101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (17 page)

BOOK: 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels
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83: Take Action and Expect Miracles

The last powerful step to manifesting with the help of the angels is to create an action list. You have no doubt heard the sayings, “As you think, so you become,” and also, “God helps those who help themselves.” The former addresses the need to think of yourself in positive ways and to feel ready to accept into your life what you deeply desire. If you want success but never work through the fear of having success, you won’t be able to envision yourself as successful. You won’t make the space in your life to have success. You won’t dream it, seek it, affirm it, meditate on it, feel it, or even ask for it. Therefore, you certainly won’t expect it, and success probably won’t show up. However, the opposite is also true. When you can desire it so deeply that you think, feel, and do everything possible to attract success, you can expect a miracle. It won’t fail to show up. Create an action list for your desire. Ask the angels to lead you in the right direction and to the right people who will motivate and inspire you. Further, ask the angels to instill in your thoughts ideas for creating the necessary conditions so that your deepest desire can manifest. Work as if every action you perform creates a powerful magnetic pull for that desire to show up. Believe in it. Expect it. The Polish Jewish-American writer and Nobel Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote, “For those willing to make an effort, great miracles and wonderful treasures are in store.”

Part 9


Small blessings and significant miracles happen every day in your life whether or not you are conscious of them and whether or not you consider them to be ordinary events or blessings. You awoke to behold a new day. Perhaps you hadn’t noticed that the dogwood broke into flower or that the mourning doves started a new family in their nest under the porch eaves. Maybe the child in your neighbor’s yard took his first steps out of his mother’s arms, or the old woman across the street buried her nose in a newly bloomed rose. Did you see those events as miraculous or ordinary? Do you see that, following your awakening, there is the promise in each moment of your day to do something awesome, to make a difference in your life or in the lives of others, to effect a change in the world—or just your world. Each of the aforementioned events is nothing short of miraculous. To view them through that lens, you may have to shift your perception.
Course in Miracles
states, “Miracles should inspire gratitude, not awe. You should thank God for what you really are. The children of God are holy and the miracle honors their holiness, which can be hidden but never lost.” To witness or experience miracles in your life, be willing to accept or initiate the following:

• Understand you are a child of God and you were created in the likeness of God. Only your sense of duality creates the sense of separateness. The divine light shines within you.
• Open your heart and your mind, and believe that everyday miracles of seemingly ordinary events really do happen.
• Imagine that all that you desire and seek for your everyday life concerns is already here in the present moment.
• Know that you are worthy and deserving of receiving miracles, no matter how mundane you think your desire or need is.
• Visualize or imagine the miracles you desire.
• Believe and have faith in yourself, God, and the angels.
• Expect and allow the miracles to appear.

The next time you awaken, consider saying a prayer of thanks for the gift of a new day or another chance to live differently, seeing the world anew through the lens of miracles and blessings.

84: Know the Extraordinary Exists Alongside the Ordinary

In literature and art, there is a genre known as magical realism. In essence, in art it is an aesthetic style in which fantastic or dreamlike elements combine with realism. The genre as an art style began in the years following the First World War. Writer Franz Roh coined the term “magical realism” in 1925 when referring to art that held within its subject a mystery or secret. In other words, in the subject matter of a painting or novel, ordinary elements would be present, but there would also exist the extraordinary—fantastical or magical aspects. Andrew Wyeth’s painting,
Christina’s World,
and the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez characterize works of magical realism. In the former, you see a young lass, perhaps a schoolgirl, looking at a distant farm from where she sits in a field. On closer examination, the girl isn’t a girl at all but Christina Olsen, a disabled woman in her fifties with thin, deformed arms who is dragging herself toward her rural farmhouse. As the viewer, you may think you know what you are seeing; however, magical realism illustrates that magic and mystery and phenomena, that you may not immediately decipher correctly, can hide in plain sight.

Life works that way too. The angels can help you dig deeper to better understand the magic in life that is just below the surface. You may not understand how it works or exactly when it will work, but you can trust that it is there. In times of need or desire, you can call upon that invisible angel network, summoning its power and energy to work miracles in your ordinary everyday life.

85: Practice Patience and Trust in Angelic Aid

The Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy said that the two great warriors are patience and time. Cultivate both to witness the powerful and miraculous manifestation of your dreams. Develop trust in the aid of your angels and the grace of God with whom you co-create. Patience involves waiting, but not necessarily passive waiting. Great power comes from giving up power, and your ego doesn’t have to concern itself with every detail to bring about fulfillment. So while you wait, align your will with divine will. Know the aid you have requested is en route. Start working on the items on your to-do list. Do your affirmations and visualizations. Beckon the angels and trust that they are already working on the other side of the curtain between the worlds of spirit and matter. There need be no struggle. You simply become more powerful because the more you practice patience and gain an intimacy with God and the angels, the more you are yoking your will and intention with the power of the divine.

If you are someone who needs instant gratification, you may need to work harder on practicing patience. In ordinary life, many people are skeptic about miracles, psychic phenomena, miraculous and synchronous events, and holy apparitions. They doubt instead of considering the possibility that there are different energy levels, states of consciousness, and shifting energy patterns at work—all within the space-time continuum we think of as our universe. Much remains unknown about the world of matter, and perhaps even less is known about the world of spirit. Things can and do unfold without your ego dictating every detail.

