Aaron's Revenge (2 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: Aaron's Revenge
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Detecting an aroma that caused his stomach to growl, Aaron quickly made his way to the table, now laden with food. Lifting a silver cover, he snagged a piece of ham before walking to his closet. Throwing on a t-shirt and lounge pants, he plucked one of his shirts off the shelf for her as an afterthought. Scowling, Aaron realized he never even asked what her name was.

Glancing towards the bed, he sighed deeply, wishing again he could just crawl under the covers and sleep for days. Detecting a noise behind him, Aaron swung around, unable to stop the surprised look that crossed his face. She was indeed tiny and where initially she had looked like a little girl, now he only saw a woman standing in front of him. His body tightened, glancing at the swell where the towel was wrapped under her arms.

This creature was the furthest thing from being a little girl. Her hair, now clean, hung freely around her scrubbed face, curling softly as it dried. It had been so long since he had taken a woman, he was not unaffected by having a half-naked one so close. Tossing his shirt at her without apology, Aaron struggled to gain control.

It’s all I have.”

Chavali grabbed the fabric before it fell to the floor, easily slipping it over her head before removing the towel. Aaron saw that the shirt came to just above her knees. Her lean, softly muscular thighs caused him to swallow hard.

Her voice, soft and tired, responded to his gesture. “Thank you.”

Inviting her to take a seat at the table, his eyes followed her as she once again did as he directed without any sign of opposition. Sitting across from her, Aaron caught a whiff of his soap on her skin. The musky scent smelled different on her. Lifting the covers on the platters of food, he set them aside before motioning for her to have at it. She did not move; instead, she sat staring at the abundance spread out in front of her in disbelief.

Recalling his brothers’ faith and habits before eating, Aaron became even more irritated. “What’s wrong? Do you need to say a prayer or something?”

Shifting in the chair, she brushed her hair away from her face, unveiling a dark bruise prominent on her now extremely pale skin.

Inspecting the discoloration on her cheekbone, he was surprised that she hadn’t healed yet from their battle. Leaning towards her, reaching across the table, he gripped her chin tightly, as her eyes widened in surprise at the touch.

You haven’t healed yet. We all heal quickly unless we have not fed. When was the last time you had blood?”

Wanting him desperately to let her go so that she could eat, she knew she should not move, lest she got him angry again. Since entering his bedroom, he actually seemed to be treating her respectably. So much better than how she was treated the last time she was held prisoner. She shuddered, remembering those dark months. It was going to be easy to get into his head.

Chavali’s forehead creased as she tried to think of the last time she drank blood, her mouth salivating at the thought of having some. “What day is it? I don’t remember. Is there a host I can use?”

Cursing under his breath, he rose to stand beside her, shoving his wrist in front of her mouth. “Drink.”

What? From you? I can’t…” Chavali was stunned at the offer to drink from him.

There is no ‘host,’ baby. You need to feed and the only blood I am offering you at this manor is mine until I say otherwise. You most certainly are not allowed to imbibe on the staff. So, if you are thirsty, drink.”

Chavali’s hands reached up to grip the wrist that was now so close to her hungry lips. She could feel her fangs releasing as her eyes stared transfixed on the pulse beating strong underneath his skin. She was so thirsty.

Aaron had the urge to yank his arm away, surprised at how strong her grip was. She looked up at him, her eyes red as the blood she was ready to partake, and he nodded his head at the question that he saw in her eyes, his heart empathetically softening, understanding that insatiable thirst.

Aaron inhaled sharply as she unexpectedly ran her tongue along the vein pulsating just under his skin, catching him unawares with the erotic gesture, before her teeth sank deep in his flesh, producing a sharp pain to rip up his arm. Seconds later, the pain was gone, as her venom did its job numbing the puncture. Aaron closed his eyes while she fed, trying to ignore the feelings rushing through him at hearing her gulp and then moan as she devoured the life-giving force.

Vampires rarely let another feed from their own body, unless it was a family member or a lover. Aaron had never offered his blood before and now he knew why he did not. The feeling of intimacy that surrounded them with the feeding and his body tightening in response to her was highly personal. After a few more minutes, he grabbed her hair tightly with his fingers, tugging to get her attention. He did not like how long she was feeding or that he was slowly losing control.

As if realizing what she was doing, she quickly released her grip on his wrist.


Chavali looked much better to him. Even though the bruise was still there, it had faded tremendously. Realizing he still gripped her hair tightly, he loosened his fingers and then took a seat again across from her.

Picking up a plate, Aaron served himself, waiting until she did the same before lifting up his fork. The fireplace flickered softly, casting a soft glow throughout the room.

You know, you seem to know a lot about me and my brother, but I don’t even know what your name is.”


Aaron repeated it in his head. Strange, but pretty name.

Okay, Chavali, that’s a start…maybe this would be a good time for you to begin speaking, in regard to your purpose here at Echo Lake?”

Thank you, Aaron.”

I am sorry?”

Thank you for letting me drink from you. I am not sure why you would care, but I do feel better.”

You’re welcome. And let’s not get confused here. I let you drink because you are weak and I can’t have you dying on me.”

That’s right, you want information.”

Aaron figured that she had to be feeling better with the snotty tone in her voice.

I am waiting.”

Deliberately ignoring him, she placed a piece of food in her mouth, chewing for a couple of minutes with her eyes closed. The food was heavenly.

May I have more?”

Aaron’s eyebrows rose again. The woman could really put it away. “Obviously, I can see our conversation is going to have to wait until you are sated—by all means, help yourself to as much as you want, and if this should happen to be not enough, we can request more.”

Leaning back in the chair, he took a long sip of his wine as he watched her devour the food. He had no problem with waiting. He was going to get the information he wanted from her, one way or the other. Aaron felt he needed a few minutes himself to regroup.

