101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (16 page)

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• Breathe in and sink into relaxation, aware of the present moment where all transformation occurs.
• Summon the archangels Raziel, Gadiel, Barakiel, Gamaliel, and Pathiel, who are angels of abundance and prosperity. Ask them to create a beautiful circle of sacred light around you. Imagine them embracing you in an aura of divine love, light, and protection. Imagine within this sacred circle, the abundance of God already exists. All that you desire is already here and now in the circle. The kingdom of heaven is here on earth. Take a moment and imagine this to be true, and breathe into the abundance that surrounds you.
• Imagine you have already received what you have asked for. You are living your desires right here and right now in this sacred circle. What your heart desires has manifested. Imagine the following: What you are doing as you experience the arrival of what you desired? How do you feel? How are you enjoying your life and with whom? Imagine joy and gratitude permeating your being.
• Ask the angels to help you become one with your desires. Feel yourself in the center of this sacred circle and feel worthy and deserving of having prosperity and abundance in your life. Realize you are a magnet capable of attracting what is necessary to fulfill your desires. The angels of abundance and prosperity are not bound by matter; in the realm of spirit and ideas they perceive your desire and can inspire you to create the right circumstances to manifest your desires. Thank them and consciously feel the energy of joy and gratitude.
• Know that God (Source) and the angels bless your desires. Your job is to trust Source and affirm that the manifestation of what you have been seeking is in process, and it’s just a matter of divine timing.
• Say a prayer of thanks. Breathe in and affirm that you are open to your highest potential and your greatest good. Know that you are in the sacred circle where all your manifestations will transform from the spiritual plane into the physical plane and that you will remain in that sacred circle even after you open your eyes. When you feel ready to leave the state of meditation, simply open your eyes.

Work with the angels of abundance and prosperity and be open to the miracles that are waiting for you. They feel blessed and honored to help you, and they want to shower you with many blessings from the divine. Always remember that you are a child of God, and you deserve the best. Just ask, believe, and expect to receive.

76: Seek Angel Support for Finding Your Life’s Work

When you are doing the work you were meant to do in this life, you feel upbeat, perhaps even passionate, about going to work. You are inspired by the challenges, not defeated by them, and you enjoy the problem solving. Sometimes, however, a choice you made in the past places you on the wrong career track or into a dead-end job; instead of getting up with anticipation about all the wonderful things you will accomplish doing what you love, you face each morning with dread.

You don’t have to stay stuck. Do some brainstorming. Ask the angels to gather round you to inspire and support you as you map out a new career, job, or life. Start free associating and write down everything that you do in any kind of work that gives you pleasure. Once you’ve filled the card with pleasurable work activities, start grouping them together to see if you can see a pattern. Perhaps your life’s work isn’t cataloging items taken in evidence for your local police department, but rather cataloging and selling garage sale and auction items in your online store. Keep asking your angels to inspire you and point you in the right direction. Ask them to help you analyze and assess the information coming out of your subconscious through free association. Ask for meaning and insight to get back on track. Claim the life’s work that will most satisfy you. Adhere to the advice of Indian sages and practitioners of yoga: Don’t be attached to outcome or the fruit of your labor, but do the labor for itself in the most honorable and meaningful ways.

77: Ask for Angel Assistance to Manifest Peace in Your Life

Your home is not only your dwelling place but also the site of your sacred sanctuary. If you are like most people, you want your home to be filled with a positive, loving, and peaceful energy. When you take time to show respect, thoughtfulness, and love to family members, friends, and even to yourself, you naturally fill your home with love. The space feels energetically light and full of joy. Those who live and visit there feel comfortable and safe.

Conversely, when the home is the site of frequent arguments, criticism, and back-biting, it creates a negative environment. A dark and heavy ambience is palpable. It is not surprising that people don’t enjoy being in that type of space. If you don’t like the feeling you get when stepping into your house, call upon the angels of protection and ask them to clear the energy inside the home. Request that they help you understand how to generate a peaceful dwelling place and assist you in creating sanctuary.

78: Call on the Angels to Help You Find the Right Life Partner

To attract the perfect life partner, develop a clear vision about the person with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life—not just the physical attributes but the traits and qualities as well. Don’t overlook other aspects that are just as important as physicality, for example, intellectual prowess, fiscal responsibility, emotional availability. Also consider important core principles like loyalty, happiness, honesty, and integrity.

The following steps will help you own your power to manifest your true desires, whether for a life partner or something equally important:

1. Picture a clear mental image of what you desire. Make a wish list and release any limited thinking or negative beliefs while making your list. Believe that anything is possible.
2. Write a positive affirmation that declares what you are claiming for yourself (such as: My perfect life partner is in the process of coming to me right now.)
3. Spend time in meditation visualizing what you truly desire. Match your visualizations with the joy and exhilaration that your life partner is en route to you now. *Have you made space in your life for him or her; are you emotionally available?
4. Call on the angels and ask them to help you manifest your desire; then surrender your wish to God and the angels.
5. Feel worthy and deserving to receive your highest good. Let go of trying to control or figure out how the manifestation will take place. Just trust that it will.

