Aaron's Revenge (10 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: Aaron's Revenge
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What would your master want with this battle?”

He wants the same as everyone else. Complete domination. Once he is able to harvest the souls, he will be unstoppable.”

Dita walked over to the young warlock, allowing her body to shift to her real form. Caleb could not believe the vision in front of him, and he was unable to hold back the gasp as he stared at the tall beauty who now stood before him. This could not be the same woman of a few seconds ago.

So struck was he by her beauty, he was just recalling the warning he received before leaving that a witch could only kill in their true form. It wasn’t until he caught the glint of silver as it pressed deep into his heart he realized his fatal mistake in letting his guard down. Looking down at the knife buried deep within him, up to the heavily jeweled hilt, he grabbed at the handle. Every attempt at pulling it out failed—her magic was too strong.

Sadness flashed in Daphne’s eyes as she pulled it out when she felt his life force leaving him as he dropped to his knees. It was only when the light faded from his eyes and he stared blankly ahead was Daphne able to return to that of an old figure. Caleb was dead before he hit the floor. “Thanks for that bit of information, my dear.” Real worry now lined her face.


Aaron woke to the sun shining brightly in his eyes. He lay for a moment stretching, realizing that he felt better than he had in days. Sleep was a wonderful thing. Hearing movement, he reluctantly opened his eyes, watching Chavali walk to the window. He noted that she had already showered and dressed. After their conversation last night, Aaron knew what he had to do, and the thought left a bad taste in his mouth as it went against everything he believed.

Sliding out of the bed, he felt her stiffen as he came up behind her, unsure of what his mood would be like. Hesitating only for a moment before wrapping his arms around her, Aaron immediately felt her relax against him in relief, bringing her hands up to touch his arms. Shielding himself from her probing, he hoped he was making the right decision.

I am going to try, Chavali. I am not sure that I can be the way you want me to be. But you are the only vampire who I know right now and we do need each other in many ways.”

Turning, she wrapped her arms around his waist before he could pull away. “You are wrong. I only want you to be who you are. No one can ever be more than that.”

His eyes lingered on her lips, taking in her words and thinking of Amira, before gently pressing his lips to hers. He allowed himself to feel their softness before stepping away. She seemed to buy his words.

Why don’t you head downstairs while I shower, and see if you can gather up the rest of the clan?”

It was almost an hour before Aaron walked down the staircase, searching for everyone. He felt well rested and mentally prepared for the day. Hearing laughter coming from the dining room, he bypassed the kitchen, which was where he preferred to eat his breakfast.

Entering the large formal room, he forced a smile to his face, seeing Dragan with Amira next to him. Chavali was already digging into the large breakfast. He hid a smile as Amira and Dragan tried not to stare as she consumed huge quantities of the food.

Good morning, Aaron.”

Walking behind his brother, Aaron laid his hand on Dragan’s shoulder, squeezing it gently before taking a seat next to Chavali. “Good morning, everyone.”

Refusing to make eye contact with either woman, he motioned for the staff to pour him coffee before serving himself.

The gaiety he had heard before entering the room had vanished. The conversation and laughter halted; after a few minutes, Aaron realized that he was the reason for the mood change.

Why the sudden silence, brother? Did I do something wrong?”

Dragan’s head snapped up.

I can hear you, Aaron!”

Smiling broadly, Aaron scanned Dragan’s face.
“I know, pretty cool, huh? Chavali told me that we always had this ability and not just because we were vampires. I figured I would try it out to see if it would work.”

Dragan’s eyes filled with tears, too overcome to speak. Aaron nodded.
“I know, Dragan. I feel the same way.”

You both realize that it is rude to have a conversation that others can’t hear, right?”

Both men looked contrite. “I apologize, Chavali.”

I am confused.”

Squeezing Amira’s hand with his, Dragan laughed. “When I was a vampire, Aaron and I used to be able to communicate with each other in here.” Tapping his head, he glanced at Chavali. “Seems that we continue to have that capability. I am assuming because we are twins?”

Amira looked at Chavali as the woman nodded her head in response to Dragan’s question. “Can you hear what they are saying?”

Chavali chuckled. “No, and I don’t want to, either. Telepathy can be a blessing and a curse. I can only hear someone who is trying to speak to me directly.” Her eyes cut to Aaron, remembering how he reached out to her when she was fighting the spartum venom.

Amira scrutinized the look Chavali gave to Aaron, feeling a twinge within her. Aaron, feeling her internal conflict, wondered if that was jealousy he felt emanating from her. It gave him some satisfaction to think it might be.

This is really weird.”

All eyes turned to Chavali as her face burned red. She had not realized that she had spoken her words aloud.

Dragan leaned forward in his seat towards Chavali. “What is weird?”

Nothing. I was just thinking to myself how different we all are, yet here we are eating breakfast together.”

Aaron scowled, knowing that was not what she meant. His voice held a warning. “Chavali—” He was unable to finish before the doorbell rang. Everyone looked at one another.

