A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 (9 page)

Read A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6 Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Gay, #Paranormal, #Werewolves, #Romance

BOOK: A Very Holland Valentine: Holland Brothers 6
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Ten minutes later, she was clean, dried, and dressed in her little nightgown and her pull-ups. Jake patted her on the butt.

"Go say goodnight to everyone. Then it's story and bed."

Charlie didn't say anything, just raced from the room on her little legs. Jake picked up the Dr. Seuss book Charlie loved. The damn thing was the world biggest tongue twister and Jake couldn't get through it without making a million mistakes, but Charlie loved it and laughed at every error Jake made.

She came tottering back into the room holding her daddy's hand. Jake couldn't help but smile at his two favourite people. Charlie let go of Patrick and ran across the room. Jake scooped her up and hugged her tight while Patrick took a seat in the rocker chair. Jake passed Charlie over and his little girl snuggled up to her daddy. He could see her eyes starting to close already. She wouldn't make it through too much of the book before she was out like a light. Jake sat in the other chair and opened the book.

There were a couple of sleepy giggles as Patrick rocked and patted their girl, but it didn't even take ten minutes before Charlie's quiet snores rent the air. Jake loved the sounds his delicate little girl made as she slept. He kept reading for another five minutes, to make sure she really was out. Then he closed the book, leaned over, and placed a gentle kiss on Charlie's cheek.

Patrick stood carefully and walked over to her cot. His mate placed their daughter down and covered her up. Jake made sure the night-light was on, then took Patrick's hand in his. They whispered goodnight to Charlie, flicked off the light, and closed the door. They headed back to the living room, which was mostly empty with the others all putting their kids to bed as well.

Jake collapsed into one of the recliners and pulled Patrick down on top of him, his mate grunting on impact. Jake threaded his fingers into Patrick's hair and tugged him close. Patrick submitted willingly to the kiss, opening his mouth and groaning as Jake pushed for entrance. When air started to become a necessity, Jake reluctantly pulled back. He lightly kissed Patrick's lips again and again.

"Mmm, love you."

Patrick sighed contentedly and snuggled into Jake. Jake wrapped an arm around his mate and held him close.

"Love you too, Jake."

Jake would never get tired of hearing that.

* * * * *

Rick blinked awake when he heard the bedroom door click closed. He rolled over and reached out for his man, only to encounter cold sheets. Rick looked around the room. Jake stood there just inside the door with a tray piled with food. The aroma of their breakfast finally penetrated his groggy brain at the same time he spotted his mate.

"What's all this?" he asked quietly.

"Breakfast in bed." Jake walked over to him, and Rick scooted up on the bed so his back was against the headboard. Jake placed the tray on the bed and Rick immediately went for one of the cups of coffee.

Jake made his way to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to Rick.

"Where's Charlie?" Rick asked, not having heard a peep from the monitor.

"She's up, fed, and in the living room with the twins watching morning cartoons." Jake chuckled when Rick raised an eyebrow. "Brian and Marcus are down there as well, keeping an eye on her for us."

Jake leaned over and kissed Rick to within an inch of his life.

"Happy Valentine's Day," he whispered as he pulled back.

A massive grin broke out on Rick's face. "Happy Valentine's Day."

There was a full breakfast served on the tray. Bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, mushrooms, toast, and baked beans. The food smelled heavenly, and Rick's stomach growled in anticipation of the meal he was about to eat.

Jake settled opposite him so they could both eat off the tray. They played and fed each other small bites followed by longer kisses. When everything was finished, Jake placed the tray on the ground and Rick scooted down in the bed. Jake settled atop him, one of Rick's favourite positions, and kissed him.

The man tasted like coffee and everything they'd just eaten. Rick wanted more. His prick had been half-hard since he woke up. It was now well on its way to aching. Above him Jake was fumbling with the blankets that still covered Rick. Rick pushed up into the touch, groaning when his mate's questing hands finally found his erection.


There came a light tap at the door, then the door handle jiggled a couple of times before it swung open. They had installed handles on all the doors instead of the knobs to make them easier for the kids to use. Now, though, Rick was regretting that decision.

Jake gave Rick one final squeeze, chuckling, before removing his hand. They both turned and looked to the doorway as their little girl poked her head around and, seeing them, widened her eyes and raced inside.

