Aaron's Revenge (6 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: Aaron's Revenge
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You can’t, Dragan. She said that none of us could touch her yet. I do not think that whatever is happening to her is going to kill her. When I can, I will bring her to you.”

Turning his gaze once again to Amira’s, his heart constricted, watching her press her hand to her mouth and holding back her sobs as tears flowed down her face at the other woman’s pain. They all had had so much turmoil this past week and he knew that Amira, like him, was just trying to hang on to reality, the best way that she could.

Looking away as Chavali screamed again, Aaron begged his brother. “Please, take Amira home. I am sure that Chavali does not want an audience and keep your eyes out for any more of these. If you should happen to run into one—it seems the only way they can die is by cutting off their head. No one should leave the manor once you are in. We will come as soon as we can.”

Nodding, Dragan steered Amira away, as Aaron continued his work.


Out of sight of Aaron, Amira attempted to yank her arm from Dragan’s grip as he half pushed, half dragged her back through the woods, making sure to stay off the main path. She had never seen him like this before.

Dragan, stop! We have to go back and help them. Dragan, please.”

Stopping abruptly, Dragan gripped Amira even tighter. She was stunned.

Dragan, stop—you are hurting me.”

He spun her so that she was facing him; she blanched at his dark expression. He was angry.

Amira, stop being so stubborn. We have to go back to the manor. I cannot help them the way I am. Aaron said they would be fine. I have to believe him.”

Aghast, she couldn’t believe what he was saying. “We have to do something. How can you just walk away from your brother?”

And what would you have me do? I am human now, Amira. Or have you forgotten? I have absolutely nothing to offer them for protection.” Turning, he started walking again, leaving her to stare at his retreating back.

This was not the Dragan she knew. His voice not only sounded angry, but also bitter. Tears welled in her eyes as she followed him, silently, back to the manor. He was different human. Within moments and with great relief, they were through the doors.


Amira, enough!”

Did you want to die?”

Hearing a quiver in her voice, he turned and their eyes locked. “Can’t we discuss this later?”

No, I need to know.”

Okay, Amira, you want the truth? It is not that I wanted to die, but I had resigned myself to my death. I welcomed it, even. There is a difference.”

Watching her catch her breath before running upstairs, he waited for the twinge of guilt, knowing that he hurt her, but it never came. Dragan had never felt so alone.

Walking into his office, he poured a shot of whiskey.

Dr. Reynolds.”

Not now, James.”

Ignoring the order, James stepped into the office, walking to the bar and pouring a drink for himself. Dragan’s eyebrows rose but he said nothing, choosing instead to down his in one gulp before pouring another one.

Walking behind the heavy oak desk, Dragan sank heavily into the leather chair, staring out over the perfectly manicured great lawn towards Echo Lake. He used to love this view from his home. Not anymore.

You have hurt her deeply with your words, Dragan.”

Laying his head back on the soft leather, Dragan closed his eyes.

I know. But it was the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts.”

What is bothering you? You truly cannot tell me that you would rather be dead right now?”

As I told Amira, James, I expected to die. I spent days wrapping my head around the fact that to save her, I would need to die. That was the deal. That was what the book said. At first, I was afraid. Then after prayer and meditation, I felt calmness come over me, and somehow I knew that everything was going to be okay. I did not realize that okay meant I would live again.”

Books can be wrong.”


Ignoring the sarcasm, James pressed. “You were given an incredible gift. Another chance at life. Do you have any idea how many people on this planet would sell their souls to have that chance?”

Interesting choice of words, James.”

Indeed. Those words are deliberate, my old friend. Have you ever thought for one moment instead of wallowing in your own misery, that your job might not be finished here?”

Dragan stilled at the words.

Explain what you mean.”

Your brother—he is struggling, just as you were but on a whole different level.”

Sighing, James finished his drink before standing to his feet, pacing the floor. He felt so old. “The book that you and your brother speak of—I have been reading it.”

You what!”

I know that I had no right, but I read it. There is much I did not understand in the words about the future, but I did understand the history. Like you, Dragan, I am a man of faith. Maybe not as strong or at the level of yours, but it is there. The history in the book seems almost Biblical in nature and speaks of the war in Heaven. I have come to believe that there is more to you and Aaron than any of us know or have touched upon. I am just not sure what.”

Shaking his head at Dragan, he fumbled over his next words. “I was in the woods with Shadow when the girl fought with your brother. I did not intervene, to test the writing in the book, as it had spoken of a pivotal moment with the woman of fire. I did not fully comprehend, until I saw her hair.”

I am trying to follow you, James, and understand…you think that Aaron and I are in the process of fulfilling a prophecy?”

I don’t know. I wish I did. I do know this: Aaron states he does not believe in Heaven, yet he freely acknowledges that there is a Hell. You cannot believe in one without the other. Son, maybe your destiny needs to complete its course so that your brother can complete his. Whether you like it or not, you were meant to come back to life through your faith. Ask yourself this—what is Aaron’s fate? Do you wish him eternal damnation because of your need to return to the light?”

Stunned, Dragan sat for a long time processing what James had said.


Chavali rolled on the ground. The venom had reached her blood supply a long time ago, spreading and invading her whole body. The pain was overwhelming and she was no longer aware when she screamed, walking in a world where insanity was just one step away. Her mind begged her to take that step, but she kept fighting. The problem now was that she could no longer remember why she fought. It would be so much easier to give in.

Staring at the black mist, the way it swirled in her mind, it no longer scared her but looked comforting, welcoming. Another sharp pain shot through her head. Closing her eyes, she tried to push it away. It was distracting her from the darkness that she so needed. She moaned as the pain shot through her head again and she rolled onto her stomach. It was several minutes before she realized that behind the stabbing pain came a strong voice. It was attempting to reach out to her. Covering her ears, she tried to shut out the voice, but it kept persisting.

