101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (18 page)

BOOK: 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels
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When the assistance you seek is because of a crisis or acute injury or illness, remain calm. Ask your own guardian angels to give you strength and clarity of mind, but remember that you can also beckon the angels of the person for whom you are most concerned (the one in crisis or who has suffered an illness or injury, for example) and ask that person’s guardian angels to render help and comfort.

90: Practice Acceptance and Find Peace in Each Moment

Peace is a feeling you experience when you are calm in mind, body, and spirit. Choosing your thoughts carefully is a step toward peace, but making choices and taking action to create more peace in your life is equally important. When you are in crisis mode, it is virtually impossible to feel peaceful because of the powerful “fight or flight” hormones that have flooded your brain. But when there is no crisis (or it has ended), and you realize that there is still pain, sadness, or stress in your life, take a step back and reflect. Ask yourself, “What do I really want, and what will bring me peace?” Peace can require acceptance of what you cannot change, or it can require change that can cause you to fear or worry. Call on the angels for courage, and ask them to support and guide you as you become more accepting or make the necessary changes to move forward. You deserve serenity, and it’s your divine right to have peace. Mohandas K. Gandhi, the great Indian leader counseled, “Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”

Peace is calm, quiet, tranquility, harmony, stillness, and serenity. Just as you can choose to have drama and chaos in your life, so you can also choose at any moment to experience peace. It doesn’t matter where you are, whom you are with, or what’s going on, you can always elect to direct your thoughts toward peace. As you take breaths in and out in several cycles, mentally ask the angels to encircle you so you may feel tranquility. Affirm, “I choose peace. I am peaceful.” Believe that you can have peace.

Dearest angels, I call on you now to help me find peace (share with your angels the situation that is disturbing your peace). I realize peace is found in the moment so please help me stay present to this moment, knowing that I am okay right here and right now (breathe with the angels). Help me to become one with peace in my mind, body and spirit. I surrender this situation to divine intervention and I trust that all is well. Thank you, angels, for this gift of peace and for your continued love and support.

91: Use Prayer to Make Requests and Give Thanks

A passage of a tranquility prayer states, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” The assistance being sought from God is sublime. When you put the serenity prayer into practice, you open a pathway to peace. As the prayer proclaims, serenity comes when you can accept the things you cannot change. Have you ever tried to change someone, expecting them to be different or wanting them to be someone you thought they should be? You feel exhausted and disappointed in the futility of your effort while they may feel frustrated at not “measuring up” or think that you don’t care who they really are. Peace comes when you finally accept that person for who he or she is. If your relationship with him or her still works, great; if not, find the courage to make your own choices or go your own way.

It’s the same for situations in your life. You need to ask yourself, “Is this something I can change, or is it out of my control, and do I need to accept what is with peace?” For example, the price of gasoline goes up, and you decide that you can’t control the price of gasoline, but you can conserve gas and plan your errands accordingly. You can find peace in accepting what is (the price of gasoline), and you can also feel empowered to make choices that will benefit you (conserving gasoline); in the end you create peace.

God, give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

It takes patience and determination to accept the things you cannot change. Call upon God and the angels, and ask for the healing that you need in order to let go. If the words from the serenity prayer have meaning to you, use the prayer. Permit yourself to be blessed by its words of wisdom. Use prayer, too, to give thanks and appreciation for the blessings that flow to you in every minute of every hour of every day. When you feel down, depressed, or sad, list those blessings that you count on each day but may forget to thank the Creator for—examples might include being able to walk, talk, breathe, see, taste, feel, love, think, and so forth.

92: Address Prayers to Specific Angels

Although it is easy to call out to the angels or your guardian angels, it may be more meaningful to you to address specific prayers to specific angels. The archangel Jeremiel is considered the angel of visions, so feel free to share your grand dreams for your life with Jeremiel. Archangel Raziel, whose name means “secret of God,” is believed to be the knower of all the secrets of the universe and its workings. Raziel is akin to a divine wizard and can teach you about manifestation and working with the power of divine magic. Archangel Uriel is also known as the “fire of God,” and notable for his gift of prophecy. Suriel is an angel of healing and also an angel of death, with the power to manifest anything from nothing. Suriel can assist you in living your wildest dreams on Earth and also to experience heaven.

Read about Uriel in the Book of Enoch, an apocryphal text (not found in the Old Testament, but relative to it) that declares Uriel as “one of the holy angels, who is over the world … the leader of them all.” It was Uriel whom God sent to warn Noah of the Great Flood. If you want to learn about alchemy and the power of manifestation, call on Uriel to teach or reinforce your belief in the power of divine magic and alchemy.

As you can see, you have not just one angel but an entire team who can help you manifest your specific desires. With their assistance, you can embrace the idea that anything is possible, and the miraculous can be part of ordinary everyday living. Take time to pray and meditate with them. Invite them into your life. Invoke them in times of need. Through their help and guidance, you can experience the magic of the divine.

