A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 (5 page)

Read A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Gay, #Paranormal, #Werewolves, #Romance

BOOK: A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6
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"After the first couple of times you get covered, you tend to forget what it's like to have clean clothes."

Jason laughed again. He already knew what that was like. His son had had a damn habit of spraying him just about every time Jason tried to change his nappy in the beginning. Jason and Alex had learned pretty quickly how to adjust for that.

He took the pies and closed the freezer. Jason turned on the oven, placed the frozen pies on a tray and waited for the oven to preheat.

He chatted with Rick and watched as Charlie greedily gobbled down her lunch, chattering away at her daddy the whole time. She was getting so big, almost seventeen months old now. As soon as the oven was up to temp, he placed the tray inside and set the timer.

He was already hungry, but he would wait the required forty-five minutes to get his hands on the pie. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing better than a good pie with sauce, no matter how hot the day outside, and today was another scorcher.

They didn't have air-conditioning in the house. It wasn't often that they needed it. Instead, on days like today they had all the window and doors open in the hopes that any breeze might flow through and cool the place down. The fans were also on high trying desperately to circulate the air.

Jason decided to head to his office to get a little work done while lunch was cooking. He said goodbye to Rick and kissed Charlie on the head on his way out. Charlie squealed at him, and cried out "Unca".

Jason grinned broadly at Charlie and gave her a pat as he left the kitchen. He made his way through the house, thankful the dust and debris that had been prominent in the early stages of the additions had nearly all disappeared. He could hear men at work upstairs. There was the sound of hammers banging, saws cutting, and men swearing a blue streak.

Just as Jason turned the corner, he jumped, having to bite back a scream as he came face to face with one of the workers.

His heart beat wildly in his chest. He hadn't expected to find anyone down this passage. He looked at the guy and narrowed his eyebrows. Why was this man here? There wasn't any construction taking place.

The man leered at him, looking Jason over from top to toe, lingering in the region of Jason's crotch. Jason shook inwardly.

The guy was middle-aged and sported a large beer gut. He had a patchy, scraggly beard, which had caught some sort of food in its clutches. Sweat stained the guy's singlet, which strained to cover the large gut, and shorts. Hair stuck out from every opening of his clothes from his chest to arms and legs.

"What are you doing down here?" Jason asked, annoyance lacing his tone.

"No need to get your panties in a twist, princess, I was just having a look around on me break."

"I'm not a princess," Jason said, pissed at the gall of this man. "And you would do well to stay to the portion of the house you're being paid to work in."

"Why would I do that when the pretty things are all down here?" The man took a step forward, crowding Jason.

He backed up as far as he could, but the man just kept coming and cornered him against the wall. Jason shuddered in revulsion as the guy reached out and ran one of his grubby, callused hands down Jason's cheek. After everything he'd been through with Hank Bishop, there was no way Jason was going to be a victim to yet another asshole.

Jason kneed him in the nuts and shoved him as hard as he could. The guy being so much bigger than Jason didn't go very far, but he did move. He grunted and doubled over, wheezing as he breathed through the pain of having a knee slam into his family jewels.

"Touch me again, asshole, and my partner will happily castrate you," Jason growled through clenched teeth.

"You okay, sweetheart?"
Alex's worried voice came through their link.

"Fine. Just some dickhead tradie thinking he can cop a feel."

Alex's deep growl made Jason grin. He knew his mate wouldn't put up with anyone treating Jason as less than he was.

"I'll deal with him as soon as I get home."

"Love you, big guy."

"Love you too, sweetheart. Kiss William for me."

Jason couldn't help but smile. The man was so in love with his son.

"You'll pay for that, you little shit," the guy sneered through clenched teeth as he glared at Jason from his crouched position.

"Why don't you go find someone else that wants to suck your dick, because I'm telling you right now, it ain't gonna be me." Jason turned to walk away, then looked back over his shoulder. The guy was slowly starting to stand up. "Oh, and I wouldn't count on returning to work tomorrow if I was you."

"What? I ain't no fucking fairy!" The tradie's expression darkened. He took a step toward Jason.

