Read 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels Online
Authors: Karen Paolino
Archangel Zaphiel, 5, 143, 150–51, 153–54, 209
Archangel Zerachiel, 140–41, 146–49, 209
See also specific archangels
guidance from, 39–40
hierarchies and, 6, 31
invoking, 52–54
list of, 205–9
Ascended masters, 7, 36–37
The Ascension of Isaiah
, 22
Attraction, law of, 56–58, 157
“AUM,” 10, 193, 195
Automatic writing, 127–28
Awareness, expanding, 10–11, 61–64, 188.
See also
Energy vibrations Babaji, Mahavatar, 37
Barbiel, 6
Bath Kol, 154, 210
Belief, 1–3, 17–24, 77, 97–98
Benefits, asking for, 167–68
Bible, 17–24, 31, 39, 52, 72, 154
Biofeedback, 190–91
Birth angels, 40–41
Blessings, 12–13, 167–68, 171–72, 183–84
Blockages, clearing, 76, 189–92, 199–202
Body, fine-tuning, 187–203
Body, healing, 144, 190–91, 197–99
Book resources, 226–27
Breath work, 9, 54–56, 190, 192
Brown, Lynnette, 165
Buddha, 7, 102
Byrne, Lorna, 2
Camael, 6
Card decks, 84–88
Career, finding, 161–62, 196–97
Celebration of Angels, 31
Cemetery, praying in, 104–5
Cerviel, 6
in balance, 83
clearing, 191–92
colors and, 110–11
meditation and, 9–10
psychic powers and, 65
third eye, 111, 125
Chanting, 11, 126–27
Cherubiel, 5
Cherubim, 5, 31, 153
Children, protection for, 134–37, 178–80
Chopra, Deepak, 187
Christina’s World
, 173
Clairaudience, 45
Claircognizance, 45
Clairgustance, 45
Clairolfactory, 45
Clairsentience, 45
Clairvoyance, 45
Clarity, focus on, 45–48
Coincidence, 8, 68–72
with angels, 113–29
for attracting angels, 43–77
chanting, 126–27
with loved ones, 37–38, 72–76
prayer for, 193
singing, 125–26
strengthening, 187–203
types of, 113–29
Constantine the Great, 25
A Course in Miracles
, 171–72
Crescenzo, Luciano de, 198
Crystals, 82–83
Daily appointment, 119–20
Death, angels of, 40–41
Death, coping with, 147–49
Deserving, 96–97, 157, 172
Desires, aligning, 95–96
Desires, asking for, 96–97, 184–85
Details, noticing, 66–68
Devil, 53, 65, 109
Dharana yoga, 124–25
Dhyana yoga, 124–25
Diary, keeping, 28–29, 117, 202–3
Dionysius, 31
Divine helpers, 4–5, 33–34.
See also
Angels; Guardian angels Divine intervention, 4, 8, 182
Divine will, 95–96, 174, 203
Dominions, 5, 31
Dousing, 82–84
dream state, 120–21
incubation of, 27–28
lucid dreaming, 121–23
meanings of, 120–21
symbolism of, 94
Earthbound spirits, 39–40, 91
Ego, 48–50, 96–97
Eliade, Mircea, 102
Elijah, 195
Emotional blockages, clearing, 76, 189–92
Emotions, healing, 145–47
Emotions, releasing, 176–77
Energy centers
in balance, 83
chakras and, 9
clearing, 191–92, 199–200
psychic powers and, 65
field from angels, 114
of love, 135
“zipping up,” 103
Energy vibrations
“AUM” and, 193
feng shui and, 92–93
of intentions, 102
levels of, 7–12
of love, xv, 43–44
psychic powers and, 65
raising, 7–10, 51, 92–93, 99, 188, 199–201
Enoch, 23
Eve, 5
Expectations, 60–61, 169–72
Extraordinary elements, 173–74
Fairies, 7, 34–36, 123–24
Faith, 77, 97–98, 168–69
, 2
Fallen angels, 39–40
Family, protection for, 134–37, 149–50, 178–80
Fears, releasing, 12, 51–52, 77, 133–34, 150, 164–65
Feng shui, 92–93, 139
Forgiveness issues, 152–53
Friends, protection for, 149–50
Future, insight into, 195–97
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 181
Garden of Eden, 5
Garden retreats, 105–6
Gazardiel, 210
Ghosts, 39–40
Gift giver, 132
Glossary, 213–24
God, xv–xvii, 1, 4–5, 12, 15–24.
See also
Angels; Prayers Gratitude, expressing, 12–14, 99–100, 117, 183–84
Gregory I, Pope, 127
Grief, coping with, 147–49
Guardian angels.
See also
Angels; Divine helpers belief in, 1–2
at birth, 40–41
of family members, 180
hierarchies of, 7
knowing, 33–34
list of, 211
per person, 4
spirit guides and, 74
from angels, 54–55
from archangels, 39–40
from ascended masters, 36–37
Hagar, 18–19
Hamaliel, 6
Hashmal, 5
Hasmal, 211
Hatha yoga, 124–25
alternative healing, 190–91, 199–202
of body, 144, 190–91, 197–99
emotional healing, 145–47
help with, 79–80
prayer for, 197–99
psychological healing, 145–47
Healing with the Angels
, 152
Healthy lifestyle, 154–55, 190–91
Heart, temple of, 109–11
Heaven on Earth
, 229
Help, seeking, 131–55.
See also
Angels Hierarchies, 4–7, 31–32
“Highest good,” 167–68
Holy beads, 11, 65
Home, peace in, 162
Home, protecting, 138–39
Houses of worship, 103–4.
See also
Sacred spaces Intentions, power of, 14–16, 43–77
assessing, 46–47
developing, 50
ego and, 48–50
nurturing, 192–95
senses and, 46, 61–64, 67–68
Isaac, 18, 20, 153
Ishmael, 18–19
Jacob, 18–19
Japa mala
, 11, 65
Jehoel, 5
Jesus, 7, 21–24, 77, 100, 102, 108–9, 125, 194–95, 202
John, 22–23
Jolhiel, 5
Jones, Timothy, 31
Joseph, 21–22
Joshua, 52–53
Journal, keeping, 28–29, 117, 202–3
Kate, Lauren, 2
Kemuel, 5
Kirven, Robert H., 40
LaBerge, Stephen, 121
Law of attraction, 56–58, 157
Laylah, 135–36, 211
L’Engle, Madeleine, 188
Letter-writing, 128–29
Life-concerns help, 171–85
Life forms, respect for, 98–99
Life partner, finding, 163–64
Life purpose, 196–200
Lifelong relationship, cultivating, 202–3
Life’s work, finding, 161–62, 196–200
Linn, Denise, 139
Longevity, 154–55
Loss, coping with, 147–49
Lost objects, finding, 140–41
Loved ones, reconnecting, 37–38, 72–76
Lucid dreaming, 121–23.
See also
Dreams Lucifer, 39
Luke, 23
“Magical realism,” 173
Maitreya, 37
help with, 157–70
of peace, 162, 180–82
power of, 184–85
visualization and, 202–3