A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 (4 page)

Read A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Gay, #Paranormal, #Werewolves, #Romance

BOOK: A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6
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"Here you go, honey. You let me know if there's anything else you need. Are you cool enough? It's supposed to be a scorcher out there today. I can get you a fan if you like." Maryanne handed Zack his sandwich and then immediately turned and to start looking around, for the fan, Zack assumed.

He sighed quietly. "I'm fine for the moment. Thanks for the food." He smiled at her before taking a bite. Maryanne studied him for a second before she reluctantly nodded.

"Do you want me to turn the television on? Are you comfortable? How're your feet today? Any swelling?"

Zack really was hard-pressed not to roll his eyes. Seriously, the woman needed to calm the hell down.

He finished chewing and swallowed his mouthful. "I'm fine, thank you. I happy here with my book." Zack held up the iPad he was reading a book on and then placed it back on the arm of the couch. "My feet feel fine as well. Nothing Simon can't take care of tonight when he gets back from work."

Zack grinned mischievously and winked at Maryanne.

She chuckled, then fussed a little with her clothes. "If you're sure."

"I'm fine, Maryanne, truly. If I need anything, you'll be the first person I call."

"Good." She smiled at him, nodded, and then thankfully left him alone.

Zack sighed in relief, turned his iPad back on and ate his sandwich. A hard kick to his stomach had him rubbing at the offending area. "I know, little one. Not long now and you too get to deal with the awesomeness that is your grandma."

* * * * *

Simon sat at his desk, looking over yet another financial report. The numbers were swimming on the screen, all blurring into one large incomprehensible blob. He pushed back from his desk and rubbed his eyes. They were watering from staring at his computer for so long.

He stood and walked to the window. The view wasn't anything breathtaking, but Simon still loved it anyway. He was on the first floor and he could see the town he loved from his window.

His mind wasn't on his work. Rarely had been since he'd found out he was going to be a father. Yes, he was already a dad. He loved Hayley with all his heart and treated her as if she were his own. But the utter joy he'd felt the morning they discovered Zack was carrying had stayed with him all this time, even seven weeks later.

Dr. Owens had examined Zack and let them know that he was due to deliver at the end of February. Only four weeks away and Simon couldn't wait. He'd missed out on Hayley's early years, and after watching his brothers with their children, Simon really couldn't wait to hold his son or daughter. He was even looking forward to the midnight feedings and the dirty diapers.

He checked his watch. Seeing it was coming up for four in the afternoon, Simon decided to call it a day. He didn't usually leave that early, but there was nothing in his tray that couldn't wait for tomorrow, and frankly, he couldn't concentrate.

Simon wanted to see his mate.

Zack was stunning all swollen with his child. Zack might not think so, but Simon did. The knowledge that he had filled his mate with his seed and they had created life together struck at the heart of Simon. He wanted to growl with pride every time he laid eyes on the love of his life. He didn't think the rest of his family would appreciate it, though, so kept his triumphant growls to himself.

Simon packed away his paperwork and shut down his computer. He pocketed his phone and grabbed his car keys. On his way out, he stopped at his personal assistant's desk.

"Mara, I'm taking the rest of the afternoon off."

Mara looked up from the papers she was reading through. "Everything okay, boss?" She eyed him quizzically.

He couldn't blame her, he didn't often leave early. Although since Hayley and Zack had come into his life, he no longer stayed late well after everyone else had left like he used to.

"Everything's fine. Just having some trouble concentrating and my eyes are starting to hurt." Simon smiled. He couldn't exactly tell her that he wanted to get home to his pregnant mate and see how the man was doing. "Figured I'd call it a day and come back tomorrow refreshed and ready for a new day."

"See you in the morning, then."


Simon felt better just walking out of work. The fact that he would soon get to see Zack was a major factor in his cheerfulness. He decided to stop at the local bakery on the way home and pick up one of the lemon meringue pies Zack loved. Both Hayley and Simon enjoyed them as well, but watching Zack eat a piece was nothing short of erotic. Simon would have to make sure there was some left over and feed it to his mate in bed tonight once Hayley was asleep.

