Aaron's Revenge (11 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: Aaron's Revenge
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Dita stood in the doorway, watching the interchange between the two vampires curiously. She saw right through both of them. They were playing a dangerous game and neither one realized it. Her heart split in two at seeing the person Chavali had become and the choice she obviously had made. Aaron, on the other hand, had no idea what he was up against or the consequences of his words and actions. Dita knew that she had sworn an oath not to get involved and she regretted that oath. Clearing her throat so that they would become aware she was there, her piercing look cut into Chavali.

Chavali moved back, looking up at Aaron, touching him gently on the cheek before walking past Dita out into the open air.

Aaron locked eyes with Dita. The old woman seemed upset. “We do need her, vampire, and I am happy that you chose to spare her life right now but I must warn you, you may think back to this day in the near future, wishing that you had killed her.” Heavyhearted, Dita turned but not before looking back one last time at the vampire. “She will not return to you until tonight. Please do not come looking for us.”


The two walked in silence across the great lawn. Chavali was not sure what to say to her old teacher. She was not the same person she was back then.

You are treading on dangerous ground, Chavali.”

I know what I am doing, Dita. I will not give up.”

Dita looked at the young vampire walking at her side. She had not really realized how much she actually missed Chavali until now. “You have not had it easy since we parted.”

Parted? You act like it was a goodbye, see you later kind of thing. I didn’t even know you were still alive!” Chavali’s voice rose in agitation. “All of this time I thought you were dead.”

Hush, child. We all die and I did. I just chose to come back. Unfinished business, as it were. There is too much at stake, especially now, correct?”

Chavali nodded her head in agreement as Dita stopped to stare at her with her dark eyes. “I know what you are planning, and we both know that I cannot stop you. You can always choose a different path, you know.”

Chavali laughed coolly. “And why would I do that? Maybe if I had known you were still alive…”

Do not blame my living or dying on the choices you personally have made, Chavali.”

Continuing to walk, Dita stopped in the middle of the woods. It was a tiny clearing and did not seem special in any way to Chavali.

Rummaging in her large bag, Dita pulled out a leather bound book. Chavali recognized it from years past. This was Dita’s most sacred possession. She had tried touching it once, but was struck by lightning and it was several days before she woke. Learning her lesson, she kept her distance ever since.

Lifting her hands high, Daphne started to chant. Chavali immediately recognized the spell.

Why are you sealing this area? There is nothing here—”

She stopped speaking at the look that Dita threw her way. It was almost an hour later before the chanting stopped. Placing the book back in her bag, Dita continued to walk.

Chavali knew better than to press the old woman, but could not resist the urge when she recognized the direction they were heading. “Why, we are heading to Amira’s cottage.”

Again, refusing to answer Chavali’s question, Dita pushed open the front door. “I checked out the gravesite of the spartum, by the way. Your work is very good and no one will ever be able to find them. How do you think Adara is going to react, learning you killed them?”

Chavali’s face flushed a deep red.

Exactly, Chavali. You will not answer my questions, just as I will not answer yours. So, we both are at an impasse. I would like your help today, witch to witch. The decision is yours and yours alone. I am under no illusion that your helping me is for my purpose, as it seems you have your own agenda.”

Dropping her bag on the table, she started to list items that she would need. Years of training made Chavali move instinctively, collecting all of the items requested, before placing them next to the bag on the table. As Dita scrounged around for bowls and pots, she hummed softly to herself, bringing back memories for Chavali of a time so long ago. She wished things were different now.

Finally collecting everything she needed, Dita’s broad face broke out in a grin, and she placed her thick hands on her even thicker waist.

There, now we are ready to begin.”

Chavali chuckled. What tension they had on the walk had faded.

Come here, my dear.”

Chavali stepped forward, closer to Dita.

In my bag is a black cape. Get it, won’t you?”

Reaching in the bag, she felt around, feeling for fabric. Her hand touched on one of the softest materials she had ever felt. Drawing it out, she was amazed at how large it was, but it seemed to take up almost no space in the bag.

It always amazes me, how much stuff you can put in this thing.”

Magic, Chavali. Perfect, there you are.” Spreading the cape out with her hands, she draped it over the whole table.

What is this for?”

Not what, but for whom. This is for Aaron.”


It will help protect him when he goes up against Adara. There will come a point that it will be just between him and her.”

Chavali had not seen this in her visions. Her voice went down to a whisper. “Where will the rest of us be?”

I am not sure. All I can see is Aaron and Adara. But you see also, do you not, my dear?” Dita’s expression had softened tremendously, while Chavali swallowed hard.

Yes, ma’am.”

The path you are choosing will not be easy for you.”

I will be fine.”

Lightly tapping her hand, Dita spoke more brightly. “I think you should speak with Dragan about your feelings. He knows better than anyone I know about hard decisions and fear of the unknown.”

Chavali sat down in the chair, taking in Dita’s words. She was right. He had just come through his own trial, and today he was better off for it.

Ok, I will. What are we going to do with this?”

Dita had already started chanting over the cape. “I need you to start the recipe, my dear, that I left open on the counter. I will form the initial shield and then you and I will bind the spell even tighter by using both of our powers.”

Both women worked tirelessly for the rest of the day, poring through many books that seemed to appear magically from the bag. They picked and chose what they felt were the right ones to help secure not only the people that lived at the manor, but the property itself. Looking up at one point, Chavali stared out of the cottage’s window, shocked to see that it was now dark. They had worked far into the night. Trying to stifle a yawn, she covered her mouth.

Dita, catching the look, sighed. “I am sorry, Chavali. I should have sent you back a long time ago. We have done enough together. Let’s go see what James and the household has left from dinner.”

