Aaron's Revenge (8 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: Aaron's Revenge
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Don’t you ever do that to me again, do you hear me?”

Raising her hand, she slapped him hard across the face. Aaron’s body stilled as the fury rushed through him. Grabbing her hands, he held them above her head with one hand pressing her down into the sand with his body. She turned her head to the side, avoiding looking at him. Aaron’s eyes flamed red, and his fangs released. Growling, he grabbed her chin, forcing her to face him. But she closed her eyes, not wanting to see the hurricane raging in front of her.

You better open your eyes now!”

Face to face, her desire for him rose to the surface and she could not hold the curtain up anymore as she wondered if he were going to kill her.

Aaron stared at her. “Don’t you ever do that again! Do you really want to die that much?”

Chavali nodded her head as tears coursed down her face.

Your tears mean nothing to me.” Dropping his head, he ground his lips against hers, feeling his fangs cutting into her, and he tasted her blood in his mouth. He knew he was hurting her but he did not care. Sliding his hand under her shirt, he squeezed her waist before moving up, scraping his fingers along her skin until he reached her breasts. Chavali squirmed under him, trying to get free, realizing too late that the more she moved, the more inflamed he became.

Stilling, she let him touch her as he continued to ravage her mouth. She opened her lips slightly to ease the pain; he thrust his tongue inside. She refused to let her own anger resurface. Gently, she caught his tongue, nipping to break the skin before sucking the blood that started to flow. She could feel her own fangs release and a surge of desire coursed through her veins as the salty liquid entered her.

Aaron’s mouth lessened its force, and he eased off the pressure on her body. Slowly, she was able to get her breath back. She was not sure when he had released her hands, but as if with a mind of their own, she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into her, as his hands, now gentle, roamed her entire body.

Aaron breathed heavy as his mouth drifted down her neck. “You drive me so crazy. I don’t know whether to wring your neck or have my way with you.”

Kissing along his neck, she whispered against his skin, “I vote for the latter.” Her breath caused the gooseflesh to rise along his skin. Sensing him weaken, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Thrusting her hips up against his, they both moaned in unison.

Chavali slid her hands along his side before wrapping her arms around his waist, tugging at his shirt to free it from his waistband. Her fingers dug into his lower back, relishing the feel of his muscles moving as if alive.

Pushing up on his hands, he watched as the passion showed on her face for him to see. Her hands stilled, knowing that he was still incredibly angry.


Standing, he brushed the sand off him and without offering to help her up, he turned back to the house. “Come, you and I are not done talking.”


Aaron inhaled deeply the air around him. He was absolutely exhausted and felt out of control internally and tried to calm the rage. He would be no good to anyone at the manor if he could not get his thoughts and emotions back to some semblance of order.

Needing more time to collect himself before facing Chavali again, he turned towards the woods instead of the manor. Walking briskly at first, Aaron focused on his step; he adjusted his breathing as he began to jog, and then ran at full speed, weaving in and out of the trees. The world became a blur around him. He followed the familiar path for a few minutes before turning, dodging and ducking the trees. His body adjusted and he could feel a calm spread through him as he focused only on his environment and his heart rate. Slowly, his head cleared and he felt some sense of order returning.

Reaching the edge of the line of trees, he stopped, staring at the cottage in front of him. He hadn’t realized that this was the direction he had headed in. Turning to head back to the manor, to finish his conversation with Chavali, he stilled when he heard a door slam. Sniffing the air, he caught Amira’s scent. Incredulous, he ran down the path to the front door, opening it without knocking.

Startled, Amira turned from the stove as the door swung open, slamming against the wall. Shadow jumped up from his corner, all of his hair standing on end, returning to his bed when he saw Aaron standing in front of him.

Aaron! You just scared me half to death.”

I should be wringing your little neck right now. Is Dragan with you?”

Amira slammed the teakettle on the stove angrily. Aaron watched her hand shaking as she shook her head. He felt bad he frightened her so much.

I needed to be alone for a while, Aaron.”

Stepping behind her, he placed his hands gently on her hips, pulling her back so that she was leaning against his chest. She stiffened but did not pull away.

He wished that she would relax around him more. There was always some kind of tension between the two of them. Resting his cheek against the top of her head, he absorbed her heat as neither moved.

I didn’t mean to frighten you. But you should not be here.”

I know. I didn’t know where else to go.”

Reluctantly, he let her go, walking over to take a seat at the table, while she continued to prepare the tea and a plate of food.

You could have come to me, Amira.”

Aaron’s eyes roamed her figure, liking her curves. She was so beautiful with her dark hair, now braided, falling down her back. Tiny strands had loosened, accenting her features even more. He liked it better when it was left to flow freely down her back. Amira’s green eyes locked with his, as she placed a mug in front of him. She inhaled sharply as his hand snaked out, grabbing her wrist.

It was always a cat-and-mouse game with Aaron. Her pulse beat wildly in her chest as he pressed his thumb against her skin, feeling the blood rapidly flowing through her. The corner of his eyes turned red as his fangs started to release and he knew she noticed while her eyes widened slightly and darkened.

You are not afraid.”

Of you? Of course not, Aaron.”

Her voice was breathless as she spoke. Tugging gently, he pulled her closer to him.

Aaron, please.”

Reaching behind her, he pulled the band off that was holding her hair together, unbraiding the strands deftly. She made no protest as he cupped her face, before pushing his fingers through the silky thickness.

Please what, Amira?”

Please don’t do this. Please stop.”

Aaron seemed to contemplate her words for a few moments before he slowly pulled away, allowing her to move to a seat at the table. Gripping the mug tightly in his hands, he waited for the guilt to come, but it didn’t come. It never did. He would never apologize for loving her.