He could picture the way Zack would dart his tongue out to lick the fork, making sure he gathered every last morsel of cake. The quiet moan that would work its way out of Zack's lips as he savoured the sweet and tangy pie. The sight of his throat working as he swallowed.
Simon reached down to discreetly adjust his suddenly hard and aching prick as he walked down the street toward the bakery. He couldn't wait to get home and get his mate alone in bed.

Living under his mum and dad's roof again after so many years had been a major adjustment, especially because he now had Zack with him. He'd never really thought about the logistics of making love to his mate. The windows of the house were opened during the night to let the cool breeze through. They used fans as well, but they didn't make much noise. There was no way in hell he wanted his folks to hear him having sex, so they had to keep things very sedate and quiet.

Simon missed pounding his mate into the mattress. They had tried that the night after they'd moved in and found the bed squeaked outrageously. Zack had turned the most adorable shade of red and put a stop to their actions almost immediately.

Not that Simon was complaining. He loved his mate any way he could get him. With Zack's girth increasing steadily over the last month, things had slowed down even further. The last thing Simon wanted to do was hurt his mate or their cub in any way. Zack kept telling him that he wouldn't hurt them, but Simon preferred to err on the side of caution.

Tonight would be an exercise in restraint for him, but he didn't care. His mate deserved a treat. He knew his mother was more than likely driving his poor mate up the wall. Simon could remember what it was like when they were growing up and one of them was injured in any way. The woman turned into the world's biggest mother hen. Now she had one of her sons-in-law living under her roof and pregnant with another of her grandcubs. Simon shuddered to think what she was like.

Zack hadn't said anything to him about how bad his mum was getting. Simon could see the slight tightening around his mate's eyes when he got home, though, showing the almost desperate need for there to be someone else there to distract Maryanne from her constant fussing over him.

It wouldn't be for much longer. Their house was almost finished. Less than a week to go according to the phone call he'd received from Alex earlier that day. That meant they should be home to celebrate Valentine's Day. Simon couldn't wait. He looked forward to hearing his mate's groans of pleasure again.

The bell jingled as Simon pushed the door open and walked inside the small bakery. He loved the smell of the place. The fresh baked bread, the pies, and sausage rolls left over from the lunch trade in the warmer behind the counter, and the large display cases that held what was left of the sweet treats all contributed to the one of the most enticing aromas.

Simon looked for what he wanted and spotted the one and only lemon meringue in the bottom corner. The chocolate torte cake tempted Simon, as it was his favourite, but he really wanted to do something for Zack so he stuck to his original plan. Next time he would get the chocolate.

He waited for the other two people in the store to be served and then smiled when Hilly, the owner and baker, turned in his direction.

"Hey, Simon, how's things?"

"Great, thanks. How's business going?" he asked.

"Business is great. I have my slow days just like everyone else, but thankfully they're fewer and farther between lately. Now what can I get you?" she asked and she wiped her hands on a towel hanging off the side of her apron.

"I'd love your lemon meringue pie, please."

Hilly smiled at him and then pulled a flat box from under the counter. "Certainly."

She made the box up, then pulled the pie from the display case and placed it carefully in the packaging before closing the lid.

Simon was so looking forward to tonight.

Chapter Two

Jason smiled as he quietly closed the bedroom door behind him. William was out like a light. His little boy slept like the dead, and with all the construction in their home, Jason had never been more thankful. He couldn't even imagine how he would have coped if William had woken at every little noise that was made during the day. Night wasn't an issue, it was just noisy during the day while everyone was here working.

Thankfully the majority of the large construction had already taken place. Now they were so close to finishing Jason could almost taste it. Another week, Alex had told him. One more week and he would be able to get his family and his home back. Jason missed his best friend, Brian.