"Da… squish Daddy."

Jake laughed again before he sat, straddling Rick's hips, then leaned down and picked up their girl in one big swoop.

"I'm not squashing Daddy, see? He's fine." Jake poked him in the ribs and Rick let out an unmanly cry. Charlie giggled, then copied her dad. The two of them ganged up on Rick, and by the time he cried mercy, he had tears streaming down his face from laughing so hard.

* * * * *

The day passed with all the couples ensconced in their own little bubbles.

At lunchtime they were surprised when Brian opened the front door to his own delivery driver. They were even more surprised when Billy handed him a massive bouquet of wildflowers. Billy had then gone back to the car twice more to collect arrangements for Rick, Zack, and Jason.

Brian had dragged Marcus off to their rooms once Billy left, Marcus calling out over his shoulder for someone to keep an eye on the boys.

Rick loved the flowers Jake had gotten him. He didn't mind roses, but these were stunning, all different-coloured orchids, from yellow, to purple, red and white and some really weird spidery looking ones that Rick had never seen before. He really liked that his mate had gone against the trend.

Alex and Marcus dropped off the kids at their mum and dad's earlier that afternoon, The house was so damn quiet without them all running around. It felt like a ghost town, Rick missing Charlie like crazy since she was away from him, but he also enjoyed spending a little alone time with his mate.

Simon was hardly seen outside his room, wanting to stay close to Zack. Alex, Jason, Marcus, and Brian had all left the house ten minutes ago for their dinner dates, all four of them looking dolled up and happy. Rick was wearing a pair of shorts and an old comfy shirt, and he slipped into his thongs as he waited for Jake at the front door.

He came down the passage a moment later carrying a large basket filled with food, drinks, and a blanket. "I just told Simon that we're heading off."

"Cool." Rick smiled as Jake, too, stepped into a cheap pair of plastic thongs. Rick opened the door and, with an over-the-top flourish, bowed and said, "After you, beautiful sir."

Jake chuckled at him and muttered "goofball" as he walked through the door. Rick closed it and made sure it was secure before following Jake to the car.

Twenty minutes later, Jake pulled up at the pack grounds car park, with not a single car in residence. He grabbed the basket out of the back of the car, and Rick took his other hand as he followed his mate in the dark through the trees.

It wasn't pitch black, the moon and stars shone the way, and with their increased senses, they could easily make the trek. The fact that they both knew the pack grounds like the back of their hands also helped. They walked in silence, neither wanting to break the beauty of the quiet with words. Every now and then, Jake would squeeze his hand gently and Rick would respond.

When they broke through to the clearing they used for meetings and gatherings, Jake found a spot and spread the blanket out on the ground, positioning the basket on one of the corners.

When his hands were free, Jake pulled Rick against his chest and kissed his lips lightly. "Would you do me the honour of running with me tonight?"

Rick just wanted to melt where he stood. "I'd love nothing better."

Jake kissed him again before he stepped back and started to strip. Rick would have liked a little more kissing, but his wolf was excitedly pacing inside him, knowing that he was about to be let free to run with his mate.

Rick stood transfixed, like always, as he watched his mate's skin bared for him. "Turn around please," he whispered.

Jake looked up at him, pausing in undoing his pants. He smiled indulgently, his eyes shining with love as he slowly spun where he stood until his back was facing Rick.

Every time he saw it, he caught his breath. Ten years he'd thought Jake hadn't cared, hadn't wanted him. How wrong he'd been.

Rick stepped forward, training his finger down every letter of his name that had been inked into Jake's skin so long ago. How the man had successfully hidden this from him still amazed Rick. He leaned in and placed a tender kiss to the skin. Jake shivered beneath him and Rick grinned at the reaction he could cause in the other man.

"So sexy."

"Yes, you are," Jake agreed. Rick swatted Jake on the ass, then stepped back and started stripping his own clothes off. When they both stood in the moonlight completely naked, Jake gathered their belongings and tucked them next to the basket.

"Ready?" Jake asked. Rick didn't bother responding, instead he relaxed and let his wolf come to the forefront. It was over in moments. Bones reshaped, fur sprouted, teeth elongated, organs moved. As fast as he was with his shift, Jake was quicker. His mate stood on all fours looking at him when Rick opened his eyes. The man was stunning whether he was beast or human.

