1938 (57 page)

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Authors: Giles MacDonogh

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My grandfather and my great-uncle Walther:
Information from Gisela Müller.

“the Rolls Royce of emigrations”:
The phrase belongs to the late cabaret artist Gerhard Bronner.

During the war years its banquettes:
See my article “Otto Horcher, Caterer to the Third Reich,”
7, no. 1 (Winter 2007). Also “The Reichsmarschall’s Table,” BBC Radio 4, first broadcast March 14, 2005.

When he died in 1924:
Laura Wärndorfer,
Meine einhundertzwanzig Jahre
, MS autobiography, n.d., 50.

Ludwig was born in February 1906:
To celebrate Schmidt’s Second Symphony Ella had the painter Adalbert Franz Seligmann decorate her music room with eight panels with various bacchanalia.

Wührer was the first to tell Ludwig:
“Do I thank him or punch him?” Ludwig had asked his wife, Laura, at the revelation.

A large sum was paid:
Walzer and Templ,
Unser Wien
, 42–43.

the painter Viktor Krausz:
Krausz’s rich Jewish wife, Marianne, had committed suicide in 1938. The Krausz collection passed into the hands of the Nazi authorities. The old masters must have pleased them, Krausz’s own paintings rather less.



Page numbers listed as “Ins” indicate photograph inserts.

Abwehr (military intelligence service)


Academic Society for Research into Jewry

Adam, Walter

Adam, Wilhelm

Aden, North Borneo

Advice Bureau for Emigration in the Pragerstrasse

Af-Al-Pi (Despite Everything)

Aghios Nicolaos

Agudas Jisroel

Alexander, Richard

Aliens’ Act of 1937 (South Africa)

Aliens Committee of the British Board of Deputies

Altenberg Abbey

American Friends’ Service Committee

American Jewish Committee, New York

Andrews, L. Y.

Anglican Church, Ins.1 pg.5

(Goebbels’s newspaper)

Anschluss, Ins.1 pg. 3

British reaction to

Ciano on

effects of

Germans tightening their grip

Hitler’s welcome in Austria

Jews’ fears

refugees from

as turning point in German policy

Antisocial prisoners

Arendt, Benno von


Assimilated Jews

Anglican Church baptisms

in Austria

in Great Britain

and immigration to the United States

insincere conversions

religious groups’ support for

Atonement Contribution

Attolico, Bernardo

Auernheimer, Raoul



amnesty for Nazis in jail

antisemitism in

assets of

Christian Social government

closure of churches and schools

desecration of synagogues

Fatherland Front

feeble military resistance

Hitler’s plans for

Hitler’s plebiscite

Hitler’s policies lose favor

Hitler’s welcome in

racial law

unemployment in

See also
Anschluss; Austria’s Corporate State government; Jews in Austria; Vienna, Austria


Austrian Legionnaires

Austrian Mercur Bank

Austrian monarchy

Austrian Socialists

Austria’s Corporate State government

and conversion of Jews to Christianity

imprisonment of leaders

Innitzer as pillar of

and Italy

Jews as scapegoats for

and Nazis

outlawing Socialists and trade unions

plebiscite effort

See also
Schuschnigg, Kurt von

Auswärtiges Amt (foreign office in Berlin)

Baarova, Lida “Babkova,”

Baden-Baden men, Ins.2 pg.6

Bader, Helmut

Balner, Karl Josef


Baptism of Jews in Austria

Barb, Alphons


Barrow, Florence

Batty, Bishop Basil Staunton, Ins.1 pg.5

Bauer, Otto

Baumgarten, Paul

Bayreuth, Germany

Beck, Jozef (Polish foreign minister)

Beck, Ludwig

Becker, Hans von


Bell, Bishop of Chichester

Benatzky, Ralph

Beneš, Edvard

Benton, Kenneth

Bentwich, Norman


Berlin, Germany

Austrian Jews heading for

celebrating results of international conference

Chancellery, Ins.1 pg.2

conference on “Jewish question,”

great axis of, Ins.2 pg.5

increasing persecution

Jews in

people’s aversion to war

Berlin Olympics (1936)

Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung

Best, Werner

Bichlmaier, Father

Bielenberg, Peter

Black Maria

Black marketeers

Blitz, Wilhelm

Bloch, Eduard

Blomberg, Werner von, Ins.1 pg.6

Blomberg-Fritsch affair

(law for the protection of blood) in Austria

Boat on the Danube, The

Bock, Fedor von

Bock, Fritz

Böhm, Karl

Böhme, Horst


Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

Book burning in Salzburg

Bormann, Martin

Bosch, Robert

Both, Jochen von

Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

Brauchitsch, Walther von

Braun, Eva

Braunau on the Inn, Austria


Bredow, Wichard von

Breslau, Germany

Brinckmann, Rudolf

Great Britain

Great Britain

British Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews

British Embassy chapel, Vienna, Ins.1 pg. 5

British Empire

British Guiana

British Honduras

Broch, Hermann

Brüning, Heinrich

Buchbinder, Ernst

Buchenwald concentration camp, Ins.1 pg.8

Bülow-Schwante, Vicco von

Bund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten

Bunzl & Biach paper business

Bürckel, Joseph

Burckhardt, Carl

Burgenland, Austria

Burstyn brothers

Butler, R. A.

Cadbury, Emma

Cairo, Egypt


Canaris, Wilhelm

Cary, Richard

Catchpool, Corder

Catholic Church in Rome

Catholicism and Nazis


Central America

Central Office for Jewish Emigration


Chamberlain, Neville

and Austria

and Hitler

and international conference

on revision of treaty of Versailles

speech deserting Czechoslovakia

and Sudeten question

Chancellery, Berlin, Ins.1 pg.2


Christian Social government of Austria


Church of England Committee for Non-Aryan Christians

Churchill, Winston

Chvalkovsky, Frantisek

Ciano, Count Galeazzo

Clare, George

Cohen, D.