Think of something currently going on in your life that requires patience. With your journal or paper and pen in hand, ask your angels to surround you. Breathe in and out while imagining it is their energy of love that you breathe. Write the question, “Dearest angels, is there anything I can do today that will bring me more peace?” Listen, feel, and allow the answer to come. When you finish, ask the angels if there are any action steps you can take. If the angels share with you that you need to be patient, and they advise you to accept what is right now, pray for patience and surrender the issue to the angels for divine resolution. Know that you have the power to choose peace in any moment. Simply affirm, “I am patient and the angels will show me what I need to know.”

86: Release Negative Feelings of Guilt, Anger, and Resentment

As you have already learned, negative feelings beget more negativity in your life. If you have a mostly negative outlook on life, usually seeing the cup half empty rather than half full, find one thing about which you can feel hopeful and positive. Seek ways to release feelings of anger, guilt, resentment, hostility, jealousy, and self-pity. It may not be easy since negative emotions can get a strong hold on your thoughts. That is why some people use yoga to imagine emotionally “letting go” while others seek help from a support group to stay upbeat, optimistic, and hopeful. Talk to a clergy member. Ask for help from the angelic realm. Seek professional counseling if necessary. Surround yourself with positive people. Join your local Optimist Club.

Remember that your thoughts create your experiences and your reality. When your thoughts are positive you create happiness, joy, fulfillment, and peace. If your thoughts are focused on the negative, you see your life through that lens, and that can produce fear, sickness, and stress. This is why it’s so important to stay conscious of your thoughts. Strive to be aware of how and when a negative thought intrudes (awareness), take note of triggers in your body or environment, and calmly redirect the negative thoughts by replacing them with positive messages that are constructive and encouraging. Break out of habitual routines that keep you stuck. If you change nothing, nothing will change. So try bringing about a shift in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Send out a call to your angels, and you’ll soon see how life not only feels different, but how it
different because you are viewing it through a different lens.

87: Ask the Angels for Help in Releasing Worry

What worries you? How much time do you spend worrying about things that are out of your control? Do you ever look back and realize how much time and energy you spent on wasted worry? Do you worry and fret over things that seldom, if ever, happen? Worrying can mentally exhaust you and has even been attributed to illness.

Some worries are justified and can help you make better choices. For example, the doctor says you’re overweight, and because you worry you choose to eat better and exercise. There are the worries that cause needless stress such as worrying about what other people think, or obsessing during the day about whether you locked the door when you left the house, or even worrying about the safety of your teenager, who is driving in the snow. When it comes to worry, the angels can help you. Your job is to recognize your worry and then choose to release it to the angels.

Follow these steps to release your worry, and ask for help from the angels:

1. Recognize and acknowledge your worry. Spend a couple of days being conscious and record all the things you worry about—both your minor and major worries.
2. Sit with your list and ask yourself, “How does it make me feel to worry about these things?”
3. Examine your list again and ask yourself, “How many of those things I feared or worried about actually happened?”
4. Take responsibility. Is there anything on your list that you are worried about that’s within your control and you can affect? If so, list your action steps.
5. Surrender the rest of your worries to the angels. Let go and let God find the divine resolution to all your concerns.

The angels will encourage you to raise your vibration from negative thinking to positive thinking. Free your mind, body, and spirit from worry and feel empowered to live life more fully, joyfully, and in tune with Spirit.

88: Seek Angel Help for Dealing with Concerns Involving Children

Many issues confront parents today that involve the safety, happiness, development, growth, and wellbeing of their children. Each age group of children faces special challenges that evoke parental concerns, and legitimately so. Newborns and toddlers often remain under the watchful eye of their parents, but after a child reaches school age, children become the responsibility (during the school day) of teachers and school staff. Adolescents, tweens, and teens all need parental love and support to properly develop and feel safe even as they are pushing the boundaries of home and the world (their developmental task). Whatever challenges you face or concerns you hold involving your children, do what you can; but also remember that you can call on your angels and theirs for support, love, and protection.

God assigned your children at least two guardian angels to watch over them for their entire lifetime. Whenever you need help with your children, summon and talk to their guardian angels. Tell them your worries and fears, and ask them to help your child. The hard part may be simply letting go, and trusting the angels to do their job. Be open to the miracles of their assistance. Remember that in God’s kingdom, there are countless numbers of angels to serve humanity. When you feel the need, you can assign hundreds or thousands of angels to safeguard your children. Imagine the peace of mind you will have. Isn’t it worth taking the time to invoke angel assistance?

89: Pass Messages to Your Children’s or Spouse’s Guardian Angels

You can pass messages to your children and spouse through their guardian angels; or you can simply call out to their angels to ask for assistance for your family members. Whisper, say, or mentally pray something such as, “Beloved guardian angels of (insert name of your son, daughter, or spouse),” and then state your need. If your concerns are centered upon your spouse’s emotional, physical, financial, legal, or other issues, call upon his or her guardian angels for aid. That empowers you to be helpful and also brings you peace of mind.

BOOK: 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels
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