A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 (10 page)

Read A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Gay, #Paranormal, #Werewolves, #Romance

BOOK: A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6
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"Claim me," Rick told his mate.

Jake didn't hesitate.

Their bodies pressed together as Jake bent over him and sunk his teeth into the juncture of his shoulder and neck. Rick screamed, his cock erupting beneath him as creamy white seed splattered the blanket. Jake's hips slammed home once more before his dick throbbed and thickened and filled Rick's channel with heat.

Rick's arms collapsed under him, taking both he and Jake down to the ground. Jake grunted against his skin before he slowly removed his teeth from Rick's flesh and licked the wound.

Just as Rick's body was starting to come down from his orgasmic high, Jake's knot took hold and sent him spinning off the deep end again.

Rick blinked his eyes open. He didn't think he'd been out for long. He took stock: they were still in the clearing and Jake was still seated inside him, although his mate was doing something behind him. He looked over his shoulder to find out what Jake was up to.

"What's wrong?" he asked as Jake frantically tried to reach their clothing.

"The phone's ringing. I can feel the vibration."

So could Rick, now that he thought about it.

"I was just going to ignore it, but this is the fourth straight phone call."

Rick didn't like the sound of that, and together they scooted backward so Jake could find the phone. By the time they grabbed it, whoever it was had hung up and then rang again. Jake frowned as he looked at the caller ID, swiped his finger across the screen, and then answered the call.

"What's happened?" he asked.

"Get your asses to the doc's place. Zack's in labour again." Alex's voice boomed down the line.

"We're on our way," Jake said, then ended the call.

"Crap," Rick said. "He has really bad timing."

Jake chuckled. "Yeah, but there will be other times. Your niece or nephew will only be born once."

"I know."

Rick smiled. Jake leaned down and kissed Rick tenderly. They had to wait for Jake to pull out before they could go anywhere, and as anxious as he was to get to his brother-in-law, Rick would enjoy this peaceful time with his mate, even if they didn't get to start their dinner.

His Valentine's Day had been pretty much perfect.

Chapter Five

When Alex had called them to let her know that he was on the way to help with the kids because Zack had gone into labour again, Maryanne thought her heart might stop. She and Joe had gathered everything they could, then waited anxiously to wake the kids. She didn't want to get them up any sooner than she had to.

Now, she paced up and down the doctor's living room, Charlie pressed against her chest. Holding her grandcub helped a little, but she couldn't stop herself from worrying. Zack had had such an easy pregnancy in the beginning. It was not fair that he'd had so much trouble at the end.

She heard a car pull up outside and sighed in relief. Thankfully Jake and Rick made it. Maryanne had no idea what was happening in the small surgery that Stephanie had set up, but it was taking longer than she would have liked.

Joe stood to open the door before Jake and Rick could knock.

"What's happening?" Rick asked as he entered and walked right over to Maryanne. "Do you need me to take her?" he asked softly.

Maryanne smiled and shook her head. She liked holding her grandcubs and she needed something to occupy her hands.

"Don't know anything. Haven't heard a peep since we arrived."

Rick nodded and went to take a seat with Jake. Marcus and Brian were both sitting on the couch, each of them holding a sleeping boy. Jason had William in his arms and Alex beside him, his arm protectively around Jason's shoulder. Joe had once again taken a seat next to Hayley, who had curled up with him.

Maryanne prayed that everything went smoothly, even if the baby was early. She couldn't imagine losing a single member of her family, they were all far too precious for her to even contemplate that happening.

They all lapsed into silence once again, no one knowing what to say or wanting to say much and wake the kids.

Maryanne continued to walk and jiggle Charlie. Ten minutes later, a very tired and white-faced Simon came out of the room. He was holding a small bundle in a pink blanket. Maryanne felt her eyes start to water.
Another granddaughter

Everyone stood, except Joe, who had Hayley asleep on his lap, as Simon stepped into the room.

"It's a girl," he said tiredly.

"How's Zack, son?" Joe asked their boy.

Simon nodded. "He lost a lot of blood, but the doc assures me he'll be fine." Maryanne turned and found Rick there holding out his arms. She smiled wanly at him and gently handed over his girl.

Then she headed for her other boy; he needed her right now. She pulled him into a gentle hug, careful of the little bundle between them. "You're mate is a fighter. There is no way he would willingly leave you or his girls."

"I know, Mum." Simon sniffled. "You should have seen him, he was so scared."

"Everything will be fine," she said as she pulled back. Simon nodded, but she didn't really know if he believed her or not. Maryanne reached up and wiped the tears off her son's cheeks. "Now, why don't you go introduce this little one to her sister. I'm sure Hayley is dying to meet her."

"Yeah," Simon agreed. "Thanks, Mum."

"Anytime, son." Maryanne stood back and watched. Alex walked over to her and pulled her close. She smiled. Her boys really had turned into very fine young men.

Simon crouched down in front of where Hayley slept and lightly ran a hand through her hair.

"Hey, pumpkin," he said softly.

Hayley fluttered her eyes and blinked several times.

"Daddy?" she asked.

"Daddy's going to be fine. We can go and see him in a little bit. But right now, I have a little girl here that desperately wants to meet her big sister."

Hayley's eyes widened and she sat up so quickly she nearly smacked Joe. Maryanne had to stifle her giggle.

"I have a sister?" she asked excitedly.