"Then why do you keep looking at my dick? Come one step closer and I can guarantee you'll regret it."

"Yeah, and just what are you going to do about it, princess? You got a lucky shot last time, I'll be expecting it now," the man leered as he licked his hair-covered upper lip. Jason hated these types of guys. Those that acted all big and tough were the worst type of bigots, but secretly they craved and enjoyed gay sex.

"He won't have to do anything about it," Rick said as he walked around the corner. "Me, on the other hand, I'll happily take out the trash for my brother." Rick wasn't anywhere near as imposing as Alex, but the man still stood at six foot two and had muscles, which he emphasised by crossing his arms over his chest.

Tradie man was several inches shorter than Rick, and even though the guy might outweigh Rick by a good thirty to forty kilos, it was all fat and beer gut, whereas Rick was solid mass, not an ounce of fat on him. The man stopped his advance and weighed his options. The tradie looked Rick up and down.

"Seriously, dude, you chose the wrong guy to fuck with." Rick pointed at Jason. "My brother—his partner—stands at six foot five and can just about bench press a fucking car. He'd wipe the floor with you. I suggest you hightail it out of here with your dick still attached, because if you're still here when he gets home, I wouldn't count on it staying that way. And as Jason said, don't bother coming back tomorrow."

The guy looked royally pissed.

"You cost me my fucking job." He sneered at Jason. "You pansy-assed guys are all the same, one minute you're all hot and heavy, practically begging for it, but when you get caught, you turn cold as a fucking fish and blame the other guy. Well, I'm not going to let you screw me out of a job."

Jason stood there stunned for a moment, then he and Rick burst out laughing. Fuck, his sides hurt; Jason couldn't breathe he was laughing so hard. Rick gathered his wits first.

"You've got to be fucking kidding, right? You heard the description of his partner. Why the hell would he go begging someone one else, especially an overweight, middle-aged guy who smells like he hasn't showered in several days?"

The tradie's face had gone to beetroot levels of red and his hands clenched at his sides. Rick stepped in front of Jason and gently pushed him out of the way.

"Now I suggest you leave or I'll call my other brother, the police detective, and have you arrested for sexual harassment and whatever else I can think of by the time he arrives."

Tradie huffed, then turned and stormed off, the front door slamming behind him moments later. Jason let out a deep breath, then reached forward and squeezed Rick's hand.

"Thanks," he said quietly.

"No worries, man, no one should have to deal with guys like that. Especially not after everything you've been through."

Jason gave him a small smile.

"Now come on, lunch should be almost ready, and I left Charlie playing in her high chair with her food. I bet the entire dining room is covered in veggies by now."

Jason laughed. "Bags not cleaning it up." He knew Rick was talking out his ass about lunch, but honestly he didn't care. Jason wanted the company. They could wait for their food together.

"Hey," Rick said, sounding mortally offended, which caused Jason to laugh even more.

"Of course I'll help you. Come on, I'm starving and William should be up soon."

"I'll head up to the workers and notify them that whoever the hell that was won't be coming back any time soon, just as soon as I've checked on Charlie," Rick said.

"Oh, I see how it is. Gonna leave me with the mess."

"Yep, that's the plan." Rick grinned at him.

"It's the least I can do. Thanks again for the assist."

Rick slung his arm around Jason's shoulder as they made their way through the house. "Anytime, bro."

* * * * *

Alex stormed into the house. He'd been in the middle of a tat when he'd felt his mate's distress. He hated that he wasn't there when his love needed him the most, but knowing Jason wasn't alone in the house and that Rick was there helped ease his worry slightly. Now, though, he wanted to see his mate, make sure with his own eyes the man was okay. Alex was absolutely furious someone had dared to accost his mate in his own home.

Rick walked round the corner as Alex strode through the passage, looking for his other half. He wasn't going to yell out. He'd learned that lesson after Samuel and Dylan were born. He'd walked inside one day, called out for his mate like he used to do, and managed to wake both babies. Marcus and Brian had been royally pissed at him. After that Alex had learned to keep his voice down.

"He's fine," Rick assured him as soon as he saw the pinched expression on Alex's face.

