1938 (59 page)

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Authors: Giles MacDonogh

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Neuengamme concentration camp

Neumann, Heinrich von

Neurath, Constantin von

New Military Economic Production Plan

New York Times

New Zealand

New Zionist Organization

Niemöller, Pastor Martin

Night of the Broken Glass

Night of the Long Knives

Nike, Alice

Nobility and Jews

See also Stürmer, Der

Nuremberg Aryan Laws

Oberkommando der Wehrmach (OKW—Armed Forces High Command)

Ogilvie-Forbes, Sir George

Ondra, Anny

Operation Green (invasion of Czechoslovakia)

Operation Otto (seizure of Austria)

Ormerod, Mary

Osio, Alois

Osten, Ulrich von der

Oster, Hans

Österreicher, Moritz


Ostmärkische Sturmscharen (storm troopers of Austria)

Otto, Archduke

Pacelli, Eugenio

Palairet, Sir Charles

Palais Rothschild


Arabs in

British limits on immigration

as dream of Austrian Zionists

Jews leaving concentration camps for

as Nazi choice for Jewish exiles, Ins.1 pg.4

and Revisionists

and Soviet Union

and Treaty of Versailles

Papen, Franz von


Pariani, Alberto

Passport Control Office of Great Britain.
See also

Pauluswerk charity

Pawlikowski, Ferdinand

Penn, A. R.

Perger, Lorli Rudov née

Perl, Willi


Perutz, Hans

Perutz, Leo

Petschek, Ignaz

Philip of Hesse, Prince

Pieckenbrock, Hans

Pifrader, Humbert

Plebiscite in Sudetenland

Pohl, Oswald


antisemitism in

and Czechoslovakia

and Hitler

and Jews

and Memel, Lithuania

and Teschen region

and Treaty of Versailles

Pollack, Isidor

Popitz, Johannes

Popper, Karl

Popper, Kurt

Porritt, Isaiah

Portuguese visas

Prague, Czechoslovakia

Preetorius, Emil

Presidential Advisory Committee on Political Refugees

Pressburg (Bratislava), Czechoslovakia

Prinzregentenplatz, Munich, Ins.1 pg.2

Prussia and Prussians

Przibaum, Karl

Pulverfabrik chemical works (Vienna)


on Bolivia as refuge

helping Jews emigrate

on Jews in Austria

school in the Netherlands

Raeder, Erich

Rajakowitsch, Erich

Rath, Ernst vom


Rearmament of Germany

Reck-Malleczewen, Friedrich

Reed, Douglas

Reich, Emil

Reich, Maximilian

Reichenau, Walter von

Reich-Ranicki, Marcel



Reinhardt, Max

Reither, Josef

Renner, Karl

Reschny, Hermann



Ribbentrop, Annaliese von

Ribbentrop, Joachim von “RAM”

as ambassador to Great Britain

booty from Austria

on British failure to defend Czechoslovakia

and Ciano

and Czechoslovakia

and Franco-German Declaration

and Goebbels

and Hitler

and Poland

and treaty with Italy

Ribbentrop Bureau

Richard Wagner Research Center

Richter, Siegfried “Fred,”

Riefenstahl, Leni

Riehl, Walter

Rintelen, Anton

Romania and Romanians

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Rosé, Arnold

Rosenberg, Alfred

Rothenberg, Alois

Rothenberg, Franz

Rothschild, Baron Louis von

Rothschild family

Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester

Rublee, George

Rundstedt, Gerd von

Russian Jews in Austria

Saarbrücken, Germany

Sachsenhausen concentration camp

Salten, Felix

Salzburg, Austria, Ins.1 pg.3

Salzburg Festival

San Domingo

Sauerbruch, Ferdinand

Schacht, Hjalmar

Schapira, Mosche

Schiff auf der Donau, Das

Schiffmann family

Schilhawsky, Sigismund

Schirach, Baldur von

Schloss Fuschl

Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg

Schloss Planegg, Munich

Schmeling, Max, Ins.1 pg.6

Schmidt, Franz

Schmidt, Guido

Schmidt, Otto

Schmidt, Paul

Schmitz, Richard

Schneider, Hugo

Schneider, Pastor (in Buchenwald)

Schulenburg, Fritz-Dietlof Graf von der

Schulenburg, Graf Friedrich von der

Schulz, Fritz

Schumacher, Kurt

Schuschnigg, Kurt von

in black storm trooper uniform

campaigning against Germany

in Gestapo custody at the Hotel Metropole

and Hitler

marriage by proxy

and Mussolini

personality of

plebiscite on unification with Germany

post-German invasion

See also
Austria’s Corporate State government

Schwerin-Schwanenfeld, Ulrich Wilhelm Graf von

SD (secret service)

in Austria

Gestapo and Kripo rolled into

instructions for well-mannered pogrom

and Kendrick

pogrom in Vienna

reports from Styria

Seitz, Karl

Seyss-Inquart, Arthur


Shanghai, China

Shrove Tuesday


Siegelberg, Markus

Siegl, Viktor

Sierra Leone

Simonis, Susy

Skoda arms firm

Skorzeny, Otto

Skubl, Michael

Slovak People’s Party


Smallbones, Robert


Austrian Socialists

National Socialism

Sommer, Erich von

South Africa

South Tyrol Germans

Soviet Union

antisemitism in

and Czechoslovakia

and Great Britain

Herwarth and Erich Kordt

Hitler’s assessment of fight readiness

Jewish Communists escape from Austria to

Soviet Union’s Great Terror

Soyfer, Jura


Speer, Albert

Spitzy, Reinhard

Sproll, Bishop of Württemberg


St. Helena

St. Pölten, Austria

Stamper, Miss (Passport Office)