Colbert, Ernst

Collard, Rev. Fred

Colonna, Prince Filippo

Colvin, Ian

Commission for the Evaluation of Confiscated Works of Degenerate Art

Communist Party in Austria

Communists in concentration camps

Concentration camps, Ins.1 pg.8

and antisemitism

Baden-Baden men being led to, Ins.2 pg.6

Buchenwald, Ins.1 pg.8

buying Jews out of

color scheme indicating type of prisoner


Gildemeester’s help gaining release from

gypsies in

Mauthausen, in Austria

Nazis’ quest to fill



suicides in

total inmates and deaths

See also

Confessing Church

Cooper, Duff

Corporate State.
Austria’s Corporate State government

Corridor, the

Council for German Jewry

Cramm, Gottfried von

Creditanstalt bank, Vienna

Csokor, Franz Theodor



Czechoslovakia, Ins.2 pps.

antisemitism in

demographics of

and France

German political prisoners in

and Great Britain

and Habsburg monarchy

Hitler’s plans for

immigration to

international agreement on new borders

international concern

Jews crossing into and escaping from

and Petschek property

and Poland

preference for Hitler over Habsburg

Rothschilds’ steelworks in

Dachau, Ins.1 pg.8

Austrian intelligencia held in

Corporate State leaders in

cultural life

deaths in

Himmler’s visit

Jews transported to


releasing Jews from

as threat to Jews in Vienna

”work-shy” men in

“Dachauerlied” (song of Dachau, by Soyfer)

Daily Herald

Daladier, Edouard

Daluege, Kurt

Danneberg, Robert

Danzig, Poland

Day of German Solidarity

Decree for the Struggle against the Gypsy Plague

Deedes, Sir Wyndham

Degenerate Art Exhibition, Berlin

Degenerate music show, Düsseldorf

Delbos, Yvon


Deutsche Grüss
(raised arm salute)


Dirksen, Herbert von

Dohnányi, Hans von

Dollfuss, Engelbert

Dollfuss, Malwine

Don, Alan

Draxler, Ludwig

Dresdner Bank


Düsseldorf, Germany

Dutch Committee for Special Jewish Affairs

Eagle’s Nest at Berchtesgaden

Eden, Anthony

Egk, Werner

Ehrenhaft, Leo

Ehrlich, Jakob

Eichmann, Adolf

at Berlin conference on “Jewish question,”

committee for Palestine

expert on Zionist organizations

and extermination of the Jews

and Gestapo Department II-112

getting Jews out of Austria

and Göring

Middle East trip to Palestine

and Perl

plan for Jews remaining in Austria

Eifler, Alexander von

Eisenstadt, Austria

Elkington, Howard

Ellwangen SA

Emigration taxes

Engel, Emil

Engelmann, Bernt

Epp, Samuel

Erzberg, the


Evangelical Church

Evian Conference, Ins.2 pg.7

Ewige Jude traveling exhibition

Farkas, Karl

Fatherland Front

Faulhaber, Cardinal

Feigl, Fritz

Felix, Ottokar

Felsenburg, Bela

Ferdinand, Archduke Josef of Habsburg-Lothringen

Fey, Emil

Figl, Leopold

Fips (Philipp Rupprecht)

Fischböck, Hans

Flossenbürg concentration camp

Foley, Frank

Forster, Peter

Four Year Plan

and Austria

and Czechoslovakia

financial issues

Göring’s excitement about

need for steel for rearmament

Rath-Aktion as setback for

success fleecing Jews


and Anschluss

Chambre des Deputés on Austrian plebiscite

closing doors to Jews

and Czechoslovakia

and Hitler

Jewish immigrants in

vulnerability during Third Republic

Franco-German Declaration

François-Poncet, André

Frank, Karl Hermann

Frankau, Mr. and Mrs. Friedrich

Frankfurter, David

Fraudulent persons and organizations

Freud, Anna

Freud, Sigmund

Fried, Erich

Friedell, Egon

Friedenstag, Der

Friedmann, Desider

Friedmann, Siegfried Edler von


Frisch, Rittmeister von

Frischauer, Eduard “Eddie,”

Frischauer, Willi

Fritsch, Werner von, Ins.1 pg.6

and Goebbels

and Göring

and Hitler

homosexuality accusations about

innocence proven

interrogations of

as minister of war

protests over treatment of

resignation of

supporters’ attempt to clear his name

Fröhlich, Peter (“Peter Gay”)

Fromm, Bella

Führerbau, The, Munich, Ins.1 pg.2

Fulda, Germany

Funk, Walter

Fürst, Aladar

Furtwängler, Wilhelm

Fuss, Kurt

Gainer, St. Clair

Gedye, Eric

Geller, Alexander

German Art Festival, Munich

German Heroes’ Remembrance Day

German Social Democrats in Sudetenland

German-Italian alliance

German-Japanese alliance

German-Poland alliance


Austria as self-governing province

Day of German Solidarity

financial issues

lack of steel

mobilization for invasion of Austria

musicians who abandoned

New Military Economic Production Plan

Operation Otto

rearmament of

seizing Jews’ assets

See also
Four Year Plan

Gerö, Josef

Gerstel (clothier in Vienna)


arresting anarchists

in Austria

and Blomberg-Gruhn marriage

control of police

and Fritsch investigation

Himmler’s creation of

and Jews

Lauterbach and Deedes meeting with

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