Jason hated having so many strangers coming and going inside his home, especially with his son here. Jason had had no idea what it felt like to have such overwhelming feelings of protectiveness for another being until he became a parent.

Yes, he had Alex, but his mate was an Alpha and well capable of taking care of himself. Jason doubted there was anything he could do to protect the man that he couldn't do faster or better. He didn't mind; it came part and parcel of being mated to the Alpha. On the other hand, while William might grow up to be the pack's next Alpha, right now he was a defenceless little cub.

Some of the workers Jason was acquainted with as they were pack, but unfortunately, not everyone was. And even though those people had been steadily coming in and out of his house for the last several months, it didn't mean he'd gotten to know them. Some of the men seemed nice enough, but others gave him the downright creeps.

If Brian were around, he knew his friend would make him feel better. He missed the others as well, but Brian had been his friend since high school and he missed him most. He even missed the two-year-old terrors Samuel and Dylan. Brian had told him on the phone not long after they'd moved in to Maryanne and Joe's place that the boys were giving their grandma a run for her money.

Jason couldn't wait to see what William would be like at that age. He hoped he wouldn't be quite as bad as the twins. The problem with the boys was they each had the other egging them on. Jason didn't know how Brian did it most days. He would be utterly exhausted running around after two of them. He usually was by the end of the day anyway and all he had was five-month-old William.

Alex was amazing with his son. Jason had never seen such a large and imposing man turn to complete and utter goo before. Yes, Alex had curbed a great deal of his Alpha instincts around Jason, especially considering the circumstances they met under, but when Alex held his son in his arms, everything about him softened.

All the problems and demands on the day seemed to drain right out of the bigger man. His body relaxed completely and this serene expression came over his face. Jason loved it.

The second Alex walked through the door each night, he shed everything that wasn't necessary and sought Jason and William out. Jason handed over their son and Alex took him with great pleasure.

It had been decided when the construction started that, due to the nature of their work, both Alex and Jake couldn't take any extended amounts of time off. Jason was fine with that. He already worked from home and had no problems having William with him during the day. That had been his plan anyway when he'd fallen pregnant.

Whenever William went down for a nap, he worked. When he woke, Jason played with his son for a while. Anything he couldn't get done, he would pass on to a couple of his staff that he'd hired when he'd started getting more work than he could complete in a reasonable amount of time. Both Jerry and Cecilia worked from their homes as well and were members of the Leyburn pack.

Alex didn't like the idea of his mate remaining home by himself with their son with so many strangers traipsing in and out, so Rick had volunteered to extend his leave from work for a few extra months so there would always be two of them at home with the kids. Jason enjoyed having the extra company in the house, and Rick being there helped him feel a little safer.

"What do you feel like for lunch?" Jason asked as he walked into the dining room. Rick was feeding Charlie a large bowl of mushed veggies. Charlie seemed to be loving it if the massive toothy grin on her face and the happy slaps of her hands on her highchair table were any indication.

Rick thought for a minute, then fed Charlie another spoonful. "I could really go for a couple of those beef and cheese pies."

Jason groaned. That sounded awesome to him. "I think we might still have some in the freezer, let me check."

Jason made his way into the kitchen and opened the massive double-door freezer. With eight shifter men all living under the same roof, they tended to go through a great deal of food. That was one of the reasons Jason couldn't wait for the construction to be complete. He wanted Brian to come home and cook. It sucked that both Maryanne and Brian were living under the one roof, meaning the four of them were left to fend for themselves.

The quality of meals had certainly gone down since Brian had temporarily moved out.

Jason moved a few things, then whooped for joy when he found the packet of frozen pies. He laughed as Charlie copied his enthusiasm and ended up spraying mashed veg everywhere, then broke into hysterical laughter.

"Sorry." Jason laughed.

"No, problems," Rick replied. "I'm used to it now. You will be soon as well."

Jason nodded. He secretly couldn't wait. William was a big boy and milk alone hadn't sustained him for a while; he was already eating some soft breakfast foods and pureed veggies.

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