101 Ways to Meet Your Angels (23 page)

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Mark, 23
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, 173
Mary, 7, 21–22, 37, 104–5
Mary Magdalene, 23–24
Massage, 190–91, 201–2
Matthew, 23, 109
Meditation, 228
CDs for, 228
on chakras, 83
on light and peace, 62–64
for manifestations, 202–3
for paranormal awareness, 11
for raising vibrations, 9–10
for receiving messages, 124–25
for replacing fears, 51–52
for sending messages, 124–25
Mental blockages, clearing, 189–92
Mind, fine-tuning, 187–203
“Miracle angels,” 5–6
Miracles, expecting, 169–72
Mohammed, 7
Monasteries, 106–7
Moses, 7, 18, 20–21, 102, 108, 195
Mother Nature, 136–38
Mountain-climbing, 107–8
Muriel, 5
Music, 125–26
Mystics, 187–88, 194
Naniel, 6
Nathanael, 5
Nature angels, 7, 34–36.
See also
Fairies Nature walks, 123–24
Near-death experience, 41
Necromancy, 72–73
Negativity, handling, 133–34, 145, 149–50, 162
Negativity, releasing, 54, 76, 176–77
Nisroc, 6
Noticing details, 66–68
Numbers and sequencing, 165–67
Nutritional counseling, 191
Olsen, Christian, 173
Open mind, cultivating, 4–7
Ophaniel, 5
Ordinary elements, 173–74
Orifiel, 5
Ouija board, 91–92
awareness of, 10–11, 61–64
fears and, 12, 51–52
skepticism and, 16–17
“Parking angels,” 132
Partner, finding, 163–64
Patanjali, 124
Patience, practicing, 174–75
Paul, 22–24, 123
forgiveness and, 152
manifesting, 63–65, 162, 180–82
praying for, 149, 182
Peliel, 6
Pendulum, 82–83
Personal readings, 229
Pets, protecting, 136–38
Powers of intention, 14–16, 43–77
Pranayamas, 9, 192
for clear communication, 193
for dying person, 148
for finding lost objects, 141
for giving thanks, 182–83
for grieving person, 149
for healing, 144, 197–99
for home and property, 139
for Mother Nature, 137
for newborn, 136
for peace, 149, 182
for pets, 138
for protecting family, 151
for release from negativity, 76
for serenity, 182–83
to specific angels, 184–85
surrendering, 60–61, 81
Precognition, 120–21
Principalities, 6, 31
Prosperity, 157–60, 197
Protection, 52–54, 133–39, 149–50, 178–80
Psychic, consulting, 74–76
Psychic powers
chakras and, 65
developing, 192–95
senses and, 61–65
Psychic protection, 52–54
Psychic skills, honing, 65
Psychological healing, 145–47
Quantum navigators, 187–88
Quantum physics, 83
Questions, posing, 77, 97–98, 120–21
Reconnecting with loved ones, 37–38, 72–76
Religion and spirituality, 66
Requel, 6
Requests, making, 77, 97–98, 120–21
Resources, 225–29
Respect, 98–99
Rock-climbing, 107–8
Roh, Franz, 173
Rosary beads, 11, 65
Rumi, 169, 194
Sabriel, 6
Sacred Space
, 139
Sacred spaces
details in, 66–68
feng shui and, 92–93
inviting angels into, 25–26, 101–11
peace in, 162
Sages, 187–88, 194
Saint Francis, 7
Saint Francis de Sales, 198
Saint John, 39, 194, 195
Saint Patrick, 12
Saint Paul, 31
Saint Teresa of Avila, 113, 114
Saint Theresa, 7
Satan, 39, 53, 65
Senses and intuition, 45–46, 61–64, 67–68
Sequencing, 165–67
Seraphiel, 5
Seraphim, 4–5, 31
Serapis Bey, 7
Serenity, 180–84.
See also
Peace Serenity prayer, 182–83
Shabda yoga, 194
Shrines, 106–7
Signs, deciphering, 93–94
Silence, practicing, 119–20
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 170
Singing to angels, 125–26
Skepticism, 16–17
Soul call, 37, 59–60, 79, 126
Spirit, fine-tuning, 187–203
Spirit guides, 74, 229
Spiritual beings, xv–xvi, 1, 8, 44, 202.
See also
Angels Spiritual tools, 79–100
Spirituality and religion, 66
Stanton, John, 73
Stress, reducing, 190, 201–2
Supernatural receptivity, 61–64
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 41
Symbols, deciphering, 93–94
Synchronicity, 8, 68–72
Tabrizi, Shams, 194
Tai chi, 190
Tarot cards, 84, 89–91
Tarshish, 6
Temple of heart, 109–11
Thank-you notes, 117
Third eye, 111, 125, 195
Thrones, 5, 31
Tolstoy, Leo, 174
Travel assistance, 141–44
Trust, 168–69, 174–75
Tsing, I., 126
Uzziel, 6
Verchiel, 6
See also
Energy vibrations of angels, 8–9
definition of, 11
raising, 7–10, 51, 92–93, 99, 188, 199–201
Virtue, Doreen, 152, 165
Virtues, 5–6, 31
The Vision of Paul
, 22
Visualization, 62, 158–59, 163, 174, 192, 202–3
Walking on Water: Reflections on
Faith and Art
, 188
Wealth, attracting, 157–60, 197
“What ifs,” 150–51
Wisdom of angels, 54–55
Work, finding, 161–62, 196–97
Worry, releasing, 177–78
Worship, houses of, 103–4.
See also
Sacred spaces Worthiness, 96–97, 157
Writing, automatic, 127–28
Writing letters, 128–29
Writing, to angels, 117
Wyeth, Andrew, 173
Yin, Quan, 7
Yoga, 9, 124–25, 176–77, 190–92, 194
Yoga Sutra III
, 193
Yogananda, Paramahansa, 37
Zabkiel, 5
Zacharael, 5
Zacharias, 22
Zophiel, 5

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Published by
Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

Contains material adapted and abridged from
The Everything® Guide to Angels
by Karen Paolino, CHT, ATP, copyright © 2009 by F+W Media, Inc.,
ISBN 10: 1-60550-121-2, ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-121-5.

ISBN 10: 1-4405-2981-7

ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2981-8

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