"You sure do. This is little Lilly." Simon lifted the bundle in his arms until Hayley could see her.

She seemed to be thinking about something for a moment.

"Lilly? Like Daddy's flowers?" she asked, confused.

Simon chuckled. "Yes, pumpkin. Just like the flowers Daddy got today."

"Okay." She smiled, then reached out to touch the blanket.

Maryanne said a silent thank-you to whoever was listening.

Everyone gathered around Simon and the newest addition to their family. There was subdued excitement amongst them. Lilly was so small, Maryanne didn't know if everything was okay, but for now it didn't stop them all from cooing and awwing at the little girl. Tomorrow was another day and they would deal with whatever roadblocks they were dealt then.

This had been one of the more exciting Valentine's she'd had in a while. She was happy that everything had worked out, but next year, Maryanne would be happy with a kiss from her man and a box of chocolates.


Zack sat in the room Dr. Owens had assigned to them in her home. He was thankful for everything the doc and her assistants had done the night he'd gone into labour. Zack had been so scared he was going to lose their baby. Simon was his damn rock. Even though Zack had seen the fear in his mate's eyes, Simon remained calm the entire time.

With Lilly being nearly two weeks premature and Zack recovering after his surgery, Dr. Owens wanted to monitor them for a week. Simon had been a wonder during this time, looking after Hayley and spending as much time together as they possibly could.

Lilly was so small, even smaller than he remembered Hayley being. He'd been worried about holding her at first, but soon got over that the first time he held her in his arms.

She had the softest porcelain-coloured skin, a small tuft of bright red hair, and her dad's chocolate-brown eyes. Her pouty little lips always seemed to be seeking out something to suckle on.

"How are we both doing this morning?" the doc asked as she walked into the room Zack was occupying. He sat in a rocking chair with Lilly cradled in his arms.

"I feel fine." He smiled up at the doc before looking back down at his little girl. He could barely keep his eyes off her. "This one seems to be doing just fine as well."

"That's good. I've spoken with Simon and he's on his way to take you home," she informed him.

Zack beamed. He couldn't wait to get home. As nice as it was here, there was just something about home and Zack hadn't spent all that much time home in the last couple of months.

"Awesome. It'll be nice to get Lilly settled in with the rest of the family."

"Now that she's been born, maybe you boys could give this old doctor a rest for a little while, hey?"

Zack laughed. "I'll put in a good word for you with the others. But I wouldn't exactly call you old, doc."

"Yeah, well, I'm feeling my age more these days." She smiled at him and walked over to them. "Let me examine Lilly one last time, and then you guys can get out of here as soon as your lovely mate arrives."

Zack kissed Lilly on the forehead, then handed her over to the doctor. Zack quickly cleaned up the room and packed all the clothes Simon had brought him into his bag. He also packed up the few little outfits Lilly had, and by the time Stephanie was finished her exam, Zack was ready to go.

Just as she handed Lilly back to him, there was a knock at the front door.

"That'll be your man," she said as she grinned.

Zack slung his bag over his shoulder and held Lilly in his other arm, then followed the doc out of the room and through the house to the front door. As soon as she opened the door and Simon's eyes lit onto them, he smiled wide and Zack could see all the love his mate had for both him and their daughter.

"Daddy," Hayley squealed as she darted out from behind Simon's legs.

"Hey, pumpkin," Zack said as he knelt down on the ground and opened his arm for his daughter. She flew into his arms and hugged him tight, then pulled back and looked at her baby sister.

"Hi, sissy," she said as she carefully reached out and touched Lilly. Lilly cooed in his arms.

Zack stood, Lilly in one arm and Hayley leaning against his other side. Simon stepped forward, cupped his hand around the back of Zack's neck, tilted his head up for a quick kiss, then stepped back.

"Thanks for everything, doc," Simon said.

"My pleasure, boys," she replied.

"You ready to go home?" Simon asked him.

"I couldn't be more ready."

The End

About Toni Griffin

Toni Griffin lives in Darwin, the smallest of Australia's capital cities. Born and raised in the state she's a Territorian through and through. Growing up Toni hated English with a passion (as her editors can probably attest to) and found her strength lies with numbers.

Now, though, she loves escaping to the worlds she creates and hopes to continue to do so for many years to come. She's a single mother of one and works full time. When she's not writing you can just about guarantee that she will be reading one of the many MM authors she loves.

Feel free to drop her a line at
[email protected]






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Also by Toni Griffin

Available from
Mischief Corner Books

My Christmas Present

Once a Cowboy


A Bear in the Woods

Wreath of Fire


Archie's Accidental Kidnapping


Finding Connor


Unexpected Mate

Determined Mate

Protective Mate

Forbidden Mate

A Very Holland Christmas

A Very Holland Valentine





Available from
Extasy Books


Hidden Wolf


Dealing with the Dead

Dealing with the Past

Available from
Amber Allure


Frankie's Vamp

Bryce's Cop

About Mischief Corner Books

Mischief Corner Books is an organization of superheroes… no, it's a platinum-album techno-fusion group… no, hold on a sec here…

Ah yes. Mischief Corner Books is a diverse group of authors who met on a mountain in Tennessee and decided since they were probably too easily distracted to rule the world that they'd settle for causing a bit of mayhem instead.

In addition to making mayhem, we publish books with a diverse range of genres and topics... we live to break molds.

MCB. Giving voice to LGBTQ fiction.



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