A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 (2 page)

Read A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Gay, #Paranormal, #Werewolves, #Romance

BOOK: A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6
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Jason flicked off the light over the dining area as he heard the bike shut off. He didn't have to wait long for his mate.

"Where is every—" Alex stopped mid-word as he walked in to the room and surveyed the area.

Jason smirked. He loved being able to render his mate speechless at times. Admittedly, a lot of those times were in the bedroom after a hot and heavy session of fucking. Just thinking about that had Jason's prick perking up, wanting some action.

"What's all this, sweetheart?" Alex asked as he strode over and bent down to kiss Jason.

Jason wrapped his arms around Alex's neck and allowed himself to get lost in the kiss. Alex straightened, but Jason didn't break the kiss or let go. His mate's large hands made their way to Jason's ass, squeezed and lifted him up. Jason wrapped his legs around his mate and groaned as their hard dicks came into contact.

Alex eventually broke the kiss, much to Jason's annoyance. "Jason, what's going on?" Alex asked again.

"Surprise." He grinned at his mate. "I wanted a quiet evening to celebrate your birthday, just the two of us, so I can give you my present in private."

"Thank you, sweetheart, but you know you didn't have to go to all this trouble," Alex said as he lightly kissed him again.

"I know, but I love you and wanted tonight to be special."

Alex looked at him enquiringly, but Jason wasn't about to spill the beans yet, even though he was dying to just blurt it out. Instead he smacked Alex on the chest. "Let me down, dinner's ready."

Alex grunted but complied.

Jason dropped his feet back to the ground and stepped away from Alex. "Go get cleaned up while I serve dinner."

"Yes, boss," Alex capitulated.

"And don't you forget it." Jason laughed and jumped when Alex swatted him on the rear. "Hey," he said indignantly.

"You got a problem there, sweetheart?" Alex crossed his arms, his grin positively wicked.

"Yeah, if you're going to spank me, then I need to be naked," Jason shot back. The desire that flared in his mate's eyes was humbling. "Go clean up," he said before Alex had a chance to take things further.

Alex left the room and Jason busied himself with serving dinner. Just as Jason placed the two plates, piled high with steak and vegetables, on the table, Alex walked over and kissed Jason on the cheek.

"Thanks, Jase. Everything looks and smells amazing. Love you, sweetheart."

"Love you, too, Alex." Jason smiled at his mate. He never would have guessed when he'd first met his mate that they would
get to this point in their future. Hell, when they first met Jason didn't think there
a future for them. Jason didn't even want to think about what his life would be like without his mate in it. Alex was his world.

They talked as they ate, just like they did most nights, discussing their days and any pack business that may have cropped up. Soon dinner was over, both plates cleaned of all food. Jason had to admit he was a little proud of himself for pulling off the meal.

"Thank you, sweetheart, that was delicious," Alex said as he leaned forward and kissed Jason.

"You're very welcome," Jason replied. "It was rather yummy, wasn't it?"

"Ah-huh. Is there anything for dessert?"

Jason waggled his brows at his mate. "There's a new bottle of chocolate syrup in the cupboard. I bought it especially for tonight."

His mate hissed as he contemplated what they could get up to with the syrup. Jason chuckled as Alex pushed back from the table almost immediately and strode over to the cupboards, opening them one by one until he found what he was looking for. Alex had a shit-eating grin on his face as he walked back, bottle of syrup clutched in his hand.

"Shall we?" Alex asked as he held out a hand for Jason.

"Nope," Jason said, shaking his head.

"What do you mean no? I want to cover my mate in chocolate and then take my time licking it all off," Alex said, his voice low and husky.

Jason groaned at the mental images his mate conveyed. God, he wanted that too.

"You need to open your present first."

"My present can wait. First I want to thank my mate for a wonderful evening," Alex declared.

Jason shook his head again. "Present first, thanking and licking second."

He should have known Alex would get stubborn as soon as sex came into the picture. Alex would spend all day every day in bed if it was up to him. Not that Jason was complaining.

