Read 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels Online
Authors: Karen Paolino
1. Admit and share with the angels what your addiction is.
2. Ask Archangel Zerachiel and the angels of healing for help.
3. Seek physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.
4. Solicit guidance from your angels toward the people and resources you need to free yourself from addiction.
5. Take action to help yourself; ask others for help if necessary.
6. Desire healing and make a space for that in your life, meaning to change what you have to change to heal and remain healed.
Zerachiel, one of the seven archangels mentioned in the Book of Enoch, is the angel of healing who watches over and helps all those suffering from addiction. In addition, Zerachiel’s duties include helping children affected by parents with addiction. A sign that Zerachiel is working with you on healing your addiction is warmth in your chest or tingling in your body. Don’t hesitate to ask this powerful archangel for assistance.
71: Summon Angel Help for Loss, Grief, and Death
There are countless angel stories where the dying and their family members describe the presence of angels or a visitation from a loved one who already passed over. Those in spirit come to reassure the dying person and his or her family that no one is alone when making the transition from this world into the next.
If your loved one is about to pass over, call on Archangel Azrael whose job is to comfort humans as they die and make the transition. This powerful archangel stays with the spirit of the one who has passed on to ensure that the person adjusts to the spirit world of light and peace. Azrael also ensures that the dying person does not suffer at the moment of death, regardless of whether or not death occurred suddenly or was the result of a long illness. This angel also provides loving support to heal grieving family members. Call on Azrael if you are grieving a loss of any kind, and ask for strength and healing as you transition through your loss.
Use the following prayer to send comfort and healing to the dying. You can also say this prayer if someone recently passed or they experienced a sudden or tragic death.
Archangel Azrael and the angels of healing: Please surround (state the person’s name) with your loving presence and assistance for a smooth and peaceful transition from the world of matter to the world of spirit. May God enfold him (or her) in the blanket of divine love and grant him peace.
Use the following prayer if you have experienced a loss of any kind or if you want to send prayers and comfort to others who are grieving.
Archangel Azrael and blessed angels of healing of wounds of the heart: Come now, I beseech you. Provide me with comfort, strength, and peace. Help me heal the hole in my heart left by the passing of my beloved (name). Restore in me feelings of acceptance that my beloved (name) is with the angels and help me to again focus on happiness for all the blessings in my life.
Help me remember that there is an abundance of support and love available to me on earth and in the realm of spirit. As I heal and accept more love, joy, and balance into my life, help me to realize that I have the ability to affect the healing of my body, mind, and spirit when my efforts are aligned with the angels.
72: Obtain Angel Protection for Your Family and Friends
Who hasn’t feared losing someone they love? Your imagination flips into overload. What started off like a small snowball worry mushrooms into an avalanche threatening your serenity. For example, your spouse is late arriving home from work, and your mind jumps to the assumption that he must have had an accident and is possibly injured or even dead. Or your child hasn’t called since going to a friend’s house; it’s been two hours and you fear he’s in danger or has been abducted. Both are examples of negative thinking that can be shifted if you beckon your angels to assuage your fears and abolish doubt. There is no limit to the number of angels you can call on for help. Call on ten thousand angels for protection of your spouse and child, if you feel you need them. Multitudes of angels are ready to assist you at any time and in any way they can.
When fear begins to consume you, take action. Beckon the angels of protection to guard over your loved ones. Immediately ask Archangel Michael, Archangel Zaphiel, and the guardian angels to surround all those involved in a protective albeit unseen net of love and protection. Choose to have faith and imagine them being encircled by the angels’ wings. See the archangels Michael and Zaphiel standing at sentry by the sides of your loved ones. Ask the angels to release your fear and replace it with peace. Remind yourself to stay present in the moment where everything is okay. Realize that your imagination has taken over and that fear is creating all the “what ifs.”
Call on the angels of protection in the following situations:
• When your loved one is late in coming home.
• When a loved one is sick or not feeling well.
• When your children are home alone and you’re worried.
• When your loved one is going through a challenging time and you can’t be with him (or her).
• When your loved one is going through emotional issues, and you don’t know what to do.
• When your loved one is traveling alone, and you’re worried for his safety.
In all of these situations pray to the Divine and seek protection for yourself and those you love. Shift your thoughts from fear into faith. Ask the angels for help and know that everyone involved will benefit when you shift your intention from fear to love. Use the following prayer when you realize your thoughts are focused on fear and you need help from the angels of protection.
Guardian angels, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Zaphiel: Please go to my loved ones (or say their names) right now. Surround them, protect them, and keep them safe. Help me to release my fear so I can move into faith knowing that my loved ones are safe. Bless us all with peace and allow us to feel comforted and embraced in God’s loving protection. Thank you.
73: Ask for Angel Assistance with Forgiveness Issues
Forgiveness means letting go of any resentment, hurt, and anger you may feel because of the actions or choices of another. Self-forgiveness means letting go of any guilt or resentment you may feel toward yourself because of the choices you’ve made in the past. If you really think about it, you’ve probably had many experiences where you’ve had the opportunity to practice forgiveness, both for yourself and others. Some people find it difficult to forgive and let go of the memory of a painful past experience. But an inability to forgive and release can be detrimental to your health and wellbeing. The angels of forgiveness can help you heal emotions that bind you to the past, helping you to transform your painful emotions and ultimately come to a place of forgiveness.