Jake padded over to him and rubbed his head against Rick's neck. He knew the man was scent marking him. It wasn't really necessary. After being together for as long as they had, their scents were intertwined. Rick wouldn't be able to differentiate one from the other now even if he'd wanted to, which he didn't.

When Jake was happy Rick sufficiently smelled like him, Jake nipped Rick. Rick turned and took off across the ground like a shot. He knew the man and the wolf had a strange kink about chasing him down, and who was he to argue with that?

Rick didn't know if he'd ever tell his mate just how much he enjoyed being chased. Although, knowing Jake as he did, the man probably already knew.

They ran for a good hour, Jake chasing, nipping at his heels. He occasionally pounced and the pair of them would go tumbling to the earth beneath them. Jake always ended up on top with his teeth applying pressure to Rick's throat. Rick willingly submitted, every time.

Eventually Jake started herding them back to the clearing. Rick panted as he walked along, their run exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time.

Rick walked right into the centre of the blanket and lay down, then reined his animal back in and shifted. The transformation always amazed him, but within moments he was back to being a human. Jake stopped next to him, and Rick watched as the gorgeous fur of his mate receded, muscles once again became pronounced, and chest hair glistened in the moonlight with the light covering of sweat that still clung to Jake's skin.

Jake's gaze was trained on Rick's cock as soon as his transformation was complete. Rick reached down and palmed his hard prick. He'd been aroused ever since they had started their run. All the chasing and pouncing really helped to rev Rick's engine.

"So fucking stunning," Jake growled as he moved closer.

Rick squeezed his dick, the hungry expression on Jake's face making his cock throb. Jake leaned down and removed Rick's hand before licking a line from the base of his balls to the tip of his cock.

"Fuck," Rick swore, then cried out when his mate swallowed him down, his hips bucking up trying to meet the wet heat of Jake's mouth.

Jake chuckled as he pulled off. "So impatient."

He then licked along the vein that ran down the side of Rick's shaft. Jake wrapped his large hand around Rick's length and jerked him slowly as his mouth moved south.

Rick groaned as first one and then the other testicle was sucked into Jake's mouth. He loved it when Jake sucked his sac and his mate knew it too.

"Like that?" his mate asked him before going back to what he'd been doing. Rick's hands clenched in the blanket beneath him. His feet were planted on the ground, his hips moving uncontrollably.

Jake trailed one of his fingers down across Rick's taint, and Rick thought he might explode in anticipation. Jake circled Rick's entrance a couple of times.

"Quit fucking teasing me," he cried out, too on edge.

Rick screamed when Jake did as asked and pressed forward with not one, but two of his fingers. Jake gave him a moment and then went back to sucking on his balls as fucked Rick's ass with his fingers.

"Shit, fuck, shit." Rick let out a litany of curse words every time Jake pegged his prostate. "Stop playing around and fuck me already."

"Whatever you say, mate."

Rick missed the warmth of Jake's mouth as soon as he pulled away; he then removed his fingers and Rick wanted to cry in frustration.

Jake rummaged in the basket and pulled out lube. Suddenly Rick was flipped over onto his stomach like he wasn't six foot two and weighed nothing. Jake's large hands landed on his hips and pulled him up and back so he was on his knees. Rick groaned. He knew what was coming and he couldn't fucking wait.

"Oh fuck yes," he cried out as Jake thrust home. The burn and stretch ached so bloody good. "Move, fuck ya," Rick growled when Jake was still for too long. Jake laughed behind him.

"Always the same." Jake slowly pulled out and the thrust back in. "So." Thrust. "Fucking." Thrust. "Impatient."

"You love it," Rick panted as he pressed back, meeting Jake's every move.

"I love you."

Jake's grip on his hips tightened as his slammed his hips forward, burying himself deep. Rick couldn't stop the noises that spilled forth if he'd tried. The feeling of his mate moving inside him had his orgasm barrelling through him like a freight train.

Rick had no idea what he was saying, or if the words even made sense. All he knew in that moment was that Jake loved him and that was enough. His mate's nails bit into his skin, and the pounding increased and became more erratic as Jake neared his own orgasm.

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