Aaron's Revenge

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: Aaron's Revenge
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Book Two of the Manor at Echo Lake Trilogy










Also by Kelly Ilebode


In Search of Grace


Dragan’s Redemption

Book One of the Manor at Echo Lake Trilogy






Book Two of the Manor at Echo Lake Trilogy






Kelly Ilebode



For the ones who still believe.









Copyeditor – Faith Williams, The Atwater Group



Cover Art Jimmy Thomas



This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


Kelly Ilebode

Copyright 2013 by Kelly Ilebode







Book Two of the Manor at Echo Lake Trilogy



The giant wolf
watched the two figures struggling in the early morning light. His golden eyes stared unblinking, as the smaller figure attempted to get the upper hand of the man who was twice her size. The arctic white fur stood on end along the ridge of his back. His primal instinct told him to join the fight and help his pack member, yet obedience held him back. Whining anxiously, he turned his gaze to the man standing next to him, who also was watching the fight with great interest. The wolf relaxed slightly, not sensing any worry or fear emanating from the human.

A hand reached down to the wolf, reassuring him with a gentle touch. “Easy, Shadow—Aaron is still in control.” He hesitated slightly before continuing to pet the wolf as the attacker threw Aaron up into the air, slamming him into a tree. The vampire’s body hit the ground hard before he was able to collect himself. “Or at least I hope he is.”

Seconds later, Aaron surged to his feet, unfazed, as if flying through the air twenty yards and hitting a tree was nothing. Catching the attacker unawares, Aaron quickly regained the upper hand, pinning the opponent to the hard ground. The old man did not move from his hiding place until the hood was yanked off the captor to reveal a young woman with flaming red hair. The trees themselves seemed to exhale and James shoulders sagged slightly.

We have seen enough—it is time to go home now, Shadow.”


Chavali looked up at the giant vampire towering over her. He had to be way over six feet tall. His massively broad shoulders were thick and muscular while jet-black hair fell to below his nape, longer than the current style, but she felt it suited his features—which, were not only stunningly handsome but breathtaking. As she continued to stare up, she realized that she should have been frozen with fear not just by his size but by the electric anger that was emanating from him, directed towards her. She felt nothing but desire as her young vampire blood coursed through her veins.

Pushing down her emotions, she tried to clear her head and focus on the task at hand. It would take all of her energy, cunning, and training to get through to him. There was no fear, anger, worry, or anxiety anymore. She was past those feelings at this point. Exuberance and finally connecting to one of the brothers was further than she had ever thought she would get. She had failed part of her mission, which was to kill, and every ounce of her one hundred-eight-year-old body hated knowing she failed.

However, a long life filled with needing to know how to survive—no matter what— afforded her a backup plan, based on the knowledge she acquired in her research. Right now, that backup plan was going to be very satisfying, she could tell already. Chavali wondered if she should try to jump him again.

Before she could blink, Aaron gripped her arm tightly. His cultured British accent was clipped as he spat out, “Don’t even think about it! Let me be clear: get anywhere near my family with those thoughts in your head, you will be screaming for me to kill you.”

Startled, her gray eyes gaped into his dark black ones. Shuddering, she thought of the hell she had just come from. All of her bravado from earlier when she shot at him with her arrow, believing he was Dragan, was gone. Closing her eyes, she formed a shield around her thoughts. She would have to be more careful. This guy was stronger than most vamps his age and certainly was not to be underestimated. Chavali learned from experience that some vampires became lax the older they got. Due to arrogance and overconfidence having lived so many years, many did not practice their skills, which ultimately would end in their demise at some point. This one, obviously, honed his skills constantly.

Aaron felt her block him. “Shield your thoughts all you want, princess, but I pretty much have your number.”

You know nothing about who I am.”

Aaron turned to face his prisoner. She barely came to his shoulders, but he knew, after their skirmish in the woods, she was a spitfire, not to be underestimated. “Being cognizant of the fact that you attempted to kill me by shooting an arrow into my heart, through my back no less, is a pretty good indication that you and I will never be friends.”

Turning again to the stack of boxes he had been tearing through, he kicked them hard in frustration, cursing under his breath.

Chavali could not resist. “What are you looking for?”

Glowering at her, he grabbed her arm again, hauling her to her feet. “Something to hold you, and I cannot find a bloody thing. It is not as if we have visitors here every day at the manor who need shackling. Looks like it will be you and I tied at the hip, until I can sort this out.”

Chavali resisted laughing aloud. Unless he knew magic, no rope would bind her unless she wanted it to. Keeping her face impassive to hide the relief at learning that they would be spending so much time together, Chavali did not put up a fight as he dragged her back up the stairs to the main house. Unknowingly, he was giving her the advantage of time, allowing her to break down his defenses by keeping her so close. She could not have planned this better if she tried.

Reaching the top of the stairwell, she blinked at the bright light in the hallway. Aaron turned toward the main stairs, considering his next move just as a voice broke through his thoughts.

Good morning, Mr. Reynolds. Up early this morning, are we?”