Starhemberg, Prince Ernst Rüdiger von

Staud, Johann

Steel, Germany’s lack of

Stillfried, Baron Emmanuel

Stojadinovitsh, Milan

Storfer, Berthold

Strauss, Richard

Streicher, Julius

Streitmann, Eduard

Stricker, Robert

Strobel, Otto

Stülpnagel, Karl-Heinrich von

Stürmer, Der
(weekly), Ins.2 pps.

on Aryan purchase of Jewish businesses

celebrating fall of Austria

Fips’s cartoons

on first Habsburg being a Jew

gallery of Jewlovers

on international conference in Munich

on Jews’ baptisms

on Jews’ eviction from Poland and Germany

on Jews’ flight from Romania

on Jews in Switzerland

on Lang and Jews

priest fouling the cross

propaganda against Jews

on results of Evian Conference

special issue on Austria’s Jews

special issue on Jews who slept with Gentiles

Streicher’s article on synagogues

Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia

Czech persecution of

German sponsorship of ethnic resistance

and Hitler’s plans

number of

and Polish population in Teschen

Sudetenland, Ins.2 pg.8

Swedish Church

Swedish Mission to Israel


Taglich, Israel


Tarrel (Swedish pastor)

(baptismal certificate)

Tavs, Leopold

Taylor, J. W.

Taylor, Myron C.

Thorak, Josef

Toscanini, Arturo

Transit visas

Treaty of Münster

Treaty of Saint Germain Article

Treaty of Versailles

Trencker, Othmar

Troost, Gerdy

Troost, Paul Ludwig

Trott, Eleanor von

Trott zu Solz, Adam von

Tucek, Karl

Tyrolean Germans


United States

and closed doors in Latin America

condemnation of Goebbels’s pogrom

Der Stürmer
attempts to defile Jews in

German imports to

Jewish immigrants in

on Nazi takeover of Austria

Presidential Advisory Committee on Political Refugees

quota system

and Warburg Plan

Wiley, John

Valhalla of Nazi martyrs

Vansittart, Sir Robert

Vaterländischen Front

Veesenmayer, Edmund

Vermögensverkehrsstelle (Office for the Traffic of Assets)

Vienna, Austria

arrests of intelligentsia and Communists

British Embassy chapel, Ins.1 pg.5

effect of eliminating Jews

German takeover of

Hitler’s visit to

Hotel Metropole

Night of the Broken Glass

See also
Austria; Jews in Austria

Vienna Gestapo

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Vienna Theatre Festival


for Australia

for baptized Jews

Britain’s reluctance to issue

capitalist visas

for China

for Czechoslovakia

for France

Great Britain closes the gates

for Italy

for leaving concentration camps

multiple problems

none officially available

obtaining, in Austria, Ins.1 pg.3

to Palestine

for Switzerland


Völkische Beobachter

Volkswagen Beetle

Wachtel, Henry I.

Wagner, Richard

Wagner, Siegfried

Wagner, Wieland

Wagner, Winifred

Waitz, Cardinal Sigismond

Waldman, Monty

Walter, Bruno

Wannsee Conference

Warburg Plan

Wedel, Graf von

Wedgwood, Josiah

Wehrgasse passport office, Ins.1 pg.3

Weinbauer, Joseph

Weingärtner, Sepp “der Bayernseppl,”

Weisl, Wolfgang von

Weissensee ghetto, Berlin

Weissmandl, Michael Dov

Weizmann, Chaim

Weizsäcker, Ernst von

Wenninger, Ralph

Werfel, Franz

Werkmann, Baron Karl

Wessely, Paula

West Wall

Wiechert, Ernst

Wiedemann, Fritz

Wiener Zeitung

Wiley, John

Wilhelm, August “Auwi,”

Wilhelm, Kaiser

Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin (German foreign office)

Wilkinson, “Red Ellen,”

Wilmowsky, Thilo von

Wilson, Sir Horace

Windsor, Duke of

Winterstein, Robert Georg

Winterton, Lord

Wisliceny, Dieter

Witkowitz steelworks

Wittenberg town hall, Saxony

Witzleben, Erwin von

Wolf, Friedrich

Wolff, Karl

Wöllersdorf concentration camp

“Work-shy” prisoners

World War I.
Treaty of Versailles

Würzburg, Germany

Yarnall, Robert

York, archbishop of


Zehner, Wilhelm

Zelburg, Franz

Zernatto, Guido

Zerner, Ernst

Ziegler, Adolf

Ziegler, Severus

Zionist bombings in Palestine

Zionist National Union

Zionistische Rundschau

Zirner family in Vienna

Zu den Drei Husaren, Vienna, Ins.2 pg.4

Zuckmayer, Carl, Ins.1 pg.7

Zweig, Stefan

Zwieback family in Vienna


Copyright © 2009 by Giles MacDonogh


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MacDonogh, Giles, 1955-

1938 : Hitler’s gamble / Giles MacDonogh.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

eISBN : 978-0-465020126

1. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945. 2. Germany—History—1933-1945.

3. Germany—Politics and government—1933-1945. I. Title.

DD256.5M23 2009b




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