"It shouldn't have happened in the first place," Alex said through gritted teeth.

"You're right, but you can't know the intentions of every person alive."

"I can damn well try," Alex said, then softened his expression. "Was he hurt?"

"No, he handled himself well. I was hardly even needed. The man certainly has come a long way."

Alex nodded, extremely proud of how his mate had handled himself. He knew just how far Jason had travelled after the events of Hank Bishop.

"Do you know where he is?" Alex asked.

"I believe he's in your rooms with William," Rick answered.

"Thanks, bro."

"Don't mention it."

Alex bound up the stairs to their rooms. He opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake William if his son was asleep, and stepped inside the darkened room. Jason lay on the bed on his side, staring at their sleeping boy in his bassinet beside the bed.

Jason's eyes flicked to Alex. The smile that curled his mate's lips made him feel like a million dollars. Even after all this time, Jason still looked at him like he hung the moon. He truly hoped he never disappointed the man.

"Hi," he whispered as he traversed the room in silence. Alex stood by the side of the bed and bent to remove his shoes. When he was finished, he crawled across the bed to his mate. Jason rolled over onto his back, allowing Alex to climb on top of him.

"Hi back," Jason whispered.

Alex smiled, caressed the side of his mate's face, and then lowered his body until he was pressing Jason into the mattress. Jason let go a low groan. He brought his arms up and wrapped them around Alex's neck, threading his fingers into Alex's hair and pulling his head down.

He wasn't about to fight his mate. He wanted the kiss just as much as Jason did. Their lips met and Alex still felt the surge of electricity shoot through his body, even after all this time. He hoped he always would. Jason and William meant more to him than anything else in this world.

Alex lost himself in his mate's arms. His body reacted predictably to having Jason under him. His prick hardened and Alex ground against the supple body beneath him. He swallowed Jason's moan and felt his mate's body react. Alex rose slightly, reached between them, and palmed Jason's hardening cock. Jason bucked up into the touch, his tongue plunging into Alex's mouth as his fingers tightened in Alex's hair.

Teeth gnashed, tongues tangles, bodies bucked and Alex hadn't felt anything sweeter. His mate panted below him. Alex kissed and bit his way down Jason's throat, his breath caressing the side of Alex's face. When he got to that one spot at the juncture of Jason's throat and shoulders, Jason whimpered.

He stretched his neck to the side, giving Alex all the invitation he needed. Alex leaned down and licked at the mark he had left when they'd first mated.

Jason shuddered under him, his hips bucked again into Alex's firm hand and the soft plea of "please" reached Alex's ears. Alex always gave his mate anything he wanted, and today was no exception. His canines lengthened and Alex bit down, the need to mark his mate and once again claim him riding Alex hard.

Jason sucked in a deep breath below him, his entire body going rigid, his dick, still confined behind the denim fabric of the man's shorts, pulsed and jerked in Alex's palm. The material of Jason's shorts soon dampened with his spend. Alex, on the other hand, remained rock hard. Watching and experiencing Jason in the throes of orgasm was one of the main pleasures in his life.

Alex wanted nothing more than to roll his mate over, strip him of his shorts, and slam his rock-hard prick deep within Jason. How he would love to take the man hard and fast. Alex gently pulled away, licking at the wound he had made on Jason's neck. Jason relaxed under him as he slumped into the mattress, completely sated. Alex chuckled as he bent down to kiss his mate again.

A noise from the bassinet beside the bed had them both pausing. They waited a moment, both turning their heads to look in the direction of their son. William made another noise before he let out an almighty scream. Alex chuckled and Jason smiled at him.

"I promise to take care of this later tonight," Jason said quietly as he palmed Alex's still hard cock.

"I'll hold you to that, sweetheart. Why don't you go get cleaned up and I'll see to our little man." Alex kissed his mate one last time before he pushed up and rolled over to the side of the bed.

He looked into the bassinet that would soon be too small for William and thanked Christ the renovations were almost done. He needed his room back. It was one thing to make out with Jason with their clothes on. It was a complete other thing to fuck his mate with their son sleeping right there. There had been a lot of shower sex in the last few months.

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