He reached under the table for Alex's present that he'd set on one of the other seats, placing it in front of where Alex had been sitting. The small rectangular box was wrapped with silver paper and a blue ribbon.

Jason looked up at his mate. Alex bent down and kissed his lips lightly before placing the syrup on the table and taking his seat again.

He bit his bottom lip. His leg started to shake under the table. Jason really hoped this was what his mate wanted.

Alex slipped off the ribbon and tore open the paper.

Jason could see the curiosity on Alex's face as he looked down at the plain box. Jason bit his lip harder as Alex lifted the lid on the box. Inside, resting on a pillow of cotton balls, was the pregnancy stick with its two little blue lines.

Alex stilled, and Jason held his breath. He didn't say anything, just waited. When he saw a lone tear trail down the side of Alex's face, his heart ached. Alex turned and looked at him, his expression hard to read.

"I… I'm going to be a daddy?" Alex whispered.

Jason melted inside. He nodded, not able to say anything.

Before he could process what was happening, Alex had pulled him out of his chair and was spinning him in circles, hugging the life out of him.

Jason laughed and ran his fingers through Alex's hair as he leaned back to get a better look at his mate's face.

"I take it you're happy?" he asked once they'd come to a stop.

"So fucking happy." Alex bent down and kissed him like his life depended on it. Their teeth gnashed together, lips pressed tight, tongues tangled in a breath-stealing kiss that curled Jason's toes and made his dick rock hard in seconds flat.

Jason wrapped his legs once more around his mate's waist as Alex headed for the entrance to the room. Jason pulled back, breathing hard, and pointed at the table. Alex chuckled darkly as he strode over and snatched the syrup of the table the turned again and started through the house.

"Happy birthday, Alex," Jason whispered in Alex's ear before biting down gently on the lobe, then licking his way down Alex's neck.

"Best birthday ever!" Alex panted, his voice strangled as he took the stairs two at a time.

Daddy Please

The house was quiet. Even though it was the middle of the day, nearly everyone was out. Marcus, Brian and the twins were doing the weekly shop. God knows how they managed it with both boys, but they always seemed to return no worse for wear. Rick and Jake had decided to take Charlie on a picnic to the play park, and Alex was at work trying to clear his schedule before he took some time off, which left Jason at home with Simon, Zack, and Hayley.

Jason and Hayley were currently in the living room watching cartoons while Hayley coloured in one of her many books. Zack and Simon where in the kitchen organising lunch for the four of them.

Simon walked up behind his mate, wrapped his arms around his middle, and pulled him close. "Hmm," Simon murmured low in his throat as the delicious, enticing scent of his mate surrounded him.

He kissed the back of Zack's neck before lightly scraping his teeth over the mating mark he had left there two years ago. Zack shivered in his arms and arched his neck, silently begging Simon for more. Simon grinned at the way Zack reacted to him. It never got old, no matter how long they'd been together.

"Simon," Zack said breathlessly and pushed back into Simon's body. He stopped whatever he had been doing and threaded his fingers with Simon's as he held Zack close.

"Want you again, honey,"
Simon said through their link. Zack groaned and Simon rubbed his hard cock against Zack's ass.

"How can you be so horny? You had me twice this morning already," Zack said with a chuckle. It didn't stop him from rubbing his ass against Simon's rock-hard dick, though.

The memories of having his mate, first in their bed, and then again against the wall in the shower had Simon panting and about ready to cream his jeans.

A noise from the entrance had them both looking up in time to see Jason's stomach emerge through the doorway what seemed like minutes before the man stepped through.

He felt Zack stiffen slightly in his arms. Simon knew how much his mate hurt every time he saw Jason, but he hid it well, only Simon knew of his pain. Simon gently rubbed against Zack's stomach.

"It'll happen for us, we just need to give it more time,"
he tried to reassure his mate. Simon felt the love Zack sent back at him and silently prayed that he and Zack got their wish.

Simon did feel a little sorry for his brother-in-law. The guy was the size of a house. Simon couldn't remember either Rick or Brian being that big, and Brian had been pregnant with twins. They'd been reassured Jason was only carrying the one, but it was a big one.