No one moved as Dragan spoke. “Are you expecting anyone, brother?” Aaron shook his head as both men rose to their feet, hurrying out of the room. James greeted the guest at the main door and both relaxed as a loud voice reached out to them and watched as a body that matched the voice stepped over the threshold into the home.

Daphne! What a wonderful surprise! This is unexpected but it is great to see you.” Hugging her tightly to him, Dragan did not realize how much he had missed the old woman until right at that moment. “We were just having a bite to eat; you will join us, won’t you?”

Absolutely. You know I never turn down a meal from your chef.”

A glass shattered and all eyes turned toward the dining room door. Chavali stood with jagged shards around her feet. Aaron saw that she had paled dramatically as she struggled to speak.

¿Es usted?”

Si, señorita.”

. “
¿qué Dita.”

Dita was overwhelmed with Chavali’s response at seeing her. “Hush, baby. It doesn’t matter. I am here now.”

, y
Dita?” Dragan
, he

we all go
dining room
and figure
Turning to
Dita, he
bowed slightly
. “
Welcome to
manor officially,
Señora Dita.”
more and more

Everyone turned
walked silently into
dining room
. The
only sound was
James clearing up the
broken glass on


The air was heavy, having taken on an ominous feel as everyone realized the implications of what they had just learned.

Clearing her throat, Dita tried to make light of the situation. “Dragan, you are looking good for a human—haven’t aged a bit.” Seconds later, everyone burst out laughing at the joke.

There, that’s better.” In her best motherly tone, she perused the expectant faces. “I know this is a bit of a shock to all of you, but it was important for me to keep my secret. Now, the time has come for secrets to be told and for us all to work together, as there are dark days ahead of us.”

Taking a seat at the table, she waited for the servants to finish setting a place setting before continuing. “My good friend Keely is buying us some time by keeping Adara otherwise occupied for the moment. We must plan and work together so that we are ready when she comes.”

You really think that Adara will come here?”

Turning a thoughtful gaze to Chavali, who was now staring at her plate, Dita softened her tone. “Yes, Aaron, Adara will be the one to return. Having been given the order from someone very powerful, she would trust no one other than herself to finish the job. She sends lackeys ahead of her to clear the way, but the real dirty work—she takes complete enjoyment in that.”

Chavali shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Which means that she will try to kill me.”

No, she doesn’t want you dead, Dragan. Chavali, have you not told them what is going on yet? Time is wasting away, girl.”

She has attempted to explain; you, it seems, are our confirmation. Well, if she doesn’t want me dead, what does she want?”

Why, your soul back, of course. She wants to turn you back into a vampire.”

Oh my God!” Amira paled at the news, while Dragan leaned back heavily in his seat.

So, it is true then.”

There is more. She will then proceed to kill everyone you have ever known and as revenge would make you watch as she does it. There is a severe penalty for what she considers reneging on an agreement.”

But we—”

Raising her hand, she halted Dragan in mid-sentence. “I know, Dragan; you did not ask to be a vampire. What infuriates her is that you two were given up to clear an old debt. The debt does not return just because your soul was freed. It was paid free and clear and that, my friends, is what angers her the most.”

Pushing back her chair, she dabbed the napkin on the sides of her mouth. “If you don’t mind, I would like to freshen up. Chavali, I expect to see you in about twenty minutes. I will meet you out on the front lawn.”

Yes, Dita.”

James appeared as if from thin air, helping Dita rise to her feet, her face flushing with pleasure at his gesture, before leading her away from the group.

Well, I guess that is it for a bit then.” Amira stood, pulling on Dragan. “Can I talk to you for a minute, please?”

Standing, he took her hand in his before turning to the two still seated at the table. “Chavali, good to have you. Aaron, we will talk later?”

Of course, Dragan.”

Turning his attention to Chavali, Aaron watched as she twisted the napkin in her hand nervously.

What is bothering you, Chavali?”

Tossing the napkin down, she stood, taking his hand before walking out the side door of the room that led to the kitchen. Intrigued, he followed her out the back door and round to the stables.

Closing the door behind her, she turned and he caught a flash of silver. “Chavali, what the hell?”

I am frightened of what Adara is going to do when she arrives. I am asking—no, begging you to kill me right now, Aaron.” Pressing the knife in his hand, she closed his fingers over the handle.

You cannot be serious, Chavali. I am not going to kill you.”

Running into his arms, she wrapped her arms around his waist, sobbing.

Oh, Chavali, what is it? You told me that you will be truthful with me.” Wrapping his arms around her, he squeezed gently.

I have seen my death. I would rather die at your hands right now, then to go along that path. I want the choice to be mine. This is my last chance before the path links. If you do not kill me now, then I must proceed on that path.”

Is everything you see so horrible that you would choose death? Some of our greatest gifts we are given are not realized until they are right upon us. Don’t give up yet. We need you here at the manor.” There was a long pregnant pause. Sighing, Aaron gripped her arms. “I need you, Chavali.”

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