A Kind of Truth (19 page)

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Authors: Lane Hayes

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: A Kind of Truth
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“Stop. I don’t wanna cum yet.” I pushed at his forehead, marveling at his self-satisfied grin. The little fucker was killing me and he loved it. “Let me taste you.”

“No, I want you to fuck me.”

I asked for it, I thought as my heart went into overdrive. His eyes held the perfect balance of daring and hunger. He bit his bottom lip and knelt forward, stroking my impossibly hard flesh as he waited for my direction. What a joke. I was definitely not the guy in control here.

“Stand up.”

He slowly obeyed in a funny act of defiance. I sensed a game in play, but I was too strung out to ask the rules, and a clarifying discussion would only be an erection killer. It was up to me to figure him out on my own. I kissed him hard and pulled back to study his face for clues. He smirked and batted my hand away, then stepped out of reach and yanked the sequined top over his head. I crouched to take off my shoes and step out of my jeans but kept my eyes locked on him as he pushed his jeans down his long legs and revealed a pair of fishnet hose.

“Oh. Wow.”

Will hooked his thumbs under the elastic and made sure he had my full attention before moving them halfway over his ass.


“Don’t you want me to take them off?”

I stared mutely for a long moment. The wig, the makeup, the stockings. This ensemble was his armor. It was what made tonight possible. Stripping it all at once would be cruel. I had to proceed with care.

“Take the wig off.” My tone was low and commanding. I stood up, completely naked with my hands on my dick.

He scowled. “But—”

I stepped toward him and poked my fingers through the mesh fabric. “Please. Wig off. Tights can stay. For now.”

“I don’t want to be me.” He stopped, looking strangely defeated. Unbelievably I caught his meaning.

“Hey. Look at me, baby. I know who you are. Leave it if you want, but I only want you. You.” I smiled and gently tugged at the blond wig. I grabbed my thick cock and held it meaningfully. “It’s pretty fucking obvious, right?”

He cracked a smile and rolled his eyes before unpinning the wig. I moved next to him and tapped my flesh against his thigh while he worked.

“Not very exciting when the pieces start to fall away,” he commented idly as he tossed it on the small table next to the futon.

I ran my fingers through his soft hair and pulled him against me. “I disagree. It’s sexy as fuck.”

Will chuckled as he snaked his arms around my neck. “What exactly does ‘sexy as fuck’ mean?”

“No more questions. Bend over the bed.”

When he hesitated, I smacked his ass once, then steered him where I wanted him. On his knees. I gulped at the gorgeous view for a moment before moving behind him. The touch of skin through the mesh hose felt illicit somehow. I slid my throbbing cock along his crack, fascinated and frustrated by the barrier. He swayed his hips, silently begging me to stop staring and do something. I wondered if he’d freak if I did what I really wanted. What the hell? I might as well find out, I mused. I pulled the fabric over his ass, then licked my middle finger and rubbed the sensitive skin around his hole. He moaned loudly and arched his back. I gently pushed inside him, then began a steady in-and-out motion until he begged for a second one. I added the digit, then sank to my knees on the bed and licked the soft skin around his entrance.

“What are you do—oh fuck!” He buried his head in his pillow at the first probing touch of my tongue.

Fuck, he smelled and tasted divine. I hadn’t done this in a long time. It was too intimate an act to do with just anyone. I didn’t feel that way about blowjobs or, hell, even anal, but this was different. I loved the way he purred like a cat, moaning as he clutched at the sheets with one hand and jacked himself with the other. As crazed with desire as he was, I could feel him relaxing. I had a feeling he’d beg me to fuck him any second now. When I sat back and pushed the tip of a third finger inside him, I got my wish.

“Now. Please. I want you, Rand. Fuck me.”

I couldn’t talk. I reached for a condom and lube on the table next to the discarded wig and suited up as fast as possible. When he started to roll over I stopped him, swatting his left cheek hard.

“Stay on your knees.” I shoved the fishnet fabric farther down his thighs and massaged his ass. He wiggled seductively and moaned when I lined my cock at his entrance and pushed. I ran a soothing hand over his back and along his sides, cooing to him softly until he moved backward and whimpered for more.

