicate with you.

Communication from the angels flows through your psychic senses, called “clair” senses. These correspond with the senses of seeing, feeling, hearing, knowing, tasting, and smelling. When any one or more of these clairs are taking in information, pay close attention to what is being sensed. When you do, you are better able to receive clear communication from God and the angels. The following list distinguishes between the different clairs.

is clear vision. This is when you have visions, images, or symbols presented to you through your “inner” vision.

is clear feeling. This is when you receive information as a feeling in your body.

is clear hearing. This is when you experience or hear clear thoughts or words flowing through your mind when no one is physically talking to you.

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