These steps are very powerful. You initiate a powerful energy by aligning your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and visions to a desired outcome. This energy becomes the law of attraction, which draws to your reality the manifestation of the person, circumstance, or thing that you have requested. Focus time and mental energy on what you want. You will draw it to you because the law of attraction is always working.

79: Summon Angels to Tread a Fearful Path with You

The road of life is often bumpy and sometimes dark and scary. If there are places that create fear in you, but you are obliged to walk through that place of fear, summon the angels to walk with you. For example, your fear is public speaking, but your boss has insisted that you give a talk. Call your angels and tell them about your fear (also your desire to be the best you can be in that situation), and ask for their help. Prepare for the talk. Practice the talk. Believe that it will go well since you won’t be alone (your unseen support group of divine messengers will be there with you). Let go of the worry about the circumstances of the talk, your delivery, and everything else associated with it. Release all your concerns to the angels. Do pay attention, listen to your divine guidance, and take inspired action when it feels right. Expect the best and accept the miracle as it unfolds. What was once a thought and a feeling will become your reality.

80: Pay Attention to Angel Numbers and Sequencing

Angels are adept at using many devices to get your attention including the use of numbers and number sequences. If you are like many people, you have a favorite number. Your angels know that what your favorite number is. If you suddenly notice it displayed on a license plate, packing slip, and building or billboard, pay attention. There are two specific angelic numbers to notice in particular because they symbolize the angels are around you—11:11 and 444. When you see these numbers on a clock, in a phone number, or even on a check, you can feel assured that you are surrounded by angel love and protection. The following number sequences and their meanings as they relate to the angels are taken from
Angel Numbers
by Doreen Virtue, PhD and Lynnette Brown.


• 111: “An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring that they match your desires. Don’t put any energy into thinking about fears at all, lest you manifest them.”
• 222: “Have faith, everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.”
• 333: “You’re with the ascended masters, and they’re working with you day and night—on many levels. They love, guide, and protect you in all ways.”
• 444: “Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well.”
• 555: “Major changes and significant transformations are here for you. You have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly desire.”
• 666: “It’s time to focus on Spirit to balance and heal your life. Tell heaven about any fears you have concerning material supply. Be open to receiving help and love from both humans and the angels.”
• 777: “Congratulations! You’ve listened well to your divine guidance and have put that wisdom into fruitful action. You’re now reaping the rewards. Your success is inspiring and helping others, so please keep up the good work.”
• 888: “The universe is abundant and generous, and you have learned how to step into the shower of its ever-present flow. Great financial success is yours, now and in the future.”
• 999: “Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.”

From this moment forward be conscious of the numbers that you suddenly notice. They could be a sign from your angels trying to get your attention, or maybe they just want to send their love and reassure you that you are not alone.

81: Ask for the Highest and Best Benefits for All

There’s a saying that what blesses one, blesses all. Think of this as you begin to work with your angels for your highest good. When you are joyful and excited about this great gift of life, pray and seek blessings of goodness and abundance for others. It creates good karma and also causes a ripple effect—that is, your exuberance about life and your joy in living it ripples outward to touch others. As goodness begins to unfold in your life through the help of your angels and the law of attraction, you can choose to use some of your time to help others. Perhaps you could volunteer to improve the quality of life for another; or you might work in silence, praying, meditating, and working in the spiritual spheres for another person’s highest good.

Call on the archangel Jeremiel, whose name means “mercy of God.” In Judaism, Jeremiel is known as one of the seven core archangels—a visionary and available to help you turn your dreams into reality. Jeremiel will inspire you to reach for your highest goals, hold the vision of your desire until it comes true, and assist you as you create harmony in all aspects of your life. Hold love and the concern for the welfare of others in your heart. Then, calling upon Jeremiel, seek the highest good for yourself, but do not forget to ask for blessings for others.

82: Cultivate Faith and Trust in the Divine

If you want your best life now, you may have to do a frank self-examination to see what isn’t working and why. What can you do differently to shift from the status quo to create a dynamic new paradigm of success and happiness? Can you learn to trust enough in God and yourself as co-creator to manifest the success you seek? The more optimism you have that things will work (because you have enlisted the Divine and the Heavenly Host to help you), the more you will attract what you desire. Optimism, faith, and trust bring you more of what you hope will manifest, and more of the goodness you desire and anticipate; doubt, disbelief, and distrust, conversely, return more darkness and despair. You are a child of the divine. The world and everything in creation is truly yours, so claim it. Believe that you are a spark of that Great Light that existed even before the dawn of creation. The Sufi poet and mystic Rumi wrote that people traverse back and forth “across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,” but because they desire sleep more than discovering the secrets that the dawn holds, they go back to sleep, forgetting to ask for what they really want. Take Rumi’s admonition not to sleep into your heart. Meditate at dawn, ask for what you want, and cultivate faith and trust in God.

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