101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (20 page)

BOOK: 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels
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Spend some time journaling, or visualizing in meditation, what your personal heaven on earth would look and feel like. What dreams and desires would you like to manifest in the following areas in your life?

• Relationships and family
• Body and health
• Emotional and spiritual wellbeing
• Job, career, or life purpose
• Financial
• Home
• Fun, travel, and creativity

After you are finished with your list, give it to the angels and say the following prayer.

Archangels, I come to you sharing my dreams and desires. You, who are with God and have the power to create miracles, please help me to recognize the divinity within myself. Help me believe in the power of miracles and divine magic. Deliver to me the gifts of manifestation and empowerment so that I might be a magnet of all that is good and pure and aligned with divine will. I can draw into my life everything I need to live my life in tune with Spirit while I remain on Earth. I ask for blessings for my highest good and for the highest good of all others. In appreciation, I offer you my love and heartfelt thanks.

Appendix A






Appendix B



Having more than an adequate quantity or supply; an overflowing fullness and great plenty.


Declaring the truth through a positive statement.


A power or process to transforming something common into something special.


Messengers of love who serve as guardians and helpers between heaven and earth.

Angel cards

A deck of cards used for doing angel readings. The cards have various illustrations of the angels and they each have a message of divine guidance.

Angel reading

A method of divination where you connect to the angels to receive messages of divine guidance about all aspects of your life.

Angelic realm

A spiritual realm of pure love where God’s divine helpers reside.


When an angelic being or a deceased love one becomes visible and you can see them with your eyes open.


A higher order of angels that oversee the other angels. They have the ability to be with everyone simultaneously.

Ascended Masters

God’s divine helpers. These beings of light walked before you on this earth, and during their lifetimes they were great teachers. They have now ascended into heaven and their role is to help all those that need them.


When in reference to Christ, it means the rising of his body into heaven. In New Age terms it means transforming your energy from a lower vibration into a higher vibration.


To adjust or harmonize your vibration with the angels.


A mental acceptance or conviction that something is true.


The seven spiritual-energy centers of the body.


To recite something in a repetitive tone or to make melodic sounds with your voice.


The guardians of the fixed stars, keepers of the heavenly records, and bestowers of knowledge. Cherubim are in the first triad of the hierarchy.


Clear hearing. This is when you experience or hear clear thoughts or words flowing through your mind, and no one is physically there talking to you.


Clear knowing. When you have an inner knowing, you feel very strongly that something is true or you know beyond any doubt that you need to take action.


Clear taste. When you experience this you have a clear taste of something in your mouth without any explanation of why it’s happening.


Clear smell. When you use this ability, you can smell something even though it’s not physically in your presence.


Clear feeling. This is when you receive information as a feeling in your body.


Clear vision. This is when you have visions, images, or symbols presented to you through your inner vision rather than your eyesight.


When two seemingly connected things happen at the same time for no apparent reason.


The gaining of insight or understanding about something that might have been confusing.

Divine Guidance

Receiving clarity, direction, or inspiration from a divine source.

Divine Inspiration

When you are guided or motivated by God and the angels to take action and express divine will.

Divine Intervention

When the angels intervene and perform a miracle.

Divine Magic

A magical occurrence as a result of divine intervention.

Divine Resolution

When a problem or an issue is resolved miraculously by the divine.


Angels in the second tier of the hierarchy. They are the divine leaders who regulate the duties of the angels below them in the hierarchy. They are the angels of intuition and wisdom and the majesty of God is manifested through them.

Earthbound spirits

Deceased humans who are hanging around the earth plane. Some people refer to them as ghosts.


The part of your personality or self that sees itself as separate from God. It usually wants to be in control, and it focuses on fear.


An supply or source of seemingly unlimited power.


A firm belief in something for which there is no proof. Another meaning is the belief and trust in God.

Guardian Angels

Your personal tutelary angels. Everyone has at least two guardian angels who were gifted to you by God.

Guided meditation

A meditation that is guided by the voice of the facilitator.

Heaven on Earth

Having all the experiences of heaven here on earth; bliss, unity, abundance, miracles, wholeness, joy, peace, and unconditional love.


The order of holy beings as organized in a successive ranking of power.


A religious image or symbol that is sometimes painted on a wooden panel.


Focusing your thoughts and feelings on what you desire to create and experience with determination.


The instinctual knowing you get when you listen to your inner senses.


Asking for help or support from God and the angels.


A secret doctrine of mystical teachings based on the esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Law of attraction

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