What are you thinking about, Aaron?”

How did we get here?”

Cocking her head to one side, she hesitated to answer. That was a loaded question, considering the electricity that was so prevalent in the room. Silently, she braided her hair, pondering her answer, really wanting to say something but nothing made sense anymore to her.

To be on the same page as you, you need to be more specific than that, Aaron.”

Before there was an Amira Coulter, life was so much simpler.”

Horrified, Aaron reached for her hand as he felt her recoil at his words.

That is not what I meant, and you know it, Amira.”

Well, now you are in the hot seat and have to clarify what you meant.”

Her body tensed as she stared into her tea. His words stung more than she wanted them to. Internally groaning, Aaron struggled for something to say to soothe her spirit.

I love you, Amira.”

Amira’s head snapped up. Whatever he expected, it was not the lost look on her face.

Why would you say that?”

Because I do. I love you, and if I didn’t love my brother more, he would be having a hard time keeping you.”

Aaron, you mustn’t say such things. You know that I love Dragan.”

Grabbing one side of her face, he held her tightly. “Tell me you feel absolutely nothing for me.”

Pulling on his arm, she shook her head. “Please, let go of me.”

He released her and she jumped to her feet. Aaron was too quick and blocked her path. He slowly walked towards her; she stepped back until she felt the wall against her body. There was nowhere for her to go.

I am not leaving here until you admit it. You have feelings for me.”

Nervously, she pushed against Aaron: Feeling the heat through her fingertips. Remembering the kiss she gave him, willingly, before he fed from her by the lakeshore. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

What purpose would my answer serve? It changes nothing. Our reality stays the same for you and me.”

Leaning in, Aaron knew he was being unfair, but he wanted her to see the side of him that hurt. He wanted her to see the pain. Lowering his head, so it was a breadth away from touching her, he said, “It would give me hope, Amira.”

Taking his face gently in her hands, emerald green met flaming red, as comprehension dawned inside her. Aaron was afraid.

I love you, Aaron. I love you for being faithful to your brother and to me. I love how you pretend to be this tough man, but inside you are so soft.” Feeling him pull away, she pressed on. “No, do not walk away from me now. You started this. I see your heart and it is beautiful. Do not give up on yourself, because no one else has. You will not be alone at the end, Aaron. You will not!”

Placing both hands on either side of her head, he leaned heavily against the wall as his body pressed closer to hers. He would not allow himself the touch. Her heat was enough—for now. She saw through to his soul…that was all he needed. To be seen by someone.



By the time Chavali made it inside the manor, she was seething. She may have had it coming to her when she slapped him, but he took it too far. Determined to keep him at a distance, she inhaled deeply, steadying her nerves before walking into his room without knocking. Disappointed when she did not see him, she walked to her room, staring in amazement at the new clothes that were draped over several of the chairs. Picking up the note on the bed, her eyes coolly read the words.

I know what it feels like to be lost and alone. At least if you are going to feel like that, you might as well look good.—Amira

Smiling, she ran her fingers over several of the outfits before heading to take a shower. At least she had one of them fooled. It would feel good to be in clean clothes. Quickly showering and feeling refreshed, Chavali dropped face down on the bed. She still felt overwhelmed, out of her league, and incredibly tired. Slowly her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep.

That is how Aaron found her: sound asleep, curled around a pillow with her hair fanned out around her. Her very small nightgown had ridden high on her thighs, allowing him to get a good view of her creamy skin. She looked so vulnerable, and a part of him felt guilty at how mean he had been with her since they met. Frowning, he realized that she really seemed to be trying to help. Yet every fiber in his being told him not to trust her. The stress of this week seemed to be catching up with him and his time with Amira did not help. He knew that he also needed to sleep, but he couldn’t take the chance of her disappearing again like she had the night before with Amira.

Sighing heavy, he had no choice but to sleep with Chavali. Climbing into bed behind her, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her against him, feeling his heart constrict, wishing she were Amira. Chavali shifted, reaching for his hand in her sleep. Aaron stiffened, hoping she wouldn’t wake. He was drained completely and not ready to spar again so soon. Relaxing after several minutes, his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

Waking up to pitch darkness, Aaron listened for a minute, trying to figure out what it was that woke him. He adjusted quickly to the light emanating from the fireplace. Turning his head on the pillow, his eyes made contact with Chavali’s. She was lying still, with her hands under her head, watching him, expressionless.

Hi, Chavali.” His whispered words sounded loud in the room.

Hi, Aaron.”

I really didn’t mean to be that horrible to you, but sometimes you make me so angry.”

I know. I am sorry also.” Chavali hesitated, knowing that the mini truce that they just formed was tenuous at best. Reaching out her hand, she cupped the side of his face.

Aaron felt his skin crawl at her touch. Keeping his face impassive, he remained silent.

I know you want answers. I will give you some. They will come here to Echo Lake, and it will be bad. You and I need to figure out how to find a common ground. I am not asking you to like me, but I need you to respect me, Aaron. Together, maybe, we have a chance in the first round, but not if we are always walking on eggshells around each other.” Pausing, she gave him time to take in her words before she continued.

I know that you don’t believe it, but you can trust me. Maybe over time I can prove that to you.”

She did not remove her hand until she saw Aaron nod, sliding it back under her head. She really was not asking for anything that he could not give.

How many are coming, Chavali?”

I don’t know. I can tell you that when I was held in her lair, she would always send out mini search parties. There is always a period that they have to communicate back to her. The time frame depends on the distance. I had communicated with her the day I shot my arrow at you. She is not expecting to hear from me again for another three days, so that gives us a little time to prepare.”

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