Aaron knelt on the ground with his eyes closed, several feet from Chavali, trying desperately to reach her. He was still unsure of her and her purpose at the manor, but he also knew that no one should go through the suffering she obviously was. Trying to get into her head was a daunting task. Her mind was a jumble of incoherent thoughts, reminding him of the time he and Dragan had to feed in an insane asylum. The mental energy in the building drove them out before they could finish eating. Whatever she was going through, it was driving her crazy. If he could not touch her with his hands, then he was going to with his mind, one way or the other. Sweat beaded on his forehead at the effort it was taking.

Chavali, do you hear me?”

He paused, listening for a response. Then he heard her singing in her mind and gooseflesh broke out over his body as he recognized the song the children made up in the early 1900s after the pandemic.

I had a little bird, its name was enza. I opened the window, and in-flu-enza.”

Chavali!!! It’s Aaron. Try to find me.”

Aaron listened again as she stopped singing in mid-sentence while her body stilled.

That’s right, Chavali. I am here. Find me!”

Her voice reached out to him
. “Who are you?”

It is me, Aaron. Come to me, Chavali.”

No, this is a trick. Aaron hates me. He wants me dead.”

Guilt ridden, Aaron leaned forward.

I don’t hate you. I just didn’t understand. Open your eyes; see me. See me sitting next to you. Believe in my voice. I am here.”

Her mental silence was reassuring to him. She was thinking about it.

Open your eyes. You can see me, sweetheart.”

This is a trick. Aaron would never call me that…I am so tired and the darkness is calling me.”

No, Chavali…tell me what you see. I am trying to see but I can’t.”

Then you see what I see. There is nothing here. Nothing in here and nothing out there to live for.”

Aaron could feel his own strength fading. He was trying to connect too long to her and he needed to feed. Lying down near her, he refused to give up—couldn’t give up. He owed her that much. She had unselfishly saved Amira.

Are you still there?”

I am. I am getting weak, though, and need to feed…please stay, Chavali…stay with me and let me get to know you. There is so much to live for.”

If I open my eyes and you are not there, then I know that that will be my sign. You are there, Aaron?”

Aaron realized that her fear was holding her back. She sounded scared. He wondered for the first time if this was like the same conflict Dragan had, before deciding to die for Amira. The thought of him going through this type of mental anguish humbled him. Aaron wasn’t sure he could have done it.

I am lying right by you on the ground.”

Locking on her face, he saw her eyelids start to flutter as she fought to come out from behind her wall of despair. Several seconds later, he let out his breath, only then realizing that he had been holding it. Her gaze was unfocused at first as she struggled to find him.

The sun was just beginning to come up over the lake, and the two of them were enveloped in a warm glow. Finally, her gray eyes connected with his, and he saw the relief deep within them.

His smile reached over to her. “Hi, Chavali.”

Smiling weakly, she said nothing at first, as a single tear dropped from her eye.

You stayed with me.”

Of course. I promised you that I would. Are you okay now?”

Shaking her head, she stiffened, not wanting him to touch her yet. She could still feel the poison moving within her. “The sun will kill the rest of the toxins in me. It cannot live in the light. When that happens, I will be back to normal.” Chavali tried to lick her lips to relieve the dryness but she had nothing left. Swallowing was difficult and her throat was swollen from all of the screaming. “How long have I been out of it?”

I don’t know. It seems like an eternity. I thought you were going to die.”

I wish. No, you do not die from a spartum bite. They were created from humans who sold their soul for greed. These beasts are all that is left after death. Spartum were designed to drive someone insane from the pain of their venom. You want death to take you out of kindness, but even death does not want their vileness in its world.”

Feeling the sun finally hitting her skin, she felt the final vapors from the remaining poison leave her, rising up out of her pores like steam. Several moments later, she was on her knees, attempting to stand.

Aaron stood quickly as she swayed, still unsteady from her ordeal. Reaching down, he lifted her, pulling her close to his side. Wrapping an arm around his waist for support, she leaned heavily on him.

What can I do for you? How can I help?”

Aaron, I am completely drained and really need to feed. I cannot cast a spell in this condition.”

Cast a spell?”

I have to seal the graves, so that their bodies can’t be found. More will be coming.” Seeing the look cross his face, she sighed heavily.

They will not travel during the day as the light will kill them, so we have time. We have a lot to discuss, you and I. You will understand soon enough.”

Aaron’s head started to throb. He knew that he needed to feed also. “Look, why don’t you drink from me what you need, and then I am going to have to do the same with you.” He almost laughed at the comical expression that crossed her face. “Sorry, but we both are starving and until we can find another victim to feed on, we are all we got.”

Taking her hand, he led her over to the bench that was facing St. Francis and sat down. Standing in front of him, her brow furrowed. He pulled gently; she staggered, unbalanced by the tug. Her hand flew out, steadying herself on his chest. She could feel his heart beating strong under her fingertips. Chavali reached for his wrist, but Aaron pulled it away from her touch.

No, too much work. Come, sit on my lap. Drink from my neck; you won’t need to use as much energy.”

Chavali’s face flushed a deep red. “Seriously?”

Don’t tell me you are getting shy on me?” Feeling a wave of exhaustion, he tried to remain patient. “I am over six feet tall. This is the only way for you to reach me.” Chavali still did not look convinced. “Look, my brother is probably worried sick right about now, and that grave needs to be sealed—you said it yourself.” Grabbing her around the waist, he lifted her up and Chavali found herself straddling him. Turning his head to the side, he closed his eyes as her eyes immediately went to the pulse beating on the side of his neck.

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