Heat consumed me. I felt light-headed as I slowly made my way inside him. It took every ounce of strength I possessed to keep my movement to a minimum and not slam into him. I held his hips and ran my hands over his back and along his sides. I was ultra-aware of his breathing and body language. When he pushed his ass back to take more of me on his own, I let out a huff of surprise and had to widen my stance to steady myself or fall over.

“Fuck, Will.”

“Yes, that’s what I want.” He craned his head sideways and gave me a pointed look. “Fuck me.”

“Baby, slow down.”

I swallowed hard as I let my hands drift toward his shoulders. I slowly pulled out, then pushed back in. He didn’t know what he was asking. He couldn’t know how rough or out of control I could be. I kept a moderate pace with long, even strokes until he growled and bucked backward, impaling himself fully on me.


I gritted my teeth but obeyed as I reached around to grab his bouncing cock. He made a keening sound of pure pleasure and covered my hand, wordlessly asking for more pressure, more friction.

“Take it eas—”

“Rand, fuck me!”

When the stars cleared and the dizziness faded, I had no choice but to give him what he asked for. I leaned forward and pushed him flat on the mattress, covering his back as I drove inside him. I threaded my fingers through his and let my hips fly. Will met me thrust for thrust, crying a litany of nonsensical grunts peppered with “fuck me, fuck me.”

I’d never seen him so wild and unfettered. He moved under me with purpose. Like a man who knew exactly what he wanted and was willing to try anything to get it. When I pulled him to his knees, he reached for his cock again.

“Not yet,” I said, swatting his hand away. I licked the shell of his ear, then traced a path along his jaw to the corner of his mouth. “Get on top of me.”

I gently pulled out and flopped gracelessly onto my back. I tucked my left arm behind my head and held my rigid cock as I watched him scramble to remove the tights still gathered around his knees. I chuckled softly and then a little harder when he gave me a dirty look.

“Not funny. I can’t get these off,” he scowled.

“Come here. Let me help.”

When he came close, I rolled to my side and hooked my arm around his left knee. I pushed the fabric around his ankles but wouldn’t let him back away from me. He peered down at me curiously, then let out a loud groan as I swallowed him whole. I bobbed my head, reveling in his musky scent as I sucked him hungrily. After a minute, I pulled away and gestured for him to straddle my thighs.

“Ride me.” My voice was hoarse and low in the quiet room. Will licked his lips and nodded. He brushed his hair out of his eyes, lined my cock to his hole, and lowered himself on my shaft. “Oh fuck, that’s good.”

He laid his palm flat on my chest and began a rocking motion. Slow and steady at first, until he found his rhythm and took off. His hips snapped back and forth, and his cock bounced against my stomach, leaking copious amounts of precum. I swiped my fingers through the moisture, then grabbed hold of his dick and jacked him with a firm grip. I could tell he was close when his tempo faltered.

“Cum for me, baby.”

He let out a guttural cry as he fell apart, spurting semen over my hands and across my chest. I pulled him into my arms and sealed our lips together. I rubbed his back and shoulders in an attempt to soothe him until the shaking stopped, but I couldn’t stop moving. I was so close. Will propped himself up to gaze down at me. The look in his eyes was potent. The look of someone just learning how much power he possessed. And with his mussed hair, heavy makeup, and swollen lips, he was sexier to me than ever.

I held his hips steady, dug my heels into the futon, and fucked into him. There was no tenderness, no mercy in the act. It was lust and need and a fiery chase toward release. I pulled him against me, clutching him close as the first wave of orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer. I pumped my hips furiously, riding out the intense spasms, shuddering helplessly under my lover.

My heartbeat was, by far, the loudest sound in the room. I could hear a soft voice nearby, but I couldn’t make out the words clearly over the rush of blood to my head. It was spoken so low I wasn’t sure I was meant to hear. But as the buzzing faded and my pulse slowed, I caught it.
I love you.

My eyes widened and a new sheen of sweat broke over my skin. Holy shit. Love? I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t ready for this. Was I? I’d never said those three words to a lover. Sure, I told my friends I loved them all the time, and sometimes I actually meant it. But this was different. I gulped and tried to formulate a plan, a speech, a… something, so when Will looked at me and said it again, I’d be prepared.

I was sure I was about to experience my first full-blown panic attack, when he sat up and kissed my nose before gently disengaging our bodies. I stared at the ceiling, wondering if this was where things got weird. Silence stretched between us. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was… kind of perfect.