There is a great quote from
Healing with the Angels
, written by Doreen Virtue, PhD, “Forgiveness does not mean, ‘What you did is okay to me.’ It simply means, ‘I am no longer willing to carry around the pain in response to your actions.’” Forgiveness releases you from the “prison” of another person’s choices and actions and the effects they have on your life. You receive the following gifts when you receive the gift of forgiveness:
• Peace by letting go of old resentment and anger.
• Health when you heal painful emotions.
• Healthy relationships when you heal past ones.
• Compassion when you choose to understand why the other person may have hurt you.
• Freedom by letting go of the past and being able to move forward.
• Empowerment as you take back control of your life and its destiny.
The following angels and archangels have the specific role of helping humanity heal through forgiveness. When you ask, they give you the strength and courage to let go of painful emotions and to heal your heart. The archangel Zadkiel is the archangel who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. Zadkiel’s name means “the righteousness of God,” and he is known as the archangel of benevolence and mercy. Call on Zadkiel when you are ready to let go of judgment and guilt and heal through forgiveness and compassion. The archangel Chamuel, often referred to as “pure love in winged form,” is one of the seven core archangels. Chamuel’s name means “he who seeks God.” When you call upon Chamuel, you may feel a loving energy around you or perhaps clairvoyantly see a diaphanous or effulgent pink color. Call on Chamuel when you need to forgive and heal your heart from any hurtful relationship, breakup, or loss of any kind. Pray to open yourself to love, not turn away from it as a result of your unfortunate experience. The powerful archangel Zaphiel is the leader of the choir of cherubim. If you have trouble with forgiving and you don’t know how you can get to that point of forgiveness, call on Zaphiel to aid in resolving any problem. Zaphiel, it is said, can soften even the most hardened of hearts, so that you may experience the freedom of forgiveness. Bath Kol, mentioned in the Bible’s Old Testament, is known as the angel with a “heavenly voice” and is depicted by the dove (a powerful symbol of the Holy Spirit). If you are still having a difficult time forgiving yourself or others, call upon Bath Kol and request the gift of grace so you can open your heart to heal through the power of forgiveness.
74: Seek Angel Wisdom for Robust Health and Longevity
At some time during our lives, we humans violate nature’s laws. Overeating and drinking too much, excessive exercise, and sunburns, for example, can negatively impact our bodies and health. But with the right intention and commitment, it is possible to have robust health and the longest life accorded to us by our genetic makeup and God’s will. What truly matters is having a good quality of life, and that means taking care of the body. If you need help with making good food choices, ask your angels to go with you to the market. Buy fresh produce and fruit, organic eggs, and as many non-packaged items as possible. When items are packaged, you not only pay for the packaging—you also pay with your health for all the preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and the like— that ensure the product can have an appropriately long shelf life. Consider what you eat over a lifetime and how nutrient rich the foods that you choose to put into your body are. How much, too, do you move that body? Exercise can be fun, even if it is just walking with a friend. And if you don’t have a friend who can walk with you, ask your angels to accompany you. Do what you can to have robust health and longevity and seek angel wisdom to accomplish your goals. Focus on a high-quality life for as long as you live. You deserve it.
Look up the definition of abundance and you’ll discover the following meanings: “having more than an adequate quantity or supply,” “an overflowing fullness,” and “great plenty.” The angels will remind you that the true meaning of abundance is living in the fullness and richness of life and experiencing the abundance of life’s gifts—love, joy, happiness, peace, fulfillment, and prosperity. If you feel unworthy and undeserving of having the best things in life or receiving your highest good, you will have to heal this issue or you’ll block the manifesting of the good things that you want to attract. Low self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness can draw lack of abundance. You attract what your mind most often focuses upon. Abundance is your natural birthright and when you decide to accept it for yourself, you attract abundance of every kind into your life. With the help of the universal law of attraction and by asking for manifesting help from your angels, you can begin to have a life that you perhaps have only dreamed of having.
75: Summon Angel Insights for Attracting Wealth
Take the time to meditate and pray with your angels about your desires for abundance and prosperity, as the returns can be nothing short of miraculous. It is one thing to pray for your intentions but it takes on a whole new energy when you sit in meditation with the angels. You raise the vibration of your desire with focused intention and visualization. Add in the positive emotion you feel just knowing that the person, situation, or thing that you desire is on its way into your life, and you become a magnet of attraction. When you are clear about your desire, and you have the intention of attracting it for your highest good and that of others, ask for angel assistance, and take action; it is possible to attract wealth and virtually everything your heart desires.
• Find a quiet place to sit, and if you choose you can put some soft music in the background. Write out your prayers to the angels. Share with them your desires for abundance and prosperity and be specific.
• Breathe in and as you exhale, release everything that transpired before you entered meditation. Breathe in and as you exhale, imagine letting go of everything that you imagine will happen in the future.