Chavali was surprised to see color creep in Dita’s face.

Dita. You like him!”

What are you talking about?”

James. You like him.”

Dita’s face flushed as she busily put away the most important items in her bag, leaving the rest out. “If anyone came across the items, they would just think it was herbs and such.”

Dita! You are avoiding this conversation.”

Rubbish. You don’t know what you are talking about.”

Laughing now at the old woman, she looked at her in a different way. “I didn’t say there was anything wrong with it. He seems very sweet.”

Smiling, Dita looked deep into Chavali’s gray eyes. “I may be old, but I am most certainly not dead. He is kind of cute, isn’t he?”

Oh my God, Dita!”

Laughing, they both walked out of the cottage and back down the path to the manor, arm in arm.


Aaron struggled to read the line again in the ancient book before slamming the cover shut. Throwing it next to him on the bed, he swung his legs to the floor. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, he scowled. Ten o’clock. He felt she should have been back way before now. Dita told him not to look for them, but this was crazy. As far as he knew, they could have left the country.

He had filled his day researching, or attempting to research, the history of vampires. There were so many legends and lores that he had a hard time sifting through it all. Attempting to read the ancient book again, he searched for the passage speaking of Dragan’s death.

Shockingly, he could not find it. Confirmation of what he had suspected a long time ago that the book was alive and the words changed constantly. There were many times that he even felt it pulsating in his hands as if the book tolerated his touch, but when it was tired, it was unreadable. Like right now. Aaron knew the thought was crazy, but he had seen crazier things in his lifetime. The majority happening this very week alone.

Hearing scratching at the door, he stood to let Shadow in. The wolf seemed to be craving his attention more lately. “Three’s a crowd I guess, for you, too?”

Yellow eyes stared at him, and the wolf’s head moved subtly as if acknowledging the comment. Running his fingers through the mane of hair, Aaron stared thoughtfully into the intelligent golden eyes. “I am starting to believe that you understand more than anyone in this house realizes.”

Pulling away from Aaron, Shadow walked halfway to the window before glancing back to make sure Aaron was following him. Nudging gently on his hand, Shadow turned, staring pointedly out of the panes of glass.

Okay, I will bite.”

Walking over, Aaron’s gaze swept over the great lawn, immediately catching sight of the two figures heading in the direction of the manor.

Smiling down at the wolf, he patted the head. “I need to hang out with you more. Your instincts are way better than mine. Thank you, Shadow. I would ask how you knew, but I don’t think that you would tell me, now would you?”

Shadow sat back on his haunches, staring up at Aaron with what looked like a grin on his face, before rising and walking back to the door, waiting patiently for Aaron to open it again, so that he could leave.

Thanks, boy.”

Shadow did not look back as he sauntered down the hallway.

Stepping back into the bedroom, Aaron picked up the telephone, calling down to the kitchen, asking them to send up the food he requested to have set aside for Chavali. Sitting on the couch, his plan in motion, he waited for her to reach the bedroom. Several minutes later, the handle turned quietly. Finally, he connected to her and could hear her blood beating strong within her. She was nervous coming back. The realization that she was not comfortable returning caused Aaron to frown. What was she hiding? Standing to his feet, he was several steps from the door when it opened.

Oh! I wasn’t expecting you to be up here. Hi, Aaron.”

Hi, Chavali. You have been gone for a long time.”

Brushing the hair away from her face, her back stiffened. She was not in the mood to spar with him tonight.

Yes, I am sorry. I think both Dita and I thought we would have been done before now.”

Done with what?”

Shrugging her shoulders, she looked towards her room. All she really wanted right now was a shower and some hot food. As if reading her mind, he gently took the bag she was carrying from her hand, pulling her into his embrace, hugging her gently before releasing her. “Why don’t you go shower? We can talk when you are done.”

Surprise and gratitude was written all over her face, and Chavali just about ran to her room. She longed to be alone for a little while, as the doubts that had started creeping in all day returned.

Aaron waited to hear the shower turn on, and sat back on the couch. He had thought she would look tired when she returned, but she, in fact, seemed to be refreshed but distant.

The shower turned off just as a light tap came at the door. Striding quickly, he let James in, taking the cumbersome tray from the older man and placing it on the table. Two of the servants followed him and they busily placed more food around the table, and then set two place settings.

Aaron’s eyebrows rose as James set two silver holders with candles in the center. Catching the look, James hid a smile.

Would you like me to remove them, Aaron?”

No, that is fine, James. It’s just…”

Yes, sir?”

Aaron smiled at the butler. “It’s just that I think I have completely underestimated you and Shadow. Both of you seem to know much more than you let on.”


Aaron burst out laughing. “Yes, indeed. You are indispensable to me, James.”

Now it was James’ turn to grin. “I seem to recall your brother saying those very same words to me not that long ago.”

Did he now?”

Yes, sir. Have a good evening, Aaron.”

Thank you. You also!”

James closed the door quietly behind him. It felt good to have the house filled with people. He had waited so long to truly feel at service. His only wish was that it was under better circumstances. Smiling to himself, he watched Shadow round the corner, before taking a place on the right side of him. “Hello, old friend. Let us go see how Lady Daphne is doing tonight.”

Quietly, they both walked down the hallway of the great house.


Chavali stepped out of the shower, feeling like a new woman. Wrapping the towel around her, she allowed herself to sink into the couch in the room, amazed that there was even a couch in her bathroom. Reaching over, she picked up one of the many lotions displayed, inhaling each one until she settled on the lavender. She really needed soothing tonight. Maybe it would help her in dealing with Aaron.

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