Turning his thoughts to Dragan and Amira, he attempted to listen for his brother in another part of the house. It took a few moments but he finally caught his twin’s voice, speaking softly and patiently to his girlfriend. Amira’s voice, on the other hand, was raised and combative in response to Dragan’s. She sounded upset. She was not the only one.

Glancing out through the French doors that led to his private balcony, Aaron analyzed the past twenty-four hours, still not believing the emotional rollercoaster they had all been through. He shuddered at the memory of three days ago, when the wolf came to get him in distress and the moment of realization on his part that his brother was no longer in his beloved chapel praying to his God. The most intense despair ripped through him as he ran to Amira’s cottage on the other side of Echo Lake. At the time, his heart felt as if it were going to pound out of his chest, as he watched with horror his brother drain Amira to the point of near death, stopping just in time, but at the sacrifice of his own life. For a long time, he was not even sure if Amira was going to make it.

He recalled the relief that flooded the room when she eventually came around. Absently, Aaron took another sip of wine, recalling how she had cried, learning of Dragan’s death. Truly, Aaron was not sure what was worse: her hysteria or Shadow’s mournful howl. Yesterday morning, all of the sadness and death pall that hung around the manor faded to joy, when, unbelievably, Dragan stumbled out of the chapel alive. There was a difference, though: Dragan was no longer a vampire but human.

Aaron’s hands fisted at the thought of how his twin would now live in human form, grow old and then eventually die. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Aaron would continue to live for centuries alone, without ever being able to see his brother again, for all of eternity. The crushing pain Aaron felt in his chest was so strong; he started to lose his breath. Closing his eyes, he struggled to pull himself together.

Across from him, Chavali put down her fork with a blissful sigh. She was full, her hunger now sated from both the blood and delicious food. She was grateful to the vampire for allowing her to eat in peace. She had hoped that he was not going to continue their conversation until she could have her fill, and quickly enough, watched as he became lost in his own thoughts.

Looking at him now, her brow furrowed at the pain that had crossed his face. Easing up quietly, she watched for any movement from him. His eyes were closed and his head rested on the seatback. He was not aware that she had risen. Coming up behind him, she reached out and placed her hands on either side of his head, gasping as she immediately felt the emotional pain that he was going through.

Aaron bolted up in his seat away from her touch, grabbing her wrist in defense.

What the hell are you doing?”

I am trying to help you.”

The last thing I need is your help, bitch.”

Aaron, please. I know that you have no reason to trust me…if you don’t like it, then I will stop. Okay?”

Looking up into her gray eyes, he felt her pulling him in—opening herself so he could read her mind once again. She was telling the truth. She meant him no harm.

Sensing the shift in him, she placed her small hand on his shoulder, pushing him back so that he was leaning into the chair again. Quietly, she walked around to stand behind him, lightly placing her fingers on the side of his head once more.



Quieting him, her fingertips felt cool on the side of his temples. Aaron felt his suffering lighten, and he relaxed more. Frowning, he heard music. He realized that he really didn’t, but it was more like a feeling and it was coming from inside him. The music drew him in further to himself and he felt more at peace. Several minutes later, he opened his eyes to see her now in front of him with a soft smile on her face.

You feel better.”

Aaron recognized her words as a statement and not a question.

Nodding his head, he cocked his head to one side. “What did you do?”

I let you feel nature. The music of the earth is always soothing, is it not?”

Anger crossed Aaron’s face. She was what he despised the most! “You are a gypsy!”

Taking a step back, fear flashed through her as she turned to run. Jumping up from his chair, Aaron knocked it over as he ran after her, catching her easily. Instinctively, Chavali clawed at his face in an attempt to get away, feeling her fingernails take off a layer of skin as he lifted her, tossing her hard against the wall. With the wind knocked out of her lungs, it took her a moment to re-orient herself. Hauling her to her feet, Aaron’s fingers went around her throat, pressing her back against the wall.

Now we talk. Who sent you?”

Gripping his wrist, she tried to pry his hand from around her neck. “You don’t understand…”

This would be the time you make me understand.”

I had no choice…I was indebted to her.”

Who? Who did you owe?”

With tears streaming down her face, as black dots floated behind her eyes, Chavali knew that she was going to pass out. Gasping, she choked out the name he wanted to know so badly. “Adara.”

He loosened his grip a fraction and she was able to gasp for air.

I am listening.”

An oracle told us that Dragan was still a vampire, living in Massachusetts and that you were separated from him, living in England. I swear—we didn’t know he had changed.”

Gooseflesh broke out over Aaron’s body. Squeezing tighter on her neck, he watched her suffer until he felt her body relax as she passed out. Unceremoniously, he let her drop where she was, in a heap at his feet.


Dragan knocked on his brother’s door. He had not seen Aaron since he had returned from death’s grip and he was worried. Hearing footsteps behind the door coming closer, he waited patiently.

Took you long enough.”

Stepping into the room, Dragan handed rope to Aaron before walking over to the couch, sitting down gingerly. His whole body felt as if it had been ripped apart and put back together. It was going to be awhile before he adjusted to being human again.

How did you know?”

I didn’t, but when I ran into James downstairs and I told him that I was looking for you, he informed me that you had been in the basement for a long time going through boxes looking for God only knows what. After a bit more probing, he then proceeded to inform me of your ‘guest,’ and that you had requested food in your room. You hate eating in your room. I took a chance and figured rope might be what you were looking for.”

Focusing on the figure lying motionless on the floor, his eyebrows rose. “Anything you would like to tell me?”

Aaron placed the rope on the bed before taking a seat next to his brother on the couch. Stretching his long legs out, he laid his hands folded on his stomach as his eyes also scanned the woman still lying where he left her.

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