He sighed heavily and made a hand signal somewhere in my peripheral view.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s messy here.” His eyes were closed but his smile was smug. Not wistful or lovesick.

I rolled to my side to observe him, grateful my pulse was returning to normal. He lifted his hand again and made the same funny circular motion.

“Are you conjuring some kind of magic to get cleaned up, or is that a signal for me to get to it?” I asked with a mock scowl.

Will turned his head and grinned. “Get to it. It’s the least you can do.”

“You know, it’s actually better if you let it dry and then—”


“I’m going, I’m going,” I grumbled, scooting off the bed.

I returned with a wet washcloth and a couple water bottles. I handed over the water and was about to give him the washcloth, but at the last second I changed my mind. Instead, I scooped him into my arms and turned him onto his stomach. He grunted in surprise and threw an evil glance over his shoulder. When I slid the warm cloth between his cheeks, he set his hand on my wrist and sat up. We stared at each other for a moment. He obviously wanted me to stop without making a big deal about it. He should know me better by now, I mused.

“Let me help you out. It’s the least I can do,” I teased, throwing his words back at him playfully.

“Ha-ha. Hand it over.”

I handed the cloth to him with a wicked grin. “Careful. Jizz side up.”

“You are disgusting,” he primly observed as I chuckled beside him. I uncapped my water bottle to keep my hands busy.


He made a show of propping his pillow against the wall and leaning back before crossing his arms. He gave me a stern look. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the smeared makeup across his eyelids lessened the fierce effect.

“You enjoy making me squirm.”

“It’s part of my charm,” I replied glibly. The silly exchange was a weak cover. I had so many questions. I wanted to know everything going on inside his head. “Why’d you come tonight? I’m glad. Very glad… but I didn’t expect it. It was a pleasant surprise.”

He took a deep breath and focused on something beyond my head. “I’ve been wanting to but… I guess seeing you with the Goth glam girl the other day made me—”

“Leah? I told you—”

“I know.”

“Well, you were amazing. Thank you.”

His grin split his face in two. “You’re welcome. It was so… cool to be up there. Liberating. I know I’m only as amazing as my disguise, ’cause the real me would never dare perform like that, but wow. It was intense. Magical. I’m sorry Terry passed out, but I had a blast.”

I tilted my head and studied him with a smile. “I’m pretty sure that
the real you. You do know you aren’t two people, right?”

“It helps if I think I am,” he replied with a teasing gleam in his eyes as he took a swig from his water bottle. “Anxiety would get the better of me otherwise. It’s better if I think of tonight like I was in a play. A one-night show. It was exhilarating and wild, but it wasn’t real. It’s not my life. Even now… lying here in bed with you feels like a dream.”

“But it
real, Will. Underneath the glitter and eyeliner, you’re still you.”

We stared at each other for a long moment. The ability to compartmentalize aspects of our personality to function in polite society was perfectly normal, but I couldn’t help thinking Will took his talent to an extreme.

He looked away and set his water bottle on the table next to him before turning to me with a small smile. “You’re missing the point that the glitter and eyeliner is what got me here. It’s why you’re in my bed now, Rand. The part of me you like the most isn’t the real me.”

“Huh? Who was that yelling ‘fuck me, fuck me’ a little while ago? I need that guy’s number,” I joked as I leaned in to kiss his upper thigh. Fuck, he smelled good. Like sex and sin with a hint of innocence.

“Ha. Ha.” He laid his hand over my head and gently stroked his fingers through my hair. “I’m hungry. Want to order pizza?”

“Wait up. I have one more thing to say.”

“Of course you do.”

I smiled up at him, loving the contrast of his sweet caress with his annoyed tone. “Here’s the way I see things… the right way of seeing things.” I waited for the eye roll I knew was coming before I continued. “I think you’re like a caterpillar outgrowing his cocoon. You have these wings you know how to use, but you don’t, because the bright colors make you nervous. You’ll figure out on your own that you’re the one who’s kinda like magic.”

We stared at each other, wearing matching, goofy grins for a long moment. “So I’m a butterfly? I guess it’s better than cheese.” Will chuckled and bent to kiss my forehead. “Pickup or delivery?”

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