Part 10


Most of us use our senses to detect things in the world of materiality and matter, but what about sensing things at the quantum level of particles of energy, and where light is born, or levels even higher? Sages, adepts, and mystics have knowledge of such places. Deepak Chopra, physician and author, calls such mystics “quantum navigators,” noting that they understand that all that we detect in our physical world had to begin in the mind of God as thought. Mystics cross the invisible zones between the worlds of matter and spirit to journey closer to the mind of God. Some have described such a high, holy realm as being where energy is like light, and streams through oneself. Additionally, there you sense a lightness of being (even floating or feeling weightless). Sensory perception (touch, feel, taste, sight, scent, and sound, for example) is heightened, and breathing and heart rates slow as a sense of timelessness. What the late Madeleine L’Engle (
Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art
) called “flow” sets in.

The way to consciously embark upon that journey is to refine your senses, strengthen your mind to be able to focus and hold awareness on a particular point for some time, and elevate your energy vibration. You have many options for achieving increased sensitivity of your senses and ever-higher states of consciousness. Start with techniques that heighten and expand awareness since awareness will be an important tool for detection of the angels.

93: Clear Mental and Emotional Blockages

When you are stuck and you don’t know how to move past the place you are in, you have a block that needs releasing. If you feel a sense of urgency to remove yourself from a relationship or circumstance in life, you need to release the blockage. If you feel dread or fear about something, you need to release whatever is causing those feelings. We all get stuck at certain times in our lives. But the good news is that there are many easy ways to get unstuck, unblocked, and moving again. Try the following to effect change:

• Resolve that you want to examine the problem, release the blockage, and move on.
• Imagine how it would feel to be past the releasing stage.
• Brainstorm ways to release your blockage. (Draw a wheel with ten spokes, and put one idea at the end of each spoke.)
• Choose one or more of your brainstormed ideas to execute.
• Take action to release the blockage.
• Don’t let the problem back into your life or mind.
• Repeat the steps if necessary.

If you do nothing, you risk staying stuck or blocked. But do one thing differently, and you shift the status quo. It’s that easy. Once you’ve removed your blockage, focus on learning meditation or deepening your concentration and awareness of the details of your daily routine. This is so you’ll notice when the angels draw near; you’ll sense something is different. You have to boldly go into the direction of the angels, ascended masters, and God. There are many monikers for God, including Infinite Intelligence and Divine Mind. Use your mind to help you decipher the world of spirit, and to draw near to that world, perceive it with clarity using intuition to penetrate through from the material world through the quantum to the virtual; there you will experience what mystics have—the numinous presence of the divine and the angels.

94: Try Alternative Healing Modalities to Fine-Tune Body and Spirit

Integrative medicine focuses on treating the whole person, not just the parts of their bodies affected by illness. This relatively new approach to treatment combines alternative healing modalities such as acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, yoga, tai chi, breathwork, and other stress-reduction techniques to complement traditional or mainstream medical treatments. Drawing upon modalities (some ancient) used in other cultures, integrative medicine stresses the importance of seeing the person as whole and not the sum of his or her diseases.

You can use one or many of these healing modalities including nutritional counseling, biofeedback, and chiropractic treatments if they make you feel better and help you toward achieving a healthy wholeness that is more conductive to spiritual practice. You will have a difficult time meditating or practicing yoga postures if your sciatica is screaming with pain. Treat the body and get the healing you need (ask the angels to guide you to the right modality and clinic or doctor). Maybe you just need the human touch because you have been grieving. If that’s the case, getting a massage on a regular basis could prove efficacious.

95: Practice Chakra Clearing

In art, chakras or energy centers are often depicted as flowers, with varying numbers of petals or wheels of energy with spokes. Although in some spiritual traditions the numbers of the chakras and their positions may vary, it is generally accepted that there are basically seven chakras, and each serves as a nexus or point of energy to vitalize the human body. Carrying the energy are
, similar to nerves. This vast network of
empties into the chakras that sit along a central channel. The central channel, the
, has two smaller channels on either side (the
and the
); all three align along the spinal column. For centuries, Indian yogis have worked with these
, channels, and chakras to clear blockages and awaken the latent
, the divine energy that bestows union with God when it rises through the chakras and pierces the
or crown chakra. As the
rises, each chakra’s special powers are activated. For example, you may become clairsentient or clairvoyant. Sometimes a seeker of truth experiences a spontaneous awakening of that divine energy, but more often awakening is the result of actions taken by the seeker with the help of a yoga master or teacher.

To clear blockages and rebalance the chakra energies, do yoga poses,
(various breathing techniques, as previously explained), repetitive movements such as circular movements of the head or body (like spinning), visualizations (to release negativity that you might be holding onto), and intoning of certain sounds that correspond with each of the chakras. There are many helpful books available in the market today explaining how to work with the chakras. Other modalities might involve
and hands-on healing, chanting of mantras, aromatherapy, and sound, color, or light therapies.

96: Nurture Your Intuition and Develop Psychic Powers

In your ongoing effort to fine-tune your body, mind, and spirit through healthy practices, you will naturally become more attuned to the world of spirit. Take a class or work with a teacher to develop your intuition and psychic powers.

BOOK: 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels
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