They'd all speculated, wondering if the fact that Alex was an alpha had anything to do with Jason being so big. Alex was going nuts waiting for his son or daughter to be born. Even though Alex was his brother and he'd known him his entire life, Simon couldn't ever remember Alex acting the way he had been before. Watching the big, tough, strong Alpha melt into a puddle of goo at the sight of his mate was something to see.

Jason looked up at them with a twinkle in his eyes. "Sorry to interrupt, guys. But I believe you're wanted in the living room."

The knowing smirk that lit his features told Simon he knew exactly what he'd interrupted and wasn't the least bit sorry.

Zack stuck his tongue out at Jason. The man laughed and rubbed at his large belly before waddling over to the table and taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"I swear to God, if that brother of yours thinks he'd doing this to me again, he has another thing coming," Jason bitched.

Simon scoffed. "You love it."

He kissed his mate one last time on his mating mark and stepped back. Every single one of them knew that Jason was in his element. He absolutely loved being pregnant, and Simon had a feeling his brother was in for a large family.

Jason didn't say anything, just shrugged and continued to rub circles on his distended stomach, a peaceful expression on his face.

"Umm… We're wanted in the living room?" Zack asked.

Jason looked up at them. "Yes, Hayley asked if I could send you in."

Zack turned to Simon and raised an eyebrow.
"Just what is our daughter up to now?"

Simon shrugged.
"Only one way to find out."

Zack took Simon's hand and they walked out of the kitchen and slowly made their way to the living room. Simon's erection thankfully had gone down during the talk with Jason.

They came to a halt in the doorway to the room and Simon chuckled under his breath at the look of their daughter. Hayley was sitting on the coffee table facing one of the couches. Her pretty pink dress had been spread neatly around her, and her bright red curls cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Simon wondered what she was doing sitting on the table as she knew better, especially since she was four now. But the tight expression he could see on her side of her face and the crossed arms over her chest told him his daughter had something on her mind.

The television had been muted and the colouring books and pencils abandoned to the floor not too far away.

Zack looked at him quizzically, and Simon could only shrug. He had no idea what was going on either.

Hayley must have heard them as she turned to look at them, then uncrossed her arms and waved to the couch in front of her. "Sit."

Zack cleared his throat and looked pointedly at his daughter.

"Please, Daddy," Hayley added.

Simon and Zack looked at one another again. Simon could tell his mate was trying hard to hold back the mirth he could see bubbling to the surface, just like him.

They made their way to the couch and sat in front of their daughter. Simon felt like he was about to face a firing squad. Hayley's expression was unreadable. She looked down at her dress and smoothed it over her legs for a moment before she looked back up at them.

"You wanted to see us?" Zack asked their girl.

"Yes." Hayley nodded. She took a breath and then crossed her arms again. "I want a brother or a sister!" she said adamantly.

Simon stopped and blinked for a moment. Did he really hear that correctly?

"Pardon me?" he asked when the silence between the three of them seemed to grow.

"When are you and Daddy going to give me a brother or a sister? If it's a girl, I can play dolls with her, but a brother would be cool too, I think."

"Hayley." Zack seemed to have found his voice.

"Daddy, please," Hayley whined, her little face pleading with them. Simon couldn't help but chuckle. This so wasn't how he saw his day going.

"Your father and I haven't discussed the possibility of increasing our family, Hayley." They had, but Simon understood why Zack had told Hayley what he did. They weren't ready to share their attempts with anyone.

Her shoulders slumped and she looked like she was about to say something until Zack held up his hand and continued. "That's not a no, pumpkin, it's a 'we need to talk about this' before any decisions are made."

Hayley's face brightened immediately. "Please say yes, please, please, please." She launched herself from where she was sitting into their laps and hugged them both close. "You're good daddies. You love me lots," Hayley announced before she scooted off their laps and ran from the room.

Simon sat in stunned silence for a moment before he turned to his mate. "Did you hear that? You're a good daddy."

"So are you," Zack chuckled, as he leaned forward and lightly kissed Simon on the lips. "I have to say that was completely out of left field. Did you have any idea Hayley wanted a sibling?"

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