Glancing at the butler, Aaron had to smile. James was incredible. The old man, an employee at the manor for more than forty years, remained stoic in his faithfulness to both brothers. Dragan in particular. Not even learning that the twins were vampires could sway his opinion or affection for the men. Truth be told, James seemed to have become even more fatherly and protective of the two. Right now, the butler’s expression displayed no emotion as his old eyes, bright and alert, took in the two figures standing in front of him. If James was shocked by seeing a woman gripped tightly by him, he did not show it.

James! Just the person I need. It seems that I will be having a houseguest indefinitely. Would you make sure that the room adjacent to mine is made ready for her to occupy?” Looking down at her pale features, Aaron surmised she was probably hungry. He knew he certainly was starving as he tried to remember the last time he ate.

Please, also send up a tray of food.”

Right away, sir!”

After the butler disappeared through a side door, Chavali turned to Aaron, watching him curiously. “I thought you didn’t care about me.”

I don’t, but I can’t have you starving either, because then you are not any good to me, are you?”

Flinching, as if his words affected her, she allowed her eyes to fill with tears. She was used to being treated callously. His tone had no impact on her but it was immediately obvious her tears did affect him as he hesitated.

Gruffly, he pulled her a bit more gently up the carpeted staircase, leading her to another part of the manor. “Save those tears for someone who really gives a bloody damn, okay?”

Reaching his room, he shoved her through the door before slamming it behind him.

You can’t just keep me here, you know.”

Want to bet?” Aaron felt unbelievably tired. Still emotionally drained and confused from watching his brother die, and then come back to life, he really did not have anything left in his reserves to be dealing with a new crisis so soon. Sitting heavily on the edge of his bed, he ran both hands through his dark hair. What he really wanted right now was a shower.

Looking over at the woman, still standing in the middle of the room where he left her, he noted how her fingers were now clasped in front of her. He figured she was probably wanting the same thing. Taking a few moments, Aaron contemplated her appearance. She was tiny and incredibly striking. Her red hair, partially braided, fell down her back and looked filthy. Her translucent skin, clear and incredibly light, was also dirt smudged, probably during their fight near the woods. Her pale skin made her red lips stand out even more to him, while her gray eyes were bright and alert. Her clothing, torn in a number of places, was wrinkled and caked in mud. There would be no way to salvage them and the only recourse would be to throw them away.

Wrinkling his nose in distaste, Aaron wondered how long she had worn the same outfit. Under different circumstances and with her cleaned up, he would have been very interested in starting up a conversation with her. Now, all he wanted to do was wring her graceful little neck. Her very presence annoyed him.

For God’s sake, please sit.”

Quietly obeying his command, she walked over to the fireplace, sitting down in one of the tastefully overstuffed chairs. Clasping her hands again in front of her, head bowed, her thoughts raced, planning her next move.

Aaron frowned. She really had not put up much of a fight since she was caught. Thinking back to the past several hours, he discerned that she had ample time to make an attempt to run and she did not take it. Leaning back on his palms, he forced his body to relax. Maybe there was more to this one than he had originally thought.

Look, I am sorry. Your timing could not have been any worse than this very moment. It has been a rough couple of days for everyone in this house. You and I both need a hot shower. Seeing I cannot lose you right now, you are going to have to come into the bathroom with me.”

Chavali’s eyes widened and her face reddened. Aaron’s laughter rang out in the room.

I promise not to leave…”

Got that right. Come on, let us get this over with.”

Taking her arm again more gently, he escorted her into the bathroom, watching as her eyes glanced around the room quickly. The bathroom was enormous and like the bedroom, extremely luxurious. “Have a seat over there and turn your back to me.” Winking at her, he smiled. “Unless you want to watch.”

Blushing again, she hurried over to the large tufted ottoman placed near the small fireplace in the corner of the room and turned her back to him.

You make one move…”

Chavali smiled. He seemed to be the one nervous now. “I told you I won’t.”

Studying her back warily, Aaron quickly stripped from his clothes before stepping into the marble shower that was positioned between her and the door. He would easily be able to seize her if she tried to make an escape. Letting the hot water pulsate over his skin, he only allowed himself a few minutes to enjoy the heat before washing quickly. Reluctantly, he stepped out of the shower.

Glancing over at the woman as he wrapped the towel around his waist, he noticed that she had lain down on the ottoman. Her body was so still, he wondered if she had fallen asleep. Quietly walking towards her, he found himself pressed up against the wall with a knife to his throat.

Expressionless, Aaron’s eyebrows rose as he stared down at her. Great job, Aaron, he thought, you did not check the prisoner for weapons. Damn, she moved fast. “I know you are not holding that against me right now.”

Removing the blade from the side of his neck, she stammered. “Oh, I’m sorry. I must have fallen asleep.”

Gazing at her curiously, he could not resist. “Jumpy little thing, aren’t you? Your turn.” Motioning towards the shower, Aaron strode out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom. She was fast on her feet for sure, and the basic fact that her first instinct was to draw her weapon told him more about her than words ever could. More confirmation that she was not to be trusted.

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